Chakra Healing Products



Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals

Chakra Products

Chakra Related Products

Chakra Products

For Chakra related colors and properties, along with useful information, please go to the


see also Meditation Products, Yoga Products

 Heart Chakra Healing Soap Rock

Heart Chakra With Rose Quartz Healing Soaps, Bath Salts, Shaving Bars, Lotions, Sugar Scrubs

Healing Crystal Bar Soaps that come in an organza bag, Bath Salts comes in a jar for 10 Oz, Sugar Scrubs come in a jar, shaving bars come in a mug and lotions are 4 oz

Ingredients: Rose, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Rose Quartz, Green Coloring, Olive Oil Glycerin, Love: Anahata Mandala

Rose Quartz: Love of all kinds including self-love, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, peace, happiness, gentleness. Healing usage: Emotional wounds, heart, the circulatory system, fertility, headaches, kidney disease, migraines, sexual dysfunction, sinus problems, throat problems, depression, addictions, ear aches, slows signs of aging in general, reduces wrinkles, spleen problems, fibromyalgia, and reaching one's ideal weight / weight loss.

4th Heart chakra is about love, kindness and affection. When it is open, you are compassionate and friendly, and you work at harmonious relationships. When your Heart chakra is under-active, you are cold and distant. If this chakra is over-active, you are suffocating people with your love and your love probably has quite selfish reasons.

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Healing Soaps, Mists, Lotions

 Sacral Chakra Healing Soap Rock

Sacral Chakra With Carnelian Healing Soaps, Bath Salts, Shaving Bars, Lotions, Sugar Scrubs

Healing Crystal Bar Soaps that come in an organza bag, Bath Salts comes in a jar for 10 Oz, Sugar Scrubs come in a jar, shaving bars come in a mug and lotions are 4 oz

Ingredients: Jasmine, Sandalwood, Orange, Peppermint, Carnelian, Orange Coloring, Olive Oil Glycerin, Creativity & Sexuality: Svadisthana Mandala

2nd Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality. If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a "poker face," the Sacral chakra is under-active. You're not very open to people. If this chakra is over-active, you tend to be emotional all the time. You'll feel emotionally attached to people and you can be very sexual.
Carnelian: Awakens one’s inherent talents and produces inspiration from spiritual worlds. Protects against fear and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure, represents confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, assertiveness and outgoingness, precision, analysis, stimulates appetite, encourages celebration and brings awareness of feelings, stone of passion and sexuality and is associated with the Sacral/Spleen Chakra, helps you feel anchored and comfortable with your surroundings, Provides a connection to the past or to historical events, can improve motivation, Helps one achieve greater success in career or personal matters, Helps ground people who meditate, one of the most helpful crystals for healing trauma, stress and emotional wounds that have accumulated in the etheric body or the Aura and are now manifesting as physical symptoms, cleanses and purify the blood of the liver and kidneys, physical energy, reproductive system, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gall bladder, pancreas, also used to pull excess fever out

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Healing Soaps, Mists, Lotions

 7 Chakra Healing Soap Set

Set Of All 7 Chakra Soaps


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Healing Soaps, Mists, Lotions

 Root Chakra Healing Soap Rock

Root Chakra With Black Tourmaline Healing Soaps, Bath Salts, Shaving Bars, Lotions, Sugar Scrubs

Healing Crystal Bar Soaps that come in an organza bag, Bath Salts comes in a jar for 10 Oz, Sugar Scrubs come in a jar, shaving bars come in a mug and lotions are 4 Oz

Ingredients: Patchouli, Geranium, Olive Oil Glycerin, Black Tourmaline, Red Color, Grounding & Survival: Muladhara Mandala

Black Tourmaline: Protecting one's energy field against negative vibrations, and also for drawing negative energies away from a person. It can have a calming effect when needed, grounding flighty or scattered energies into the earth. Those who suffer from negativity, frequent worrying, and/or OCD , cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration, help with electromagnetic smog (i.e. cell phones) and increase physical vitality, grounding and protection, aids in opening up the Root Chakra, detoxifying

1st Root chakra is about being physically there and feeling at home in situations. If it is open, you feel grounded, stable and secure. You don't unnecessarily distrust people. You feel present in the here and now and connected to your physical body. You feel you have sufficient territory. If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root chakra is probably under-active. You'd easily feel unwelcome. If this chakra is over-active, you may be very materialistic and greedy. You're probably obsessed with being secure and resist change.

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Healing Soaps, Mists, Lotions

 Throat Chakra Healing Soap Rock

Throat Chakra With Blue Kyanite Healing Soaps, Bath Salts, Shaving Bars, Lotions, Sugar Scrubs

Healing Crystal Bar Soaps that come in an organza bag, Bath Salts comes in a jar for 10 Oz, Sugar Scrubs come in a jar, shaving bars come in a mug and lotions are 4 oz

Ingredients: Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree Oil, Blue Kyanite, Blue Coloring, Olive Oil Glycerin, Expression & Communication: Vishuddha Mandala

Blue Kyanite: Throat Chakra and communication issues, helps to speak one’s truth with clarity, making it a great stone for public speakers and performers, facilitates an alignment of all the subtle bodies, creating a larger and stronger aura, high vibration, allowing for an opening of psychic abilities, especially during meditation, promote lucid dreaming and astral travel, ameliorating throat and voice ailments, help with mobility and speech difficulties, especially after a stroke, keep bone marrow, cells and tissue healthy, enhance brain function and the entire neurological system, amplifies high-frequency energies, making it a great stone for attunements and meditation, brings a calming, tranquilizing energy to the body, assists in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts, as well as dream recall, restores Qi (or Ki) to the physical body, and balances yin/yang energies.

5th Throat chakra is about self-expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself, and you might be doing so as an artist. When this chakra is under-active, you tend not to speak much, and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this chakra. If this chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You're a bad listener if this is the case. $17.99

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Healing Soaps, Mists, Lotions

 Third Eye Chakra Healing Soap Rock

Third Eye Brow Chakra With Amethyst Healing Soaps, Bath Salts, Shaving Bars, Lotions, Sugar Scrubs

Healing Crystal Bar Soaps that come in an organza bag, Bath Salts comes in a jar for 10 Oz, Sugar Scrubs come in a jar, shaving bars come in a mug and lotions are 4 oz

Ingredients: Juniper, Rosemary, Pine, Frankincense, Olive Oil Glycerin, Amethyst, Purple Coloring, Intuition: Ajna Mandala

6th Third Eye chakra is about insight and visualization. When it is open, you have a good intuition. You may tend to fantasize. If it is under-active, you're not very good at thinking for yourself, and you may tend to rely on authorities. You may be rigid in your thinking, relying on beliefs too much. You might even get confused easily. If this chakra is over-active, you may live in a world of fantasy too much. In excessive cases hallucinations are possible.

Amethyst: "Sobriety Stone", Peace, Calm, Inner Strength, Spirituality, Psychic Abilities, Dreamwork, Legal Problems, Money Issues; Healing usage - addictions, alcoholism, headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, and general healing

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Healing Soaps, Mists, Lotions

 Solar Plexus Healing Soap Rock

Solar Plexus Chakra With Gold Tiger Eye Healing Soaps, Bath Salts, Shaving Bars, Lotions, Sugar Scrubs

Healing Crystal Bar Soaps that come in an organza bag, Bath Salts comes in a jar for 10 Oz, Sugar Scrubs come in a jar, shaving bars come in a mug and lotions are 4 oz

Ingredients: Chamomile, Lemon, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Tigers Eye, Yellow Coloring, Olive Oil Glycerin, Purpose & Power: Manipura Mandala

3rd Navel chakra is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self esteem. When the Navel chakra is under-active, you tend to be passive and indecisive. You're probably timid and don't get what you want. If this chakra is over-active, you are domineering and probably even aggressive.

Tigers Eye: Combining Earth energy with that of the Sun, Golden Brown Tiger Eye draws Spiritual energy down to the Earth, while still keeping you centered here on the ground, raise vibrations, keeping you feeling in balance and connected when working with higher goals, brings brightness and optimism to a situation, and shines insight onto problems, stone of protection, especially for travelers, brings good luck and prosperity to the user, talisman against bad luck and curses, attracts abundance and can also stimulate the rise of Kundalini energies, manifesting ideas into reality and giving courage in times of change, increase your personal power, attract prosperity

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Healing Soaps, Mists, Lotions

 Crown Chakra Selenite Healing Soap Rock

Crown Chakra With Selenite Healing Soaps, Bath Salts, Shaving Bars, Lotions, Sugar Scrubs

Healing Crystal Bar Soaps that come in an organza bag, Bath Salts comes in a jar for 10 Oz, Sugar Scrubs come in a jar, shaving bars come in a mug and lotions are 4 oz

Ingredients: Lavender, Frankincense, Shea Butter, Selenite, Spirituality: Sahasrara Mandala

7th Crown chakra is about wisdom and being one with the world. When this chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and yourself. If it is under-active, you're not very aware of spirituality. You're probably quite rigid in your thinking. If this chakra is over-active, you are probably intellectualizing things too much. You may be addicted to spirituality and are probably ignoring your bodily needs.

Selenite: Work against cancer, stabilize epileptic disorders, Mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, kundalini, Centuries-old record keepers of events/information, Smoothes emotions, help physical and emotional letting go, Repro; spine and nerve system, emotional and athletic flexibility, ultimate cleansing, useful with any healing treatment and especially is a great crystal for skin issues such as: wrinkles, age spots, acne, itchy dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, shingles and pressure sores, assists in maintaining skin elasticity and a youthful appearance, amplifies healing, pulls negative energy from wherever it sits and clears blockages $17.99

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Healing Soaps, Mists, Lotions

Chakra Myst System

The Chakra Myst System ™

The power of nature's purest elements have been brought together in this unbelievable body care system! Andrew has formulated these "energy mists" based on the Chakra system and the needs of his patients! He has formulated the seven scents to nourish and hydrate your skin in a light, fresh scent and honor your aura with a blend of pure Angel's Mist essential oils and genuine crystals!

Designed around Andrew's newest ebook The 7 Day Chakra Healing Program, each bottle of Chakra Myst spray begins with energy infused blend of pure Angel's Mist essential oils and then combines them with a natural emulsifier of jojoba and Andrew's genuine crystals. Each spray invites a different Chakra related intention to heal your body and soul and supports the specific healing properties of each blend.

Chakra Red: Grounding, Protecting, - contains hematite, obsidian, patchouli, rosemary, pine
Chakra Orange: Joy, Sex, Empowerment - contains carnelian, moonstone, plumeria, sandalwood, sweet orange
Chakra Yellow: Self Control, Will Power - contains tiger's eye, citrine, bitter lemon, cardamom, saffron
Chakra Green: Love, Self-Respect - contains rose quartz, rhodochrosite, gardenia, rose, geranium
Chakra Blue: Communication, Creativity - contains angelite, aquamarine, clove, nutmeg, cedarwood
Chakra Indigo: Intuitive, Self-Reflection - contains amethyst, iolite, lavender, jasmine, myrrh
Chakra Violet: Transformation, Transcendence - contains clear quartz, azeztulite, frankincense, myrrh, lotus

Each 4 oz bottle is blessed to amplify its full healing potential. They can be purchased separately or as a set and can easily be used as part of a healing system with The 7 Day Chakra Healing Program.

The Chakra Myst $44.95 each

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The Chakra Myst

The Chakra Myst System $189.00 (by 6 and get the 7th FREE)

Chakra Myst System

Seven Chakra IncenseChakra Incense Collection

This rainbow set of fragrant incense sticks represent each of the 7 Chakra of our energetic body. The box includes 7 sets of incense sticks representing each one of the 7 Chakra. Captured in swirling scents and rainbow colors, each individual pack contains 5 incense sticks for:

Muladhara chakra - earth
Swadisthana chakra - water
Manipura chakra - fire
Anahata chakra - air
Visuddha chakra - sound
Ajna chakra - light
Sahasrara chakra - thought

Hand blended and rolled in India according to ancient Ayurvedic tradition. All pure, natural ingredients including herbs, woods, gums and essential oils. Each set includes all 7 Chakra in beautifully wrapped packaging with coordinating image and colors representing these sacred energy centers. Total of 35 incense sticks.

Chakra Incense Collection $26.95

Chakra Incense Collection

Rainbow Incense Collection

Rainbow Incense Collection

This color therapy inspired set of fragrant incense sticks represent each one of the 7 Rainbow Rays. The box includes 7 sets of incense sticks representing each one of the rainbow colors. Beautifully scented, use red for courage, orange for creativity, yellow for power, green for harmony, blue for healing, indigo for intuition, and violet for spiritual awareness.

Hand blended and rolled in Mumbai, India. All pure, natural ingredients including herbs, woods, gums and essential oils. Each set includes all 7 Rainbow Ray colors in beautifully wrapped packaging with coordinating image and colors representing a beautiful rainbow. Total of 35 incense sticks.

Rainbow Incense Collection $26.95

Rainbow Incense Collection

Chakra Quartz

Chakra Quartz

Comes in rough, polished, jewelry and stand alone

Email for current selections


Crystal Elixirs

These wonderfully scented oils come in .05 ounce roll-on bottles and contain genuine crystals in vibrationally compatible essential oil blends. They are fantastic for Chakra work, energy healing, as an Aura Balancer, as a balancing perfume oil or simply as a "refresher" for your Gem Potpourri.

Choose from:
Amethyst Oil-Meditation/Psychic Awareness: Lavender, Sandalwood
Aventurine Oil-Emotional Healing/Good Luck: Peppermint, Rosemary
Blue Topaz-Harmony/Balance: Clary Sage, Lavender
Carnelian-Passion/Sexuality: Musk, Patchouli
Citrine-Awareness/Power: Orange, Lemon
Clear Quartz-Enlightenment/Spirituality: Sandalwood, Rose
Garnet-Inspiration/Self Love: Rose, Ylang Ylang
Hematite-Courage/Protection: Cedarwood, Pine
Iolite-Truth/Heartfelt: Lavender, Rose
Moonstone-Love Drawing/Intuition: Jasmine, Nightbloom
Obsidian-Letting Go/Protection: Thyme, Patchouli
Peridot-Healing/Wealth: Spearmint, Peppermint
Red Jasper-Energy/Grounding: Cedar, Clove
Rose Quartz-Heart Awakening/Self Love: Rose, Tuberose
Smoky Quartz-Protection/Spirit Lifting: Orange, Musk
Tiger's Eye-Money Drawing/Will Power: Sandalwood, Cedar
Turquoise-Friendship/Healing: Lemon, Neroli

Crystal Elixirs

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Crystal Elixirs

Chakra Massage Oil

Chakra Massage Oil

Created by Andrew for his acupuncture and energy medicine practice, Chakra Massage Oil is a hand blended oil infused with 7 real crystals representing each chakra energy center. Andrew blends light sunflower oil with healing jojoba oil and gives you the option of enjoying a non scented oil or a light scent of Angel's Mist Essential Oil of Lavender. These oils are enhanced with the energy of earth's amazing gemstones. Our special process infuses the bio-electric energy from the gemstones into the oils without damaging the healing properties. This product is essential for any skin type in order to enrich and moisturize and balance the ph levels of the dermis.

Chakra Massage Oil 8oz.

Chakra Massage Oil 8oz

  Heart Strings Chakra SetHeart Strings Chakra Set

Our Heart Chakra rules our connection to others and ourselves. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A balanced heart center shows as a very compassionate, understanding, and generous person. The emotions of love, joy, happiness, honesty, and respect are very important and are easily expressed. We are considerate and sensitive to the needs of others and empathetic to their pain. We are able to feel love for all beings around us.

This beautifully packaged crystal set will help you to practice compassion, love and more self-love. This set ignites awareness and consciousness through each specially designed meditation. This kit was created for the most important area of our lives - matters of the heart!

The Heart Stings Chakra Set contains: complete instructions, an enlightening and fulfilling meditation, 9 crystals (including a beautiful mini-rose quartz heart) to help amplify your intention, as well as helpful tips to achieve divine power for heart-healing. We label all crystals and also include a very special copper gridding plate together in a collectable bag.

Heart Stings Chakra Set

Heart Stings Chakra Set

Chakra Bath & Perfume Oils

Chakra Bath & Perfume Oils

The Chakra are vortices of energy within the human body. These centers appear to mirror our health and the spiritual state. These seven gateways can be balanced with the use of color, crystals, visualization and meditation. These are all the elements we have created for these Chakra Oils

Each oil contains "gemstone essence water", (water, which has been infused with a particular crystal), a visual blend of color coordinated waters synergized with essential oils. This product makes an incredible bath oil, pulse point perfume and Chakra balancer. We have designed seven individual oils for specific healing and manifesting or get the entire set for total balance.

Red-Root Chakra-Grounding/Protection- Onxy water, Sunflower oil, Patchouli essential oil

Orange-Sacral Chakra-Sacred/Sexuality - Carnelian water, Sunflower oil, Neroli essential oil
Yellow-Solar Plexus Chakra-Power/Transformation- Citrine water, Sunflower oil, Lemon essential oil

Green-Heart Chakra-All Forms of Love- Rose Quartz water, Sunflower oil, Eucalyptus essential oil

Blue-Throat Chakra-Communication/Expression- Blue Agate water, Sunflower oil, Blue Nile oil

Indigo-Third Eye Chakra-Psychic/Awareness- Hawk's Eye water, Sunflower oil, Peppermint essential oil

Violet-Crown Chakra-Spirituality/Understanding- Quartz water, Sunflower oil, Lavender essential oil

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Chakra Bath And Perfume Oils

Set of All Seven Chakra Oils - Includes all the above oils in a clear box with colored top 


Chakra Oils

7 Chakra Perfume OilsChakra Scent-ology ™ Perfume

Finally, after years in the making, Andrew has created a perfume essences that captures all seven Chakra energies in one bottle! Working in collaboration with French perfumologist, Francois "The Nose" Renou, they have brought together the "spirit of 7 flowers", capturing the Vibessence ™ of each floral's rich harmonics to create this amazing fragrance! With a top note of jasmine, middle note of tuberose and bottom note of sandalwood, these rich scents are prominent in Indian culture and mythology. Sweet and powerful going on, with a gentle lingering scent throughout the day, these nectars come from night-blooming flowers, which also have an association with the full moon. The bottle has been specifically designed to capture all seven rainbow colors of light, depending on how you turn the bottle! With a precious "stem" applicator, this allows for just the right amount to be applied.

* Balance your energies * Empower your senses * Enlighten your spirit

.025 oz Chakra Scent-ology™ Perfume

Chakra Perfume


Chakra Pillar Candles

84501 - Chakra Pillar Candles Sacral Svadisthana
Height in Inches: 6
Width in Inches: 3
Made Of: Paraffin
Made In: USA
This vibrant orange candle contains a unique blend of ylang-ylang and sandalwood oils. The color orange is associated with the sacral or Svadisthana chakra and represents creativity, pleasure, emotions and procreation. Use its energy to increase, Intimacy, Sensuality, Confidence, and Sociability. Orange connects you to others through feelings. Chakra Candles are ideal for use in sacred spaces, for meditation, chakra rebalancing and to create a warm and relaxing environment. Each Crystal Journey Candle has been handcrafted from the finest wax infused with exotic blends of essential oils. Made in USA.

Chakra Pillar Candles

84500 - Chakra Pillar Candles Root Muladhara
Height in Inches: 6
Width in Inches: 3
Made Of: Paraffin
Made In: USA
This vibrant red candle contains a unique blend of cedar, and clove oils. The color red is associated with the root or Muladhara chakra and represents grounding and all things intense and passionate. Use its energy to increase Courage, Passion, Physical Energy, Self Confidence and Stability. Chakra Candles are ideal for use in sacred spaces, for meditation, chakra rebalancing and to create a warm and relaxing environment. Each Crystal Journey Candle has been handcrafted from the finest wax infused with exotic blends of essential oils. Made in USA.

Chakra Pillar Candles

84502 - Chakra Pillar Candles Solar Plexus Manipura
Height in Inches: 6
Width in Inches: 3
Made Of: Paraffin
Made In: USA
This vibrant yellow candle contains a unique blend of lavender and rosemary oils. The color yellow is associated with the solar plexus or Manipura chakra and represents purpose, wisdom, clarity and self-esteem. Use its energy to increase Personal Power, Will, Knowledge, Creativity, Optimism, Self-Control and Awareness. Yellow aids in perceiving and understanding. Chakra Candles are ideal for use in sacred spaces, for meditation, chakra rebalancing and to create a warm and relaxing environment. Each Crystal Journey Candle has been handcrafted from the finest wax infused with exotic blends of essential oils. Made in USA.

Chakra Pillar Candles

84503 - Chakra Pillar Candles Heart Anahata
Height in Inches: 6
Diameter in Inches: 3
Made Of: Paraffin
Made In: USA
This vibrant green candle contains a unique blend of rose and geranium oils. The color green is associated with the heart or Anahata chakra and represents love, balance, self-control and acceptance. Use its energy to increase Relationships, Love, Acceptance, Self-Control, Compassion, Forgiveness, Harmony, Peace and Growth. Green aids in cleansing and balances our energy and entire being. Chakra Candles are ideal for use in sacred spaces, for meditation, chakra rebalancing and to create a warm and relaxing environment. Each Crystal Journey Candle has been handcrafted from the finest wax infused with exotic blends of essential oils. Made in USA.

Chakra Pillar Candles

84504 - Chakra Pillar Candles Third Eye Ajna
Height in Inches: 6
Diameter in Inches: 3
Made Of: Paraffin
Made In: USA
This vibrant blue candle contains a unique blend of neroli and sage oils. The color blue is associated with the throat or Vishuddha chakra and represents expression, knowledge, health and decisiveness, peace, thought and communication. Use its energy to increase to increase Wisdom, Speech, and Clarity. Blue aids in giving us tranquility and wisdom. Chakra Candles are ideal for use in sacred spaces, for meditation, chakra rebalancing and to create a warm and relaxing environment. Each Crystal Journey Candle has been handcrafted from the finest wax infused with exotic blends of essential oils. Made in USA.

Chakra Pillar Candles

84505 - Chakra Pillar Candles Throat Vishuddha
Height in Inches: 6
Diameter in Inches: 3
Made Of: Paraffin
Made In: USA
This vibrant indigo candle contains a unique blend of jasmine and vetiver oils. The color indigo is associated with the third eye or Ajna chakra and represents intuition, mysticism and understanding. Use its energy to increase, Psychic Abilities, Imagination, Self Realization and to Increases Dream Activity. Indigo energy aids in healing the Etherical Body/Aura and connecting us to our unconscious self. Chakra Candles are ideal for use in sacred spaces, for meditation, chakra rebalancing and to create a warm and relaxing environment. Each Crystal Journey Candle has been handcrafted from the finest wax infused with exotic blends of essential oils. Made in USA.

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Chakra Pillar Candles

Etched Glass Votive Holder Om

01127 - Etched Glass Votive Holder Om Brown
Height in Inches: 2.5
Diameter in Inches: 2
Made Of: Glass
Made In: Bali
Frosted Glass votive holder sold by multiples of 12. Designs are deeply etched and painted on both sides.
OM means oneness with the Supreme, the merging of the physical and the spiritual body, it is the symbol of Hindouism. Considered as the most powerful mantra it transcends time.

