Angel Related Books, Audio CD's and Oracle Cards


Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals

Metaphysical Books And CD's


Angel Handbooks

Angel Book: A Handbook for Aspiring Angels (Hardcover)
Karen Goldman (Author)
Angels hold profound meaning for people of all ages and from all walks of life. Ethereal and uplifting, these celestial beings reflect our deepest and best selves and embody our highest ideals of love and goodwill. In these pages, aspiring angel Karen Goldman takes us on a soul-warming journey filled with light, beauty, and goodness to the precious places where angels do exist. A road map to these higher realms, The Angel Book bridges the gap between Heaven and Earth, between hearts and souls, and between all people.

Written simply and serenely with pure wisdom and an unmistakable ring of truth, The Angel Book captures the essence of angels, teaching us what it means to fly, how to create miracles, and how to get our wings. We learn the rewards of becoming angels right here on Earth -- the privileges, the soul joys, and the ecstasies that await those of us whose spirits yearn to soar.

For both seekers and sophisticates, this magically illustrated book is truly a heavenly gift to oneself or a fellow angel. Open to any page and a pearl of inspiration is yours to contemplate and enjoy. Sending an honest message of love and encouragement that will endure, The Angel Book opens our hearts and illuminates our souls, helping us recognize and acknowledge who we are at our very best.

Angel Healing Books

Spirit Guides and Angels Healing Books

Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians Book
Richard Webster (Author)
They come to our aid when we least expect it, and they disappear as soon as their work is done. Invisible helpers are available to all of us; in fact, we all regularly receive messages from our guardian angels and spirit guides but usually fail to recognize them. This book will help you to realize when this occurs. And when you carry out the exercises provided, you will be able to communicate freely with both your guardian angels and spirit guides.
Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians


Angel Healing Books

Angels Bible Healing Books

The Angel Bible Book: The Definitive Guide to Angel Wisdom (... Bible) (Paperback)

Hazel Raven (Author)
Angel lore, angel stories, angel advice, and angel wisdom: whether you’re seeking guidance, healing, or inspiration from these heavenly messengers, you’ll find it in this splendidly illustrated Angel Bible. It’s filled with enlightening knowledge: you’ll learn about angelic calling cards, messages, and visions, and discover how to sense an angel’s presence, create an angel altar, keep an angel gratitude book, and meditate and dream with the angels. Find out about angels of many lands and their hierarchies, and explore the connections between angels and astrology, colors, crystals, essential oils, kabbalah, and the chakras.
A quick reference guides you directly to those angels who can offer immediate assistance and teaches you how to call on them for help in any situation.

Angel Healing Books


Angel Books

Archangel Oracle Cards [Cards]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Archangels are very powerful, wise, and loving guides who can motivate and heal you in miraculous ways. This deck of 45 oracle cards by Doreen Virtue will familiarize you with the 15 archangels, give you messages from them, help you to invoke them, and answer some of your important life questions. You’ll learn how to give an accurate archangel reading for yourself and others with the help of the enclosed guidebook.

Angel Books

Angel Oracle Cards

Ascended Masters Oracle Cards: 44-Card Deck and guidebook [Cards]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
By popular demand, Doreen Virtue has created a beautiful deck of cards based on her best-selling book Archangels & Ascended Masters. The deck includes gorgeous paintings of 44 male and female cross-cultural deities, such as Ganesha, Merlin, Saint-Germain, Apollo, Pallas Athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, Green Man, and Kuthumi. The enclosed guidebook gives expanded explanations of each card’s meaning, and a brief history of each ascended master. As with each of Doreen’s oracle-card decks, the messages for each card are positive, accurate, and life-affirming.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Archangels and Ascended Masters [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Archangels and Ascended Masters is a thoroughly researched book in a lively encyclopedia format, listing seventy-seven divinities from Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Asian, Babylonian, Tibetan, Buddhist, Celtic, Theosophical, New Age, Catholic, Cabalistic, Jewish, and Christian roots. Doreen explains the history of each deity, what role they serve today, how they can help us with specific life problems, and how to call upon each one.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Angels 101: An Introduction to Connecting, Working, and Healing with the Angels [Hardcover]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Doreen Virtue frequently hears this question at her workshops, and usually points them to her book Healing with the Angels. Yet, even that book is a bit advanced for newcomers. One morning she clearly saw and heard the title Angels 101, and Doreen knew that the angels wanted her to write a very basic and elementary book.

Angels 101 is a nondenominational overview of who the angels are; their role in various spiritual texts and religions; the ways that angels help us and how to call upon them; information on guardian angels, archangels, and departed loved ones; and frequently asked questions about the angels. No matter where you are on a spiritual or religious path, this book is sure to deepen your understanding and love of the angels—and it makes the perfect gift for someone new to these concepts!

