Crystal Healing Books, Audio CD's and Oracle Cards



Metaphysical Books And CD's

What is Crystal Therapy?
Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a form of vibrational medicine. Crystal therapy involves the application of crystals or gemstones to facilitate healing.

Gemstones house spiritual and healing properties that can be tapped into a variety of ways. Crystals can be carried or worn on the person, or placed in a location where their healing vibrations can be felt by whomever is nearby. Healers also place stones on their clients' reclined bodies to balance the chakras and aura.

Each type of stone has its own unique talent. Gemstone colors, shapes, and textures all have special meanings. Crystal elixirs can be made by soaking crystals for a few hours in a glass of water. Healing crystals are used for divination and meditation purposes. You can intuitively choose which crystals to use by noticing which stones you are attracted to. Keep your heart and hands open and allow the appropriate healing crystals to find their way to you.
•Laying on of Stones - Healing with Gemstones
•Rose Quartz Meditation
•Divination with Rune Stones
Why We Are Attracted to Gemstones
Rocks are pretty. As children, we loved to dig them out of the dirt, hold them in our hands. A child's first collection is often an assortment of colored rocks found in the play yard or fished out pebbles from the bottom of a shallow creek. You may have kept these nature treasures inside an egg carton or a cigar box. Did you keep them hidden under your bed for safe keeping like I did?
•Choosing the Right Crystal for Your Purpose
•How to Create a Crystal Altar
Gemstones as Gifts
Gemstones are delightful to give or receive as gifts. They are mother nature's natural healers. Gifting someone with a crystal is the same as offering a healing. There are hundreds of different types of stones to choose from.

Some people feel that crystals should never be purchased for personal use, they believe that crystals should only be accepted as gifts directly from the earth or given to you from another person. This believe is born out of the idea that crystals and gemstones come into our lives at the appropriate times when we are in need of their healing gifts. Okay, I get that, but I do not totally agree. Giving yourself a crystal is a form of self-healing. If you are in a store and you sense a vibrational pull toward a particular crystal or gemstone then it is probably meant for you. If you can afford it, buy it! If a crystal is crying out "take me home," please listen! Rocks will talk to you if you are willing to listen.
•Shop for Gemstone Jewelry
•Popular Healing Crystals
•Crystal Healing Properties
Seasonal Stones
You may discover that some stones are better suited to a specific season. Yellow topaz and citrine are good examples. These two healing crystals are wonderful energizers, they carry sun energies and are great for uplifting depressive thoughts that linger during dark overcast periods. Anyone who suffers from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) will benefit from wearing either of these "sun bright gems" on dark days. It is little wonder that both yellow topaz and citrine represent November birthstones. These stones may feel "too hot" to carry in summer months. Cooler stones more suitable during hot periods are pearls and coral. Emeralds and turquoise are perfect for springtime. Sapphires and opals in autumn.
•Gemstones of the Zodiac
•SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder
Record Keepers
Stones are ancient and wise. In general, they are excellent memory keepers. Certain stones are better at absorbing and retaining information than others. I have found that red stones (rubies, carnelians, garnets, etc.) are especially good at holding onto information. Melody, author of Love is in the Earth, identifies record keeper crystals as having one or more raised triangles located on the face of the crystal. Keep a memory-keeper stone with you while attending classes if you are student. The stone will not only take notes, but will help you stay grounded and be focused on the lecture being given. Don't forget to carry your memory-keeper in your pocket on exam days.
Choosing Gold or Silver Settings
Choosing what type of metal to wrap around your stones or as settings for your gemstones in rings, pendants and brooches is also important. Silver tends to enhance or magnify the properties of the gemstones. Gold gives the opposite effect, it tames overpowering stones. If you are extremely sensitive to stone energies, gold is a good choice because it will lower the vibrational pulse of the stone so that the healing effects are subtle, offering the wearer a more comfortable transition from imbalance to balance.
•Cleansing and Clearing Gemstones
•Books About Crystals and Crystal Healing
Lost or Misplaced Crystals
Crystals can be purchased but they can never be truly owned. So, if you have lost or misplaced a crystal this probably means that it has found a new home where its powers can be better utilized. Or, you may get a strong urge to pass on a cherished stone into the hands of someone else. Our healing crystals are very good at sending us intuitive messages whenever they want to be given away, and to whom.

Certain crystals carry very powerful energies and can be overwhelming when worn or carried daily. These types of crystals tend to get lost or misplaced. It is not beneficial to be stimulated by vibrational energies that are too powerful. Crystals and gemstones will either get lost permanently or will be misplaced temporarily. Searching all the nooks and crannies in your home will do no good. Not to worry, lost stones tend to resurface when their services are needed. You may think you have lost a crystal only to have it show up several months later. Or, they are replaced by a more suitable stone that unexpectedly comes your way. For example you may lose or give away an amethyst, later you find or are given a different amethyst or an entirely different type of healing crystal meant for you.

It is best to allow crystals to come and go since they do their work best without restrictions. Don't feel badly if you have lost or misplaced a crystal. It is either taking a time out in hiding until you need it or it has moved on to a more suitable place or person.

Crystal Healing BooksBeginner's Guide to Crystals Book
by Denise Whichello Brown, soft cover, 112 pages.
Topics include choosing crystals, cleaning and programming, crystal massage, crystals and chakra work, list of healing properties of selected crystals and minerals. Color photos throughout.


Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing BooksCrystal Energy Book
by Mary Lambert, soft cover, 160 pages.
150 ways to bring success, love, and harmony to your life. Learn to harness the transformational in the home, crystals for success, crystal healing, and crystal astrology.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing Therapy BooksCrystal Therapy Book: How to Heal and Empower Your Life with Crystal Energy (Paperback)
~ Doreen Virtue
Doreen Virtue (Author)
(Author), Judith Lukomski
Crystal Therapy is a pocket guide to the healing power of 88 crystals, complete with beautiful color photographs of each one. The book is suitable for beginners, and it focuses on crystals that are easily obtainable. Readers learn which crystal to use for particular health or life issues, receive clear explanations of crystal-related terms (such as phantom and record-keeper"), how to choose a crystal that’s been humanely mined, and read fascinating channeled messages from each crystal. The authors discuss how the crystals work with the angels and archangels; and outline the steps for laying particular crystals in your home to build energy grids that help with abundance, romance, a good night’s sleep, protection, and more.


Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing BooksLove Is In The Earth Book: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals
by Melody, soft cover, 726 pages
The definitive book on the metaphysical aspects of crystals and minerals. Over 700 pages of in-depth information. Formatted just like a dictionary for easy reference. A must reference book. 

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Bible BooksThe Crystal Bible Book
by Judy Hall, soft cover, 400 pages
Illustrated comprehensive guide to crystals, their shapes, colors, applications, and use in healing. In an easy to use directory format. Quickly becoming one of the most popular choices in books on the subject.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Bible Book 2
Crystal Bible 2 Book (Paperback)
~ Judy Hall
Judy Hall (Author)
If you loved The Crystal Bible, you'll definitely love this new edition! With over 200 additional healing stones, you can further your learning of how crystals can be used to heal and their other valuable properties.

Crystal Bible Book 1

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Personalities Book: a Quick Reference to Special Forms of Quartz
by Patricia Troyer, soft cover, 125 pages
Descriptions with line drawings will help you to identify and understand the metaphysical properties and applications of  specific forms of quartz crystal - an excellent guidebook.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing BooksCrystal Decoder Book
by Sue Lilly, soft cover, 141 pages.
Harness a million years of earth energy to reveal your lives, loves, and destiny. Features in depth information on 45 featured stones. Contains directions for performing age-old rituals with stones.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing Books

The Illustrated Guide to Crystals Book
by Judy Hall, soft cover, 128 pages
This lavishly illustrated guide has information on choosing, cleansing, and programming the gems of nature. Along with a colorful crystal directory and gem therapy remedies.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Ball Gazing Book : The Complete Guide to Choosing and Reading Your Crystal Ball Book (Paperback)Books On Crystal Balls
Uma Silbey (Author)
For a new generation of seekers, this guide provides clear instructions on how to read a ball, interpret its symbols, and apply its messages to such practical matters as healing, relaxation, and setting goals for the future.