Etched Glass Votive Holder Om

Pendulum-Chakra Goddess Amethyst

61009 - Pendulum-Chakra Goddess Amethyst
Length in Inches: 9
Made Of: Semi Precious stone
Made In: India
This colorful pendulum is made from Amethyst. The beautiful silver chain has assorted bands of chip stones, each band representing a chakra and silver toned Goddess. The lobster claw clasp allows the chain to be used as a bracelet with or without the pendulum. $65.00

Pendulum-Chakra Goddess Amethyst

Chakra Products65003 - Healing Wand 7 Chakras Copper
Width in Inches: 2.75
Length in Inches: 11
Each end of this beautiful copper wand has been capped in silver. The shaft of the wand has been inset with seven round gems and silver toned symbols, representing the chakras. A clear sphere resides at one end of the wand while a clear terminated point can be found at the other end. Healing wand instruction card and black velvet bag are included.

Healing Wand 7 Chakras Copper

Chakra Lantern Color Therapy

05214 - Glass & Metal Lantern Color Therapy 5 Point Star Yellow

Chakra Lantern Color Therapy

05213 - Glass & Metal Lantern Color Therapy 5 Point Star Orange

Chakra Lantern Color Therapy

05215 - Glass & Metal Lantern Color Therapy 5 Point Star Green

Chakra Lantern Color Therapy

05216 - Glass & Metal Lantern Color Therapy 5 Point Star Blue

Chakra Lantern Color Therapy

05217 - Glass & Metal Lantern Color Therapy 5 Point Star Cobalt Blue

Chakra Lantern Color Therapy

05218 - Glass & Metal Lantern Color Therapy 5 Point Star Purple
Height in Inches: 7.5
Width in Inches: 2
Length in Inches: 0
Depth in Inches: 2
Made Of: Glass and Metal
Made In: India

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Enhydro Quartz Inquiry

Mini Glass Candle Holder Flower

Mini Glass Candle Holder Flower
Height in Inches: 0
Width in Inches: 0
Length in Inches: 0
Diameter in Inches: 2.25
Made Of: Glass
Made In: India
Element Meaning: Red
Simple and elegant best describe this flower shaped candle holder made of red glass. The well has been designed to fit our mini ritual candles. Display alone or with holders of different colors to create dozens of styles and looks

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Mini Glass Candle Holder Flower

Mini Glass Candle Holder Cube

03516 - Mini Glass Candle Holder Cube Clear
Height in Inches: 0
Width in Inches: 0
Length in Inches: 0
Depth in Inches: 1.25
Made Of: Glass
Made In: India
Element Meaning: Clear
Simple and elegant best describe this cube candle holder made of clear glass. The well has been designed to fit our mini ritual candles. Display alone or with holders of different colors to create dozens of styles and looks.

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Mini Glass Candle Holder Cube

Chakra Products

07021 - 5-inch Square Art Glass Candle Base Om Purple
Width in Inches: 5
Length in Inches: 5
Made Of: Art Glass
Made In: Canada
These unique Art Glass candle base are individually cut, sanded and fired in a kiln at a precise temperature to preserve their beautiful iridescent finish. The little rubber feet protect the furniture, and allow the plates to be stacked easily

5-inch Square Art Glass Candle Base Om Purple

Chakra ProductsChakra ProductsChakra Products

Cotton Color Print Banner Chakras
Width in Inches: 14
Length in Inches: 66
Made Of: Cotton
Made In: Bali
Seven vividly colored chakra symbols pop against the white background of this exquisite banner. The colored symbols have been positioned vertically to represent the colors and energies of each of the chakras. The banner is made of 50% cotton and 50% polyester and comes with wooden dowels and attached string for display.

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Cotton Color Print Banner Chakras

Chakra Products

60309 - Kit Chakra Balancing
Width in Inches: 3
Length in Inches: 4
The Chakras are the seven energy centers of the human body. They enhance our physical, mental and spiritual well being. Accessing these energy centers can promote healing and spiritual growth. Each stone possesses a unique energy and aids in balancing each Chakra which is essential for optimal well-being. Kit includes seven tumble stones, a velvet pouch and instruction card.

Kit Chakra Balancing

Chakra Products

62702 - Stone Chips Bottles Set Chakra Energizing
Width in Inches: 9
Depth in Inches: 2.5
Unit: Box of 7
Made In: Imported from India
This energizing set contains 7 small glass bottles, with cork tops, filled with assorted gemstones which correspond to each of the chakras: Garnet, Carnelian, Citrine, Aventurine, Blue Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst.


Stone Chips Bottles Set Chakra Energizing

Chakra Products

Chakra Products

2-inch Art Glass Pyramid Box Plain Aquamarine
Made Of: Art Glass
Made In: Canada
Each Art Glass Energized Pyramid has a mirrored base and a door that opens from the top with a little crystal ball. Ancient Egyptians used the pyramids to generate, transmit and transform energy. Pyramids are known to be a great amplifier of thoughts and are considered the most positive talisman on Earth. Each pyramid comes with a multi-lingual information card (English, Spanish, French, German) and a gift box.
2 Inch

Height in Inches: 1.75
Width in Inches: 2.5
Depth in Inches: 2.5

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2-inch Art Glass Pyramid Box Plain Aquamarine

4 Inch

Height in Inches:2.75
Width in Inches:3.5
Depth in Inches:3.5

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4-inch Art Glass Pyramid Box Plain Aquamarine

Chakra Products

38678 - Mystik Art Greeting Cards World Full Of Meditation

(pack of 6)
Width in Inches: 5.25
Length in Inches: 7.25
Unit: Pack of 6

Mystik Art Greeting Cards World Full Of Meditation

Chakra Products

38698 - Mystik Art Greeting Cards World Full Of Mysteries (pack of 6)
Width in Inches: 5.25
Length in Inches: 7.25
Unit: Pack of 6

Mystik Art Greeting Cards World Full Of Mysteries

Chakra Products

37300 - Information Chart English Mudra
Height in Inches: 11
Width in Inches: 8.5
Made In: USA and printed in Canada
Our laminated, double-sided chart has 16 of the most popular healing and spiritual mudras. Each mudra has a photo and explanation. The chart includes a brief history of the mudras and how they can be used for healing. Hand mudras can be used to concentrate the mind, balance the body's energy, and awaken the spirit.

Information Chart English Mudra

Chakra Products

38689 - Mystik Art Greeting Cards Friends (pack of 6)
Width in Inches: 5.25
Length in Inches: 7.25
Unit: Pack of 6

Mystik Art Greeting Cards Friends

Chakra Products

38695 - Mystik Art Greeting Cards Present Moment (pack of 6)
Width in Inches: 5.25
Length in Inches: 7.25
Unit: Pack of 6

Mystik Art Greeting Cards Present Moment

 Cage Pendulum Set with 7 Chakras Om

Cage Pendulum Set with 7 Chakras Stones Om White Metal
Made In: India

This distinctive silver toned pendulum features a Om symbol designed cage which holds the chakra stone of your choice. Each pendulum set includes: A cage pendulum, 7 interchangeable semi-precious stones for each chakra and a color information card.
Chamber pendulums allows us to attune the pendulum to the very specific questions we have.
The OM symbol represents the sound of life. The chanting of Om revitalizes the body, soothes the mind and nourishes the soul. Hence, Om is considered the most powerful of all mantras.

Cage Pendulum Set with 7 Chakras Stones Om White Metal

Cage Pendulum Set with 7 Chakras Triple Moo

61114 - Cage Pendulum Set with 7 Chakras Stones Triple Moo
Made Of: Metal
Made In: India
This distinctive silver toned pendulum features a Triple Moon designed cage which holds the chakra stone of your choice. Each pendulum set includes: A cage pendulum, 7 interchangeable semi-precious stones for each chakra and a color information card.
Chamber pendulums allows us to attune the pendulum to the very specific questions we have.

Cage Pendulum Set with 7 Chakras Stones Triple Moo

Cage Pendulum Set with 7 Chakras Triquetra

61115 - Cage Pendulum Set with 7 Chakras Stones Triquetra
Made Of: Metal
Made In: India
This distinctive silver toned pendulum features a Triquetra designed cage which holds the chakra stone of your choice. Each pendulum set includes: A cage pendulum, 7 interchangeable semi-precious stones for each chakra and a color information card.

Cage Pendulum Set with 7 Chakras Triquetra

Chakras Stones Pendulums

61124 - Sterling Silver Pendulum Circled with 7 Chakras Stones
Made Of: Semi-Precious Stone
Made In: India
This pendulum has been designed after the Vogel cut crystal. The crystal is held in place by a sterling silver brace that has been adorned with semi-precious stones. Each pendulum comes with a black velvet pouch.

Sterling Silver Pendulum Circled with 7 Chakras Stones

Chakras Rings Pendulums

61294 - Metal Pendulum with 7 Chakra Rings Copper
Made In: India
Each stone ring, representing one of the chakra colors, is housed between a copper point and base on this gorgeous pendulum. The pendulum's chain has a small ornate copper sphere attached to the end for slip free handling. Each pendulum comes with a Chakra Pendulum information card.

Metal Pendulum with 7 Chakra Rings Copper

Amethyst Chakra Pendulums

61302 - Gemstone Pendulum 7 chakras Tumbled stone Amethyst
Made In: India
Our beautiful tumbled stone amethyst pendulum has been adorned with seven round colored stones which represent the colors of the chakras. The pendulum's silver toned chain has a Rudraksha seed attached to the end for slip free handling. Each pendulum comes with a Chakra Pendulum information card.

Gemstone Pendulums


Clear Quartz Chakra Rudraksha Pendulums

61308 - Gemstone Pendulum 7 chakras Tumbled stone Clear Quartz
Made In: India
Our beautiful tumbled stone Clear Quartz pendulum has been adorned with seven round colored stones which represent the colors of the chakras. The pendulum's silver toned chain has a Rudraksha seed attached to the end for slip free handling. Each pendulum comes with a Chakra Pendulum information card.

Gemstone Pendulums


Om Light Diffuser Clear Quartz Pendulums

62302 - Gemstone Pendulum with Om Light Diffuser Clear Quartz
This stunning multi-facet pendulum is made from clear quartz. The attached sterling silver chain has a Om symbol at the end which ensures the pendulum will not slip between your fingers. Each pendulum comes with a Light Diffuser Pendulum Card.

Gemstone Pendulums


Lapis Chakra Pendulum

Lapis Chakra Pendulum with Satin Bag and Instruction Leaflet for Divination / Dowsing Tool

Gemstone Pendulums


Chakra Pendulums

Amethyst Cone Chakra Pendulums $45.00

Chakra Pendulums

Aventurine Chakra Pendulums $45.00

Chakra Pendulums

Bloodstone Cone Chakra Pendulums $45.00

Chakra Pendulums

Shiva Lingam Chakra pendulums $45.00

Chakra Pendulums

Crystal Cone Chakra Pendulums $45.00

Chakra Pendulums

Moonstone Cone Chakra Pendulums $45.00

Chakra Pendulums

Rose Quartz Cone Chakra Pendulums $45.00

Chakra Pendulums
All With detachable chain

All pendulums come on a chain approximately 7-8" long. Stones may vary in size from 1" to 1 1/2" long. A carrying bag is included with each pendulum. Chakra pendulums have 7 chakra stones on the chain, some are detachable.

Chakra Pendulums
Chakras are the seven power points of life force in the body. Chakra means wheel of light in Sanskrit. The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. They are vertically aligned in the center of the body close to the spine.

Clear Crystal: All Chakras. Cleansing, purifying stone. 7 chakra stones, ball is detachable.
Aventurine: Heart Chakra stone of abundance. 7 chakra stones, ball is detachable.
Rose Quartz: Opens the heart to love on every level. Inner peace, tranquility, healing stone. Heart Chakra.
Golden Quartz: Relief from 'burnout, panic, exhaustion.
Bloodstone: Protection stone. Removes energy blocks and aligns all centers of the body. Includes 7 chakra stones, Ball is detachable.
Moonstone: Love and good fortune stone. 7 chakra stones.
Amethyst: Calming, protective stone - excellent for meditation. Accelerates development of psychic abilities. 7 chakra stones, ball is detachable.
Shiva Lingam: Represents both male and female, as well as the cosmic egg from which all creation emerged. All Chakras. 7 chakra stones, ball is detachable.
Some believe that the pendulum finds the connection to the intuitive parts of the mind. "Divining" with a pendulum is a method of connecting with a higher power in order to obtain information from a divine source. Scientific research indicates that the pendulum responds to electromagnetic energy that radiates from everything on Earth.
Choose From

Chakra Pendulums


Instruction card included
Size (L x W x H): 8'' x 0.75'' x 0.75''
This semi precious stone Pendulums have a sterling silver chain. Approx 7" long. With a stone for each chakra.


Sodalite Chakra Pendulums

Instruction card included
This chakra Pendulums has 7 little stones all along the sterling silver chain. Good Pendulums for chakra balancing
Sodalite brings inner peace and harmonious communications, fosters knowledge and unite practicalities with the sacred laws of the universe. Eliminates confusion.



Fluorite Chakra Pendulums Pendulums - CHAKRA CHIPS HEXAGONAL FLUORITE DOUBLE
Instruction card included
This chakra Pendulums has 7 little stones all along the sterling silver chain. Good Pendulums for chakra balancing
Fluorite heightens your intuition. It can help maintain an unbiased impartiality when decisions need to be made.




Rainbow Stone Layered Pendulums

Instruction card included




Instruction card included
This chakra Pendulums has 7 little stones all along the sterling silver chain. Good Pendulums for chakra balancing.
Tiger Eye is a grounding Stone, enhance integrity, willpower, and correct use of power. When we are empowered it is easier to make our own decision, letting go of the past to move toward new beginnings.




Chakra Pendulums

Instruction card included
This semi-precious stone Pendulums has a sterling silver chain and is approximately 7" long.







Amethyst Flower/ 7 Chakra Pendulums

Pendulums: Amethyst Flower/ 7 Chakra
Flower of Life Pendulums with 7 chakra stones. Let the qualities of the Amethyst gemstones aid you in your divining by enhancing / complimenting your intention behind the task. Pendulums approx. 1" long; 9" long overall.
List Price $66.95

Pendulums: Amethyst Flower/ 7 Chakra














Green Aventurine Chakra Pendulums

Instruction card included

This charkra Pendulums has 7 little stones all along the sterling silver chain. Good Pendulums for chakra balancing
Aventurine encourages creativity, gives courage and independence. Best for fear free thoughts. When we are not inhibited by fear we can create freely and attract what we truly deserve such as prosperity.
A very good Pendulums for medical dowsing. Sensitive stone with a little crystal ball at one end.


Chakra Wands





Clear Quartz Rock Crystal 7 Chakra w/Pentagram Pendulums

Clear Quartz Rock Crystal 7 Chakra w/Pentagram Pendulums


These multi-faceted Pendulums possess all the little perks that mean the difference between a good Pendulums, and a great one. Made of clear quartz) they have a pentagram carved into one face then gilded or silvered, while their high quality chains feature seven different stones that correspond to each of the chakras. The chains are removable from the Pendulums via a small clasp, and are capped with a heart shaped stone of the same type on the other end. The total measurement of the Pendulums and chain comes to approx. 9 1/2" while the Pendulums itself is only 5/8" wide.

Clear Quartz Rock Crystal 7 Chakra w/Pentagram Pendulums

Amethyst 7 Chakra Pentagram Pendulums

Amethyst 7 Chakra Pentagram Pendulums # NAOW-GPPAME-amethyst-7-chakra-pentagram-Pendulums--gppam7

These multi-faceted Pendulums possess all the little perks that mean the difference between a good Pendulums, and a great one. Made of fine-crafted amethyst they have a pentagram carved into one face then gilded or silvered, while their high quality chains feature seven different stones that correspond to each of the chakras. The chains are removable from the Pendulums via a small clasp, and are capped with a heart shaped stone of the same type on the other end. The total measurement of the Pendulums and chain comes to approx. 9 1/2" while the Pendulums itself is only 5/8" wide.

Amethyst 7 Chakra Pentagram Pendulums

Shiva Lingam Chakra Pendulums

Shiva Lingam Chakra Pendulums

Let the qualities of the Shivilingam aid you in your divining by enhancing/complimenting your intention behind the task. Pendulums approx. 1" long; 8" long overall. Chains have Chakra stones running over length.

Chakra Pendulums

Pendulums: Ball 7 Chakra

Pendulums: Ball 7 Chakra

Let the qualities of the various gemstones aid you in your divining by enhancing/complimenting your intention behind the task. Pendulums approx. 1" long; 8" long overall. Chains have Chakra stones running over length. Comes in different gemstones - Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz are some. Our choice.


Instruction card included

This semi-precious stone Pendulums has a sterling silver chain and is approximately 7" long.


Chakra Pendulums

Chakra Pendulums
1st = Root - Garnet or Apache Tear
2nd = Navel - Carnelian or Goldstone
3rd = Solar - Citrine or Tiger Eye
4th = Heart - Aventurine
5th = Throat - Blue Lace Agate
6th = Third Eye - Sodalite
7th = Crown - Amethyst

The purpose of the Chakra Balancer is to realign and balance the energy fields of each specific chakra, thus aligning and harmonizing mind, body, and soul. It will aid in dissolving stress, removing blocks and an overall sense of better health, joy and abundance.

Direct from designer. Each is individually made, so appearance will vary slightly. Pendulums with chain is approx 6 inches. Comes with pouch (not shown), information card and instructions.


Chakra Crystal Pendulums And PouchChakra Crystal Pendulums And Pouch
Beautiful, genuine crystal divination Pendulums. Used in decision making, healing and to answer questions. Also used to find the missing and the lost. Fabulous addition to Reiki healings. Each hand carved natural quartz stone is accented with brilliantly colored and meticulously carved gemstones. Each Pendulums comes complete with information card and a velvet storage pouch. Approximately 10" in length.


Fancy Chakra Crystal Pendulums

Fancy Chakra Crystal Pendulums



Fancy Chakra Crystal Pendulums

Rose Quartz 7 Chakra Pentagram Pendulums

Rose Quartz 7 Chakra Pentagram Pendulums

These multi-faceted Pendulums possess all the little perks that mean the difference between a good Pendulums, and a great one. Made of rose quartz they have a pentagram carved into one face then gilded or silvered, while their high quality chains feature seven different stones that correspond to each of the chakras. The chains are removable from the Pendulums via a small clasp, and are capped with a heart shaped stone of the same type on the other end. The total measurement of the Pendulums and chain comes to approx. 9 1/2" while the Pendulums itself is only 5/8" wide.

Rose Quartz 7 Chakra Pentagram Pendulums

3 Piece Multi Layer pendulum

3 Piece Multi Layer pendulum

Gemstone Pendulums

Silver Jasper Goddess Multi Joint Pendulum

Silver Jasper Goddess Multi Joint Pendulum

Gemstone Pendulums


Seven Chakra Stone Pyramid Pendulum

Seven Chakra Stone Pyramid Pendulum with chain and Quartz Crystal Bead

Gemstone Pendulums


CHAKRA STONES & PENDULUM SET ~ 7 Chakra Stones & Chakra Pendulum w/ Heart Chakra Velvet Pouches ~ Jasper, Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, & Amethyst

Gemstone Pendulums


Gold Tone Merkaba with Chakra Swarovski Crystals Pendulum or Mobile

Gold Tone Merkaba with Chakra Swarovski Crystals Pendulum or Mobile
The Gem Star Merkaba has a 6 mm Swarovski Bead at each point and a 20 mm Swarovski prism in the center of the star tetrahedron design. Approximately 3" wide by 4-3/4" long and hangs from a 4" chain with a large jump ring on top. The Gem Star Sun-catcher/Pendulum not only sparkles in the light of your window, but its sacred geometry restores balance to the room. Works great as a pendulum too. Measures approximately 3" wide x 4 3/4" long and hangs from a 4" chain with a large jump ring on top. One of the best healing tools available. Suspend it over your chair where you spend the most time. Let its sacred geometry balance your chakras and stimulate access to more than just 5 to 10% of your brain!

Gemstone Pendulums


Ruby Zoisite Chakra Pendulums

Ruby Zoisite Chakra Pendulums


Gemstone Pendulums


Chambered Multi Stone Triquetra Pendulum

Chambered Multi Stone Triquetra Pendulum
chain approximately 8" long. Stone inserts are 1/2"

gemstone inserts, nickel plated pendulum

This versatile pendulum opens at the top where you can insert one of 7 stones that are included: turquenite, sodalite, green aventurine, red jasper, red aventurine, yellow calcite, amethyst. Change stones according to the color energy or chakra you would like to work with.

The Celtic Triquetra symbol (Trinity Knot) on the chamber symbolizes infinity, because it is an endless design formed by one line. To Christians the three points intersecting to form one design make it a symbol of the Trinity. Others consider is to be a sign of common ground and coming together.



Gemstone Pendulums

Fancy Crystal Chakra PendulumsFancy Crystal Chakra Pendulums

front              back

Fancy Clear Quartz Crystal Chakra
with 7 cabochons
Amethyst, garnet, iolite, moonstone, peridot, citrine, carnelian


Gemstone Pendulums


Fancy Crystal Chakra Pendulums

front              back

Fancy Crystal Chakra
with 7 cabochons
Amethyst, garnet, iolite, moonstone, peridot, citrine, carnelian


Gemstone Pendulums



Instruction card included
Size (L x W x H): 9.5'' x 0.75'' x 0.75''
This chakra Pendulums has 7 little stones all along the sterling silver chain. Good Pendulums for chakra balancing
Amethyst has the ability to attract spiritual energies and provide peace of mind. Connecting with our Higher nature is the first step toward healing.



Instruction card included
This chakra Pendulums has 7 little stones all along the sterling silver chain. Good Pendulums for chakra balancing
Moonstone softens the ego, attracting harmony. Increases receptivity and awareness. Can bring emotional balance and flexibility. It promotes nurturing and expression of tenderness.




Instruction card included
Size (L x W x H): 9.5'' x 0.75'' x 0.75''
This chakra Pendulums has 7 little stones all along the sterling silver chain. Good Pendulums for chakra balancing
Clear quartz is a power stone. Helps for concentration, increases inspiration and creativity. Purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical plans, bringing an aura of protection. The Merkaba balances and revives the activities between the two sides


Inert Pendulums

Inert Pendulums


Inert Pendulums
Inert pendulums are available in a range of styles and colors to suit particular dowsing requirements.
Each pendulum is individually hand crafted which results in subtle differences that make each one totally unique.
The materials, size, shape and string composition have been carefully constructed to maximize accuracy. Each pendulum has been validated with the use of a Bovus meter.  Aetheric Connections guarantee that competent users will get superior results with an inert pendulum.
What is an Inert Pendulum?
The Inert Pendulum is handcrafted from a synthetic material called Delrin. Delrin is a stable and benign substance with zero water absorption, high dielectric properties and no ferro or paramagnetic properties.
This inert quality means that it will not be influenced or affected by its physical surroundings and is therefore vitally important to accurate dowsing

Inert Pendulums Colors

Candle Snuffer Beaded 7 Chakras

27331 - Candle Snuffer Beaded 7 Chakras
Length in Inches: 12.5
Made Of: Metal
Made In: India
Classically styled brass candle snuffer, with a hinged bell and sturdy beaded chakras handle. Snuffers help you extinguish your candle with sophistication and grace, no burnt fingers, broken wicks, or spattered wax.
Place snuffer over the candle flame to extinguish.