Angel Books

Angel Books

How to Hear Your Angels [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
How to Hear Your Angels is a step-by-step manual on how to clearly receive messages from your angels and guides. The material was culled from Doreen Virtue’s best-selling book Messages from Your Angels and from her workshops. Doreen has been assigning this reading material to her Angel Therapy Practitioner™ students for many years, and at their request has compiled the information in this handy book.

Within these pages, you’ll discover your communication “style” so that you can more easily recognize the visions, words, thoughts, and feelings you receive as Divine guidance. The book is filled with charts to help you discern the difference between true Divine guidance and the voice of the ego, and it will help you engage in clear and understandable conversations with Heaven.


Angel Books

Angel Books

Signs From Above: Your Angels' Messages about Your Life Purpose, Relationships, Health, and More [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Your guardian angels are continually giving you messages, frequently through signs, such as seeing rainbows, repetitive number sequences, finding coins or feathers, and hearing meaningful songs.

In this fascinating book, Doreen Virtue and her son Charles teach you how to understand the signs that are always around you. You'll gain comfort from reading true stories of how angels have answered prayers by giving clear signs revealing their love and protection. You'll also learn how to ask the angels for signs, along with specific prayers for your relationships, career, health, and other vital areas of your life.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Healing With The Angels [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
A how-to guide that reveals how to work with angels to improve your physical, mental and emotional health.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Angel Numbers 101: The Meaning of 111, 123, 444, and Other Number Sequences [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
One of the most common ways in which angels speak to us is by showing us repetitive number sequences. Since the publication of her best-selling book Angel Numbers, Doreen Virtue has received even more information from the angels about the meaning of number sequences such as 111, 444, 1234, and so forth.

Angel Numbers 101 clearly explains how to receive accurate messages from your angels and heavenly loved ones whenever you see repetitive number sequences on telephone numbers, license plates, receipts, clocks, and such. Every message is completely updated for increased accuracy in understanding your angels’ messages.

This handy reference guide is small enough to fit into a purse or desk drawer so you’ll always know what your angels are saying.


Angel Books

Angel Books

Angel Therapy: Healing Messages for Every Area of Your Life [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Can help you with troubling emotions such as depression, boredom, confusion, and anger; and issues associated with careers, relationships, and family.

Angel Books

Angel Audiobooks and audio CD's

Angel Therapy Meditations [Abridged, Audiobook, CD] [Audio CD]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
This calming CD allows you to open up to the miraculous power of the angels. Doreen Virtue leads you through a powerfully healing Angel Therapy session. You’ll work with archangels to release old blocks and toxins; cut cords of fear; heal past-life issues; and gain confidence, courage, and clarity about your life’s purpose and relationships.


Angel Books

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook [Cards]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
This easy-to-use deck is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced with divination cards. Angel Therapy is a powerful healing and guidance process that involves working with your guardian angels and the archangels (particularly Michael and Raphael). These oracle cards and the enclosed guidebook give you action steps to take that will initiate healing; help you release fears and emotional blocks; and give you messages about your life purpose, relationships, manifestations, and more.

Each card features a gorgeous painting of angels and a message or answer for you, and is suitable for both children and adults. The guidebook walks you through the steps for giving an oracle reading for yourself or others, and outlines the extended meanings behind each card.

Angel Books

Best Of Doreen Virtue CD Audiobooks

The Best of Doreen Virtue 4-CD [Audiobook, CD] [Audio CD]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
This 4-CD set includes:
Manifesting with the Angels,
Past-Life Regression with the Angels,
Karma Releasing, and Healing with the Angels

Manifesting with the Angels: Doreen guides you through a powerful manifestation session called “progression,” in which you and your angels attract the qualities and experiences of your soul’s highest destiny and intentions.

Past-Life Regression with the Angels: Doreen leads you through a very gentle and deep past-life regression, in which you recall your life’s purpose and answer other key questions.

Karma Releasing: Doreen helps you to release painful conscious and unconscious memories from your past (including past lives) so that you can live free from fears.

Healing with the Angels: Many people report receiving healing and higher self-esteem from listening to this guided meditation in which Doreen invokes Archangel Raphael and other healing angels.

Angel Books

Angel Books

The Miracles of Archangel Michael [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Archangel Michael is a powerful protector who helps everyone who calls upon him. In this enlightening work, Doreen Virtue teaches the many ways in which Michael brings peace to people everywhere. The book includes fascinating true stories of how Michael has protected people while driving, guided their careers, safeguarded their children . . . and even reveals his little-known talents for repairing mechanical and electronic machines!