Crystal Healing Books

Books On Crystal Balls

Crystal Balls & Crystal Bowls Book: Tools for Ancient Scrying & Modern Seership (Crystals and New Age) (Paperback)
Ted Andrews (Author)
Quartz crystal balls and crystal bowls are popular magical tools. Yet, not everyone understands the extent of their power and multipurpose potential. Ted Andrews reveals how these dynamic instruments can be used for divination, astral projection, spirit communication, healing, and reaching higher states of consciousness.
Readers will learn many methods of crystal gazing, along with ways to enhance this practice with candles, fragrances, and elixirs. Also included are techniques for divining with water, communicating with angels and spirit guides, developing clairvoyance, and activating creativity. This updated edition also contains new illustrations.

Crystal Healing Books

Books On Crystal BallsCrystal Ball Book: Stones, Amulets, And Talismans For Power, Protection, and Prophecy (Hardcover)

Sibyl Ferguson (Author)
Scrying--the art of divining by looking into an appropriate surface and receiving information in the form of visions--has been used by healers, shamans, and witch doctors for divination since ancient times. In Crystal Ball, Sibyl Ferguson offers a concise and accurate account of the history and the art of using crystal balls, or "shewstones," as they were called in the Bible, as a tool for enhancing daily life. This revised and expanded edition includes additional guidance for crystal ball use and care as well as information on using crystals and gemstones for healing and protection. Also, included is an A-Z list of stones and their lore, power, and healing properties. Discover which stones to use for which specific purposes.

Crystal Healing Books

Scrying BooksScrying For Beginners Book (Llewellyn's Beginners Series) (Paperback)

Donald Tyson (Author)
Scrying for Beginners is for anyone who longs to sit down before the mirror or crystal and lift the rolling grey clouds that obscure their depths. Scrying is a psychological technique to deliberately acquire information by extrasensory means through the unconscious mind. For the first time, all forms of scrying are treated in one easy-to-read, practical book.

Crystal Healing Books

Scrying Books

The Magic Mirror Book: Divination through the Ancient Art of Scrying (Paperback)

John Nelson (Author)

John Nelson has reinterpreted spiritual and metaphysical concepts to make them more accessible to today’s reader. You will learn the origins and history of scrying, how to develop clairvoyant powers and how you can benefit from scrying. Traditional rituals and interpretation are juxtaposed with modern-day psychological explanations. You, too, can have a magic mirror. What will your mirror reflect?

Crystal Healing Books

Scrying Books

Exploring Scrying Book (Exploring Series) (Paperback)
Ambrose Hawk (Author)
Scrying is the art of seeing into the future, past, or present. Exploring Scrying is designed to help you obtain this skill with the use of a step-by-step, do-it-yourself approach that has worked for thousands of people. This book takes on an eclectic approach to helping the reader develop scrying abilities, by exploring several theories including psychological, parapsychological, and esoteric schools of thought. You will learn: -What scrying is, the advantages of it, and how it works.
-Basic techniques for scrying.
-How to use the skill of scrying for self-analysis, self-improvements, communing with angels, and much more

Crystal Healing Books

Gemstone Sorcery Books

Dunwich's Guide to Gemstone Sorcery (Paperback)

Gerina Dunwich (Author)
Dunwich's Guide to Gemstone Sorcery is a practical and comprehensive guide to the magickal world of precious and semi-precious stones. Written by a modern Witch with firsthand knowledge of the occult properties of stones, this book is filled with numerous spells and rituals, enchanting Pagan folklore, and useful magickal correspondences. It also explores gemstone curses and cures, and the many ways in which gemstones can be utilized as amulets for magickal workings, as oracles for revealing the future, and as tools for healing one's body, mind, and spirit. With the aid of this book, you will learn how to properly cleanse and charge stones, and also how to make homemade gemstone elixirs. You will discover the secrets of using stones to increase your wealth, facilitate clairvoyant abilities, invoke deities, ward off bad luck and evil influences, draw love into your life, and so much more!

Crystal Healing Books

Scrying BooksScrying the Secrets of the Future Book (Paperback)
Cassandra Eason (Author)
Scrying the Secrets of the Future offers practical, hands-on guidance to using a wide variety of methods from many cultures and ages—from Ancient Egypt, the Aztecs and Mayans, and Classical Greece and Rome to Medieval European magicians, village wise women and 21st century coffee-shop divination. Discussion of each method includes its history and cultural background, traditional practices, and how to adapt these techniques to the needs of the modern world and everyday decision making. This unique book will help you:

• Learn to see and interpret images in many forms, including wax, herbs and oils on water, crystal balls and candles, shadows and dark mirrors. • Explore additional techniques of clairaudience, psychic hearing and clairsentience, and psychic impressions, to make your scrying multi dimensional. • Discover how to prepare yourself psychically, find the best scrying tools, empower them, ensure you are protected spiritually as you work, and how to close down your psychic energies after divination. • Find out how to maximize future possibilities, avoid potential problems, and advise others privately and professionally through clairvoyance • Communicate with and channel angels and spirit guides and discover past lives and worlds.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals BooksCrystal Power, Crystal Healing Book: The Complete Handbook (Paperback)

Michael Gienger (Author)
It's crystal clear--these shining minerals, reflecting a rainbow of colors, have the power to heal body and mind, and develop our potential. How did they became endowed with so many magic properties, and how can you reap their restorative qualities and spiritual values most effectively? Knowing the answers to these questions may change your life and attitude forever. Look closely at the details of each crystal in dazzling color photographs, focusing on its shape and its facets. Diagrams illustrate a variety of cubic, hexagonal, trigonal, orthorombic, and triclinic systems, and you can determine which will work best for your lifestyle. An easy-to-understand, precise guide shows you how to find the most helpful healing stones for your needs (including size, form, quality, roughness, and color) and how to apply them. Think about whether they should be polished, in a pendant or pierced form and worn as jewelry. Place a crystal directly on the area of the body you want to affect; arrange a "stone circle" and lie within it for subtle spiritual, mental, and emotional changes; meditate with stones resting against your skin; and take gem essences internally. By positioning them properly in a room, crystals can affect the entire environment! Try amethyst for encouraging spiritual wakefulness and sobriety, relieving grief, and releasing pain and tension--particularly headaches. Citrine fosters individuality and self-confidence, overcomes depression, stimulates digestion, and alleviates diabetes and stomach ailments. Other crystals will spur you to enhance your dreamwork. After you experience what crystals can do, you'll never be without them again! 416 pages (200 in color), 6 x 8.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystal Healing Book: Applying the Therapeutic Properties of Crystals and Stones (Crystal Trilogy, Vol. 2) (Paperback)
Katrina Raphaell (Author)
This volume refines the practical applications of crystal therapeutic techniques. Katrina introduces innovative, previously unavailable methods for discovering and removing internal imbalances. This wealth of information derived from the author's first-hand experience is practical, while inviting the reader to explore deeper levels and gain insight into the processes underlying our disease and health patterns. Unique in its content, "Crystal Healing" reveals for the first time: Six Master Crystals; Time Bridging; Maintenance - Personal Responsibility; Exorcising; Past/Future Life Recall; Laser Wands; Protection & Guidance; Conscious Reprogramming; Mind, Body, Heart & Soul Correlations; Window Crystals; Dematerialisation; Channelling Crystals. To facilitate a complete understanding of the specific techniques described, the book is strikingly illustrated with detailed color photographs. Step-by-step instructions encourage an understanding of all you need to know to reap the benefits emanating through crystals and stones. This invaluable guide enables the lay person and professional to use crystals and healing stones for soul activation, complete healing and expansion of consciousness. This book will help to activate hidden potential and open up a world of light into your life.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Healing Crystals Book: The A - Z Guide to 430 Gemstones (Paperback)
Michael Gienger (Author)
Michael Gienger, a top authority on Crystal Healing, provides all the important information on 430 healing gemstones in a neat pocketbook!
Known for his popular introduction, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, he presents a comprehensive directory of all the gemstones currently in use. In clear, concise language—with pictures accompanying the text—the author describes the characteristics and healing functions of each crystal.