Candle Snuffer Beaded 7 Chakras

Ohm Pendulums OM

Size (L x W x H): 10'' x 0.5'' x 0.5''
This medium size Pendulums has a nice Ohm ornament at one end and a chain approximately 7" long. OM means oneness with the Supreme, the merging of the physical and the spiritual body, it is the symbol of Hinduism. Considered as the most powerful mantra it transcends time.




Chakra Incense

72448 - Hem Incense Chakra (pack of 12)
Unit: Pack of 12
Made In: India
Hem is known throughout the world for producing traditional incenses made from quality woods, flowers, resins, and essential oils. Incense packaged in hexagon boxes. Packs contain 20 sticks and each stick measures 9 inches long.

Hem Incense Chakra (pack of 12)

Chakra Products

37508 - Chakra Wallet Card English Crown


Chakra Products

37505 - Chakra Wallet Card English Heart

Chakra Products

37504 - Chakra Wallet Card English Solar Plexus


Chakra Products

37502 - Chakra Wallet Card English Root


Chakra Products

37503 - Chakra Wallet Card English Sacral

Chakra Products

37507 - Chakra Wallet Card English Third Eye



Height in Inches: 3.25
Width in Inches: 2.25
Made In: Canada
Our Chakras Wallet Cards are great reference guides for each of the Chakras. They are colorful and informative. Each fully laminated card has been designed with a crystal. (English Version)
Choose From

Chakra Wallet Cards


Chakra Products

37506 - Chakra Wallet Card English Throat


Chakra Products

37509 - Chakra Wallet Card English Yin-Yang
Our Yin-Yang Wallet Cards are a great reference guide full of information. Each fully laminated card has been designed with a crystal. (English Version)
Yin-Yang represents the two great opposite but complementary forces at work in the cosmos. Yin is the female principle; it is cold, dark, receptive, soft, small, and still. Yang is the male principle; It is bright, active, upward, hot, creative and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol give a sense of the continuous movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin. This movement is seen as the cause of all creation.

Chakra Products

42013 - Art Glass Tarot Box 7 Chakras Lotus White
Height in Inches: 2
Width in Inches: 7.25
Depth in Inches: 5.25
Beautiful Art Glass Box, with a mirrored bottom, and little rubber feet to protect furniture. Can accommodate most tarot decks. The lid design has been sandblasted and accent with colorful glass points. Made in Canada from Art Glass manufactured in USA.

Chakra Products

Chakra Products

51003 - 4-inch Art Glass Pyramid Box 7 Chakras Moon Glass
Height in Inches: 2.75
Width in Inches: 3.5
Depth in Inches: 3.5
Made Of: Art Glass
Made In: Canada
Each Art Glass Energized Pyramid has a mirrored base and a door that opens from the top with a little crystal ball. Ancient Egyptians used the pyramids to generate, transmit and transform energy. Pyramids are known to be a great amplifier of thoughts and are considered the most positive talisman on Earth. Each pyramid comes with a multi-lingual information card (English, Spanish, French, German) and a gift box.

Chakra Products

Chakra Products

87046 - Art Glass Incense Holder 7 Chakras Moon Glass
Width in Inches: 1.5
Length in Inches: 10.25
Made Of: Art Glass
Made In: Canada
Beautiful Art Glass Incense Holder, designed to fit most incense sticks. Each piece is individually cut, sanded and fired in a kiln at a precise temperature to preserve its beautiful finish. Easily washable.

Chakra Products

Chakra Products

17616 - Carved River Stone Namaste
Length in Inches: 3.5
Diameter in Inches: 3.5
Made Of: Natural River Stone
Made In: Bali
These 100 % Natural River stone are deeply carved carved. Each stone is as unique as you are and size and shapes may vary.
They can be used in your garden, office, or any place you want to bring the energy of its message.
Natural stone, size is an average and will vary from stone to stone.

Chakra Products

Chakra Products

57231 - Zafu Meditation Cushion Square Yin-Yang
Height in Inches: 7.5
Width in Inches: 21
Length in Inches: 21
Made Of: Cotton
Made In: Nepal
Our Square meditation cushion is made from 75% recycled cotton. The outer cover is made from 96% cotton and 4% spandex. Our zafus offers firm support, yet remains soft and comfortable. Each is beautifully embroidered with a Yin-Yang.
Yin is the female principle; it is cold, dark, receptive, soft, small, and still. Yang is the male principle; it is bright, active, upward, hot, creative and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol gives a sense of the continuous movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin. This movement is seen as the cause of all creation.

Chakra Products

Chakra Products

57230 - Zafu Meditation Cushion Square Om
Height in Inches: 7.5
Width in Inches: 21
Length in Inches: 21
Made Of: Cotton
Made In: Nepal
Our Square meditation cushion is made from 75% recycled cotton. The outer cover is made from 96% cotton and 4% spandex. Our zafus offers firm support, yet remains soft and comfortable. Each is beautifully embroidered with the Om symbol.
The OM symbol represent the sound of life. The chanting of Om revitalizes the body, soothes the mind and nourishes the soul. Hence, Om is considered the most powerful of all mantras.

Chakra Products

Chakra Products

57232 - Zafu Meditation Cushion Square Lotus
Height in Inches: 7.5
Width in Inches: 21
Length in Inches: 21
Made Of: Cotton
Made In: Nepal
Our Square meditation cushion is made from 75% recycled cotton. The outer cover is made from 96% cotton and 4% spandex. Our zafus offers firm support, yet remains soft and comfortable. Each is beautifully embroidered with a Lotus.
The lotus is a symbol of purity, peace, beauty, rebirth and fertility. It is considered to be of divine origin, the lotus rising above the water is an inspiration to reach enlightenment.

Chakra Products

Chakra Products

57228 - Zafu Meditation Cushion Round Yin-Yang
Height in Inches: 10.5
Diameter in Inches: 21
Made Of: Cotton
Made In: Nepal
Our round meditation cushion is made from 75% recycled cotton. The outer cover is made from 96% cotton and 4% spandex. Our zafus offers firm support, yet remains soft and comfortable. The carrying handle is 6 .75 inch long. Each is beautifully embroidered with a Yin-Yang
Yin is the female principle; it is cold, dark, receptive, soft, small, and still. Yang is the male principle; it is bright, active, upward, hot, creative and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol gives a sense of the continuous movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin. This movement is seen as the cause of all creation.

Chakra Products

Chakra Products

57227 - Zafu Meditation Cushion Round Om
Height in Inches: 10.5
Diameter in Inches: 21
Made Of: Cotton
Made In: Nepal
Our round meditation cushion is made from 75% recycled cotton. The outer cover is made from 96% cotton and 4% spandex. Our zafus offers firm support, yet remains soft and comfortable. The carrying handle is 6 .75 inch long. Each is beautifully embroidered with the Om symbol.
The OM symbol represents the sound of life. The chanting of Om revitalizes the body, soothes the mind and nourishes the soul. Hence, Om is considered the most powerful of all mantras.

Chakra Products

Chakra Products

57224 - Zafu Meditation Cushion Crescent Yin-Yang
Height in Inches: 5.5
Width in Inches: 12
Length in Inches: 17
Made Of: Cotton
Made In: Nepal

Our Crescent shaped meditation cushion is made from 75% recycled cotton. The outer cover is made from 96% cotton and 4% spandex. Our zafus offers firm support, yet remains soft and comfortable. The attached handle allows for easy carrying with one hand. Each is beautifully embroidered with a Yin-Yang.
Yin is the female principle; it is cold, dark, receptive, soft, small, and still. Yang is the male principle; it is bright, active, upward, hot, creative and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol gives a sense of the continuous movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin. This movement is seen as the cause of all creation.


Meditation Cushion Yin-Yang


Meditation Cushion Om
Zafu Meditation Cushion Crescent Om


Height in Inches: 5.5
Width in Inches: 12
Length in Inches: 17
Made Of: Cotton
Made In: Nepal
Our Crescent shaped meditation cushion is made from 75% recycled cotton. The outer cover is made from 96% cotton and 4% spandex. Our zafus offers firm support, yet remains soft and comfortable. The attached handle allows for easy carrying with one hand. Each is beautifully embroidered with the Om symbol.
The OM symbol represents the sound of life. The chanting of Om revitalizes the body, soothes the mind and nourishes the soul. Hence, Om is considered the most powerful of all mantras.

Meditation Cushion Yin-Yang

Hand Made Paper Journal

Hand Made Paper Journal Chakra Quotes


This beautiful handmade cotton bound old world journal , with antique fibrous paper, has been hand screened with the Chakras Quote

Hand Made Paper Journal

Chakras Books

Vibrational Healing Through the Chakras Book: With Light, Color, Sound, Crystals, and Aromatherapy (Paperback)
Joy Gardner (Author)
Every life form is made up of vibrations that coincide with the harmonic frequency to which all life is attuned. The vibrations of the body easily go out of tune when a person is exposed to physical or emotional stress. VIBRATIONAL HEALING THROUGH THE CHAKRAS provides the most up-to-date information on the use of vibrational tools such as crystals, aromas, sounds, bodywork, and homeopathy to help the body remember its own healthy harmonic resonance. Author Joy Gardner offers this in-depth look at vibrational healing for people interested in improving their own health and well-being, as well as those who want to become practitioners of this gentle art. Explore how to use vibrations to release old dysfunctional patterns in the body-mind and replace them with new patterns that resonate with the body’s own healthy frequencies.

Chakra Books

Chakras Books

Color and Crystals Book: A Journey Through the Chakras (Crystals and New Age) (Paperback)
Joy Gardner (Author)

Chakra Books

Chakras Bible Books

The Chakra Bible Book: The Definitive Guide to Chakra Energy (Paperback)
~ Patricia Mercier (Author)
Chakras are the centers of energy in our body that profoundly affect our well-being. Through this exquisitely designed volume, newcomers to this alternative form of spirituality can understand every aspect of chakra power. In addition to an illuminating introduction, a detailed guide covers each chakra, with their associated colors, Indian deity, healing stone, and emotional and physical actions. One by one, go through the base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras, as well as some newly discovered ones and chakras from different traditions. There’s also invaluable information on connecting chakras with aura reading and healing, and yoga exercises and meditations to strengthen each chakra.

Chakra Books

Hand Blown Glass 1st Chakra Herkimer Pendant

Hand Blown Glass 1st Chakra Herkimer Pendant
Item Number: HBG1stChakra

Hand Blown Glass 2nd Chakra Herkimer Pendant

Hand Blown Glass 2nd Chakra Herkimer Pendant

Hand Blown Glass 3rd Chakra Herkimer Pendant

Hand Blown Glass 3rd Chakra Herkimer Pendant

Hand Blown Glass 4th Chakra Herkimer Pendant

Hand Blown Glass 4th Chakra Herkimer Pendant

Hand Blown Glass 5th Chakra Herkimer Pendant

Hand Blown Glass 5th Chakra Herkimer Pendant


Choose From

Hand Blown Glass Chakra Herkimer Pendant

Hand Blown Glass 6th Chakra Herkimer Pendant

Hand Blown Glass 6th Chakra Herkimer Pendant

Color Therapy Books

Color Magic for Beginners (For Beginners (Llewellyn's) (Paperback)

Richard Webster (Author)
From our clothes to the color of our bedroom walls, we are surrounded by colors that influence our mood, energy level, creativity, and overall well being. Richard Webster offers an astonishing number of ways to use stimulating reds, soothing blues, and every other color of the rainbow to our advantage.

Webster begins with an overall picture of each color's major aspects-its psychological influence, healing qualities, emotional impact, and magical characteristics. From there, readers learn a multitude of color-based techniques involving astrology, the aura, candle magic, chakras, color rituals, crystals and gemstones, feng shui, flower magic, mandalas, meditation, numerology, and visualization. Webster demonstrates how color can be used to attract good luck, heal illness, reduce stress, create harmony in the home, overcome depression, solve problems, and magically enhance one's life in a variety of ways.

Color Therapy Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs


Chakra Products

63154 - Kit Chakra Energizing
The Chakras are the seven energy centers of the human body. They enhance our physical, mental and spiritual well being. Accessing these energy centers can promote healing and spiritual growth. Each stone possesses a unique energy and aids in balancing each Chakra which is essential for optimal well-being. Kit includes a pendulum, seven engraved chakra stones, mini pendulum chart and a velvet pouch.


Kit Chakra Energizing

 Color Therapy Books

Color Medicine: The Secrets of Color/Vibrational Healing (Paperback)
~ Charles Klotsche
Charles Klotsche (Author)
The secrets of color vibration healing. A practitioner's manual for restoring blocked energy to the body systems with specific color wave lengths. By the founder of The 49th Vibrational Technique.  This book explains color and it's use for healing. How colors effect us, and how they can be used for the betterment of man. What I really like about this book is that he tells specifically how to use color for healing. A lot of books just give you theory, without instructions on how to accomplish, what is being talked about.

Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs

Light Medicine Books

Light, Medicine of the Future: How We Can Use It to Heal Ourselves NOW (Paperback)
~ Jacob Liberman O.D. Ph.D. (Author)
Light: Medicine of the Future challenges the modern myth that the sun is dangerous to our well-being and claims that technological advancements, such as most fluorescent lighting, sunglasses, tanning lotions, and our indoor lifestyles, may be more harmful than helpful.

Light Medicine Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs

Color Therapy Books

Colors of the Soul: Transform Your Life Through Color Therapy (Paperback)
~ June Mcleod (Author)
Thie work explores the powre of color therapy to heal and transform every aspect of our lives. Topics covered include how color is expressed in the body, with an overview of the chakras and aura, and how color can be used in the home and workplace

Color Therapy Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs

Flower Of Life, Platonic Solids, Healing Hands Hats

Flower Of Life, Tree Of Life, Platonic Solids Hats
•100% polyester foam front
•100% nylon mesh back keeps you cool
•Adjustable from 17" to 24"
•Available in 11 color combinations
flower of life
language of the universe; sacred geometry


Choose Hat
Choose Hat Color

Flower Of Life Hats

Flower Of Life, Tree Of Life Hats
Flower Of Life, Platonic Solids, Healing Hands Hats
Flower Of Life, Platonic Solids, Healing Hands Hats

Flower Of Life, Platonic Solids, Healing Hands Hats

Flower Of Life, Platonic Solids, Healing Hands Hats

Flower Of Life, Platonic Solids, Healing Hands Hats

Flower Of Life, Platonic Solids, Healing Hands Hats

Flower Of Life, Platonic Solids, Healing Hands Hats

Metaphysical Shirts  
Metaphysical Shirts  
Metaphysical Shirts  
Metaphysical Shirts  
Metaphysical Shirts  
Metaphysical Shirts  
Metaphysical Shirts  
Metaphysical Shirts  
Metaphysical Shirts  
Metaphysical Shirts
Metaphysical Shirts  
Metaphysical Shirts Metaphysical Aprons

All images available on aprons also

Color Choices

 White, Yellow, Khaki

Choose Apron Style
Item Number
Choose A Color


Metaphysical Shirts  
Men's Metaphysical Jackets, Sweatshirts And T Shirts Men's Metaphysical Jackets, Sweatshirts And T Shirts

High Quality Double Stitched

Color Choices

Ash, Lt. Blue, Maroon, Deep Forest Green, Dark Grey, Natural, Black, Brown, Orange, Red, Navy Blue, White, Yellow

Choose Shirt Style
Item Number
Choose A Color

Ladies Metaphysical Jackets, Sweatshirts And T Shirts Ladies Metaphysical Jackets, Sweatshirts And T Shirts

High Quality Double Stitched

Color Choices

Pink, Baby Blue, Lime, White, Yellow

Choose Shirt Style
Item Number
Choose A Color

Youths Metaphysical Jackets, Sweatshirts And T Shirts Youth Metaphysical Jackets, Sweatshirts And T Shirts

High Quality Double Stitched

Color Choices

Pink, Baby Blue, Lime, White, Yellow, Black

Choose Shirt Style
Item Number
Choose A Color

Toddlers & Babies Metaphysical Shirts Toddlers & Babies Metaphysical Shirts

High Quality Double Stitched

Color Choices

Pink, Baby Blue, Lime, White, Yellow, Black

Choose Shirt Style
Item Number
Choose A Color

Bumper Stickers
Make your car a reflection of you! Get your point across with this quality bumper sticker that will outlast heavy rain, intense sunlight, and the most severe of traffic jams.

•11" x 3"
•Made from durable vinyl with a strong adhesive back.
•Printed with water-resistant ink that won’t fade or run.


Choose From

Bumper Stickers


Flower Of Life Stickers


Flower Of Life Stickers
Flower Of Life Stickers

Metaphysical Stickers

Flower Of Life, Platonic Sacred Geometry, Egg Of Life


Small, 1½ Inch   $15.00

Choose From

Metaphysical Stickers

Large, 3 Inch   $23.00

Choose From

Metaphysical Stickers



Woodstock Chakra Chimes

Combine color and sound to underscore the ancient meaning of the major energy centers of the human body. Woodstock Chakra Chimes combine color and sound to underscore the ancient meaning of the major energy centers of the human body. Eastern Philosophy can often be difficult for the Western scientific mind to assimilate and yet, many of the eastern claims are being proven scientifically as the time honored truths that they are. According to the traditions, there are seven basic chakras, which correlate to the seven main nerve ganglia emanating from the spinal column, as revealed through modern studies of physiology. Each Chakra location has a unique meaning, orientation and healing potential. The beautiful wind catcher of each Wind Chimes is a colorful stone associated with a particular Chakra. Woodstock Chakra Chimes are intended to remind us of the strength of mind over matter and, through sound, give us a small window into the balance of the physical and metaphysical. Made of black finish ash wood and 6 polished aluminum rods and featuring ceramic beads and genuine stone accents, this Wind Chimes is 17.5 inches long (from hanging loop to bottom of the wind catcher). In 1979, musician and instrument designer Garry Kvistad founded Woodstock Percussion with a single great idea - to make the world's best sounding windchimes. He's been creating his world-famous, precision-tuned ever since. are unique musical instruments, precision-tuned to create enduring harmonies in the slightest breeze.

Unique Chakra Wind Chimes

Woodstock Chakra Chimes - Red Coral
Red Coral represents the Base Chakra, which is related to physical identity and self-preservation. Located at the base of the spine, the Base Chakra forms our foundation and brings health, prosperity and security.

Chakra Chimes

Unique Chakra Wind ChimesWoodstock Chakra Chimes - Amethyst

Materials: Black finish ash wood, 6 silver polished aluminum rods, genuine stone accents
Dimensions: 17.5 in. overall length
Amethyst represents the Crown Chakra, which is related to thought and self-knowledge.
When developed, the Crown Chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss. Amethyst enhances peace of mind and bestows stability, strength and contentment.

Chakra Chimes

Unique Chakra Wind ChimesWoodstock Chakra Chimes - Aventurine
Aventurine represents the Heart Chakra, which is related to love and compassion. The Heart Chakra is in the center and as such, it is the integrator of opposites. Aventurine enhances creativity and balances the intellectual, emotional and physical.

Chakra Chimes

Fulgurite Chakra Balancing Kit - includes: 10 Fulgurites (0-1 gram size), Chakra layout chart, instructions, and a carrying pouch to keep them in. $129.95

Fulgurite Chakra Balancing Kit



Om Symbol Projection Candle Holder

Om Symbol Projection Candle Holder
The Om Projection Candle Holder Your handcrafted Om Candle Holder comes on a triangular base that is hand crafted made of wrought iron and offers an artistic expression. Our handmade originally finished wrought iron candle holder features the om symbol, that can be projected on a wall when your lights are dim. The front of the product is the glass image, the perspective is when the room or area is well lit the image faces the room. The candle will illuminate the Om image and thus cascade the sense and meaning of the Om. Many options apply to your viewing choices, either projecting an image on your wall or illuminating the Om symbol towards your room. The Om, means unconditional love peace and acceptance, you can focus on this primordial mantra to attract beneficial change in your life. 5" wide 6" deep and 7.5" tall, est weight 3lbs

Om Symbol Projection Candle Holder









Purses, Bags, Totes

Om Hemp Purse


Purses, Bags, Totes


Size: W: 20.00
Weight: 3.50 lb

This mirror is hand painted on native wood in Bali. The Butterfly represents metamorphosis, immortality, grace, and self transformation.



Size: W: 16.00 H: 23.50
Weight: 3.00 lb
This mirror is hand painted on native wood in Bali. The Lotus is a symbol of purity, it stands above the mud and dirt of where it grows, it opens up to the sun like in the awakening of the spiritual reality of life. Symbol of enlightenment






Spiritual Artwork, Healing Image Keys

What are the Image Keys?
The Image Keys are a series of 21 paintings by Visionary Healing Artist Barbara Evans. Sacred Geometry forms the foundation of each Image Key upon which Crystal Energies are woven.

HOPE, PEACE, UNITY and ABUNDANCE are fundamental to the essence of the Image Keys. Energetically interactive… each Image is a KEY to assist us to UNLOCK the Divine Blueprint of Perfection, both within ourselves and within the Earth.

What is Sacred Geometry?

Sacred Geometry is the geometry of creation. Sacred Geometry forms the basic structure of each Image Key upon which the other energetic layers are woven. Within the Image Keys all of the Sacred Geometry patterns are linked to the FLOWER OF LIFE. The Flower of Life is a very ancient symbol found painted or engraved in many sacred sites around the world.
The Sacred Geometry of the Image Keys has many layers and levels… this is recognized both by our energy bodies and by levels of our mind beyond conscious thought… This Sacred Geometry supports and inspires us without a need for conscious understanding. Sacred Geometry within the Image Keys contributes to their balancing nature as Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies are interwoven before our eyes

The UNITY SYMBOL is the most important symbol to be found within the Image Keys. The UNITY SYMBOL weaves together both Masculine and Feminine energies to create UNITY on many levels.

What is the UNITY SYMBOL?
The Unity Symbol is composed of TWELVE outer circles surrounding ONE inner circle… creating a TWELVE PETAL LOTUS within the central circle.
What is the role of Crystals within the Image Keys?
Crystals play a vital role in the creation of each Image Key…

•A Crystal Grid is built around the room in which each original Image Key is painted… this provides a sacred and protected space for the creation process as well as contributing to the overall energy of the Image Key.
•Individual Crystals are then intuitively selected and their energy is actively channeled into the fabric of the Image Key as it is painted.
•Each Crystal used during this creation process contributes its own unique healing vibration to the Image Key.
•The crystal energies work together synergistically creating a unique energy signature for each Image Key.
•The crystals come from around the world contributing to the global nature of the Image Keys and their ability to assist in bringing balance to the Earth.

What is the purpose of the Image Keys?
We are so much more than we often realize… the purpose of the Image Keys is to help us discover who we really are… help us discover our beauty, strength and magnificence.

The Image Keys offer a focal point of Higher Consciousness and raise the energetic vibration of any room in which they are displayed. They hold the vibrations of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, BALANCE and ABUNDANCE and invite all in their presence to match these vibrations.

The Image Keys have the potential to initiate, sustain and awaken our spiritual selves. They support the full integration of our spiritual self into the physical body … so enabling us to BE the best we can BE.

In addition the Image Keys assist the Earth with her evolutionary process by anchoring the vibrations of the Higher Dimensions into the fabric of the planet… assisting with the development of HOPE, PEACE and BALANCE on EARTH.