You’ll learn how to contact Michael; and discover ways to work with him for physical and emotional healing for yourself, your friends and family members, or your clients. The stories in this book will open your heart to the amazingly pure, unconditional love that Michael has for anyone who seeks his help. The Miracles of Archangel Michael will help you feel safe, protected, and very loved!

Angel Books

Angel Books

The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael [Hardcover]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Whether it’s a life-threatening condition, a painful injury, or an annoying health issue, Archangel Raphael is able to heal it! In this inspiring book, Doreen Virtue shows you why Archangel Raphael has long been regarded as the healing angel. He’s a nondenominational miracle worker who helps everyone who asks.

The true stories of miraculous healings within these pages will give you hope and faith that heaven does hear you. You’ll read the ways in which Raphael answers your prayers, and learn how to recognize his health-saving advice. You’ll also discover how Raphael guides current and aspiring healers, as well as how he can help your friends and loved ones, including your pets.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Archangels 101: How to Connect Closely with Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel and Others for Healing, Protection, and Guidance [Hardcover]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Legions of loving and trustworthy archangels watch over us, and you can develop an even closer relationship with them by learning their names and specialties. In this uplifting nondenominational book, Doreen Virtue guides you in connecting with her 15 favorite archangels; and you’ll read true stories from people who received protection, miraculous healings, and amazing guidance from these beloved heavenly beings.

Archangels want to help each and every one of you live healthier and happier lives. As unlimited beings, archangels can assist everyone simultaneously, and this fascinating book will teach you which archangels to call upon for various situations. Whether you’re new to working with angels, or someone who has believed in angels all your life, you’ll want to refer to Archangels 101 again and again.


Angel Books

Angel Books
Edgar Cayce on Angels, Archangels, and the Unseen Forces [Paperback]

Robert J. Grant (Author)
The “next step” for those who want to discover angels in their lives, this book goes beyond angelic appearances to a keen new awareness of how angels influence world evolution and one’s own personal psyche. You will explore new research on angels’ roles in personal and planetary karma, the angelic hierarchy, the origin and destiny of Christ, archangels and fallen angels, and the meaning of angels in the Revelation.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Michael: Communicating with the Archangel for Guidance And Protection (Angels Series) [Paperback]

Richard Webster (Author)
Michael is considered the greatest angel in the Christian, Judaic, and Islamic traditions. Throughout the ages, he has appeared as a protector, a messenger, a guide, a warrior, and a healer. In Michael, Richard Webster presents a thorough history of this famous archangel and offers simple techniques for contacting him.

Readers are treated to a detailed introduction to Michael and his many appearances. The rest of this practical guide provides a variety of methods for connecting with Michael, petitioning his help, and creating a lasting bond. Through easy-to-perform rituals and meditations-some involving candle magic, crystals, and dreamwork-readers will learn how to get in touch with the Prince of Light for courage, protection, strength, and spiritual guidance.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Raphael: Communicating with the Archangel for Healing And Creativity (Angels Series) [Paperback]

Richard Webster (Author)
A social worker finds sudden relief from a mysterious illness. A confused student discovers her true passion. A guilt-ridden widow reconnects with her daughter. These and other true stories, recounted by Richard Webster in Raphael, demonstrate the positive, healing impact this wise and benevolent archangel has had on countless lives.

Whether your pain is physical or emotional, the archangel Raphael - also known as the Divine Physician - can help. This book offers meditations, rituals, visualizations, amulets, and other practical techniques for contacting the "guardian angel of all humanity." Raphael can assist with health problems, finding lost or stolen items, recovering from emotional trauma, travel, spiritual guidance, and learning.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Gabriel: Communicating with the Archangel for Inspiration And Reconciliation (Angels Series) [Paperback]

Richard Webster (Author)
A popular figure in religious works of art, the archangel Gabriel is most famous for the Annunciation: telling the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to the Messiah. God's messenger is also known as the Islamic angel of truth, the archangel of emotions and dreams, and the angel of hope and childbirth.

Richard Webster's second book of the archangels series chronicles the appearances of Gabriel among Old Testament figures, Islam prophets, and modern philosophers and artists. Webster then offers an array of techniques for contacting the angel of Annunciation, who can help with inspiration, purification, fertility, childbirth, achieving a fresh start, seeing the future, interpreting dreams/visions, developing clairvoyance, and overcoming limitations, such as doubt and fear.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Uriel: Communicating with the Archangel for Transformation And Tranquility (Angels Series) [Paperback]
Richard Webster (Author)
An unemployed single mother opens a prosperous business. A penny pincher overcomes his stingy habits. A widow uncovers a creative talent that evolves into a profession. These and other true stories, recounted by Richard Webster in Uriel, demonstrate the impact this powerful archangel has had on countless lives.