All of Michael Gienger’s publications—this is his 11th—combine spiritual and scientific knowledge in a well-founded and easy-to-understand way, making his work accessible to everyone interested in this subtle, effective means of healing.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystal Enlightenment Book: The Transforming Properties of Crystals and Healing Stones (Crystal Trilogy, Vol. 1) (Paperback)
~ Katrina Raphaell (Author)
A comprehensive, easy-to-understand guide to the use of crystals and gems for internal growth, healing, and balance in your daily life.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, Metal Magic Book

Scott Cunningham, Author

Here you will find the most complete information anywhere on the magical qualities of more than 100 crystals and gemstones as well as several metals. The information for each crystal, gem or metal includes: its related energy, planetary rulership, magical element, deities, Tarot Card, and the magical powers that each is believed to possess. Also included is a complete description of their uses for magical purposes. The classic on the subject.
Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, Metal Magic
Price: $75.95  

Crystal Healing Books

Book Of StonesThe Book of Stones Book: Who They Are & What They Teach (Paperback)
~ Robert Simmons; Naisha Ahsian (Author)

The Book of Stones is the most in-depth, definitive guide to the world of crystals, minerals, gemstones and their metaphysical energies that has yet been written. Encompassing over three hundred separate entries, each with vivid color photographs and essays by both authors, this book takes you deep into the world of stones and their uses for spiritual awakening and self-healing. The Book of Stones can teach you about each mineral’s scientific properties, history and lore, elemental energies, chakra correspondences, and which stones work best together. Also considered are the stones’ effects on the spiritual, emotional and physical self. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, The Book of Stones can give you clear, easy-to-understand information that will help you enjoy the beauty and benefits of the mineral realm. This pictorial metaphysical encyclopedia is what crystal lovers all over the world have been waiting for!

Crystal Healing Books

Water Crystal Oracles

Water Crystal Oracle: Based on the Work of Masaru Emoto (Cards)
~ Masaru Emoto (Creator)
The sounds of words and their effect on water crystals is nothing less than a divine gift from nature. When water is frozen, the crystals reveal the concentrated thoughts directed toward them. Water is a medium that receives and understands even the subtlest vibrations. Water captures vibrations naturally. Even when these vibrations are in characters, or letters representing language, water shows us the energy they contain in the forms of crystals. Water is attempting to communicate something to us. Negative emotions prevent the water from crystallizing. Positive emotions allow it to develop in beautiful hexagonal shapes. Water crystals are illustrating this divine gift in their design and the Water Crystal Oracle card deck provides access to this power.
As a companion to the best-selling book Hidden Messages in Water, the Water Crystal Oracle includes forty-eight beautiful water crystal images to enhance your life and balance your well being in many ways. In this deck there are forty-eight cards featuring Emoto’s dramatic photographs divided into four sets of twelve each:

· Healing Cards · Wisdom Cards · Power Cards · Earth Cards

Use the Water Crystal Oracle to amplify your positive thoughts and feelings and bring to yourself the qualities and emotions you desire

Crystal Healing Books

Water Crystal Healing Books

The Hidden Messages in Water Book (Paperback)
Masaru Emoto (Author)
This book has the potential to profoundly transform your world view. Using high-speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health.

Crystal Healing Books


Healing Crystals Books

Healing Crystals and Gemstones Book

~ Flora Peschek-Bohmer (Author),
Gisela Schreiber (Author)
Heal yourself with power of crystals and gemstones. Hundreds of vivid color photographs make it easy to identify and distinguish between different varieties. Listing for over 140 stones tell you which stones to use for particular illnesses, how to use them most effectively and how stones relate to the chakra system and the signs of the zodiac.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing Prescription BooksCrystal Prescriptions Book: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals (Paperback)
Judy Hall (Author)
Listing over 1,200 symptoms, this is a practical first-aid guide based on sound crystal-healing principles that have been practiced for millennia. Crystals are a gentle, non-invasive system of holistic healing with no side effects. Suitable for children and animals, they can also benefit your environment and your home.

Crystal Healing Books

Moldavite Healing BooksMoldavite Book: Starborn Stone of Transformation (Paperback)

Robert Simmons (Author)
(Author), Kathy Warner
Moldavite is a gemstone that fell to Earth. In this book the authors explore Moldavite in its scientific and mythic dimensions as an awakener and accelerator of spiritual evolution. This book opens a door to a new dimension of our inner world, and a pathway for those who wish to bring Light to Earth.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals Book: A Comprehensive Guide to 150 Crystals and Gemstones (Paperback)
Cassandra Eason (Author)
Investigate the healing and divinatory power of crystals with this illustrated guide to 150 of the earth's most potent elements. From Agate to Zoisite, each crystal entry includes a color photo, description of properties, listing of associated herbs, oils, and incenses, and astrological significance. You'll not only learn how to identify crystals, but how to harness their powers for decision-making, protection, health, and well-being. Relieve a child's earache with rose quartz or rid the workplace of tension with an amethyst geode tucked in your desk. Whether you carry a core set of crystals, fashion an amulet for portable empowerment, or whip up a pitcher of energy-boosting crystalline water, these practical suggestions can help you face fears and soothe daily stresses.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystal Healing Book (Hardcover)
~ Susan Lilly (Author)
The book includes specific routines for using crystals, where to place them, how to meditate with them, and which crystal to use for specific healing or mood-enhancing purposes.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

The Crystal Healing Pack [Book Box set] (Paperback)
Judy Hall (Author)
Feeling a bit stressed out? Forgetful? Depressed? Perhaps it's time you tried using crystals to bring your spirit and body back into balance. The Crystal Healing Pack is a comprehensive introduction to using crystals and comes with 12 stones (7 stones for chakra work, and 5 'master healer' stones) and a practical book with instructions for using crystals to enhance your life and spirit. Author Judy Hall has been using stones in her healing and divination work for more than 30 years. She will be your gentle guide, teaching you how to harness the holistic healing properties of different crystals to improve your memory and concentration, invigorate your energy, reduce stress, balance and strengthen your chakras, and even heal depression and anger.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystal Enchantments Book: A Complete Guide to Stones and Their Magical Properties (Paperback)
D.J. Conway (Author)
Brian Ed. Conway (Author)
You don’t have to have extensive background in magic to make use of any stone. In fact, you don’t have to know about magic at all. If you are facing a difficult situation and feel you need protection and courage, wear garnets. Do you want to attract a lover? Use rose quartz or ruby. Are you troubled by negative vibrations? Wear, carry, or keep near you black onyx or obsidian.

Listing their physical properties and magical uses, CRYSTAL ENCHANTMENTS will help guide you in your choice of stones from Adularia to Zircon. This book will also appeal to those who simply love stones and want to know more about them.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

The Complete Crystal Guidebook, A practical path to personal power, self development and healing using quartz crystals (Paperback)
Uma Silbey (Author)
The Complete Crystal Guidebook zeroes in on today's biggest New Age phenomenon--answering consumer's questions about the miraculous powers and mysterious energies these quartz crystals evoke. Full of information for beginners as well as masters.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystal Healing Secrets Book (Paperback)
Brett Bravo (Author)
Famous psychic and therapist Brett Bravo shows everyone how to use crystals to harness the body's innate vibrations and energies for healing--from headaches to more serious ailments--while also showing how to tap sources of general physical, mental and emotional wellness.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Rock-Medicine Book: Earth's Healing Stones From A to Z; A Guide to the Practical Use of Rocks, Crystals & Gemstones (Paperback)
Sela Weidemann Randazzo (Author)
Rock Medicine does not replace medical practitioners, but rather offers a less toxic means of treating illness. As tools for wellness, these minerals are precision instruments capable of balancing one's mind, body, and spirit to a state of well being ... This revolutionary book shows you how to use these tools.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystal, Color and Chakra Healing Book (Hardcover)