Who can benefit from the Image Keys?
•All who support a vision of our world based on PEACE and UNITY.
•All who are searching for a more harmonious way of living and being within this world.
•All who wish to reach their full potential and develop UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and COMPASSION.
•Those who are experiencing difficulties and challenges within their life.
•Health Practitioners and Healers who support the wellbeing and growth of others.

How do I choose which Image Keys are best for me?
As you look through the Image Keys… Which Image Key attracts your attention the most? The one that catches your attention is the best place to begin! Sometimes this may be more than one Image Key; you can then decide whether to chose one from this group or work with more than one.

You cannot make a wrong choice; your intuition will always be guiding you even if you are not completely aware that this is taking place.

There are TWO TRIOS within the Image Keys… these are fundamental and highly recommended both for personal growth and to anchor the energies into home or work space.

Trio ONE
•Wisdom of Solomon… #10
•Creating the New Dream… #11
•Transit of Venus… #12
Trio TWO
•New Earth… #14
•Shift of the Ages… #15
•Carefree Delight… #16

What can the Image Keys tell me about my life?
Intuitively choosing the Image Key that attracts you the most in any moment of time will give an indication of what you are working on in your life at that time.

After initially making your choice, look carefully at the Image Key together with its name and Affirmation… the Image Keys are about self empowerment… awakening, acknowledging and developing your own intuition as you grow spiritually and connect more completely with who you truly are … what thoughts and feelings arise within you as you focus upon the Image Key of your choice?

It is important to realize that the interaction between you and any particular Image Key will change over time. You will be able to access deeper levels as your life evolves, sometimes this is within your conscious awareness and sometimes it is not. The Image Keys are energetic companions for life.

Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork
Spiritual Artwork Cosmic Column

The Image Keys are available for purchase as breath-taking giclee prints, produced with the highest quality inks and papers. Each print is signed by the author, and comes with a certificate of authenticity and an informative description of the image.
All sizes are in inches and are approximate.
Custom sizing, including extra large giclee prints on canvas are
available upon request.

Image Keys #1 - 18:
Large - 19'x25'  $475.00

Choose From

Spiritual Artwork

Medium - 12'x15'    $350.00

Choose From

Spiritual Artwork

Small - 9'x12'   $225.00

Choose From

Spiritual Artwork

Mini - 5'x7'   $150.00

Choose From

Spiritual Artwork

Image Keys #19 - 22:
Large - 22'x22'   $455.00
Choose From

Spiritual Artwork

Medium - 12'x12'   $277.00

Choose From

Spiritual Artwork

Mini - 6'x6'   $155.00

Choose From

Spiritual Artwork

Cosmic Column
Large 48'x9'   $400.00

Cosmic Column Spiritual Artwork

Small 26'x5'   $300.00

Cosmic Column Spiritual Artwork


Fabulous Rainbow Dreamer Chakra Balls!

Chakra Balls

 Rainbow Dreamer Chakra Balls are just stunning. They are 6" in diameter and contain all the colors of the rainbow. Perfect for balancing the chakras! $50.00

Rainbow Dreamer Chakra Ball

Chakra Oils

Chakra Oils
Complete 7 Chakra gemstone Oils Set
$109.95 per set


Chakra Oils

Crown Chakra Oil 2 dram w/Amethyst Gemstone inside

Crown Chakra Oil 2 dram w/Lapis Gemstone inside

Throat Chakra Oil 2 dram w/Aquamarine Gemstone inside

Heart Chakra Oil 2 dram w/Rose Quartz Gemstone inside

Solar Plexus Chakra Oil 2 dram w/Citrine Gemstone inside

Sacral Chakra Oil 2 dram w/Carnelian Gemstone inside

Root Chakra Oil 2 dram w/Garnet Gemstone inside

$29.95 Each

Choose From

Individual Chakra Oils


Wood Boxes

Size: L: 4.00 W: 6.00

Wood Boxes

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl- 5 Inches
This Tibetan Prayer Buddha singing bowl is 5 inches wide at its thickest part (the rim) and 3 inches tall. This singing bowl has the Tibetan mantra, "Om Mani Padme Hum" painted on the outside of the bowl. This mantra means, "Hail to the jewel in the lotus." The wooden stick ("Puja") is included with the bowl. This Tibetan Buddhist singing bowl is made from 9 different metals and was handmade in Nepal.

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Mantra Prayer Singing Bowl, 6 1/2 inches

Singing bowls are traditionally used to start or end religious ceremonies, and make a wonderfully melodic sound. Singing bowls can also be used in yoga class, to meditate, or just as a beautiful addition to your Tibetan or musical collection. This bowl is 6 1/2 inches wide at its largest part, 5.5 inches wide at the rim, and 2.5 inches tall. The wooden stick ("Puja") is included with the bowl. Handmade in Nepal.

S00025  $169.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Blue 5" Tibetan Singing Bowl
This blue Tibetan Buddhist mantra singing bowl is made from 7 different metals. Om Mani Padme Hum, is painted in gold around the sides of the singing bowl and Buddha eyes are painted on the bottom of the bowl. Om Mani Padme Hum means, Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus, and is the most widely known Tibetan Buddhist mantra. This singing bowl is 5 inches on the sides, 4.5 inches at the rim, and 2.75 inches tall. The wooden striker, Puja, is included with this Tibetan blue singing bowl. This Tibetan blue Buddhist singing bowl was handmade in Nepal.
TSB00111  $99.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls





Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Blue 6 1/2 Inch Tibetan Singing Bowl

Om Mani Padme Hum,?is painted in gold around the sides of this Tibetan Buddhist mantra blue singing bowl and Buddha eyes are painted on the bottom of the bowl. 'Om Mani Padme Hum,' means, Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus, and is the most widely known Tibetan Buddhist mantra. This mantra is a Buddhist prayer for enlightenment. The wooden striker (Puja) is included with this Tibetan blue singing bowl. This singing bowl is 6 inches on the sides, 5.25 inches at the rim, and 3 inches tall. This Tibetan blue 6 inch Buddhist singing bowl was handmade in Nepal.

TSB0112 $125.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist 5.5 Inch Black Singing Bowl

This singing bowl is 5.5 inches wide at it's thickest part, 4.5 inches wide at the rim, and 2 inches tall. This singing bowl is made from copper and other metals. The eight auspicious symbols are painted in gold around the sides of the bowl and the Buddha eyes are painted in gold on the bottom of the bowl. There is an eight auspicious Buddhist symbol design carved into the bottom of the singing bowl as well. This black 5.5 inch singing bowl was handmade in Nepal. The singing bowl stand is sold separately, and the striker is included with the purchase of this bowl.

TSB0117  $99.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Om Mani Black 5.5 Inch Singing Bowl

This Tibetan Buddhist singing bowl is 5.5 inches wide at it's widest point (which is the rim), and it is 2 inches tall. The golden fishes symbol is on the bottom of this singing bowl, and the Tibetan mantra om mani padme hum (hail to the jewel in the lotus) is painted around the sides of this bowl. This singing bowl was handmade from copper and other metals in Nepal. The singing bowl stand pictured above is not included with this singing bowl, but the striker is included.
TSB0119   $97.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Black Tibetan Buddhist Mantra 4 Inch Singing bowl

There are Buddha eyes painted on the bottom of the bowl, and there is an om symbol on the inside of the bowl. This singing bowl is made from copper and Tibetan silver materials. This singing bowl is 4 inches wide at the rim and 2.75 inches tall. The stand in the photo is available for purchase separately, and the striker is included with this singing bowl. This black Buddhist singing bowl was handmade in Nepal.

TSB0121 $85.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Black 4 Inch Singing Bowl

This Buddhist singing bowl was handmade in Nepal. This bowl is 4 inches wide at the rim and 1.5 inches tall. The striker seen above is included with this singing bowl, but the singing bowl stand is sold separately.

TSB0122  $83.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist 4 Inch Black Om Singing Bowl

This Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl is made from copper and Tibetan silver. This singing bowl is 4 inches wide and 1.5 inches tall. The striker pictured above is included with this singing bowl, and the stand is sold separately. This Tibetan black singing bowl was handmade in Nepal.

TSB0123 $83.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Black 4 Inch Singing Bowl

This Tibetan Buddhist singing bowl is made from copper and 7 other metals. There is a double dorje symbol on the bottom of the bowl. The Tibetan mantra, 'om mani padme hum,' is painted around the sides of this bowl. This singing bowl is 4 inches wide at the rim and 2 inches tall. The stand pictured above is sold separately, and the striker is included with this singing bowl. This black singing bowl was handmade in Nepal.

TSB0124   $95.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Black Tibetan Buddhist Mantra 4 Inch Singing bowl

There are Buddha eyes painted on the bottom of the bowl, and there is an om symbol on the inside of the bowl. This singing bowl is made from copper and Tibetan silver materials. This singing bowl is 4 inches wide at the rim and 2.75 inches tall. The stand in the photo is available for purchase separately, and the striker is included with this singing bowl. This black Buddhist singing bowl was handmade in Nepal.

TSB0121   $85.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Om Mani Padme Hum Black 5 Inch Singing Bowl

This Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl is made from copper and Tibetan silver. There is a conch shell on the inside of the singing bowl, and a lotus flower on the bottom of the bowl. The stand in the photo is available for purchase separately, and the striker is included with this singing bowl. This black singing bowl was handmade in Nepal.
TSB0125  $104.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist 5 Inch Black Singing Bowl

The double dorje symbol is painted on the bottom of the bowl. This singing bowl was handmade in Nepal from copper and other metals. The stand seen above is sold separately, and the striker is included with this bowl.

TSB0126  $104.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Four Inch Black Singing Bowl

This Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl is made from copper and Tibetan silver. The rim of the singing bowl is four inches wide. The singing bowl is 1.5 inches tall. The stand pictured above is not included with this singing bowl, but the striker is included. This singing bowl has a double dorje symbol painted on the inside, and a conch shell is painted on the bottom. This Tibetan Buddhist black singing bowl was handmade in Nepal.

TSB0128   $83.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Blue Singing Bowl, 6.5 inches

This Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl is made from copper and Tibetan silver. A symbol of the conch shell is painted on the bottom of the bowl. This singing bowl is 6 1/2 inches wide at it's thickest part, 6 inches wide at the rim, and 3 inches tall. This Tibetan Buddhist singing bowl was handmade in Nepal. The singing bowl stand shown in the photo above is sold separately. The striker is included with this singing bowl.

TSB0129   $125.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Blue Tibetan Buddhist 6.5 Inch Singing Bowl

This Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl is made from copper and Tibetan silver. This singing bowl is 6.5 inches wide at its widest point, 6 inches wide at the rim, and 3 inches tall. The singing bowl stand is sold separately. The striker is included with this singing bowl. This Tibetan blue singing bowl was handmade in Nepal.

TSB0130   $125.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Blue 6.5 Inch Tibetan Singing Bowl
There is a painting of a conch shell in gold on the bottom of this singing bowl, which is one of the eight auspicious symbols. For more information on the eight auspicious symbols, please check out our glossary section. This singing bowl is 6.5 inches wide at it's thickest part, 6 inches wide at the rim, and 3 inches tall. This singing bowl is made from copper and other metals, and was made in Nepal by hand. The striker pictured above is included with this singing bowl, and the stand is sold separately.

TSB0131  $125.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Blue Singing Bowl
Tibetan Buddhist Blue 4.75 Inch Singing Bowl
There are many different ways in which the om symbol can be written. There is the Tibetan Buddhist way, most common of the items in our shop, but there is also the sanskrit modern style, and there are older styles as well. This singing bowl has examples of each of the different styles of writing om around the sides of the bowl. There is a conch shell on the bottom of the bowl, and one on the inside as well. This singing bowl is 5.5 inches wide, 2 inches tall, and was handmade in Nepal. The stand shown in the photo above sold separately. The striker is included. This singing bowl is made from copper and other metals.

Blue 4.75 Inch TSB0134  $99.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

5.5 inch  TSB0132   $107.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Green Singing Bowl, 5 Inches

This Tibetan Buddhist Green Singing Bowl is made from a composite of copper and 2 other metals. This mantra literally means, 'hail to the jewel in the lotus.' The Tibetan Buddhist Om symbol is written on the bottom of this singing bowl. There are designs on both the outside and the inside of the bowl, and there are Buddha eyes on the bottom of the inside of this singing bowl. The striker, also known as a puja, pictured is included with this singing bowl. The singing bowl stand is sold separately. This green 5 inch Tibetan singing bowl was handmade in Nepal.

TSB0135 $104.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist 4 Inch Om Green Singing Bowl

This Tibetan green singing bowl is made from copper and 6 other metals. There are gold designs on the outside of the bowl. There is a painting of a double dorje symbol on the inside of this singing bowl, and the om symbol is painted on the bottom of this bowl. This singing bowl was handmade in Nepal. This bowl is 4 inches wide, and 1.5 inches tall. The striker is included with the bowl, and the stand pictured is available for purchase in separately.

TSB0136   $93.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Green Om Singing Bowl, 6.5 inches
This Tibetan green singing bowl is made from a composite of copper, and six other metals. This bowl is 6.5 inches wide, and 3 inches tall. The Tibetan Buddhist symbols, 'om mani padme hum,' are painted in bars around the outside of this singing bowl. This Tibetan singing bowl was handmade in Nepal. The wooden stand pictured above is not included with this green singing bowl, but it is available for purchase separately. The striker, or mallet is included with this singing bowl.

TSB0137   $125.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Green Om Symbol 5 Inch Singing Bowl

There are spiral designs on the outside of this singing bowl, and on the inside of the singing bowl. This singing bowl is made from copper and Tibetan silver. This singing bowl is 5 inches wide at the top of the bowl, which is the widest part of this singing bowl. The bowl is 1.5 inches tall. This Tibetan Buddhist singing bowl was handmade in Nepal. The stand included in this photo is not included with the singing bowl, but it is available separately. The singing bowl striker pictured is included with this singing bowl.

TSB0138   $104.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Tibetan Buddhist Green 5 Inch Singing Bowl

This Tibetan green 5 inch singing bowl is made from copper and other metals. This singing bowl is 5 inches wide and 2 inches tall. The singing bowl stand is sold separately. The striker pictured above is included with this singing bowl. This Tibetan singing bowl was handmade in Nepal.
TSB0139   $104.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowl

Brown Tibetan Lotus Flower 5 Inch Singing Bowl

There is a lotus flower painted in the center of this singing bowl around a checker-board style design. The Buddha eyes symbol is on the bottom of this singing bowl, and the Tibetan Buddhist mantra, 'om mani padme hum,' is painted on the outside of this singing bowl. This singing bowl is 5 inches wide and 2 inches tall and was handmade in Nepal.

TSB0161  $94.00

Tibetan Buddhist Singing Bowls

Singing Bowl Cushions


 6"   57211  $45.75

Singing Bowl Cushions

4" 57210 $34.75

Singing Bowl Cushions


Size (L x W x H): 6'' x 6'' x 3''
Weight: 3.70 lb
Singing Bowls are one of the ancient Tibetan meditation tools. The pure sounds produced when the rim is rubbed by the mallet is said to put the brain into a meditative state. The vibrations of the singing bowls have the same wavelength found in the brain




LARGE Size (L x W x H): 6'' x 6'' x 3''
Weight: 3.70 lb
31133  $128.00


Medium Size (L x W x H): 5'' x 5'' x 3''
Weight: 2.50 lb
31132  $99.00


Small Size (L x W x H): 4'' x 4'' x 3''
Weight: 1.30 lb
31131   $86.50


Singing Bowls are one of the ancient Tibetan meditation tools. The pure sounds produced when the rim is rubbed by the mallet is said to put the brain into a meditative state. The vibrations of the singing bowls have the same wavelength found in the brain
For Buddha, life is to be lived on Earth, not in Heaven... and Nirvana is not a place, but a state of mind in witch one is released from fear and desire, living in love and compassion here on Earth.

Chakra Balancing Sets

Chakra Balancing Sets

Chakra Balancing Sets
Your chakras are linkage points between the Aura and the Physical Body. When your Chakras are balance and in good order, they will strengthen the aura and help prevent energy leakage.

There are seven major chakras and they function as pathways for energy to be taken in, metabolized and sent to the major nerve center nearest each one in the body. Chakra Stones average 1 1/2" - 2" in size (4-5 cm) .Each gemstone is carved with the appropriate petals and symbol for ultimate chakra harmony!

Chakra Symbol Stones are used widely in crystal healing, Reiki, Massage therapies, Ayurvedic and Yoga practices worldwide.

Each set comes in a solid Bamboo case measuring approximately 12" in length. Extremely well made with magnetic closures and brass hinges on the back side. The inside is beautifully designed in white lining and each stone is set into it's individual slot for safe keeping.

1. Sahasrara or Crown chakra in Amethyst*
2. Ajna or Third-eye chakra in Lapis Lazuli *
3. Vishuddha or Throat chakra in Blue Calcite*
4. Anahata or Heart chakra in Adventurine*
5. Manipura or Solar Plexus chakra in Golden Calcite*
6. Svadhisthana or Sacral chakra in Red Jasper*
7. Muladhara or Root chakra in Rainbow Obsidian *

Organic Bamboo Packaging: Bamboo is a symbol of luck and success because of its strength, resilience and ability to grow quickly. As one of the world's most versatile and environmentally-friendly materials, bamboo has been used as the perfect natural resource for thousands of years.

Chakra Set Balancing set in custom fit Bamboo Case


Chakra Balancing Sets






Wood Boxes


Wood Boxes



OM means oneness with the Supreme, the merging of the physical and the spiritual body, it is the symbol of Hinduism. Considered as the most powerful mantra it transcends time.

Size: L: 6.00 W: 4.00 H: 2.00

Choose From

Glass Tarot Card Boxes


Sri Yantra Mandala Symbols, Pendants

Sri Yantra Symbols


Sri Yantra Mandala Pendants, Sterling Silver Jewelry  $135.00

Sri Yantra Mandala Symbols, Sterling Silver

Sri Yantra Mandala Pendants, 14K Gold Jewelry  $1400.00

Sri Yantra Mandala Symbols, 14K Gold


The Crystal Tones Color Therapy Series® Bowls The Crystal Tones Color Therapy Series® Bowls
"Color Therapy is a means to regenerate depleted fields. Our color fields, our color zones, energies and fragrance are like our fingerprints - identical to ourselves."    Ronald Beesley

The New Color Therapy Series® merges gemstones and natural mineral combinations and contains no chemicals or dyes. Color energy instantly affects our minds and promotes healing. Insights are amplified and multiplied with the use of color crystalline bowls. The new seven-bowl set is designed to complement and work with each of the seven corresponding chakras and their colors. All colors are blended with Universal healing of pure quartz crystal. This beautiful color therapy set, or combinations of it, works together energetically to achieve synergy. We can custom tune your favorite color(s) and note(s) which may differ from the traditional color therapy set.

See also: 
Crystal Singing Bowls and Metal Singing Bowls

Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

Crown Chakra Singing Bowls


6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $749.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $804.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) flat base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

7" Bowl - $854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) Round base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

7 inch (17.8 cm) Round Base $854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

8 in. (20.3 cm) flat base $849 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

8 inch (20.3 cm) flat base $904 .00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

9 in. (22.9 cm) flat base $999 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

9 inch (22.9 cm) flat base $1054 .00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1399.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1454.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Crown Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $749.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $804.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) flat base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

7" Bowl - $854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) Round base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

7 inch (17.8 cm) Round Base $854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

8 in. (20.3 cm) flat base $849 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

8 inch (20.3 cm) flat base $904 .00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

9 in. (22.9 cm) flat base $999 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

9 inch (22.9 cm) flat base $1054 .00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1399.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1454.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Third Eye Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $749.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $804.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) flat base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

7" Bowl - $854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) Round base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

7 inch (17.8 cm) Round Base $854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

8 in. (20.3 cm) flat base $849 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

8 inch (20.3 cm) flat base $904 .00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

9 in. (22.9 cm) flat base $999 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

9 inch (22.9 cm) flat base $1054 .00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1399.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1454.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Throat Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note



Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $749.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $804.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) flat base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

7" Bowl - $854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) Round base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

7 inch (17.8 cm) Round Base $854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

8 in. (20.3 cm) flat base $849 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

8 inch (20.3 cm) flat base $904 .00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

9 in. (22.9 cm) flat base $999 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

9 inch (22.9 cm) flat base $1054 .00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1399.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1454.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Heart Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note Additional $55.00

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1854.00

4th Chakra, Heart, F Note

Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls 

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $749.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note Additional $55.00

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $804.00

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note

Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) flat base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note Additional $55.00

7" Bowl - $854.00

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note

Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) Round base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note Additional $55.00

7 inch (17.8 cm) Round Base $854.00

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note

Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

8 in. (20.3 cm) flat base $849 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note Additional $55.00

8 inch (20.3 cm) flat base $904 .00

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note

Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

9 in. (22.9 cm) flat base $999 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note Additional $55.00

9 inch (22.9 cm) flat base $1054 .00

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note

Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1399.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note Additional $55.00

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1454.00

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note

Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Solar Plexus Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note Additional $55.00

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1854.00

4th Chakra, Solar Plexus, F Note

Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $749.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note Additional $55.00

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $804.00

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note

Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) flat base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note Additional $55.00

7" Bowl - $854.00

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note

Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) Round base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note Additional $55.00

7 inch (17.8 cm) Round Base $854.00

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note

Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

8 in. (20.3 cm) flat base $849 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note Additional $55.00

8 inch (20.3 cm) flat base $904 .00

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note

Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

9 in. (22.9 cm) flat base $999 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note Additional $55.00

9 inch (22.9 cm) flat base $1054 .00

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note

Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1399.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note Additional $55.00

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1454.00

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note

Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Sacral Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note Additional $55.00

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1854.00

4th Chakra, Sacral, F Note


Root Chakra Singing Bowls

Root Chakra Singing Bowls

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $749.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Root Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Root, F Note Additional $55.00

6 in. (15.2 cm) flat base $804.00

4th Chakra, Root, F Note

Root Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) flat base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Root Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Root, F Note Additional $55.00

7" Bowl - $854.00

4th Chakra, Root, F Note

Root Chakra Singing Bowls

7 in. (17.8 cm) Round base $799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Root Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Root, F Note Additional $55.00

7 inch (17.8 cm) Round Base $854.00

4th Chakra, Root, F Note

Root Chakra Singing Bowls

8 in. (20.3 cm) flat base $849 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Root Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Root, F Note Additional $55.00

8 inch (20.3 cm) flat base $904 .00

4th Chakra, Root, F Note

Root Chakra Singing Bowls

9 in. (22.9 cm) flat base $999 .00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Root Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Root, F Note Additional $55.00

9 inch (22.9 cm) flat base $1054 .00

4th Chakra, Root, F Note

Root Chakra Singing Bowls

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1399.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Root Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Root, F Note Additional $55.00

10 in. (25.4 cm) flat base $1454.00

4th Chakra, Root, F Note

Root Chakra Singing Bowls

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1799.00

Please Choose a Note, Chakra

Color Therapy Set Root Chakra Singing Bowls

4th Chakra, Root, F Note Additional $55.00

12 in. (30.5 cm) flat base $1854.00

4th Chakra, Root, F Note


Chakra Silks
Rainbow Chakra Silk Shawl

Rainbow Chakra Silks
Cosmic weaving and blending of the finest lightweight silk and hand dyed natural colors for a luxurious touch to the skin and fields. These lightweight silks have supersonic color spectrums and, when combined with intention, can help create a magic flow of balanced energies for the wearer. They also activate chi and prana for balance. Because silk is crystalline structure when energized, it creates an ionic healing and uplifting effect. Brush the body and fields for a full-spectrum tune-up. Revitalize and balance all day with our comforting silks and dream peacefully under our rainbow-healing sheet. Also available in shawls, jackets and pants.