Known for transforming misfortunes into blessings, Uriel can heal emotional trauma, enhance creativity, enhance prosperity, develop intuition, and bring tranquility. Whether you need spiritual enlightenment, creative inspiration, or prophetic insight, the practical techniques in this book-involving meditation, color, music, and crystals-can put you in touch with the Angel of Salvation.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Metatron: Invoking the Angel of God's Presence [Paperback]

Rose Vanden Eynden (Author)
With Metatron in your corner, you're only a petition away from a better life. Rose Vanden Eynden may be the first to devote an entire book to this powerful celestial being—revealing his unique place in the angelic realm and demonstrating how to connect with this wise and compassionate archangel.

Metatron's close proximity to the Creator and connection to humanity make him the ideal angelic ally. Representing balance and unity, this angelic force can help in all areas of personal development. You'll also discover how to contact the "Angel of the Presence" through meditation, dreamwork, ritual, and inspirational writing. There are specific ceremonies for building a closer relationship with the Creator, healing on a global scale, balancing masculine and feminine energies, material/spiritual pursuits, and karmic issues.

Also featured is an insightful "Q and A" with Metatron, channeled by the author to answer compelling questions on life, death, faith, and spirit.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Encyclopedia of Angels [Paperback]

Richard Webster (Author)
Angels lend comfort and strength in times of difficulty, bring our lofty goals down to earth, and set our spirits soaring toward the divine. No matter what spiritual path you travel, the angels are there to offer guidance and inspiration along the way.

International best-selling author and angel expert Richard Webster presents this alphabetically-arranged book of angels, a collection of over 500, hailing from diverse traditions, cultures, and belief systems all over the world. A snapshot of each angel’s traits, abilities, and specialties illustrates the myriad ways in which these heavenly helpers can deepen your spiritual practice and enrich your life.

• Discover the roles of angels in various spiritual texts and religions throughout history

• Meet your guardian angel, the archangels, the angel presiding over your astrological sign, and more

• Learn the best methods, most propitious times, and just exactly how to communicate with each angel

You hold in your hands the ultimate resource for getting in touch with the divine. Open your heart to the miraculous powers of the angels, and fill your life with the peace, encouragement, and blessings that you’ve always wanted.

Angel Books

Angel Books

Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels [Paperback]

Gustav Davidson (Author)
The result of sixteen years of research in Talmudic, gnostic, cabalistic, apocalyptic, patristic, and legendary texts, the classic reference work on angels is beautifully illustrated and its reissue coincides with the resurgence of belief in angels in America.

Angel Books

Angel Books

In the Arms of Angels: True Stories of Heavenly Guardians [Paperback]

Joan Wester Anderson (Author)
New York Times best-selling author Joan Wester Anderson offers us her latest collection of true-life accounts of guardian angels and heavenly intervention.
Extraordinary stories of angelic appearances in the lives of ordinary people abound. Author Joan Wester Anderson brings together some of the most compelling true stories from the past five years in her latest collection, In the Arms of Angels. Whether they center on seemingly mundane events or national tragedies, the stories in this book reveal that angels accompany humans on their daily journeys and influence their lives.

Angel Books

2012 Books2012 Book: You Have A Choice!: Archangelic Answers And Practices For The Quantum Leap (Self-Ascension Series, Volume 2) (Paperback)
~ Sri Ram Kaa (Author), Kira Raa (Author)
Often, in our everyday lives we are exposed to an unlimited amount of negativity and gloom. In "2012: You Have A Choice", we are given the space, permission, and framework in which to let the truth and joy of our soul finally wake up. Wherever one is in their belief system, on whatever level one is seeking, "2012: You Have A Choice" is relevant - from dealing with fear, to living in joy, to in-depth discussions on mind blowing cosmological and otherworldly discourses.

2012 Books


 Doreen Virtue Books

Angel Guidance Board [Misc. Supplies]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
When you really need answers to your pressing life questions, the Angel Guidance Board gives you quick and clear guidance about your career, love life, family, health, finances, and other important areas. Doreen Virtue has used oracle boards (such as Ouija and scrying boards) since childhood, and has always found them to be complicated and time-consuming. So, she designed this board to be extremely simple, quick, and easy to use.

• A folding board
• One pair of crystal dice
• Four angel markers to give you guidance and answers
• An instruction booklet

Doreen Virtue Products


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