Sue Lilly (Author)
Take a journey of self-healing and rediscovery with this impressive volume that brings together three of the most popular energy healing systems.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Healing with Gemstones and Crystals Book (Crossing Press Healing Series) (Paperback)
Diane Stein (Author)
Healing with Gemstones and Crystals provides a complete guide to healing the body, mind, and spirit with the aid of gemstones and crystals. Written by healer Diane Stein, this work packs a wealth of information and instructions on every page. Readers will learn how to choose gemstones and will learn chakras and the hara line for gemstone energy work.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

 The Illustrated Guide To Crystals Book (Paperback)
Judy Hall (Author)
Born deep within the earth, and hardened to transparent, multifaceted beauty, crystals radiate power--the power to heal illness, attract love, release emotional blockages, and give protection from negative energies. Never before has there been such a wide range of gems available, and in this lavishly illustrated guide is all the information needed to choose, cleanse, and program these gifts of nature. Along with a colorful crystal directory and an explanation of the different types, see how to use your own special stone to find a soul mate, and improve relationships. Restore the body with the ancient art of crystal medicine, work with the chakras, and relieve mental and emotional stress. Safeguard your space and aura; turn stones into talismans and amulets, and perform crystal divination. Find the right crystal for increasing self-worth and intuition, recalling a past life, or even contacting the angelic realms. Bonus: includes gem therapy remedies. 128 pages (all in color), 8 x 10.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystal Awareness Book (Llewellyn's New Age) (Paperback)

Catherine Bowman (Author)
Now you can learn the secrets of crystals and how to use them for meditation, healing, and personal energy by reading Crystal Awareness by Catherine Bowman. Virtually everything you need to know about crystals is included. That's why over 130,000 people already have this book. You should have it, too!

First, you will learn about the basic nature of crystals. You'll learn what they're made of and their different forms. You'll also learn about the different powers of each. What type of crystal should you use when doing healings? How can you use clusters of crystals? What are the differences between small crystals and large ones? The answers are all found in Crystal Awareness. More than anything, this book is practical. You'll learn how crystals have energy fields and how they can interplay with your personal energy fields. This book explains how to use crystals in meditation and how they can open you to deeper personal awareness as your meditations go deeper than ever before. Included is information on the effect of working with color and crystals when meditating.

Crystal Awareness also reveals the secrets of healing with crystals. You'll learn how to program crystals for healing and how to lay them in arrays around the head or feet. You'll see the effect of large crystals and clusters on healing as well as how colored quartz can be used for different healing purposes.

Simply put, this is the best book to introduce you to working with crystals

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystal Healing for Animals Book (Paperback)
~ Martin Scott (Author), Gael Mariani (Author)
Discover how the healing power of crystals can be used to enhance the wellbeing and happiness of the animals in your care.
Crystal healing is as effective and potent a healing art today as it was in the time of the ancient Egyptians. It is even more effective with animals than for humans, and any pet owner or animal caregiver can easily learn to master the basic techniques of choosing and cleansing crystals, dowsing and crystal massage, making crystal essences, and the use of crystal layouts in healing. Crystal Healing for Animals explains these methods in plain and simple language and will be useful for beginners and experienced crystal users alike.

Crystal healing allows us to take an active role in the health of our animal companions, in the sure knowledge that we can do no wrong. Crystals have a healing energy that is powerful and profound, but is completely safe and gentle.

Take a guided tour of thirty of the most commonly used and effective healing crystal and gemstones, showing how you can easily and inexpensively build up a collection that will last a life time and go on providing healing support to your animal friends as the years go by. Animal problems covered include: abuse and trauma, allergies, bereavement and grief, hyperactivity, constipation, inflammation, low immunity, muscle strains and pains, post-surgical recovery, stress, training problems and animal/human relationships, and much more. This book also contains special sections on training and animal rescue, showing the role that crystals can play in this context.

The authors are specialists in natural therapies in animal care. They are the founders of S.A.F.E.R, the international Society for Animal Flower Essence Research, which also investigates the use of crystal therapy for animals. They are the authors of three other books on natural healing for animals, and have their own monthly Holistic Page in a national UK dog magazine. They are actively involved in animal rescue and rehabilitation.

Crystal Healing Books

Tibetan Gemstone Oracles

Jewels of the Lotus: Tibetan Gemstone Oracle (Paperback)

Dawn Silver (Author)
I love this book and card deck! Of all the books I've read about crystals, this is the most comprehensive book I've seen! The card deck is great for readings! This book links crystals to the metaphysical and physical parts of human beings in a way that makes so much sense. Now I really understand why crystals affect us.
And the cards are great! Whenever I get a cold or feel down about something, I just get out the deck of cards and give myself a reading from the "Jewels of the Lotus." The reading is always right on track - I come away with insights into the situation and then I make progress by using what I learned.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

The Healing Power of Gemstones Book: In Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology (Paperback)
Harish Johari (Author)
This is the most comprehensive guide to the chemical and subtle nature of gemstones and their use throughout history. Johari includes detailed instructions for the creation of gem talismans and the rituals surrounding the use of gems to obtain desired effects. He also uses Hindu astrology to explain the gems you should wear to maximize your physical and psychological well-being.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystal Medicine Book (Paperback)
Marguerite Elsbeth (Author)
Indigenous cultures worldwide have used stones as healing tools for centuries. Marguerite Elsbeth draws upon folklore, shamanism, alchemy, astrology, and quantum physics to explore the healing power of stones. Crystal Medicine offers lessons in using electromagnetic energy, the primary mineral and cell salt associated with each zodiac sign, tinctures and elixirs, crystal pendulum divination, American Indian shamanic stone healing methods, and sound vibrations.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Healing with Crystals Book (Paperback)
~ Pamela Louise Chase (Author)
Healing with Crystals is an easy-to-follow introduction to using clear quartz crystals for personal and spiritual growth. The book describes how to develop your intuitive connection with the crystal by using a pendulum, so that you can determine how you choose and care for your crystals to make them work best for you. The book also suggests some simple ways to balance your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy. Although the methods are simple, the effects can be profound. The keys are the quality of the relationship that you have with the crystal, and your commitment to your personal and spiritual transformation.

Crystal Healing Books

Lemurian Seed Healing Books

Lemurian Seeds: Hope for Humanity Book (Paperback)
Ph.D. Shelley Kaehr (Author)
Includes photos!! From the author of Edgar Cayce’s Guide to Gemstones comes a revolutionary look at the ancient Lemurian civilization with never before revealed information about how these advanced and benevolent beings are attempting to send messages to our planet at this time through seed crystals left behind long ago. Could these crystals hold key information to the destiny of the entire human race? Learn how to unlock the wisdom within the crystals and why this is important at this time.


Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

The Secret of Life Book: A Manual for Total Self Worth and a Brilliant Future (Paperback)
~ Paul Upchurch (Author)
To achieve unconditional and total self love then you must change your thoughts and then you will change your life for the better, forever! That's The Secret of Life!

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

A Gaia Busy Person's Guide to Crystals Book: Simple Routines for Home, Work, And Travel (Paperback)
Christina Rodenbeck (Author)
Turquoise inspires creativity; a hand-held clear crystal calms anxiety; a rose quartz meditation generates loving vibrations. This little ready reference guide shows how to use crystals to de-stress, re-charge, and put balance back into anyone’s busy day. Carry it along to shop for stones, and use it to cleanse and tune them and assemble a personal crystal toolkit. Consult the illustrated directory of colorful and mysterious stones, from Aquamarine to Zircon, to understand and maximize their healing properties. There’s even an instant crystal cure to alleviate stress, boost self-confidence, and aid concentration. Put a crystal in your pocket to use any time, any place; it will transform your life!