Rainbow Chakra Silk Shawls $120.00

Rainbow Chakra Silks

Rainbow Chakra Velvet Shawls $130.00

Rainbow Chakra Velvet Shawl

Rainbow Chakra Silk Healing Sheets $180.00

Rainbow Chakra Silk Healing Sheet

Rainbow Chakra Silk Practitioner Jackets $280.00

Rainbow Chakra Silk Practitioner Jacket


Custom Padded Singing Bowl Cases

Custom Padded Cases
Carry and store your beautiful new tools in style and safety! Our Crystal Singing Bowl carrying cases are custom-made just for Crystal Tones! Thick padding helps protect your bowls and the elegant silk exterior and satin lining creates an aura of refinement.
Please note that a rubber O-ring, information packet and premium suede Intention mallet are included with the purchase of every crystal singing bowl. A velvet bowl pillow is also included with the 7 inch round bottom Collector Series bowls only. You do not have to buy the mallet and O-ring separately when you buy a bowl. You may order replacement or additional mallets or O-rings through the Bowl Accessories category.

Small Crystal Bowl Carrier $189.00


Singing Bowl Carrying Cases

Medium Bowl Carrier $209.00


Singing Bowl Carrying Cases

Large Bowl Carrier $229.00


Singing Bowl Carrying Cases

X-Large Bowl Carrier $259.00


Singing Bowl Carrying Cases

Practitioner Bowl Carrier $209.00


Singing Bowl Carrying Cases

Singing Bowl Suede Intention Mallet 

Singing Bowl Suede Intention Mallet
Price: $62.00

Singing Bowl Suede Intention Mallet



Chakra Amulets

Glass TEALIGHTS Candle Holders



Native American Indian Crystal Healing Books

The American Indian: Secrets of Crystal Healing Book (Paperback)
~ Luc Bourgault (Author)
The teachings of the Apache and Cherokee tribes in particular have come down through the generations by word of mouth. This is the first written document to carry their secrets to the tribes of the world. Concerned about malpractice in the application of crystals these authentic practitioners of crystal therapy believe that much of the information in circulation today is incorrect-and perhaps even harmful to both the receiver of the treatment and to the crystals themselves. Placing Crystals on Chakra centers is particularly dangerous when several are used at the same time. It is the aim of this book to explain the work which we do with our brothers and sisters the Crystals. Readers will learn about the properties of stones the properties of colors and the electromagnetic fields of the body. Chapters include Purification & Care of Crystals the Different Ways of Working the Three Laws of Healing How to Prepare the Essences and the therapeutic Touch & Exercises.

Crystal Healing Books

Angels Bible Healing Books

The Angel Bible Book: The Definitive Guide to Angel Wisdom (... Bible) (Paperback)

Hazel Raven (Author)
Angel lore, angel stories, angel advice, and angel wisdom: whether you’re seeking guidance, healing, or inspiration from these heavenly messengers, you’ll find it in this splendidly illustrated Angel Bible. It’s filled with enlightening knowledge: you’ll learn about angelic calling cards, messages, and visions, and discover how to sense an angel’s presence, create an angel altar, keep an angel gratitude book, and meditate and dream with the angels. Find out about angels of many lands and their hierarchies, and explore the connections between angels and astrology, colors, crystals, essential oils, kabbalah, and the chakras.
A quick reference guides you directly to those angels who can offer immediate assistance and teaches you how to call on them for help in any situation.

Angel Healing Books



The Psychic Bible Books

The Psychic Bible Book: The Definitive Guide to Developing Your Psychic Skills (... Bible) (Paperback)
~ Jane Struthers (Author)
Channel your mind’s energy with this guide to psychic power. Beautifully presented and easy to use, it covers all the psychic skills with interactive, step-by-step exercises. Find out exactly what psychic powers are and what evidence there is for its existence. Explore the mind to see how the unconscious works and how to tap into altered states of consciousness. Get more from dreams; learn about chakras, auras, and the body’s subtle energy systems; and try time-tested methods of psychic protection, healing, and channeling. You’ll discover useful psychic tools, including aromatherapy, automatic writing, scrying, running, and crystal balls, and how to locate a soulmate. There’s even a section on psychic pets!

Psychic Books


Crystal Ascension Books

Crystal Ascension Book: Spiritual Growth And Planetary Healing (Paperback)

Catherine Bowman (Author)
For readers making the conscious choice to advance their awareness into the new levels of Ascension associated with the 21st century, this book directs them through the various stages they will encounter when they embark on this path. Crystal Ascension teaches readers how to use the mineral kingdom, chakras, color and cound to gently trigger the sleeping soul to release new energies into conscious expression.

Crystal Healing Books


Healing Crystals Books

The Essential Crystal Handbook: All the Crystals You Will Ever Need for Health, Healing And Happiness (Paperback)
~ Simon Lilly (Author)
Crystals are things of light, beauty, and power—and this superb user’s and collector’s guide covers more than 100 varieties, all with sparkling color photographs (including enlarged details) and a concise profile of their visual characteristics, healing properties, and practical applications. There’s also invaluable information on identification and care of each type of crystal, along with notes on similar-looking stones and keywords that indicate its main function at a glance. Find out about such key topics as Ayurveda, Feng Shui, amulets, birthstones, wands and pendulums, and using the crystal to connect with auras and chakras.

Crystal Healing Books


Healing Crystals Books

The Crystal Healing Set Book (Paperback)
~ Liz Simpson (Author)
How do you get your chakras and auras in harmony? The answer is crystal clear! Take a journey of self-discovery with Liz Simpson, a respected authority on crystal healing, with the unique Crystal Healing Set which features the following.

• This attractive set includes six crystals, each with its own healing property: Amethyst, Bloodstone, Clear Quartz, Orange Carnelian, Rose Quartz, and Sodalite. Examine their uses as weapons, tools, jewelry, objects of divination, amulets, talismans, and more!

• The set also features The Book of Crystal Healing, a comprehensive guide to the history and uses of gemstones and quartz crystals.

• Learn about the healing properties of specific stones and how their energy can be used to add balance and harmony to your life.

• Simple meditations and guided visualizations are also included to help you learn to tap into your innate self-healing abilities.

Crystal Healing Books


Healing Crystals Books

 The Illustrated Guide To Crystals Book (Paperback)
Judy Hall (Author)
Born deep within the earth, and hardened to transparent, multifaceted beauty, crystals radiate power--the power to heal illness, attract love, release emotional blockages, and give protection from negative energies. Never before has there been such a wide range of gems available, and in this lavishly illustrated guide is all the information needed to choose, cleanse, and program these gifts of nature. Along with a colorful crystal directory and an explanation of the different types, see how to use your own special stone to find a soul mate, and improve relationships. Restore the body with the ancient art of crystal medicine, work with the chakras, and relieve mental and emotional stress. Safeguard your space and aura; turn stones into talismans and amulets, and perform crystal divination. Find the right crystal for increasing self-worth and intuition, recalling a past life, or even contacting the angelic realms. Bonus: includes gem therapy remedies. 128 pages (all in color), 8 x 10.

Crystal Healing Books



The Book of Crystal HealingCrystal Healing Books
by Liz Simpson, soft cover, 127 pages
Covers vibrational healing, how to use crystals to harmonize chakras and auras, health and development, cleansing and charging crystals, meditation and visualization....illustrated with large color photographs.

Crystal Healing Books


Healing Crystals Books

The Encyclopedia of Crystals Book (Paperback)

Judy Hall (Author)
In The Encyclopedia of Crystals, Judy Hall draws on over 30 years' experience of working with crystals to provide the definitive reference. Lavishly illustrated, featuring newly discovered stones and providing new materials on geology and fluorescent properties, this is an essential addition to the libraries of everyone working with crystals. Organized by crystal color for easy reference, this gorgeous guide relates the colors of crystals to the chakras, tells readers how to cleanse and activate them, and provides helpful, authoritative advice on healing with crystals.


Crystal Healing Books


Healing Crystals Books

The Crystal Healing Pack [Book Box set] (Paperback)
Judy Hall (Author)
Feeling a bit stressed out? Forgetful? Depressed? Perhaps it's time you tried using crystals to bring your spirit and body back into balance. The Crystal Healing Pack is a comprehensive introduction to using crystals and comes with 12 stones (7 stones for chakra work, and 5 'master healer' stones) and a practical book with instructions for using crystals to enhance your life and spirit. Author Judy Hall has been using stones in her healing and divination work for more than 30 years. She will be your gentle guide, teaching you how to harness the holistic healing properties of different crystals to improve your memory and concentration, invigorate your energy, reduce stress, balance and strengthen your chakras, and even heal depression and anger.

Crystal Healing Books


Healing Crystals Books

Crystal, Color and Chakra Healing Book (Hardcover)

Sue Lilly (Author)
Take a journey of self-healing and rediscovery with this impressive volume that brings together three of the most popular energy healing systems.

Crystal Healing Books


Healing Crystals Books

Healing with Gemstones and Crystals Book (Crossing Press Healing Series) (Paperback)
Diane Stein (Author)
Healing with Gemstones and Crystals provides a complete guide to healing the body, mind, and spirit with the aid of gemstones and crystals. Written by healer Diane Stein, this work packs a wealth of information and instructions on every page. Readers will learn how to choose gemstones and will learn chakras and the hara line for gemstone energy work.

Crystal Healing Books


Crystal Healing BooksBeginner's Guide to Crystals Book
by Denise Whichello Brown, soft cover, 112 pages.
Topics include choosing crystals, cleaning and programming, crystal massage, crystals and chakra work, list of healing properties of selected crystals and minerals. Color throughout.


Crystal Healing Books


Book Of StonesThe Book of Stones Book: Who They Are & What They Teach (Paperback)
~ Robert Simmons; Naisha Ahsian (Author)

The Book of Stones is the most in-depth, definitive guide to the world of crystals, minerals, gemstones and their metaphysical energies that has yet been written. Encompassing over three hundred separate entries, each with vivid color photographs and essays by both authors, this book takes you deep into the world of stones and their uses for spiritual awakening and self-healing. The Book of Stones can teach you about each mineral’s scientific properties, history and lore, elemental energies, chakra correspondences, and which stones work best together. Also considered are the stones’ effects on the spiritual, emotional and physical self. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, The Book of Stones can give you clear, easy-to-understand information that will help you enjoy the beauty and benefits of the mineral realm. This pictorial metaphysical encyclopedia is what crystal lovers all over the world have been waiting for!

Crystal Healing Books


Healing Crystals Books

Healing Crystals and Gemstones Book

~ Flora Peschek-Bohmer (Author),
Gisela Schreiber (Author)
Heal yourself with power of crystals and gemstones. Hundreds of vivid color photographs make it easy to identify and distinguish between different varieties. Listing for over 140 stones tell you which stones to use for particular illnesses, how to use them most effectively and how stones relate to the chakra system and the signs of the zodiac.

Crystal Healing Books


Crystal Wands Books

Crystal Wands: For Healing, Massage Therapy and Reflexology Book (Paperback)

Ewald Kliegel (Author)
Supported by easy-to-understand descriptions and illustrations, this compendium demonstrates the effects and uses of crystal wands as a major therapeutic tool for well-being and good health. From simple-to-perform massages to specialized reflexology uses, the featured techniques depict the multitude of possibilities for using crystal wands in tandem with massage, including specialized programs for beauty, vitality, purification, and relaxation. Different types of crystals are described in detail, along with methods for cleansing and testing them. By focusing on producing stronger, faster, more targeted, and longer-lasting effects, this book will revolutionize the approach to massage for all alternative-health professionals, whether interested in crystal healing, reflexology, acupressure, shiatsu, or chakra balance.

Crystal Wands Healing Books


The Meditation Bible Books

The Meditation Bible Book: The Definitive Guide to Meditations for Every Purpose (... Bible) (Paperback)

Madonna Gauding (Author)
With more than 140 techniques and practices drawn from Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Sufi, Taoist, Pagan, Jewish, Native American, and mystical traditions, this is the ultimate guide to meditation. Easily find out how to meditate to calm and center; cultivate mindfulness of everyday activities; heal physical and emotional ailments; increase love and compassion; end addictions; work with dreams; and deepen your connection with the Divine. An entire section is devoted to walking meditations that will get you moving, and there's smart advice on developing a daily practice and on creating a sacred space.

Meditation Books

Crystal Meditation Healing Books

Crystal Meditation Book: Find Inner Strength through Crystal Power and Healing Meditation (Misc. Supplies)

Sue Parlett (Author)
Combining crystals with meditation, the author fuses two vital traditions in a unique interactive meditation kit, which includes 10 meditation cards, 17 genuine crystals, and a beautifully illustrated book of guided meditations.

Healing Books

Chakra Neckties

Intuition Chakra - Ajna Neckties
by livingzen
The powerful sixth chakra

Our sixth chakra is the center of intuition and insight, represented by the "ajna" symbol, meaning "beyond wisdom." The color associated with this chakra is dark blue, and it's found on the third eye, between our eyebrows, on the forehead. When this chakra is dominant, one may have clairvoyant abilities...being able to see things that others can't. 151960422769755198

Reiki Neckties

Rainbow Reiki Heart Custom Tie
open hearted chakra love

Chakra Neckties

Psychegeo Tie
bright tribal psychedelic art design pattern geometric

Chakra Neckties

blue chakra tie
by nanayane


Peace Symbol Rainbow Chakra Neckties

Peace Sign Neck tie Chakra Colors

Fantastic and brilliant, this classic peace sign has been recreated in the colors of the seven main chakras so you can live in balance while you change the world!

Om Neckties

Black & White Om tie

Great for work, wedding, or religious events, this black and white tie with the symbol for Om, Hindu's meditation and chakra balancing mantra.


Choose From

Chakra Neckties

All Chakra Balancing Mugs

All Chakra Balancing Coffee Mugs

Take the time to balance your chakras while you enjoy your beverage

Sri Chakra Yantra Coffee Mugs

Sri Chakra Yantra Coffee Mugs
Blessings from the Divine Feminine

Sri Chakra Yantra Coffee Mugs
Light Portrait of the Sri Chakra Yantra, a symbol of the creation energy of the goddess from the Hindu Tradition. Use this symbol for blessings of manifestation and creation in your life. 




An amazing design featuring the stunning, majestic beauty of human chakral auras. For the Spiritual, the Aware, New Age followers, Zen followers, Buddha worshipers, meditation & yoga devotees.


Crown Chakra - Sahasrara Coffee Mugs
Crown Chakra - Sahasrara Coffee Mugs
A fabulous design, this chakra graphic represent the 7th chakra, or the crown chakra, the connection to the world around us; the universe. The Sanskrit name for the 7th chakra is "Sahasrara", meaning "thousandfold." The 7th chakra is represented by a 1000-petaled lotus, which symbolizes the infinite nature of this chakra, connecting us with the Divine. In shades of bright purple (or bright lavender) this image has the symbol of the chakra in Sanskrit. Re-size the image to suit your needs, change the background color on the paper products, and add text if you wish.

Buddha Chakras Coffee Mug

Buddha Chakras Coffee Mug


Rangoli: Krishna with his Chakra Mug

Rangoli: Krishna with his Chakra Coffee Mug
Its a great picture of lord Krishna with his Chakra.


Chakra Rings Mug

Chakra Rings Coffee Mug
Original fractal art...align those chakras and get yourself balanced!


Throat Chakra - Light Blue Coffee Mugs

Throat Chakra - Vishuddha Light Blue Coffee Mugs
The energy center of expression

The Sanskrit word for the 5th chakra is "Vishuddha" which means "purity." Because the 5th chakra is located in the throat and governs higher communication, speaking, hearing and listening, it helps us to understand our inner truth and convey it with our voice to the outside world.


Choose From

Coffee Mugs


Chakra Mugs

Burst Of Chakra Coffee Mugs

Chakra Artwork Prints

HerzLichter II Print By Admira
Hi-Energy Flame Fractal
16" x 11"   $39.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

22" x 15"  $43.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

34" x 23"  $59.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

52" x 35"  $74.95

Chakra Artwork Prints


Kundalini Chakra Artwork Prints
Muse of Kundalini Energy Poster By Touched By A Muse
With electric halo and healthy chakras glowing
Live strong and live long...

11" x 11"  $39.95

Kundalini Chakra Artwork Prints

15" x 15"   $43.95

Kundalini Chakra Artwork Prints

23" x 23"  $59.95

Kundalini Chakra Artwork Prints


Kosmos Chakra Artwork Prints

Kosmos Poster by I am I am
Tuning into the Kosmos.

11" x 14"  $41.95

Kosmos Chakra Artwork Prints

15" x 19"  $56.75

Kosmos Chakra Artwork Prints

23" x 29"  $73.95

Kosmos Chakra Artwork Prints


Tierazon Chakra Artwork Prints

Tierazon fractal program By Kris Arts
11" x 16"  $39.95

Tierazon Chakra Artwork Prints

15" x 22"  $53.95

Tierazon Chakra Artwork Prints


Emergence Chakra Artwork Prints

Emergence Print By Streaking Donkey Books
14" x 11"  $41.20

Emergence Chakra Artwork Prints

19" x 15"  $55.70

Emergence Chakra Artwork Prints

29" x 23"  $72.45

Emergence Chakra Artwork Prints

43" x 35"  $99.35

Emergence Chakra Artwork Prints


Chi Ball Artwork Print
Chi Ball Print by OneSpirit
In my Reiki practice I am very aware of the flows of energy from the Reiki Masters through me and into my partners. Energy is directed where it is needed for the Chakras (or Aura as it is known in the Western world).
11" x 16"  $39.95

Chi Ball Artwork Print

15" x 22"  $53.95

Chi Ball Artwork Print

23" x 34"  $69.95

Chi Ball Artwork Print


Crystal Wings Chakra Artwork Prints
Crystal Wings II Poster by admira
Crystal Skull and Wings. Hi-Energy Flame Fractal (mirrored).

11" x 16"  $39.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

15" x 22"  $53.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

23" x 34"  $69.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

35" x 52"  $94.95

Chakra Artwork Prints


Chakra Artwork Prints
The Solar Plexus Poster by Dawnsky
 15" x 11"  $44.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

20" x 15"  $60.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

31" x 23"  $79.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

46" x 35"  $112.45

Chakra Artwork Prints


Chakra Artwork Prints

Palantir Print  by admira
seeing stone a flame fractal with far less post processing than it might seem
11" x 11"  $39.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

15" x 15"  $53.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

23" x 23"  $69.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

35" x 35"  $94.95

Chakra Artwork Prints


Chakra Artwork Prints
Gentle Hands Poster by I Am I Am
Healing the chakra body.

11" x 15"   $41.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

15" x 21"  $56.75

Chakra Artwork Prints

23" x 32"  $73.95

Chakra Artwork Prints


Chakra Artwork Prints
Lakota Shield Posters by OneSpirit
One Spirit not only connects us in this lifetime, but throughout all of time. I had a life as a Lakota before and am remembering more and more from it. This is a natural part of evolution. The shield reminds us to strengthen our Chakras and shield ourselves from fear energies.
11" x 16"  $59.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

15" x 22"  $73.95

Chakra Artwork Prints

23" x 34"  $99.95

Chakra Artwork Prints



* The most brilliant colors
* The highest quality frames
* UV-resistant archival inks

Chakra Artwork Prints

Meditator Print

Visionary Art by Daniel B. Holeman Etheric meditator in lotus position in space with radiant chakras
11" x 14"  $41.20

Chakra Artwork Prints

23" x 30"  $62.45

Chakra Artwork Prints

35" x 46"  $89.35

Chakra Artwork Prints

15" x 20"   $109.00

Chakra Artwork Prints


Rainbow Reiki Heart Apron

Rainbow Reiki Heart Apron

Crown Chakra design Aprons

Crown Chakra design Aprons

A brand new design, simple yet bold with all the color of the seven main chakras. This design features the crown chakra, at the crown of the head and is bordered with the vibrant violet color the crown represents. Open your crown chakra and show the world you are in balance.

Om, in pink and orange aprons

Om, in pink and orange aprons

The traditional Hindu symbol for OM, used in meditation for centuries, finds a new life with soft pastel colors in and around it.



Chakra Color Artwork Aprons

Chakra color Aprons


OM Lotus Chakras Apron

OM Lotus Chakras Apron
Yoga Pose: Lotus (Padmasana) Design II

Illustrated Figure Seated in Lotus Position Filled with Chakra Colors with Om in Sanskrit.

Stay clean while cooking with this medium length 35% cotton / 65% polyester blend twill apron. Three spacious utensil pockets to hold all you need. Machine washable. 24" L x 28" W. Made in the USA.


Choose Apron

Choose Color

Chakra Aprons

Heart Chakra - Anahata Apron

Heart Chakra - Anahata Apron

The Sanskrit name for the 4th chakra is "Anahata." This word means "unstruck" or "stillness." The 4th chakra is located in our heart center. It governs our intuition and love. It is also known as the heart chakra. The color associated with the heart chakra is green. This is the symbol of that chakra.

1st Chakra - Muladhara Round Stickers

1st Chakra - Muladhara Round Stickers

The root chakra

The 1st chakra is also referred to as the "root" chakra. The Sanskrit name for it is "muladhara" which means root/base. It is located at the base of the spine. There is an energy stored under this chakra which is often referred to as the "coiled serpent." Kundalini yoga focuses on stimulating this energy. The 1st chakra is the one that helps to keep you grounded and centered. It is associated with survival, instincts and basic communication. The concerns associated with this chakra involve food, clothing, shelter - practical things. The emotion associated with this chakra is fear. The less we are connected to the earth, the more fear we have. To ground yourself, go for a walk, be out in nature. 217653498448082731

2nd Chakra Abdomen- Svadhisthana Stickers

2nd Chakra Abdomen- Svadhisthana Stickers

The Sanskrit name for the 2nd chakra is "Svadhisthana," meaning "dwelling place of the Self." The 2nd chakra is located in the lower abdomen, about an inch below the navel. The 2nd chakra is associated with creativity and procreation. It also governs emotional and sensual aspects of our lives. 217773225663816091

3rd Chakra - Manipura Sticker

3rd Chakra - Manipura Sticker

"Manipura" is the Sanskrit name for the 3rd chakra, meaning "lustrous gem." The 3rd chakra is located in the area of the solar plexus, navel and digestive system. It is associated with power, self-esteem and vitality. It is the seat of the intellect. This sunny yellow design looks good on almost all background colors (non-apparel) so play around, and add text if you want to.


3rd Chakra - Manipura Sticker
4th Chakra Heart - Anahata Sticker
Our heart center


The Sanskrit name for the 4th chakra is "Anahata." This word means "unstruck" or "stillness." The 4th chakra is located in our heart center. It governs our intuition and love. It is also known as the heart chakra. The color associated with the heart chakra is green. This is the symbol of that chakra.

5th Throat Chakra - Light Blue Stickers

5th Throat Chakra - Light Blue Stickers
The energy center of expression

The Sanskrit word for the 5th chakra is "Vishuddha" which means "purity." Because the 5th chakra is located in the throat and governs higher communication, speaking, hearing and listening, it helps us to understand our inner truth and convey it with our voice to the outside world.


Small, 1½ Inch   $15.00

Choose From

Chakra Stickers

Large, 3 Inch   $23.00

Choose From

Chakra Stickers

6th Intuition Chakra - Ajna Sticker

6th Intuition Chakra - Ajna Sticker
The powerful sixth chakra

Our sixth chakra is the center of intuition and insight, represented by the "ajna" symbol, meaning "beyond wisdom." The color associated with this chakra is dark blue, and it's found on the third eye, between our eyebrows, on the forehead. When this chakra is dominant, one may have clairvoyant abilities...being able to see things that others can't.

Crown Chakra - Sahasrara Round Sticker

Crown Chakra - Sahasrara Round Sticker
by livingzen
Gorgeous and very now

A fabulous design, this chakra graphic represent the 7th chakra, or the crown chakra, the connection to the world around us; the universe. The Sanskrit name for the 7th chakra is "Sahasrara", meaning "thousandfold." The 7th chakra is represented by a 1000-petaled lotus, which symbolizes the infinite nature of this chakra, connecting us with the Divine. In shades of bright purple (or bright lavender) this image has the symbol of the chakra in Sanskrit.



A beautiful merkaba sticker.

Metatron's Cube Stickers

Crown Chakra Sticker

Crown Chakra Sticker

Unique crown chakra sacred geometry artwork!


Psychic Energy Stickers

Psychic Energy Stickers

original Apophysis fractal "digital art" "psychic energy" chakras "flowing energy" energy spiritual metaphysical art gifts stickers

Root Chakra with Ganesh Sticker

Root Chakra with Ganesh Sticker

Root, or base, chakra with it's ruler Lord Ganesh.


chakras round stickers

seven point chakras round stickers


Hindu OM - Meditation Symbol Round Sticker

Hindu OM - Meditation Symbol Round Sticker

A crisp OM symbol on a glowing orb of white light. It makes a perfect gift for your yoga instructor, your swami or your dysfunctional family members! 217738608664010080


Flower of Life chakra colored stones Sticker

Small, 1½ Inch   $15.00

Choose From

Metaphysical Stickers

Large, 3 Inch   $23.00

Choose From

Metaphysical Stickers



Meditator Round Sticker

Meditator Round Sticker


Chakra Key Chains

crown chakra mandala keychains

Chakra Key Chains

chakra book mandala key chains

Chakra Key Chains

Lynn Chakra Keychain

Chakra Key Chains

Rock Your Chakras Keychain


The human chakras illuminated.
An amazing design featuring the stunning, majestic beauty of human chakral auras. For the Spiritual, the Aware, New Age followers, Zen followers, Buddha worshipers, meditation & yoga devotees.
* Vibrant colors covered with scratch- and UV-resistant Mylar
* Tight-fitting clasp keeps your keys together
* 2.25" round - fits nicely in your pocket or purse




Choose From

Chakra Keychains

Hindu OM - Meditation Symbol Key Chain

Hindu OM - Meditation Symbol Key Chain

A crisp OM symbol on a glowing orb of white light. It makes a perfect gift for your yoga instructor, your swami or your dysfunctional family members!

Truth symbol magnets

Truth symbol magnets
Gorgeous and colorful


chakras refrigerator magnets

Chakras Burst refrigerator magnet


Throat Chakra Magnet, Vishuddha, 5th Chakra

Throat Chakra Magnet, Vishuddha, 5th Chakra

This blue, sixteen petaled lotus flower represents the 5th Chakra of the 7 basic centers. In Sanskrit it is called Vishuddha

Hindu OM - Meditation Symbol Magnet

Hindu OM - Meditation Symbol Magnet

Green and Blue

A simple white OM symbol on a green and blue orb background. It's serene and stylish. Great to wear to yoga class, or give as a gift!



Meditator Fridge Magnets

Meditator Fridge Magnets
Highest Quality Magnets


Small 1¼ Inch $15.00

Choose Magnet

Choose Shape

Chakra Refridgerator Magnets

Standard 2¼ Inch  $18.00

Choose Magnet

Choose Shape

Chakra Refridgerator Magnets

Large 3 Inch $24.00

Choose Magnet

Choose Shape

Chakra Refridgerator Magnets

Rainbow Reiki Heart Fridge Magnets

Rainbow Reiki Heart Fridge Magnets


Chakras Buttons

Chakras Points Buttons


Chakras Buttons

The human chakras illuminated
An amazing design featuring the stunning, majestic beauty of human chakral auras. For the Spiritual, the Aware, New Age followers, Zen followers, Buddha worshipers, meditation & yoga devotees.

Choose From

Chakra Buttons

Hindu OM - Meditation Symbol Button

Hindu OM - Meditation Symbol Button
Black and white

A crisp OM symbol on a glowing orb of white light. It makes a perfect gift for your yoga instructor, your swami or your dysfunctional family members! 145735962782091416



The human chakras illuminated
# Durable cloth cover is dust and stain resistant
# Non-slip backing keeps your mouse moving while the mousepad stays in place
# 9.25" x 7.75" - Perfect size for home or office

An amazing design featuring the stunning, majestic beauty of human chakral auras. For the Spiritual, the Aware, New Age followers, Zen followers, Buddha worshipers, meditation & yoga devotees.

Chakra Mandala Mousepad

Chakra Mandala Mousepad
The Seven Wonders of the Soul
This mousepad displays a meditation chakra mandala showcasing all seven basic energy centers, as if seen from above the crown

Rainbow Reiki Heart Mouse Mats

Rainbow Reiki Heart Mouse Mats
open hearted chakra love

Is your reiki practice built upon the chakra system? Then this open heart reiki rainbow heart design is a perfect match for you, because you're over the rainbow for Reiki!

OM, old gold effect / Mousepad

OM, old gold effect / Mousepad

7 Chakras in a Circle Mouse Pad

7 Chakras in a Circle Mouse Pad

The seven main chakras in an infinite, balanced circle, from root to crown. We've added a glow to each so they really pop on all the colors. Add text, play around with the background color on the non-apparel items. This is a wonderful design for the Reiki master, massage therapist, or healing touch practitioner.


Choose From

Chakra Mouse Pads


Om of Chaos Mousepad

Om of Chaos Mousepad

Flower of Life chakra colored stones Tote Bag

Flower of Life chakra colored stones Tote Bag

Peace Sign tote in Chakra Colors Canvas Bags

Peace Sign tote in Chakra Colors Canvas Bags

Fantastic and brilliant, this classic peace sign has been recreated in the colors of the seven main chakras so you can live in balance while you change the world!

Intuition Chakra - Ajna Tote Bag
Intuition Chakra - Ajna Tote Bag

Our sixth chakra is the center of intuition and insight, represented by the "ajna" symbol, meaning "beyond wisdom." The color associated with this chakra is dark blue, and it's found on the third eye, between our eyebrows, on the forehead. When this chakra is dominant, one may have clairvoyant abilities...being able to see things that others can't.




Chakra Lotuses Bags

Chakra Lotuses Bags
Japanese style lotus flowers in the colors of the chakras.

Chakra Lotus Flowers Tote Bag

Chakra Lotus Flowers Tote Bag
Japanese style lotus flowers in the colors of the chakras.


Choose From

Chakra Tote Bags

Muladhara Chakra Bag

Muladhara Chakra Bag

Muladhara means literally "root support". Muladhara is the root chakra and is found at the base of the spine. It is associated with survival, grounding and things material. It's element is earth.

Chakra Balancing Wands

Personal Chakra Balancing Wands
This Personal Chakra set comes in a velvet pouch to protect your wands when not in use. Wands vary from 3 - 3 1/2" long and are single terminated (pointed at one end) with six sides.

Wands included in the set are:

Crown Chakra - illumination
Blue Aventurine
Third Eye Chakra - understanding
Lapis Lazuli
Throat Chakra - communication
Green Aventurine
Heart Chakra - growth
Golden Quartz
Solar Plexus Chakra - identity
Sacral Hara Chakra - sexuality
Root Chakra - survival

Use these wands to open and balance chakras or to hold during meditation.


Personal Chakra Balancing Wands

Seven stone chakra wand

Seven stone chakra wand

Size: 3" long

Color: 7 chakra colors on clear crystal wand

Energies: Power, Protection, Healing

Seven stone chakra wand The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Use this wand to clear the energy flow of individual chakras.

Hold the wand with the pointed end facing outward Visualize the area on your body that needs to be cleared Touch the stone on the wand that represents the chakra you want to address Clear your mind and calm your emotions to remove negative energy
This wand is crystal quartz with a point at one end and a ball at the crown.


Seven stone chakra wand


Healing Tax Disc Holder Gold

Designed to bring healing energy into your motor vehicle whilst balancing the driver's emotions in his or her daily stress-making road missions. Our durable Chakra PVC tax disc holder has numerous practical new features. Suitable for countries not required by law to display a windshield tax disc, as our original 'front of holder' design has anticipated this option.
A permanent self-adhesive holder style with our unique tax-disc pouch securing tab.

Purpose - To enable the aware motor vehicle driver and passenger(s) the unique opportunity to cleanse and maintain their seven Chakras in better health while calmly focusing on the road ahead.

Users - Taxi-drivers, lorry drivers, bus & coach drivers, sales-people and in general all people who feel the pressure of driving on and in today's super road highways.


Healing Tax Disc Holder Gold



Chakra Cone Clock

This is one of our latest Chakra window display products, which you the customer manually rotates for the daily purpose of attuning your awareness upon unblocking one of your seven Chakra junctions.

As shown by our C-My Complete Body, trade mark (top left corner) the revolving circumference band is divided into seven colors. Each color corresponds to a specific Chakra junction. On the actual product are printed seven ancient Chakra symbols; incorporated around each is the symbol for Mars=man and Venus=woman indicating our balanced spirituality.
Also printed in each of the seven pie-chart sections of the rotated disc are the concise descriptions for each Chakra's personality characteristic (more info can be found in numerous Chakra educational books); together with the seven Chakra related elemental group names and finally each Chakra's physical organ The second static smaller disc should be attached to your chosen window location using our clear suction cup. This original Cone disc has a secondary purpose which is to indicate your chosen Chakra meditation color, further reinforced by it's printed Chakra energy fountain display at the 12 O' clock location.
Designed to educate and encourage the focusing of Chakra color energy in our simple daily meditation routine aimed at peacefully healing your complete body.

These unique Alternative Chakra healing products will make the ideal loved family healing gift.
However we do recommend all health approaches be tried in your endeavor to regain
the possible.
Wholesale Online Shoppers welcome.

Purpose : To enable your free-will choice as to which healing color you wish to focus
upon, then by your efforts aid the unblocking of your selected Chakra junction.

Users : All ages, females and males, meditating novices and more advanced open-minded humans.



Chakra Cone Clock

Chakra Body Clock

This product is similar to the Chakra Cone Clock yet uniquely user friendly in the assistance offered to you the customer in showing the location of your body's Chakras.
Our professional illustration shows our three major body layers in perfect harmony commonly known as the mind, body and soul (or your mental, emotional and physical bodies) shown here as black, silver and gold.
Made from 170mm PVC, these dual disc window display products are manually rotated by you the customer to select one of the seven Chakra colors around their circumference. Each of the seven pie-chart sections contain a brief explanation for one's Chakra personality characteristics. Also the Mars and Venus symbols are shown in balance surrounding each of the seven ancient Chakra powers. Further details printed on the main disc include; the seven elemental descriptions and finally the physical Chakra organ names.

Our exclusive design enables the smaller static indicator disc of the Chakra Body Clock to be attached to your window via our high quality clear suction cup.
To recognize your chosen Chakra color for daily meditation, the above mentioned static indicator disc shows you your selection (as with any normal clock, at the hour point); however in our case the 12 'O' clock location is our Chakra energy fountain display.

Purpose : To enable your free-will choice as to which healing color you wish to focus
upon, then by your efforts aid the unblocking of your selected Chakra junction.

Users : All ages, females and males, meditating novices and more advanced open-minded  humans.



Chakra Body Clock


Chakra Disc Set

Chakra Disc Set


Chakra Disk Set

Chakra Disc Set - Includes 9 highly-polished discs and six natural quartz points
High Quality Chakra Disc set presented in a black velvet pouch with beige internal lining. Contains 9 crystal discs of approximately 3cm diameter. There are also 6 clear quartz points included to aid alignment of the chakras.

This is a beautiful set of nine polished discs, plus six natural quartz points to aid alignment of the Chakras. The discs measure 35mm in diameter and they are presented in an elegant suede effect pouch. The suede effect pouch is 285mm long and 120mm wide. When closed, it folds up into 100mm and is secured with Velcro tabs. The set can be used not only for chakras balancing, but also for meditation; the shape of the discs make it easy to wear them in your pocket, so they can also be used as palm stones.

Each disc of the Chakra Stone Disc Set color corresponds to the color of the chakra that it is connected to. Hematite for the Earth chakra, Red Jasper for the Base or Root chakra, Carnelian for the Sacral chakra, Yellow Calcite for the Solar Plexus, Rose Quartz for the Heart chakra, Aventurine for Higher Heart chakra, Sodalite for the Throat chakra, Amethyst for the Crown chakra and Clear Quartz for the Higher Crown chakra.

Use of discs as palm stones according to the following properties: Hematite  calming, balances yin and yang energy; Red Jasper  all round protecting, balances emotional energies; Carnelian  eases anger, increases awareness; Yellow Calcite - enhances meditation inducing a deep state of relaxation; Rose quartz  unconditional love and moral support; Aventurine  relieves stress; Sodalite  encourages new perspectives; Amethyst  calming effect, absorbs negativity; Clear Quartz  raises energy, helps concentrating.

This really is a beautiful set for personal use and would make a wonderful gift.



Ten Stone Chakra Set

Ten Stone Chakra Set
A beautiful set of ten chakra stones chosen for their alignment to the seven chakras. Each crystal is aligned with one or more of the chakras and has been carefully polished to be tactile, perfect for placing on the skin.

The chakras are the energy centres of the body each associated with specific energies, abilities and parts of the body and spirit. Chakra stones are used to enhance chakra healing, and to balance the chakras on a daily basis.

You can place these stones on the chakra points during healing, or hold them during meditation to feel their energy. If you have used a crystal in chakra healing, you can also keep the stone with you to reinforce the healing all day long. With so many uses, these chakra stones are a gorgeous gift for anyone interested in crystal chakra healing.

•Clear Quartz
•Green Aventurine
•Yellow Calcite
•Red Jasper
•Blue Quartz
•Rose Quartz

Ten Stone Chakra Set

Salt Lamps

Lotus Candle Adjustable Projection Candle Holder
Lotus Flower adjustable candle holder - Featuring the Lotus Image. Your two tiered - iron candle holder - with the Lotus image on a rectangular base for a more sophisticated look. This handmade wrought iron candle holder has adjustable image angles for your viewing options. Project the Lotus Image on the wall facing Lotus Flower toward the wall to project! Or you can view the Lotus iron candle holder Image forward to capture the essence of the Lotus Flower Facing the room as an illuminated image. Capable of changing the glass inserts are interchangeable, creating unique perspective. Visualize the Lotus Flower - the image of enlightenment casting an air of peace and tranquility.

Salt Lamps


7 chakras bumper sticker



7 chakras bumper sticker

Soul's Energy Essence Chakra and Quantum Goal Series

These essences are available singly or as a set. The Chakra series is for bringing the energy of the Higher or Expanded Self into each of your Chakras while the Quantum Goal series is designed to help one reach a major goal especially if the one is making much effort and yet things are not moving. The Quantum Goal series is also based on the chakra system but includes an extra essence for the Chakras of the feet which also helps to get the energy moving more freely. The Quantum Goal series is more intense and needs to be used with a specific purpose in mind ( any goal that is important to you is suitable to focus on when using this series.) If a more overall expansion of Higher energy and light is desired, then I would recommend the Chakra series.

1/2 Ounce Essences $67.00

Choose From

1/2 Ounce Essences

1 Ounce Essences $100.00

Choose From

1 Ounce Essences

2 Ounce Essences $150.00

Choose From

2 Ounce Essences

4 Ounce Essences $220.00

Choose From


4 Ounce Essences

Soul Energy Chakra Set
1/2 Ounce $350.00

Full Set of SE Chakra Essences

1 Ounce $500.00

Full Set of SE Chakra Essences

2 Ounce $800.00

Full Set of SE Chakra Essences

4 Ounce $1300.00

Full Set of SE Chakra Essences

Soul Energy Quantum Goal Set
1/2 Ounce $350.00

Full Set of SE Quantum Goal Essences

1 Ounce $500.00

Full Set of SE Quantum Goal Essences

2 Ounce $800.00

Full Set of SE Quantum Goal Essences

4 Ounce $1300.00

Full Set of SE Quantum Goal Essences


Complete Chakra Healer

Complete Chakra Healer© Kit $29.95
The Complete Chakra Healer© Kit are the seven healing crystals used for complete balancing and healing of the Chakra energy system. The Chakra are energy centers that seem to be aligned with the major nerve plexus centers in the body. This set includes your seven healing crystals to align your Chakra, all come smudged (blessed), in a slik gift bag, with complete instructions, tips, and specific healing information on how to balance, re-align and improve your energies around these major nerve centers.



Chakra Power Pouch:  Contains Moldavite, Azeztulite, Tanzanite, Tibetan Tektite, Danburite and Satyaloka Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis, Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Citrine, Carnelian and Garnet. For harmonious awakening & transformation. $100.00



Color Therapy Silk And Chakra Scarves

Color Therapy And Chakra Silk Scarves

Used for chakra and subtle field balancing, color meditations and accessing ones Soul's Potentials.

Silk is a noble material which carries color in the finest vibration, yet is still linked to matter. Organically, silk represents the process of transformation. The silk worm eats matter and spins it into light.

The scarves are sewn from the finest of Chinese silk and matching the energetic frequencies.  Each scarf is 75” long (over 6 feet).


Full Set Of 10 Top Color Silks Scarves   $840.00

Color Therapy And Chakra Silk Scarves

Individual Silk Scarves: $90.00 Each
Red: Root Chakra. Spirit of Life. Grounding in Mother Earth.
Orange: Tan tien. Grounding in our physical body. Health and vitality. Joy! 
Yellow: Solar Plexus. Inner radiance. The Sun. Divine Intelligence. 
Green: Heart Chakra.. Spirit of Evolution. Space. Hope. New Life. 
Turquoise: Thymus Chakra. Spirit of Transmutation. Aquarian Age. 
Blue: Throat Chakra. Spirit of Truth. Central Axis. Divine Male. 
Indigo: 3rd Eye. Spirit of Deep Peace. Knowing our place in the Universe. 
Violet: Crown Chakra. Spirit of Divine Consciousness. Inner vision. 
Magenta: Bindu. Spirit of the Divine Feminine. Mary Magdalene energy. 
White: Sri. The Body of Light. Spirit of Purity. Grace. Forgiveness. 

Additional Colors:
Pink: Spirit of Unconditional Love. Love of the Innocent Child.
Lavender: Moon energy. Feminine Mystery
Deep Violet: Cosmic fire. Spiritual Authority. Knowing one’s Spiritual Path.
Peacock: Green Turquoise energy to bring liberation and courage to fly free!

Choose From

Color Therapy And Chakra Silk Scarves

Color Therapy Kits

Color Therapy Kits $84.95

Choose the color you need the most! Choose from: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. The Color Therapy Kit includes: Bath Crystals, Essential Bath Oil, Color Therapy Soap and How to Heal with Color. This includes Tips on: Proper Clothes to wear, Proper Foods to eat, Color Balancing Techniques, Astrological Connections and all in a beautifully colored Lucite box!

Choose From

Color Therapy Products

Color Therapy Set of 7 Kits $199.95

Color Therapy Products

Color Therapy OilsColor Therapy Oils  $30.00

We have designed our color therapy oils to bring color energy back into your life! Great in the bath along with our color therapy salts or alone as a perfume oil. The sun-charged oils incorporate natural color from different parts of fruits or flowers to infuse color into a base of rich jojoba, sunflower and safflower oils. Great for all skin types. These are clear 1 ounce glass bottles with gold tops. (Note: Some oils contain color so light, it appears transparent, this is due to the fact that we blend only natural, 100% pure essential oils in this product!)

Color Therapy Products



Color Therapy Bath CrystalsColor Therapy Bath Crystals $25.00
Natural sea salts infused with organic Color Therapy for your bath or foot soak. They relax, rejuvenate, and revitalize your skin, tone your body and make for a healing experience. Enhance your color therapy experience with our Color Therapy Oil or the complete Color Therapy Kit!

Color Therapy Products



Color Therapy SoapColor Therapy Soap $15.00
Pure glycerin soap is infused with organic Color Therapy for your bath or facial regime. This soap is enriched with the powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E and aloe vera in order to enhance your facial rejuvenation every time you wash with it. Encompass your color therapy experience with our Color Therapy Oil or the complete Color Therapy Kit!

Color Therapy Products

The Color Elite Facial SystemThe Color Elite Facial System $89.95
This extraordinary facial, blends the power of aromatherapy and color therapy in a base of herbal tea extracts, which will enhance any facial, as well as better your lifestyle and well-being!.
The Color Elite Facial System is a complement to Andrew's Crystal Facial Kit and his very popular Color Elite Color Therapy Course. This unique facial system incorporates the ancient healing traditions of artisan mud, herbal tea, rejuvenating essential oils, and the color energy of the Chakra.
This system includes: Three primary colors in 2 ounce bottles for blending, Kaolin clay, the Color Elite mixing guide, and facial application information.

Color Therapy Products

Color Effects Lighting GelsColor Effects Lighting Gels $89.95
This set included 15 assorted 10" x 12" filters for use on lights or in window panes for color correction, color effects, diffusion, reflection and color therapy! There are blue and amber color correction filters to balance various combinations of light sources. Plus green filter for balancing daylight and other secondary sources of fluorescent light. Also in this kit are color effects filters to enhance light, diffusion materials for dispersing and softening light and reflectors to bounce light.
Andrew has compiled the Color Light Gel Book to be utilized in your practice. This booklet will describe in great detail how specific color gels are used as an external light source for healing. The guide includes using, mixing and working with colored gels for healing! There is also an addendum for Acupuncturist, Ayurvedic practitioners and Emotional Freedom Technique applications and how they can be applied with colored light.

Color Effects Lighting Gels

Color Therapy Glasses Color Therapy Glasses
We have designed our color therapy glasses for your busy everyday life! Lightweight, these trim aviator style glasses are enhanced with our color optic lenses. They are appropriate for everybody. Daylight activates the colored lenses to bring you healing color therapy where it is absorbed the best - through the eyes. They even work on a cloudy day! Choose from: Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, Indigo, Violet, Aqua, Magenta. 

Choose From

Individual Colored Glasses

$120.00, Full Set of 9 glasses

Color Therapy Products


Color Meditation CardsColor Meditation Cards $44.95
These vibrant, sturdy, laminated color meditation cards are a great therapy when applied to color meditation, Chakra work, color energy work, aura cleansing or as a soothing presence whenever you need some color in your life! Great for traveling, they come in a silk bag and are accompanied by color meditation instructions.