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Teach Yourself Crystal Healing Book (Paperback)

Roger Croxson (Author)
Teach Yourself Crystal Healing is a comprehensive introduction to the safe and effective use of crystals for healing. This practical guide covers all aspects of crystal healing, from choosing and caring for crystals to administering a healing session. Author Roger Croxson is a noted practitioner of crystal healing and is a founder of the School of Crystal Reflexology.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Gem Water Book: How to Prepare and Use Over 130 Crystal Waters for Therapeutic Treatments (Paperback)
~ Joachim Goebel (Author),
Michael Gienger (Author)
Effective and healthy remedies produced by infusing water with appealing crystalline energies are carefully described in this informative manual. The first part covers aspects of preparation, featuring deceptively simple processes such as the boiling method, the water vapor method, and the test tube method—all of which can be easily mastered by crystal healing enthusiasts. After outlining the correct methods to use and listing poisonous crystals as a safety precaution, the book examines more than 100 usable crystals and 34 special mixtures, revealing their intended uses and effects for the optimum in therapeutic results.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Healing Stones for the Vital Organs Book: 83 Crystals with Traditional Chinese Medicine (Paperback)
Michael Gienger (Author)
Combines healing crystal therapy with the “organ clock” circadian rhythm of each organ system, based on traditional Chinese medicine

• Examines 12 organ systems and the gemstones best suited for addressing their health

• Provides the key to understanding the organ clock’s function and its ability to enhance both diagnosis and treatment

One of the chief tools in the traditional Chinese doctor’s toolbox is an understanding of the circadian rhythms that govern all the organ systems of the body. In addition to facilitating early and accurate diagnosis, this “organ clock” lets the practitioner apply therapies to the organ’s meridians when they are at their peak functioning point, thereby eliciting the greatest benefit.

In this book authors Michael Gienger and Wolfgang Maier have created a simple, yet highly effective self-care treatment system for addressing common health ailments using gemstones and the organ clock. They detail the healing benefits of 83 crystals, indicating the physical as well as emotional, psychic, and spiritual aspects they support in each of 12 major organ systems. For example, the stomach not only receives nourishment for the body, it also fosters the ability to engage in new things in life. Agate and calcite assist this function by giving confidence for new experiences, while aiding in digestion (and processing hard to digest thoughts). Treatments for the stomach should be done between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m., the time we typically take in new nourishment after a night of sleep, to receive maximum results. With each body system in turn, the authors explain how to select the stones best suited to address your current health concerns, the times of day they should be used, and how long treatment should last in order to restore optimum health and prevent the onset of future illness.

Crystal Healing Books


The Book of Crystal HealingCrystal Healing Books
by Liz Simpson, soft cover, 127 pages
Covers vibrational healing, how to use crystals to harmonize chakras and auras, health and development, cleansing and charging crystals, meditation and visualization....illustrated with large color photographs.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

The Encyclopedia of Crystals Book (Paperback)

Judy Hall (Author)
In The Encyclopedia of Crystals, Judy Hall draws on over 30 years' experience of working with crystals to provide the definitive reference. Lavishly illustrated, featuring newly discovered stones and providing new materials on geology and fluorescent properties, this is an essential addition to the libraries of everyone working with crystals. Organized by crystal color for easy reference, this gorgeous guide relates the colors of crystals to the chakras, tells readers how to cleanse and activate them, and provides helpful, authoritative advice on healing with crystals.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystal Healing Book (Essentials Series, 2) (Paperback)
Cassandra Eason (Author)

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Ascension Books

Crystal Ascension Book: Spiritual Growth And Planetary Healing (Paperback)

Catherine Bowman (Author)
For readers making the conscious choice to advance their awareness into the new levels of Ascension associated with the 21st century, this book directs them through the various stages they will encounter when they embark on this path. Crystal Ascension teaches readers how to use the mineral kingdom, chakras, color and cound to gently trigger the sleeping soul to release new energies into conscious expression.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Codes of Light Book: The Power of Our Beliefs and a Revolutionary System to Heal Them! (Paperback) Paula Muran (Author)
Discover the power of your emotional beliefs and how they camouflage your Divine Self. Codes of Light is a healing program. Reading the book begins a release of deeply buried emotional patterns. Learn how the intrinsic power of crystals and gemstones release emotional patterns that stand in your way to knowing the Self. The author introduces a revolutionary healing system called Sovereign Light. Designed as your next step in emotional healing. Sovereign Light gets to your 'core' and liberates you into a life of happiness, love, success, healthy body and spiritual fulfillment. The author recounts her lifelong relationship with Hindu Master and the planetary Logos, Sanatkumara and the purpose of creating The Sovereign Light System of Emotional Healing, Crystal Elixirs and Vibrational Sprays: Aromatherapy with a Twist of Energy! Includes a Therapeutic Handbook for Healing Practitioners plus eight color pictures of crystal layouts.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

The Essential Crystal Handbook: All the Crystals You Will Ever Need for Health, Healing And Happiness (Paperback)
~ Simon Lilly (Author)
Crystals are things of light, beauty, and power—and this superb user’s and collector’s guide covers more than 100 varieties, all with sparkling color photographs (including enlarged details) and a concise profile of their visual characteristics, healing properties, and practical applications. There’s also invaluable information on identification and care of each type of crystal, along with notes on similar-looking stones and keywords that indicate its main function at a glance. Find out about such key topics as Ayurveda, Feng Shui, amulets, birthstones, wands and pendulums, and using the crystal to connect with auras and chakras.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystals And Crystal Healing Book [Illustrated] (Paperback)

Simon Lilly (Author)
Crystals and gemstones have always been highly prized not only for their beauty but for their healing and spiritual properties too. Healers, shamans, priests and spiritual seekers have continually been drawn to the clarity and purity of crystals and have used them for their special powers. Crystal healing today continues this widespread tradition by exploring new ways in which the mineral kingdom can help us restore balance and bring harmony and healing into our frantic and stressful lives.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Wand Healing Books

Crystal Wand Healing Book (Paperback)
~ Richard Gentle (Author)
Illness and injury have become an accepted part of our lives. However, we can all do more to help ourselves and others gain an improvement in health or achieve complete recovery from illness. This book explains how we affect our health and introduces the reader to the incredible power and properties of Crystal Wand Healing.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

The Crystal Healing Set Book (Paperback)
~ Liz Simpson (Author)
How do you get your chakras and auras in harmony? The answer is crystal clear! Take a journey of self-discovery with Liz Simpson, a respected authority on crystal healing, with the unique Crystal Healing Set which features the following.

• This attractive set includes six crystals, each with its own healing property: Amethyst, Bloodstone, Clear Quartz, Orange Carnelian, Rose Quartz, and Sodalite. Examine their uses as weapons, tools, jewelry, objects of divination, amulets, talismans, and more!

• The set also features The Book of Crystal Healing, a comprehensive guide to the history and uses of gemstones and quartz crystals.

• Learn about the healing properties of specific stones and how their energy can be used to add balance and harmony to your life.

• Simple meditations and guided visualizations are also included to help you learn to tap into your innate self-healing abilities.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Sounds for Healing Books Sets

Sounds for Healing Book/1: Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls for Meditation and Healing: Soma the Sec Ret Drink [Audiobook] (Audio CD)
~ Rainer Tillmann (Author)
Contains a unique combination of ancient Tibetan singing bowls and contemporary crystal singing bowls. Tillmann begins performing solely on singing bowls; in the second part, he adds other instruments, such as cymbals and chimes. Tibetan singing bowls have transparent, clear overtones, whereas the crystal bowls have a softer sound, with unexpected, crisp overtones.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Sound Healing Book and Bowls Set

Crystal Sounds Book: Devaã

Crystal Singing Bowls for Meditation and Healing (Audio CD)
~ Rainer Tillmann (Author)
Rainer Tillmann's fifth creation exclusively featuring crystal singing bowls. At first, the singing bowl novice tends to think that once you hear one, you have heard them all. Not true! The singing bowls on this album are crystal, with their mysterious contemplative sounds, incomparable to any other musical instrument. Listen to the subtle sounds as this wonderful recording takes you on a journey through an enchanting wonderland of the elements of Mother Earth

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals First Aid Manual

The Healing Crystals First Aid Manual Book: A Practical A to Z of Common Ailments and Illnesses and How They Can Be Best Treated with Crystal Therapy (Paperback)
Michael Gienger (Author)
From acne and cataracts to sprains and vomiting, this reference lists more than 100 medical conditions and describes the physical symptoms, psychological ramifications, and correct healing gemstones for each. The most effective form of the gem is specified—a polished pocket stone rather than a necklace, for example—and in some cases more than one kind of crystal is described to be effective. A comprehensive appendix with color photos of all prescribed gemstones, a guide to assembling basic home crystal kits, and a bibliography are included.

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Books

Illustrated Elements of Crystal Healing Book (The Illustrated Elements Of!) (Paperback)

Simon Lilly (Author)
This beautiful full color guide provides information on the history and traditions of crystals and gives practical information on the use of crystals - from positioning crystals around the body to replenish low levels of positive energy to using crystals in the home to alter the energy of a space.

Crystal Healing Books


Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Energy for Your Home Book: Creating Harmony in Every Room (Paperback)

Ken Taylor (Author)
Sparkling and colorful gems do more than just bring beauty into the home: they enhance and change the mood in every room. Using techniques derived from the ancient Chinese art of placement, this practical and lavishly photographed guide explains how to choose the right crystals for any purpose—from improving health to gaining wealth—and where to put them for the best results. See how a crystal wand in the bathroom can clear away emotional blocks; how a jade hearthstone in the kitchen can actually improve culinary talents; and how a rose quartz in the bedroom can stimulate passion. There’s also advice on crystal massages, rituals for consolidating friendships, meditations to strengthen a crystal’s effects, and advice on creating a crystal chart.

Crystal Healing Books

 Crystal Healing Books

The Crystal Wisdom Kit Book: Cast the Crystals for Healing, Insight and Divination (Paperback)

Stephanie Harrison (Author)
With this kit, the authors invite readers to use the "Life", "Insight" and "Healing" wheels in conjunction with the 12 crystals to expand their awareness and knowledge. The crystals include amethyst, aventurine, citrine, gold tiger's eye, snowflake obsidian, unakite and red jasper.

Crystal Healing Books

Gemoterapia. Sanacion con cristales

Gemoterapia. Sanacion con cristales (Infinito/ Infinite) (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
~ Bernardo Wikinski (Author)

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Massage Books

Crystal Massage for Health and Healing Book (Paperback)

Michael Gienger (Author)
Michael Gienger, Hildegard Weiss, and Ursula Dombrowsky—who have many years' experience working with crystal therapies—invite the reader into a special world of massage that uses healing crystals. The idea of combining these two elements might seem somewhat strange, since we tend to think of crystals as hard, cold, and even rough. This book, however, convinces us that crystals can in fact be "soft," have a delicate touch against the skin, and, ultimately, bring a sense of wellbeing when used as an element of massage therapy. Working with crystals in this way combines the advantages of massage (intensive tactile contact) with the powerful healing properties of crystals. The results are a subtle rebalancing and harmonizing of the whole being.
This book introduces a spectrum of massage possibilities using healing crystals. The techniques have been developed and refined by experts, and this wisdom is conveyed in simple and direct language, enhanced by photos. Any interested amateur will be amazed at the wealth of new therapeutic possibilities that open up when employing the healing power of crystals.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing Books

Healing with Gemstones, second edition Book (Paperback)
~ Pamela Louise Chase (Author), Jonathan Pawlik (Author)
Healing with Gemstones is a clear and heart-centered guide showing how to use over 80 gemstones for personal and spiritual transformation. The first section of the book emphasizes attuning to gemstones and developing personal intuition about the qualities of gemstones and how they are working on body, mind and spirit. You will find suggestions on how to use a pendulum to assist you in choosing and caring for gemstones. The authors then describe five perspectives that they use for viewing gemstone energy.
The second section, the central focus of the book, includes a description of each stone's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual qualities as well as a Devic channeling, and affirmation for each stone. The third section describes how to make gem essences and makes more suggestions for working with gemstones for healing.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing Books

Healing with Crystals Book (Paperback)

Jacquie Burgess (Author)
Crystals have long been recognized for their unique healing properties. Jacquie Burgess shows how different crystal energies can be used to heal, unblock and revitalize body, mind and soul and explains how crystals work in co-operation with each individual's energy system and vital centers, balancing the flow of energies. She also demonstrates how creative visualization can be combined with the use of crystals to maximize their benefits. She includes advice on choosing and caring for crystals, and an informative directory on the properties of different stones. Other books by Jacquie Burgess Crystals for Life.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing Books

The Complete Illustrated Guide to Crystal Healing Book: A Practical Approach to the Therapeutic Use of Crystals for Health and Well-Being (The Complete Illustrated Guide Series) (Paperback)
~ Simon Lilly (Author)
This book contains a collection of crystal therapy techniques, which use inexpensive stones that are readily available. Also covers the origins, history, and use of crystals for healing.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Meditation Healing Books

Crystal Meditation Book: Find Inner Strength through Crystal Power and Healing Meditation (Misc. Supplies)

Sue Parlett (Author)
Combining crystals with meditation, the author fuses two vital traditions in a unique interactive meditation kit, which includes 10 meditation cards, 17 genuine crystals, and a beautifully illustrated book of guided meditations.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing Books

Gemstone Journeys Book (Paperback)

Shelley Kaehr (Author)
Gemstone Journeys is a how to book on the ancient art of laying-on-of-stones offering personal stories and properties of many healing stones with color photographs of each stone discussed and detailed instructions on how to do it yourself!

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing Books

Under the Auspices of Crystals Book (Paperback)

Ellen Tewkesbury (Author)
The pink of rose quartz, the blue of lapis lazuli, the violet of amethyst: for the author, crystals exist for the "speaking of feeling". So it is that under their auspices she embarks on a remarkable but heartbreaking journey into her past. We are drawn into the formative years of her childhood in Tasmania, so vividly portrayed. At the heart of the story are her father and fated elder sister, Fenella, whom she strives to bring to life again in the pages of her book. Her father's terrors lead him into a tragic addiction which finally shatters the whole family's world. As we read, the uneasy feeling that "awful things" will happen grows until Fenella irrevocably falls from grace. The author's powerful account of her sister's destruction is deeply moving. These "crystal memories" are offered also as a "narrative of hearing and seeing"; music, literature, art and color are all related as themes on the author's perception of the people around her. She fits words to feelings and with her uniquely evocative and inspiring language has created a truly impressive book. It is a revelation both for her and for us.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing Books

Jewelry And Gems for Self-Discovery Book: Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eye & Strengthen the Soul (Paperback)

Shakti Carola Navran (Author)
Have you ever fallen in love with a ring or necklace? Perhaps there's a reason! Gems and crystals have metaphysical and healing qualities that can support you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This innovative guide will help you choose a piece of jewelry ideal for your unique life path.

Diamonds enhance your creativity. Rubies teach us about love. Opals fuel intuition and offer healing. Which stones are right for you? Shakti Carola Navran offers a thorough introduction to astrology to help you identify the challenges and spiritual needs evident in your birth chart. A detailed list of sixty-four gems and crystals—with full-color photos of polished stones and finished jewelry—makes it easy to find the minerals that can balance these conflicting energies. You'll learn how to "program" your stone with joy, peace of mind, self-confidence, or any other quality. There's also helpful information for choosing the form (ring, earrings, or necklace), selecting the metal setting, and incorporating symbols into your unique piece of jewelry.

Crystal Healing Books

Pet Crystal Healing Books

Hands-On Healing for Pets Book: The Animal Lover's Essential Guide to Using Healing Energy (Paperback)

Margrit Coates (Author)
This book can teach you how to make a real difference in your pet’s happiness and well–being through hands–on energy healing. Energy healing is a non–invasive, complementary, yet very effective therapy that can be used to improve your pet’s health and behavior. Practitioner Margrit Coates provides practical advice on when, where, and how to use hands–on healing; whether you’re caring for a dog or cat, rabbit or gerbil, bird or reptile, the essential steps are provided. Hands–On Healing for Pets also includes sections on other alternative treatments, including crystals, massage, and flower remedies, as well as fascinating case studies.