Color Meditation Cards



Color Therapy QuartzColor Therapy Quartz  $15.00 each
Dyed Quartz Tumblestones are beautiful all purpose healing stones. The quartz family has a concentrated ability to dissolve blockages. These power stones can be used for Chakra balancing, Aura Cleansing, Color Therapy healing or any healing techniques that involves color and crystal. These stones are sold as a single or as a set of 7.

Choose From

Color Therapy Products


Color Therapy Quartz, set of 7 stones $55.00

Color Therapy Products

Color Pinspot Lamp
This is a great tool for applying color therapy in your life! Fused with 4515 powerful Tractor-beam light, this lamp has metal fixtures with AC cord. In this set, the lamp light and fuse are all included. This versatile pinspot can be focused on the Chakra centers, used to light a meditation space or can be pinpointed on specific acupuncture points, visceral systems or applied in any aspect of color/light therapy.

Unlimited CF-101 Pinspot is a metal housing fixture with a 6ft. heavy duty grounded AC cord and fuse. Comes with a screw/twist-on lens cover and is UL and cUL listed.
Pin Spot - Metal (UL) Features:
All metal housing
6 ft. grounded cord with fuse
UL & cUL listed
Lamp type: Par 36, 4515 (Included!)
The Color Pinspot Lamp has interchangeable colored lenses, which can concentrate a specific color for healing. Lenses can be sold individually or as a set.

Color Pinspot Lamp Color Pinspot Lamp $109.00

Choose From

Individual Color Lenses $20.00 each

Individual Pinspot Color Lenses

Color Therapy Products Set of 8 Color Lenses $120.00

Color Light Wheel Penlight

Color Light Wheel

13 colored gels in a wheel (based on the color frequencies of Din shah and the 7 Rays) and perched on a penlight makes this color tool a dream come true for acupuncturists, sound and color practitioners alike. This pen is light! making it quick and easy to use!

Swarovski Crystals To Enhance Color Therapy

We use the Color Light Wheel with tuning forks on the acupuncture points of the body, as well as for chakra and subtle energy field re-balancing. Advanced students use the light for meditation, to access the higher Cosmic Consciousness of Color. $295.00

Color Light Wheel Penlight

Chakra Zipper Pull

Chakra Zipper Pull
1st = Root - Garnet or Apache Tear
2nd = Navel - Carnelian or Goldstone
3rd = Solar - Citrine or Tiger Eye
4th = Heart - Aventurine
5th = Throat – Blue Lace Agate
6th = Third Eye - Sodalite
7th = Crown - Amethyst
The purpose of the Chakra Balancer is to realign and balance the energy fields of each specific Chakra, thus aligning and harmonizing mind, body, and soul. It will aid in dissolving stress, removing blocks and an overall sense of better health, joy and abundance.


Chakra Zipper Pull



Chakra Stone Key Chain
Chakra Stone Key Chain
1st = Root - Garnet or Apache Tear
2nd = Navel - Carnelian or Goldstone
3rd = Solar - Citrine or Tiger Eye
4th = Heart - Aventurine
5th = Throat – Blue Lace Agate
6th = Third Eye - Sodalite
7th = Crown - Amethyst
The purpose of the Chakra Balancer is to realign and balance the energy fields of each specific Chakra, thus aligning and harmonizing mind, body, and soul. It will aid in dissolving stress, removing blocks and an overall sense of better health, joy and abundance.


Chakra Stone Key Chain


Blue Lace Agate EssencesBlue Lace Agate Elixirs - Helps to activate the higher Chakras. Aids in achieving high spirituality. It has a cooling and calming influence on the mind and helps to neutralize anger, Imported 10 ml Bottle, $19.95 each


Amazonite Elixirs and EssencesAmazonite Elixirs - Helps to heal and open the heart and throat Chakras. Very soothing. Aids in dissipating unwanted energy and blockages within the nervous system, Imported 10 ml Bottle, $19.95 each


Amethyst Essence and Elixirs

Amethyst Essence, $29.95
Opens the Brow Chakra, Enhances Psychic Awareness, Progresses Energetic & Cellular Evolution by transmuting lower energies into higher frequencies, Bestows the peace of the higher self, Treats hearing disorders, headaches, arthritis and nerve disorders

1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper


Carnelian Essence and Elixirs

Carnelian Essence, $29.95
Opens the Root & Sacral Chakras, Grounds and Protects, Cleanses the blood, Heals muscles, ligaments and tendons, Warms the Body, Empowers the soul, Resolves confusion and apathy, Increases sexual potency

1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper


Chrysoprase Essence and Elixirs

Chrysoprase Essence, $29.95
Aligns the Heart Chakra, Raises the body’s transformational vibration, Heals the body, Inspires love and compassion, Tones all glands, Bestows feeling of grace and tranquility, Encourages fidelity
1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper


Citrine Essence and Elixirs

Citrine Essence, $29.95
Opens the Third Chakra, Heals insecurities, Dispels Fears stored in the solar plexus and reassures, Clears and Protects, Encourages laughter, Brings feelings of freshness and sunlight

1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper


Chakra Stone Set with Pouch - Small

Chakra Stone Set with Pouch - Small
Complete your healing crystal collection with this great twelve stone chakra stone set. The beautiful crystals come in a wrap style pouch perfectly designed to keep your stones safe and organized.

The crystals included in this set are each aligned with one of the seven chakras. You will receive ten polished crystal discs, perfect for holding during meditation or placing on the body, plus a citrine tumble stone and one quartz point.

Chakra healing is an all-inclusive system, with methods for treating illness, trauma or simply balancing the chakras, body and spirit on a daily basis. Discover the power of the chakras with this wonderful crystal set.

Stones included

•Citrine Tumble stone
•Blue Quartz
•Clear Quartz
•Quartz Point
•Red Jasper
•Rose Quartz

CAG-CHK3  $72.99   Small

Chakra Stone Set with Pouch - Small

CAG-CHK1  $92.99   Large

Chakra Stone Set with Pouch - Small

Smoky Quartz Essence and Elixirs

Smoky Quartz Essence, $29.95
Lightly grounds and allows the universal energy to flow freely and properly through the body, from the crown chakra down through to the root chakra. Dissolves negative energy patterns and stabilizes, Facilitates cooperation 

1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper

Rose Quartz Essence and Elixirs

Rose Quartz Essence, $29.95
Heals the heart chakra, Allows forgiveness and the dissolution of anger and past grievances, Brings love, peace, joy and acceptance into one’s life

1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper

Clear Quartz Essence and Elixirs

Clear Quartz Essence, $29.95
Opens and aligns all chakras, Clears and elevates energy while grounding, Increases intuition, Dispels psychic attacks and drains

1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper


Peridot Essence and Elixirs

Peridot Essence, $29.95
Works between the third and fourth chakras to cleanse the spleen and heal digestive disorders. Mends damaged relationships and heals old hurts. Inspires delight in nature. General tonic and rejuvenator

1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper


Malachite Essence and Elixirs

Malachite Essence, $29.95
Very Healing. Heals all chakras, especially the heart. Increases fertility and abundance in all aspects of one’s life. Heals the optic nerve and works to regenerate the body, Draws out that which impedes evolution
1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper

Garnet Essence and Elixirs

Garnet Essence, $29.95
Heals the root chakra and spine, Grounds, Repels negative energy, Cleanses the blood and optimizes circulation, Equilibrates sexual energies, Brings order to Chaos

1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper

Jade Essence and Elixirs

Jade Essence, $29.95
Works with Heart Chakra to welcome success into one’s life, Allows universal abundance to crystallize, Dispels negativity and fosters Peace.

1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper

Lapis Lazuli Essence and Elixirs

Lapis Lazuli Essence, $29.95
Opens throat chakra, Helps vocalize thoughts properly, Allows one to hear and speak the truth behind the words, Stabilizes the thyroid gland, Clarifies thoughts, Cleanses the mind, soul and aura

1/2 Ounce Bottles with dropper

Chakra Lotus Lights Set    

A set of seven Natural Capiz Shell Lotus tea light candleholders.
Perfect as symbols of focus for your Chakra meditations.  The translucent capiz shell lotus flowers are stunning when lit with the candle light of a tea light.

Designed with three rings of six capiz shells, our lotus tealight holders encompass the light and peacefulness of the traditional lotus flower. . Each lotus tealight holder measures about 5.5" from tip to tip and is about 2.5" high.

Please note: we don't recommend using votive candles with these pieces, as melted wax will congeal in the base and the flame sits too high to illuminate the shells properly.

Hot Stone Crystal Facial Kits

 HotStone Crystal Facial Kit $59.95
The HotStone Crystal Facial Massage utilizes the power of crystals and gemstones and is another great benefit to offer your clients! Facial Massage can help prevent new tension lines and wrinkles from appearing. Massage does this by relaxing the muscles and by stimulating the blood vessels under the skin. This unique type of "facial" helps to draw out impurities and toxins that sit on the subcutaneous layers of skin on your face.

Great work is being done with crystals on the face. In many cultures, such as Oriental and Ayurvedic Medicine, the Meridian Channels and Ayurvedic Marma points either end in the head, face or chest. Also, when working with the Chakra, four of the seven Chakra are located in the head and chest. For these reasons, such crystals as Hematite, Amethyst, Jade, Clear Quartz and Turquoise are our wonderful choices. The stones are tumbled smooth and may be lightly brushed with essential oil blends of massage oil, aloe or soothing lotion.

The HotStone Massage Facial Set comes:
*Complete with "How to Instructions"
*8 Peripheral Baltic Face Stones
*1 Hematite
*1 Blue Agate
*2 Amethyst
*2 Quartz
*2 Jade Tumbled Palm Stones
*6 oz. Angel's Mist Massage Oil


FSO EmitterFSO EmitterFSO Emitter

The FSO Emitter™ $149.00 (measures 2 inches).

With its highly energized unique brass housing, this power piece is literally ALIVE and pulsating with Full Spectrum life force! If you want REAL ORGONE POWER, Power which can be used to create real and lasting change in your life then this is your opportunity! The FS Emitter is energetically encoded to interact with your "aura" or personal energy environment (your personal life force energy matrix) and boost it on an exponential basis! It is activated by your Intent! It will powerfully respond to your Will automatically!

Utilize unique Full Spectrum Life Force generated by The FSO Emitter to transform your life!

- Energize and Clear Your Chakra Centers
- Achieve deep states of Meditation and Relaxation
- Amplify and Extend Your Natural Psychic Abilities
- Strengthen and Expand Your Energy Aura
- Powerfully Manifest Your Goals
- Develop Increased Vitality
- Neutralize negative fields from fluorescent lights and PC monitors
Improve your Mental/Emotional Outlook on life! Gain the “Big Picture” perspective that truly Successful Individuals possess!

Strengthen and Empower your personal “energy atmosphere” to such an extent that negativity and energy of a lower nature, of ANY kind, would have no entry point! It is like having an Orgone Energy Suit of Armor!

The Psionic Orgone Energy Emitter is the perfect instrument for Effective and Lasting "thought form" Creation and Projection!

Achieve the Ultimate in Personal Empowerment!


Sage Smudge Kits

Sage Smudge Kit Sage Smudge Kit $37.50

Nicknamed the sea ears, the Abalone shell’s flattened, oval shape with iridescent interior was used by the Native Northwest American Indians as a natural vessel for cleansing, offerings and prayers. Sage is the cleansing and purifying herb. This smudge kit comes with three Sage Bundles and a large natural vessel of Abalone Shell.



Sweet Grass Braids

Sweet Grass Braids $18.00 each

Sweet Grass Blades These wondrous "cleansing tools" are great for clearing and purifying your sacred space, altar, crystals or any room in the house. Rid the air of negative energy and cleanse with the power of Sweet Grass. Simply light one end of the braid as you would sage or incense. Pass the smoldering braid through any space, then smother the embers so that you may use it again and again.


Crystal Potpourri

Crystal Potpourri Crystal Potpourri $34.95

This unique blend of stones and crystals utilize the color combinations of Color Therapy, the scent of Aromatherapy and brought together in a huge Conch shell from the ocean! Colored pieces of Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Turquoise, Blue Agate crystals and Blue and Green Sea Glass are showcased in a large shell and scented with our highly concentrated Crystal Elixirs® blend. Also comes with a Crystal Elixirs® refresher bottle.


Priorities Of Life Empowerment Kit

Empowerment Kits $29.95
These "Priority of Life" kits are fun, educational, and a reaffirming way of creating positive energy, confidence, and the desire to achieve what you want in life!! It is a cross between a craft project and a meditation for the soul! These are positive affirmation kits that help you to connect, learn and help you get focused. Priority of Life kits are a wonderful "tool" to help you achieve your ultimate goal: BALANCE. Each kit contains the specific ingredients for completing your "Affirmations" and also contains herbs, a candle, essential oil, incense and complete instructions. Each kit also comes with a FREE HEALING CRYSTAL and Beautiful Gift Bag





$15.00 For Set Of 4









Chakra Set of 7 Natural Capiz Shell Lotus Candle Holders  $150.00

Chakra Set of 7 Natural Capiz Shell Lotus Candle Holders


Lotus  tea light Violet Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra
Connection to the Divine

Element: Light

Lotus  tea light Violet Crown Chakra


Lotus tea light Violet Crown Chakra


Lotus Tea Light Indigo Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

 Element: Thought. 

Lotus Tea Light Indigo Third Eye Chakra


Lotus Tea Light Indigo Third Eye Chakra


Lotus Tea LIght Blue Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra

Self expression, speech

Element: Ether, Sound

Lotus tea light Blue Throat Chakra


Lotus tea light Blue Throat Chakra


Lotus Tea Light Green Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra

Love, Devotion, Compassion, Healing

Element: Air

Lotus Tea Light Green Heart Chakra


Lotus tea light Green Heart Chakra


Lotus Tea Light Yellow Solar Plexux Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Power center, Self confidence
Element: Fire

Lotus Tea Light Yellow Solar Plexux Chakra


Lotus tea light Yellow Solar Plexux Chakra


Lotus Tea Light Orange Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Sexual Energy, Creativity

Element: Water

Lotus Tea Light Orange Sacral Chakra


Lotus tea light Orange Sacral Chakra


Lotus tea light Red Root Chakra

Root Chakra

Instinct, Survival, Security Vitality

Element: Earth

Lotus tea light Red Root Chakra


Lotus tea light Red Root Chakra

Cascade Gem Trees

Cascading Gemstone Trees


8 Inch x 8 Inch


Choose From

Cascading Gemstone Tree

Cascading Gemstone Trees, With Optional Wood Base

8 Inch x 8 Inch


Choose From

Cascading Gemstone Tree

Crystals ElixirsCrystal Elixirs  $29.95

These wonderfully scented oils come in .05 ounce roll-on bottles and contain genuine crystals in vibrationally compatible essential oil blends. They are fantastic for Chakra work, energy healing, as an Aura Balancer, as a balancing perfume oil or simply as a "refresher" for your Gem Potpourri.

Choose From

Amethyst Oil-Meditation/Psychic Awareness: Lavender, Sandalwood
Aventurine Oil-Emotional Healing/Good Luck: Peppermint, Rosemary
Blue Topaz Oil-Harmony/Balance: Clary Sage, Lavender
Carnelian Oil-Passion/Sexuality: Musk, Patchouli
Citrine Oil-Awareness/Power: Orange, Lemon
Clear Quartz Oil-Enlightenment/Spirituality: Sandalwood, Rose
Garnet Oil-Inspiration/Self Love: Rose, Ylang Ylang
Hematite Oil-Courage/Protection: Cedarwood, Pine
Iolite Oil-Truth/Heartfelt: Lavender, Rose
Moonstone Oil-Love Drawing/Intution: Jasmine, Nightbloom
Obsidian Oil-Letting Go/Protection: Thyme, Patchouli
Peridot Oil-Healing/Wealth: Spearmint, Peppermint
Red Jasper Oil-Energy/Grounding: Cedar, Clove
Rose Quartz Oil-Heart Awakening/Self Love: Rose, Tuberose
Smoky Quartz Oil-Protection/Spirit Lifting: Orange, Musk
Tiger's Eye Oil-Money Drawing/Will Power: Sandalwood, Cedar
Turquoise Oil-Friendship/Healing: Lemon, Neroli


Chakra Jewelry

Black Onyx with seven semi precious chakra stones Pendant
Size:  2" tall x 1 1/4" wide

Color: Black with 7 stone colors;
sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
This stunning Black Onyx pendant is set with 7 faceted chakra semi precious stones on a sterling silver setting. The stones (from top to bottom) are:

Amethyst - Crown chakra
Iolite - Third Eye chakra
Blue Topaz - Throat chakra
Peridot - Heart chakra
Citrine - Solar Plexus chakra
Yellow Topaz - Sacral Hara chakra
Garnet - Root chakra

Chakra Jewelry


OM Pendant

OM Pendant

Sterling Silver
"OM" Pendant (Measures 17mm Tall x 15mm Wide

Choose From

Om Pendants, Sterling Silver, Precious Gemstones

14K Gold Jewelry  Prices Start At $500.00

Please email us for current price in 14k gold


Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Starburst Pendant
This stunning pendant in the shape of a star contains fifteen gemstones.
Size:   1" diameter
Color:  15 stone colors;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
The 15 faceted chakra semi precious stones on the sterling silver setting are:
Amethyst (center) - Crown chakra
Iolite - Third Eye chakra
Blue Topaz - Throat chakra
Peridot - Heart chakra
Citrine - Solar Plexus chakra
Yellow Topaz - Sacral Hara chakra
Garnet - Root chakra


Chakra Jewelry

 Chakra Jewelry

Black with 7 stone colors;  sterling silver setting
2" tall with bail
Black Tourmaline with seven semi precious chakra stones Pendant
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
This stunning Black Tourmaline pendant is set with 7 faceted chakra semi precious stones on a sterling silver setting.

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Mandala Pendant with seven semi precious stones
1 1/2" tall with bail
7 stone colors;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
The Mandala symbolizes harmonious unity, and is used as a tool on our spiritual journey.
This exquisite pendant is set with 7 faceted chakra semi precious stones on a sterling silver setting.

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Power Pendant
2 1/2" tall
7 stone colors;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
This exquisite pendant is set with 7 faceted chakra semi precious stones on a sterling silver setting

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Spiral Pendant with seven semi precious stones
2" tall x 1" diameter
7 stone colors;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
The spiral shape symbolizes fertility, constant change and evolution.
This exquisite pendant is set with 7 faceted chakra semi precious stones on a sterling silver setting

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Ascension Pendant with seven semi precious stones
2 3/4" tall with bail
7 stone colors;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
The pentagram at the top symbolizes attraction of positive energy.
This exquisite pendant is set with 7 faceted chakra semi precious stones on a sterling silver setting

Chakra Ascension Pendant with seven semi precious stones

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Circle of Life Pendant


1 1/2" diameter
Color: 7 stone colors;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
The circle with a point in the center symbolizes the merging of male and female energies.
This exquisite pendant is set with 7 faceted chakra semi precious stones on a sterling silver setting surrounding a faceted Amethyst drop in the center.

Chakra Circle of Life Pendant

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Triad Pendant with seven semi precious stones

1 1/2" tall with bail
Color:   7 stone colors;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
The Triad symbolizes the duality of spirit and matter, of physical and metaphysical.
This exquisite pendant is set with 7 faceted chakra semi precious stones on a sterling silver setting

Chakra Triad Pendant with seven semi precious stones

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Faceted Crystal Oval Pendant
1 1/2" tall with bail
multi colored stones on crystal;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
This gorgeous pendant is set with 7 faceted chakra stones on a Crystal faceted oval gemstone in a sterling silver setting. Crystal is a very powerful stone that amplifies the energies of the other working stones in the setting. Crystal is also potent in healing and meditation.

Chakra Faceted Crystal Oval Pendant

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Flower of Life Pendant
Size:   1" diameter
Color: multi colored stones;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
This gorgeous pendant is set with 8 faceted chakra stones in the shape of a flower in a sterling silver setting. This beautiful bloom will amplify the best of energies into your life.

Chakra Flower of Life Pendant

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Wand Pendant
Size:  3" long
sterling silver setting
Love, Power, Healing, Protection
These beautiful six sided point pendants have seven cabochon stones - one for each chakra to lend vital energy to your 7 Chakras. Pendant has silver braid chain around pendant. Approximately 3" long. The stones (from top to bottom) are:

Amethyst (purple) - Crown chakra
Iolite (indigo) - Third Eye chakra
Blue Topaz (blue) - Throat chakra
Moldavite (green) - Heart chakra
Citrine (yellow) - Solar Plexus chakra
Orange Zincite (orange) - Sacral Hara chakra
Garnet (red) - Root chakra

The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this wand to clear the energy flow of the chakras.

Hold the wand with the pointed end facing outward
Visualize the area on your body that needs to be cleared
Touch the stone on the wand that represents the chakra you want to address
Clear your mind and calm your emotions to remove negative energy

Choose From


Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Goddess Pendant
Size:  2" tall with bail
 Color: multi colored stones;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
This gorgeous pendant is set with 7 chakra stones surrounding a sterling silver goddess setting. This beautiful pendant will amplify the best of energies into your life.

Chakra Goddess Pendant

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Alignment Pendant
Size:   2" tall with bail
Color:  multi colored stones;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
This gorgeous pendant is set with 7 chakra stones in a sterling silver setting. This beautiful pendant will amplify the best of energies into your life.

Chakra Alignment Pendant

Chakra Jewelry

Seven semi precious Stone Chakra Pendant
Crystal DT Point
2 1/4" long
7 stone colors;  sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
This gorgeous pendant is set with 7 cabochon or faceted chakra semi precious stones on a sterling silver setting.

Seven semi precious Stone Chakra Pendant

Cat's Eye Bracelet

Cat's Eye Bracelet $24.00
The rich, vibrant color of cat's eye makes a wonderful tool for color therapy, Chakra and Aura balancing. Beautifully hand carved in half moon shapes, these brilliant pieces are stretch bracelets and contain 13 cat's eyes. Cat's Eye or Chrysoberyl stone is often used for acquiring more prosperity, confidence, self-pride and healing. Cat's Eye amplifies other gemstones.


Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Petite Flower Pendant
Size:  1 3/4" tall with bail
Color: 9 stone colors; sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
This gorgeous pendant is set with 9 faceted chakra semi precious stones on a sterling silver setting.