Crystal Healing Books

Native American Indian Crystal Healing Books

The American Indian: Secrets of Crystal Healing Book (Paperback)
~ Luc Bourgault (Author)
The teachings of the Apache and Cherokee tribes in particular have come down through the generations by word of mouth. This is the first written document to carry their secrets to the tribes of the world. Concerned about malpractice in the application of crystals these authentic practitioners of crystal therapy believe that much of the information in circulation today is incorrect-and perhaps even harmful to both the receiver of the treatment and to the crystals themselves. Placing Crystals on Chakra centers is particularly dangerous when several are used at the same time. It is the aim of this book to explain the work which we do with our brothers and sisters the Crystals. Readers will learn about the properties of stones the properties of colors and the electromagnetic fields of the body. Chapters include Purification & Care of Crystals the Different Ways of Working the Three Laws of Healing How to Prepare the Essences and the therapeutic Touch & Exercises.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Co Creators (Paperback)

Dorothy Roeder (Author)
A fascinating exploration of 100 forms of crystals, describing specific uses and their purpose, from the spiritual to the cellular, as agents of change. It clarifies the role of crystals in our awakening.

Crystal Healing Books


A Sparkling Aura ~ A Sparkling Life: A Guide to Ethereal Crystals and Gemstones, Chakras, Aura Cleansing, and Your Spirit Guides (Paperback)

Scott Marmorstein (Author)
Dear novice and advanced psychic seekers, thank your self for picking up A Sparkling Aura ~ A Sparkling Life. Why? In the next few moments we’re going to rediscover the world of psychic and physical phenomenon, uniting the two in a dazzling harmony.

Sure you can see auras, perhaps give excellent readings, and maybe even cleanse them. But what might have been discovered while you have been so busy? Go on, look into it!

And of course, if you don’t see these things yet, by the time you’ve read this you’ll be well on your way not only to the basics, but to the deeper meanings of it all.

If you’re just beginning your journey on this subject you’re already riveted to the idea, let author Scott Marmorstein help immerse you in the practice of the idea. Be it old hat or brand new, one thing is for certain, by reading this, the alchemy of transformation is already enkindled.

Let A Sparkling Aura ~ A Sparkling Life give you a unique and fresh perspective on the so called “New Age” phenomenon that makes sense.

Aura Cleansing Books


Crystal Purification and Cleansing Books

Purifying Crystals Book: How to Clear, Charge and Purify Your Healing Crystals (Paperback)

Michael Gienger (Author)
The essential prerequisite for working with crystals successfully is to understand the most effective methods for cleansing, purifying, and recharging them, as thoroughly discussed and evaluated in this conveniently sized guidebook. Users of crystals for their healing energies will learn how their tools become impure and corrupted as well as how to adequately purify them from foreign energies and information. The instructions are demonstrated through a complete cleansing ceremony that can be used on all crystals, including jewelry. Other topics covered include the external cleaning of jewelry for purely aesthetic purposes and the correct application of crystals for cleansing rooms. 

Healing Books


Mandi's Metaphysical Gems (Paperback)
~ Mandi Konesni (Author)
This book is intended to be a resource for those of us wanting to use natural gemstones for healing and ritual. Includes over 100 full color pictures, interesting sections including astrological stones, chakra stones, cleansing/clearing stones, using stones, and toxic stones, as well as an in depth alphabetical listing. It's more expensive, simply because NO other gemstone book offers color pictures of every single stone mentioned, which in reality doesn't help when you're working in identifying your gems. I hope you'll love it, and enjoy it for years to come!

Crystal Healing Books Including Tigers Eye

Manifesting With Crystals Books

The Complete Guide to Manifesting with Crystals (Paperback)

Marina Costelloe (Author)
Providing real-life examples on how to live in a fruitful partnership with crystal energy, this how-to guide fully explains the power of crystals and how they can be utilized. Crystals magnify the highest energy within, and both the newly spiritually aware and the seasoned crystal worker can gain insight and focus into their lives when combining this energy with the suggested positive affirmations to elicit forces of attraction and confidence. The book also taps into ancient and medieval cosmology to explain how crystals interact with the four elemental substances thought to constitute the physical universe: earth, fire, water, and air. By applying the wealth of information and experiences the manual has to offer, anything that can be visualized can also be fulfilled, whether extending the journey of the soul or wishing to improving surrounding circumstances, such as relationships, health, well-being, and career.  

Crystal Healing Books

Healing Crystals Book Astrophyllite

The Gemstone Healing Guide, A Healing Apothecary [Paperback]

Kristi Huggins (Author)
This exhaustive reference guide lists a variety of crystals that can be used to assist with all of your healing needs . Comprehensive lists suggests crystals for use in Body (Physical Issues), Mind (Emotional/Mental Issues) and Soul (Higher Self, Source Self). A handy Cross Reference Index by Crystals and Cross Reference by Numerical Vibration has been added so that you can alternately choose by stone or number. Learn how to work with your crystals to create and lay out your own crystal grids or charge and purify water. Various crystal cleaning and clearing methods are also shared. A perfect reference guide for beginners to seasoned crystal healers. This will definitely be your "go to" guide!

Healing Crystals Book Astrophyllite


Gem and Mineral Lore (Paperback)
~ Paul V. Beyerl (Author)
Known for his enjoyable writing and decades of experience, the author of The Master Book of Herbalism brings you a depth of knowledge covering gems and minerals. Includes scientific information to help you learn about the stone's composition. Discover what gives a stone its appearance and energy. A wealth of information for discovering the metaphysical virtues of a stone. Discover the magick of each stone, the ways in which we can use their natural energies to change our self-image and affect our realities.
About the Author
Paul Beyerl is the author of books on herbal medicine, Wicca, Tarot, astrology and more. He has been teaching and writing for 30 years and is well-known and widely respected. Currently living in the Puget Sound area of Washington State, he teaches at local Community Colleges as well as through The Hermit's Grove and The Rowan Tree Church. This is his seventh book.

Healing Crystals Book

 The Crystal Ally Cards 50 Stone Set

"The Crystal Ally Cards" 50 Stone Set
This set of 50 stones includes everything in Naisha Ahsian's Crystal Ally Card deck. It is ideal for divination, healing work and self knowledge.
The 50 Stones Are: Amazonite, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Azeztulite, Azurite, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Calcite, Carnelian, Chlorite (Seraphinite), Citrine, Charoite, Chrysocolla, Clear Quartz, Cuprite, Danburite, Dioptase, Fluorite, Fulgurite, Garnet, Golden Topaz, Hematite, Herderite, Kunzite/Hiddenite, Kyanite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Lepidolite, Malachite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Petrified Wood, Phenacite, Pyrite, Rhodocrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Selenite, Smokey Quartz, Sodalite, Sugilite, Sunstone, Tiger Eye, Tourmaline, Turquoise and Zincite
$300.00 1269

The Crystal Ally Cards 50 Stone Set Stone

The Crystal Ally Cards

The Crystal Ally Cards: The Crystal Path to Self Knowledge [Cards]
Naisha Ahsian (Author)
It doesn't seem like many people know about these cards but a lot more people really should. I started working with these cards the other day
and they truly are amazing. They release the most healing energy I have ever felt when working with an oracle set and I am very happy to have found them.
It comes with a medium size book that gives a very nice detailed description of the crystal on the card as well as meaning of each card. So about 3 pages in the book are dedicated to each card in the deck. The book is 275 pgs long.
The cards themselves are oversized which makes shuffling a tad bit awkward but the images on the cards more then make up for this small issue.
Brief Card Examples: Crystal - Sugilite for Dreams - It's purpose is to aid in remembering one's divine purpose and stimulates your crown chakra. The message behind this card if you pull it for a reading is to trust in your divine purpose and follow your heart's dream.

Crystal - Moldavite for Transformation - It's purpose is to realize that a time of drastic growth and changes are upcoming in the next couple of months. In a reading it means that in the upcoming months situations in your life are about to change if it does not serve your growth.
(This was one of the cards I pulled and it gives me chills every time I look at it cause it falls in line with other readings I've done for myself.)

So if your looking for a deck that will help you heal and change your vibrations look no further this is a deck that you definitely must add to your collection!!!