Chakra Petite Flower Pendant

Chakra Jewelry

Seven semi precious Stone Chakra Pendant

Simple Faceted
Size: 2 1/4" long
Color: 7 stone colors; sterling silver setting
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this pendant to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
This gorgeous pendant is set with 7 cabochon or faceted chakra semi precious stones on a sterling silver setting

Seven semi precious Stone Chakra Pendant

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Stones Chip Necklace

Size: 24" necklace with lobster clasp
Color: 7 multi colored stones
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this necklace to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
This powerful gemstone chip necklace is made from the seven chakra stones.
The stones are:
Amethyst - Crown chakra
Aquamarine - Third Eye chakra
Iolite - Throat chakra
Peridot - Heart chakra
Citrine - Solar Plexus chakra
Carnelian - Sacral Hara chakra
Garnet - Root chakra

Chakra Stones Chip Necklace

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Gemstone Chip Bracelet
Size:  7 1/2" long
Color:  multi colored stones;
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. Wear this bracelet to clear the energy flow of the chakras.
The stones are:
Amethyst - Crown chakra
Iolite - Throat chakra
Peridot - Heart chakra
Citrine - Solar Plexus chakra
Carnelian - Sacral Hara chakra
Garnet - Root chakra

Chakra Gemstone Chip Bracelet

Chakra Sterling Silver & Gold Jewelry

Custom Made Chakra Jewelry, Email Us With Requests And Prices

Ring Sizer

Chakra Rings

Chakra Rings



Ring Size
Chakra Jewelry


Chakra Pendants

Chakra Strip Pendants

Stone sizes in mm from top to bottom: 7, 7x5, 7x5, 7, 7x5, 7x5, 7



Chakra Sterling Silver Pendants

Please email us for current price in 14k gold


Chakra Pendants

Chakra Strip Pendants

Stone sizes in mm from top to bottom: 7, 7, 7x5, 7x5, 7, 7x5, 7x5, 7



Chakra Sterling Silver Pendants

Please email us for current price in 14k gold


Chakra Pendants

Chakra Strip Pendants

Stone sizes in mm from top to bottom: 8, 8x6, 8x6, 8, 8x6, 8x6, 8



Chakra Sterling Silver Pendants

Please email us for current price in 14k gold

Chakra Pendants

Chakra Strip Pendants

Stone sizes in mm from top to bottom: 8, 8, 8x6, 8x6, 8, 8x6, 8x6, 8



Chakra Sterling Silver Pendants

Please email us for current price in 14k gold

Chakra Pendants

Chakra Strip Pendants

Stone sizes in mm from top to bottom: 10, 10x8, 10x8, 10, 10x8, 10x8, 10



Chakra Sterling Silver Pendants

Please email us for current price in 14k gold

Chakra Flower Pendants


Chakra Flower Pendants


Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Citrine, *Orange Sapphire, Garnet Moldavite


Chakra Flower Sterling Silver Pendants

14K GOLD $510.00

Chakra Flower 14K Gold Pendants


Chakra Flower Earrings

Chakra Flower Earrings



Chakra Flower Sterling Silver Earrings

14K GOLD $285.00

Chakra Flower 14K Gold Earrings


Chakra Earrings

Chakra Strip Earrings

CH119   3mm Stones


Chakra Sterling Silver Earrings

Please email us for current price in 14k gold



Chakra Pendants

Chakra Strip Pendants

Stone sizes in mm from top to bottom: 10, 10, 10x8, 10x8, 10, 10x8, 10x8, 10



Chakra Sterling Silver Pendants

Please email us for current price in 14k gold

Chakra Pendants

Chakra Pendants On Crystal

40 mm crystal, 4 mm stones



Chakra Sterling Silver Pendants

Please email us for current price in 14k gold

Chakra Pendants

Chakra Pendants On Crystal

40 mm crystal, 3 mm stones



Chakra Sterling Silver Pendants

Chakra Pendants

Chakra Strip Pendants

CH109 4mm Stones


Chakra Sterling Silver Pendants

Please email us for current price in 14k gold


Chakra Pendants

Chakra Strip Pendants

3 mm stones



Chakra Sterling Silver Pendants

Chakra Earrings

Chakra Strip Earrings



Chakra Sterling Silver Earrings


7 Gemstone Chakra Bracelets
7 Gemstone Chakra Bracelet $64.99
Beautiful Gemstone Bracelet with barbell style silver clasp. Measures 8" from tip to tip. This is a marvelous piece of Jewelry with crystals specifically aligned to each Chakra.
Gemstones included on this item are amethyst, blue saphire, aquamarine, peridot, citrine, carnelian & garnet. The barbell clasp is sterling silver and this particular style is easily to put on and less chance of coming undone than regular style clasps.

7 Gemstone Chakra Bracelets

7 Gemstone Chakra Necklace!! $99.99
same style at the bracelet!

7 Gemstone Chakra Necklace



Chakra Earrings

Chakra Strip Earrings

CH114  4 mm Stones


Chakra Jewelry


Chakra Bracelets

Chakra Bracelets

CH113  5MM Stones


Chakra Sterling Silver Earrings

Please email us for current price in 14k gold


Chakra Power Bracelets

Chakra Power Cuff Bracelets

Properly attuned to your body's energy centers? Our cuff bracelet is, thanks to its insets of genuine garnet, amber, tiger eye, malachite, turquoise, amethyst, and moonstone, arrayed in a casting of wire-wrapped sterling silver. Gift boxed. Fits wrists to 7".

Chakra Power Bracelets


Buddah Chakra Pendant - Large

Buddah Chakra Pendant - Large
This lovely Buddha chakra pendant consists of seven different stones, each aligned with one of the seven chakras.

These chakra stones can be used as an aid for meditation and chakra healing. Chakra healing is recommended for both mental and physical problems and can be focused on the self as a whole or a specific problem area. The pendant would also be great for everyday alignment of the chakras to help the balance and flow of spiritual energy.

The stones used for this pendant have been chosen for their strong connection with the seven chakras but also for their quality and attractive colour, making them perfect for everyday wear.

•Rainbow Moonstone

Buddah Chakra Pendant - Large

Chakra Mandala Pendant

Chakra Mandala Pendant
This beautiful chakra pendant sets seven chakra stones on a silver mandala. The chakra stones used are chosen for their affinity with the seven chakras as well as their singular quality and appearance.
Of Hindu origin, and also used by Buddhist traditions, the mandala often represents the cosmos. In many traditions it is used for establishing a sacred space. As a focusing aid and spiritual teaching tool it forms the perfect accompaniment the chakra stones in aiding meditation and chakra healing of the mind and body.

Perfect as a tool for chakra meditation and attractive enough to be worn every day, this pendant makes a wonderful gift.

Chakra Mandala Pendant

Cat's Eye Bracelet

Cat's Eye Bracelet $24.00
The rich, vibrant color of cat's eye makes a wonderful tool for color therapy, Chakra and Aura balancing. Beautifully hand carved in half moon shapes, these brilliant pieces are stretch bracelets and contain 13 cat's eyes. Cat's Eye or Chrysoberyl stone is often used for acquiring more prosperity, confidence, self-pride and healing. Cat's Eye amplifies other gemstones.


Chakra Bead Necklaces and Bracelets

Chakra Bead Necklaces


Garnet, Carnelian, Tiger Eye Malachite, Turquoise, Lapis, Amethyst

$150.00  16"  Long

Chakra Bead Necklaces

$185.00  18" Long

Chakra Bead Necklaces

$200.00  24" Long

Chakra Bead Necklaces

$300.00  30" Long

Chakra Bead Necklaces

Chakra Bead Bracelets 7.5" Long 6mm Beads


Chakra Bead Necklaces


Chakra NecklaceChakra Necklace $65.00

Fantastic as a Body Balancer! Our BIGGEST SELLER!! This exquisite necklace is made up of seven tumble-polished crystals: Onyx-Root Chakra, Carnelian-Sex/Spleen Chakra, Citrine-Solar Plexus Chakra, Rhodochrosite-Heart Chakra, Sodalite-Throat Chakra, Amethyst-Third Eye Chakra, Clear Quartz-Crown Chakra. This necklace is laced with matching color crystals that complement the seven major stones in the color healing sequence and is on a 14 inch chain. Wear this whenever you need balance, confidence, grounding and reassurance in your life. This will align the subtle energy centers throughout the body. This wonderful piece was created in India.



4 mm stones
A harmonious blend of Amethyst, Lapis, Turquoise, Jade, Tiger Eye, Carnelian and Garnet.





Please email us for current price in 14k gold





8 mm stones
A harmonious blend of Amethyst, Lapis, Turquoise, Jade, Tiger Eye, Carnelian and Garnet.



Please email us for current price in 14k gold


6 mm stones
A harmonious blend of Amethyst, Lapis, Turquoise, Jade, Tiger Eye, Carnelian and Garnet.


Chakra Jewelry






















White Brass Chakras Pendant Silver Plated Energy

98966 - White Brass Chakras Pendant Silver Plated Energy
Length in Inches: 1.5
Made In: India
Seven round faceted, bevel set gemstone representing the seven chakras lay at the center of this Energy Spiral pendant. The pendants bail has been designed to fit any cord or chain.

White Brass Chakras Pendant Silver Plated Energy






















Chakra Sterling Silver & Gold Jewelry

Cut Gemstone Size Chart

Did you know that the qualities that draw you to a particular stone or gemstone is because that stone hold healing properties that help you feel good when you wear them.  As far back as recorded, minerals, stones and crystals have been held in the highest regard and many times only allowed to be worn by people of power.  These jewelry items below have their own meaning as well, and if you go to our jewelry home page, you will be able to find out just what healing properties apply to what stones.  We have made these beautiful pieces affordable to you, so wear them in good health

Ring Sizer

Chakras Dangle Earrings

Chakra Earrings (Dangle with 2.5mm Gemstones)
Stones: Round 2.5mm Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Moldavite, Citrine, Padparadsha Sapphire* and Garnet Faceted Gemstones

Chakra Jewelry
Chakras Dangle Earrings

Chakra Earrings (Dangle with 4mm Gemstones)
Stones: Round 4mm Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Moldavite, Citrine, Padparadsha Sapphire* and Garnet Faceted Gemstones

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Earrings (Stud with 2.5mm Gemstones)
Chakras Stud Earrings
Stones: Round 2.5mm Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Moldavite, Citrine, Padparadsha Sapphire* and Garnet Faceted Gemstones


Chakra Stud Post Earrings

Chakras Stud Earrings

Chakra Earrings (Stud with 4mm Gemstones)

Stones: Round 4mm Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Moldavite, Citrine, Padparadsha Sapphire* and Garnet Faceted Gemstones



Chakra Post Stud Earrings

Chakra Faceted Gemstone Ring
Stones: Round 2.5mm Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Moldavite, Citrine, Padparadsha Sapphire* and Garnet Faceted Gemstones


Ring Size

Chakra Rings


Chakra Faceted Gemstone Bracelet

Chakras Bracelet
Stones: Round 5mm Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Moldavite, Citrine, Padparadsha Sapphire* and Garnet Faceted Gemstones



Chakra Bracelet

Chakras 28mm Tall Pendant

Chakra Pendant with Faceted Gemstones (28mm Tall)
Stones: Round 2.5mm Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Moldavite, Citrine, Padparadsha Sapphire* and Garnet Faceted Gemstones


Chakra Pendants


Chakras 36mm Tall Pendant

Chakra Pendant with Faceted Gemstones (36mm Tall)
Stones: Round 4mm Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Moldavite, Citrine, Padparadsha Sapphire* and Garnet Faceted Gemstones


Chakra Pendants

Chakras 50mm Tall Pendant

Chakra Pendant with Faceted Gemstones (50mm Tall)
Your Price: From $562.00 to $1,544.00
Faceted Gemstones:
Amethyst (7mm Trillion)
Iolite (7x5mm Oval)
Aquamarine (7x5mm Rectangle)
Moldavite (7mm Round)
Citrine (7x5mm Rectangle)
Padparadsha Sapphire* (7x5mm Oval)
Garnet (7mm Trillion)


Chakra Pendants

Chakras 56mm Tall Pendant

Chakra Pendant with Faceted Gemstones (56mm Tall)
Faceted Gemstones:
Danburite (7mm Round)
Amethyst (7mm Trillion)
Iolite (7x5mm Oval)
Aquamarine (7x5mm Rectangle)
Moldavite (7mm Round)
Citrine (7x5mm Rectangle)
Padparadsha Sapphire* (7x5mm Oval)
Garnet (7mm Trillion)


Chakra Jewelry
Chakras 58mm Tall Pendant

Chakra Pendant with Faceted Gemstones (58mm Tall)
Faceted Gemstones:
Amethyst (8mm Trillion)
Iolite (8x6mm Oval)
Aquamarine (8x6mm Rectangle)
Moldavite (8mm Round)
Citrine (8x6mm Rectangle)
Padparadsha Sapphire* (8x6mm Oval)
Garnet (8mm Trillion)



Chakra Pendant

Chakras 66mm Tall Pendant

Chakra Pendant with Faceted Gemstones (66mm Tall)
Faceted Gemstones:
Danburite (8mm Round)
Amethyst (8mm Trillion)
Iolite (8x6mm Oval)
Aquamarine (8x6mm Rectangle)
Moldavite (8mm Round)
Citrine (8x6mm Rectangle)
Padparadsha Sapphire* (8x6mm Oval)
Garnet (8mm Trillion)



Chakra Pendants

Chakra Pendant with Faceted Gemstones (74mm Tall)
Chakras 74mm Tall Pendant
Faceted Gemstones:
Amethyst (10mm Trillion)
Iolite (10x8mm Oval)
Aquamarine (10x8mm Rectangle)
Moldavite (10mm Round)
Citrine (10x8mm Rectangle)
Padparadsha Sapphire* (10x8mm Oval)
Garnet (10mm Trillion)


Chakra Pendants

Chakra Pendant with Faceted Gemstones (82mm Tall)
Chakras 82mm Tall Pendant
Faceted Gemstones:
Danburite (10mm Round)
Amethyst (10mm Trillion)
Iolite (10x8mm Oval)
Aquamarine (10x8mm Rectangle)
Moldavite (10mm Round)
Citrine (10x8mm Rectangle)
Padparadsha Sapphire* (10x8mm Oval)
Garnet (10mm Trillion)


Chakra Pendants

Chakra Stones On Clear Quartz Pendant (55mm Tall)
Chakras Stones on Clear Quartz 55mm Pendant
Stones: Round 2.5mm Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Moldavite, Citrine, Padparadsha Sapphire* and Garnet Faceted Gemstones


Chakra Clear Quartz Pendant

Chakra Stones On Clear Quartz Pendant (56mm Tall)
Chakras Stones on Clear Quartz 56mm Pendant
Stones: Round 4mm Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Moldavite, Citrine, Padparadsha Sapphire* and Garnet Faceted Gemstones



Chakra Clear Quartz Pendants


Chakra Sterling Silver & Gold Jewelry

Custom Made Chakra Jewelry, Email Us With Requests And Prices

Ring Sizer

Chakra Bracelets

Chakra Bracelets

CH113  5MM Stones


Chakra Sterling Silver Earrings

14K GOLD $3580.00

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Flower Pendants


Chakra Flower Pendants


Amethyst, Iolite, Aquamarine, Citrine, *Orange Sapphire, Garnet Moldavite


Chakra Flower Sterling Silver Pendants

14K GOLD $950.00

Chakra Flower 14K Gold Pendants


Chakra Flower Earrings

Chakra Flower Earrings



Chakra Flower Sterling Silver Earrings

14K GOLD $450.00

Chakra Flower 14K Gold Earrings


Rainbow Snake Pendants

Rainbow Snake, Originator Of Life in many aboriginal mythologies


Rainbow Snake Pendants, Sterling Silver Jewelry  $175.00

Rainbow Snake Pendants, Sterling Silver

Rainbow Snake Pendants,, 14K Gold Jewelry  $985.00


Rainbow Snake Pendants, 14K Gold



Synergy Jewelry and Ascension Jewelry

These pieces are designed to be the highest vibration jewelry ever made.  The Synergy Seven and Synergy Ten combinations are for full activation and integration of all the energy bodies with the physical.  The most uplifting energy combinations utilize stones of the pure White Light ray, Danburite, Phenacite, Petalite, Herderite, Azeztulite to open one's connection to the highest Spiritual domains

Ascension Stone Pendants

Ascension Stone Trilliant Pendants

Ascension Pendants contain Danburite, Phenacite, Petalite, Herderite, Azeztulite

All 4 mm Stones



Ascension Sterling Silver Pendants

14K GOLD $700.00

Ascension Jewelry

Ascension Stone Pendants

Ascension Stone Trilliant Pendants

Ascension Pendants contain Danburite, Phenacite, Petalite, Herderite, Azeztulite

Stone sizes in mm from Top to Bottom: 7, 7x5, 6, 7x5, 7



Ascension Stone Trilliant Sterling Silver Pendants

14K GOLD $1400.00

Ascension Stone Trilliant Jewelry

Ascension Stone Pendants

Ascension Stone Cross Pendants

Ascension Pendants contain Danburite, Petalite, Azeztulite

Stone sizes in mm: Middle 10, Outsides 6


Ascension Stone Cross Sterling Silver Pendants

14K GOLD $1600.00

Ascension Stone Cross Jewelry

Ascension 3 Stone Pendants

Ascension Pendants contain Danburite, Petalite, Azeztulite

Stone sizes in mm: Top 8, Middle 10, Bottom 8



Ascension 3 Stone Sterling Silver Pendants

14K GOLD $1100.00

Ascension 3 Stone Jewelry

Ascension 3 Stone Pendants

Ascension Pendants contain Danburite, Petalite, Azeztulite

Stone sizes in mm: Top 7, Middle 14x10, Bottom 7


Ascension 3 Stone Sterling Silver Pendants

14K GOLD $1300.00

Ascension 3 Stone Jewelry



4 mm Stones
Synergy Seven Pendants
An elegant blend of Azeztulite, Tanzanite, Danburite, Moldavite, Herderite, Tibetan Tektite, Phenacite. The most powerful combination - rare and beautiful!



14k Gold prices start at $879.00, email for current pricing

Chakras Cabochon 40mm Tall Pendant

Chakra Pendant with Cabochon Gemstones (40mm Tall)

Your Price: From $42.00 to $258.00
Stones: Round 4mm Amethyst, Lapis, Turquoise, Jade, Tiger Eye, Carnelian and Garnet Cabochons


Chakra Jewelry


Chakras 54mm Tall Pendant

Chakra Pendant with Cabochon Gemstones (54mm Tall)

Stones: Round 6mm Amethyst, Lapis, Turquoise, Jade, Tiger Eye, Carnelian and Garnet Cabochons


Chakra Cabochon Pendants

Chakras 70mm Tall Pendant

Chakra Pendant with Cabochon Gemstones (70mm Tall)

Chakras 70mm Tall Pendant
Stones: Round 8mm Amethyst, Lapis, Turquoise, Jade, Tiger Eye, Carnelian and Garnet Cabochons



Chakra Cabochon Pendants

Chakra Pendants

Chakra Pendant $100 each


Chakra Pendants
Chakra Pendant $100 each

 Chakra Pendants are set in sterling silver with 7 stones representing each of the 7 chakras: garnet, carnelian, citrine, peridot, aquamarine, iolite, and amethyst. approx. 2" long



 Chakra Charm Necklace

Chakra Charm Necklace

Chakra Jewelry Necklace This necklace was inspired after our most popular Chakra Stones Bracelet. It incorporates the same seven gemstone beads, in the same pattern, BUT with the addition of seven reversible silver charms. These charms are special in so many ways. Each one is of a different Lotus Flower pattern which corresponds to one of the seven chakra energy centers. The detail of each Lotus flower is amazing. Turn the charm over and reveal the name of the chakra it represents.

This necklace offers a wonderful way to open up and balance the energy flow of the charkas. Let your fingers roll over these timeless symbols as a reminder to flow energy into your energy centers. An excellent gift for yourself or anyone who desires to open and balance their Chakras.

Gemstones used: Quartz, Amethyst, Sodalite, Aventurine, Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Garnet. (Please see our index of crystal and gemstone healing properties for more information.)
16 inches.



Chakra Charm Necklace

Chakra Stones Anklet

Chakra Stones Anklet

Chakra Stones Anklet

Chakra Stones Bracelet

Chakra Stones Bracelet
Quartz, Amethyst, Sodalite, Aventurine, Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Garnet

These stones correspond to the seven main chakra energy centers within the body.

Each chakra gives off one of the seven colors of the rainbow.
When all the chakras are open, one will feel healthy and vibrant and balanced.


Chakra Stones Bracelet

Chakra Pendants

Chakra Pendant $160 each


Chakra Pendants
Chakra Pendant $160 each

 Chakra Pendants are set in sterling silver with 7 stones representing each of the 7 chakras: garnet, carnelian, citrine, peridot, aquamarine, iolite, and amethyst. approx. 2" long


chakra tree of life pendants

98970 - White Brass Chakras Pendant Silver Plated Tree of Life
Length in Inches: 1.5
Made In: India
Colored round faceted, bevel set gemstones, representing the colors of the chakras adorn this silver toned Tree Of Life Pendant. The pendant's bail has been designed to fit any cord or chain.

White Brass Chakras Pendant Silver Plated Tree of Life


Aum, Om Pendants Symbols

OM Aum Symbols


Om Aum Pendants, Sterling Silver Jewelry  $125.00

Om Pendants Symbols, Sterling Silver

Please email us for current price in 14k gold






Pentacle Moon Chakra Pendants

Moon Pentacle Symbols

F922     3.5 mm stones

Moon Pentacle Pendants, Sterling Silver Jewelry  $195.00

Moon Pentacle Pendants, Sterling Silver

Moon Pentacle Pendants, 14K Gold Jewelry  $820.00


Moon Pentacle Pendants, 14K Gold


OM, Aum Ohm Rings


OM, Aum Ohm Rings

Semi-Precious Stones
Stone Size in mm: 6



Choose Stone/Crystals

Choose Ring Size

Ring Sizes, If you need an larger sizes, it will take an additional week for an extra price, email us with a larger size choice

OM, Aum Ohm Rings

Please email us for current price in 14k gold



Gabbala Symbol, Tree Of Life Pendants

Gabbala Symbols


Gabbala Tree Of Life Pendants, Sterling Silver Jewelry  $240.00

Gabbala Symbol, Tree Of Life Pendants, Sterling Silver

Gabbala, Tree Of Life Pendants, 14K Gold Jewelry  $920.00

Gabbala Symbol, Tree Of Life Pendants, 14K Gold


Rainbow Snake Pendants

Rainbow Snake, Originator Of Life in many aboriginal mythologies


Rainbow Snake Pendants, Sterling Silver Jewelry  $175.00

Rainbow Snake Pendants, Sterling Silver

Rainbow Snake Pendants,, 14K Gold Jewelry  $985.00

Rainbow Snake Pendants, 14K Gold

Lighted Chakra Necklaces

Lighted Chakra Necklaces

These amazing illuminated Swarovski Crystals LED Necklaces are powered by a changeable watch battery.



Choose From

Lighted Chakra Necklaces

 Lighted Chakra Necklaces

Lighted Chakra Necklaces

These amazing illuminated Swarovski Crystals LED Necklaces are powered by a changeable watch battery.



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Lighted Chakra Necklaces

White Brass Chakras Pendant Silver Plated Energy

98966 - White Brass Chakras Pendant Silver Plated Energy
Length in Inches: 1.5
Made In: India
Seven round faceted, bevel set gemstone representing the seven chakras lay at the center of this Energy Spiral pendant. The pendants bail has been designed to fit any cord or chain.

White Brass Chakras Pendant Silver Plated Energy



Chakra Products

98115 - Gemstone Chips Necklace 7 Chakras
Length in Inches: 34
The varying shapes of chips give a unique attractiveness and fashionable flair to this vibrant genuine chakra colors stone necklace.

Gemstone Chips Necklace 7 Chakras



Chakra Products

98271 - Gemstone Chips Elastic Bracelet 7 Chakras
Length in Inches: 8
This attractive elastic bracelet is made with assorted chip stones. The varying shapes of chips give the bracelet a lovely textured look. Each group of stone chips corresponds to one of the Chakras.

Gemstone Chips Elastic Bracelet 7 Chakras


Chakra Products

98127 - Gemstone Chips Choker 7 Chakras

Length in Inches: 18
This 18-inch long choker is made of semi-precious stone chips. It closes with a magnetic clasp that is very easy to handle.


Gemstone Chips Choker 7 Chakras


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