The Crystal Ally Cards

Crystal Oracle Cards

Crystal Oracle: Guidance from the Heart of the Earth (Hardcover) [Cards]
Toni Carmine Salerno (Author)
Tap into the profound healing energies of the crystal world with this beautiful set of guidance cards.
The 'Crystal Oracle' features 44 cards which each draw on the energy and vibration of one crystal, gemstone or mineral to nurture the body, mind and soul.
The guidebook lists the qualities of the crystals featured in the deck and delivers an inspired and healing message for each card. It also offers a range of cards spreads to ensure insightful and accurate readings.
Connect to the love and wisdom which stems from the heart of the Earth!
Features 44 cards & guidebook, packaged in a hard-cover box set.

Crystal Oracle Cards

Crystal Diva Oracle Cards

CRYSTAL DEVA CARDS: The Mineral Kingdom's Messages of Hope and Self-Empowerment for the New Millennium (44 color cards + book) [Paperback]
Cindy Watlington
Cindy Watlington (Author)
The Crystal Deva Cards contain new information channeled from the Crystal Devas, Guardians of the Mineral Kingdom, to help humankind heal the emotional and spiritual life lessons of today's world. The 44-card deck features color photos of exquisite crystals. For healing, the Devas have energized each card with its stone's vibration. The 320-page book links cards to empowering Devic messages, helping you transform your life by releasing outdated belief systems, emotional entrapments, and fear. Very popular!

Crystal Diva Oracle Cards

Gemstone Oracle Cards

AORA Gemstone Oracle Cards [Cards]
James McKeon (Author, Illustrator), Roberta Carothers (Author)
One of the MOST unique tools for Crystal Healing! A unique 44 Gemstone Tarot/Oracle Card & Book set, designed to put you in touch with the healing energies of the most sacred Gemstones & Crystals. These vivid color Gemstone Cards depict the sacred energy, symbols and power of the crystal realms. Each AORA Card is a doorway to the true purpose of the Gemstone Kingdom!

Gemstone Oracle Cards

Crystal Oracle Cards

Crystal Oracle: Guidance From The Heart Of The Earth [Paperback]
Toni Carmine Solarno (Author)

Crystal Oracle Cards

  Crystal Oracle Cards

The Crystal Deck: 54 Cards
Not all of us have access to a pouch full of every crystal available. This deck helps you draw on the energy of 50 crystals, some of which are too rare or too expensive to have lying about. By using the cards and focusing on the properties and messages of the crystal your card depicts you can bring the energy to your life.

These cards are also very useful as a teaching tool and will help you learn the various uses and attributes of each of the crystals shown.

Crystal Oracle Cards

Crystal Healing Cards

The Crystal Oversouls Healing Cards [Paperback]
Michael Eastwood (Author)
44 beautiful cards designed for meditation contemplation healing and guiding the user deep within. The accompanying 66 page book contains messages drawn from the author's direct experience with the crystal oversouls. Together the cards and book build a map, representing the potential and many stages of our collective unfolding during this time in human evolution. Michael says "The mandalas in this book impression of each of the crystal oversoul's consciousness and spirit...To my understanding an oversoul is the collective soul or master that all individual crystals in its field will identify and communicate with. When we work thus, for example with an Ajoite, we can communicate with its essential soul, its blueprint, its oversoul."
Michael is the chairman of ACHO - Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organizations. England's leading governing body in Crystal Healing. He has been working in the crystal field, healing and teaching for over 20 years.

Crystal Healing Cards

Crystal Oracle Cards

Crystal Energy: A Practical Guide to the Use of Crystal Cards for Rejuvenation and Health [Paperback]

Monnica Hackl (Author)
"I picked this book up at the library along with several books on crystals. But this book is the best by far for interesting information. Crystal cards seem to be quite powerful. The astronauts used them to ground themselves while in space. Now I'm trying to find out where I can get thise cards. This book opened up my mind about crystals. I had not idea they were used for other than new age fun"

Crystal Oracle Cards

Crystal Oracle Cards

33 Points of Light - Crystal Oracle Cards [Paperback]
Shankari the Alchemist (Author, Illustrator)

33 Points of Light describes a journey, undertaken to provide a new perspective and create powerful tools of alchemy to help resolve the difficulties we face as evolving modern mystics.

Using the 33 Points of Light deck daily with pure intent, you will receive inspiration and instruction through Sacred Mystery in active partnership with your own Divine Intent. While you shuffle the cards, ask a clear question. Then select three cards. The first card represents The Past or "Challenge." The second card represents The Present or "Solution." The third card is The Future or the "Outcome."
The cards measures 5 3/4" tall by 3 3/4" wide (15.6 by 9.5cm) and come in a hand-made silk pouch, which also includes a detailed book to help you develop your own healing songs of power through minerals and light.

Crystal Oracle Cards

Tarot Cards Books

Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals [Cards]
Agmuller Neuhausen (Creator)
"I really like this deck. I love the photos of gemstones on each card. These are better gemstone images than those on any of the decks designed for crystal work that I've seen so far. The Gemstone explanations in the little pamphlet are excellent. The Tarot is good too. Unless you have the minor arcana down pat it could be a bit difficult to do a traditional Tarot reading. I wish they had numbered the Major Arcana. I teach crystal healing and Crystal Deva Empowerments and I am starting to use this deck for Gemstone readings and for crystal healing guidance in the workshops and it is working very well."

Tarot Cards Books

Fortune Telling Cards

Fortune Telling By Cards, Dice, Crystal, Etc.: The Oraculum, Or Napoleon Buonaparte's Book Of Fate [Hardcover]
Will Rossiter Publisher (Author)
This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting, preserving and promoting the world's literature

Fortune Telling Cards

Crystal Skull Message Cards

Crystal Skull Message Cards
White Elk Woman (Author)
The Crystal Skull Message Card deck consists of 39 beautifully illustrated cards in an attractive presentation box with an information-packed 64 page booklet, which includes a channeled message for each card along with guidance on how to use the color vibrations for healing and divination.
This unique, evocative and inspiring deck beautifully captures the magic and mystery of the Crystal Skulls with stunningly vivid CG artwork. The Crystal Skull Message Cards were created by White Elk Woman and are suitable for anyone, from beginners to experienced skull caretakers, to aid them on their spiritual pathway.

Skulls can invoke feelings such as happiness, security & peace and working with them can often bring clarity, comfort and inspiration. Those who have used the Crystal Skull Message Cards have also found them to be an excellent tool for accessing past & future life information and they may also aid the clearing of soul level blocks so that positive change can take place.

Crystal Skull Message Cards

Encyclopedia of Crystals and Healing Stones Books

The Encyclopedia of Crystals and Healing Stones: The Definitive Guide to Over 300 Healing Crystals (Hardcover)
~ Judy Hall (Author)
Crystals have been revered for thousands of years for their healing and protective properties. In "The Encyclopedia of Crystals and Healing Stones", Judy Hall draws on 30 years experience of crystals to provide the definitive reference guide to over 300 crystals and stones. You will learn how to use crystals for healing and protection, how to cleanse and store your crystals and how you can use crystals with your chakras. Lavishly illustrated and organized according to color for ease of use, this book includes information on more than 150 newly discovered stones and new material on geology and fluorescent properties. It is the essential book for everyone working with crystals.

The Encyclopedia of Crystals and Healing Stones Books


Directory of Healing Crystals Books

The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals: A Comprehensive Guide to 150 Crystals and Gemstones (Paperback)

Cassandra Eason (Author)
Already a bestseller in its original form, this reduced-format volume is from one of the world’s most recognizable experts on the healing power of crystals. It offers details on the healing properties of 150 different crystals and gems, including how to combine them with oils, incense, meditation, and other crystals to provide relief from illness, improve decision-making, and cleanse both the body and the home. Discover rituals that help harness the natural energies of the earth and protect the user from harm. For each crystal, there is background information that covers their mythological, astrological, and historical context. Armed with this information, readers can help to heal and protect themselves and their loved ones.

Directory of Healing Crystals Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs


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