Akumon Essences & Essential Oils

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Akumon Meditation
Greetings and blessings to you all!

It is not our purpose to "channel" messages per se, our focus is more aligned with giving you tools and techniques you can use to improve your lives and the lives of those around you.

What we are offering here is a simple meditation that you can do each day or evening as your schedule permits and you will see more and more result from this as time goes on and if you are consistent with it. Consistency is the key for what is happening is that you are bringing greater awareness of the Higher realms into the cells of your body and as this happens, the old is being pushed out and replaced with new cells that are designed to hold a higher frequency. Without these new cells being added on and the old released, you would feel as though you suddenly plugged yourself into 120 volt outlet when you are used to taking in only 40 volts.

The purpose of this meditation is to align you with the new energy frequencies and thought forms that are currently penetrating the very fabric of your "reality". It takes 22 minutes a day, although you can do it longer if desired. If the desire is to stay in this meditation for longer periods of time, we suggest you work in double digit numbers such as 33 and 44 for these help to balance the vibration so it is equally distributed throughout your energy field. Simply find a quiet time and place and relax, you may listen to music if you wish, or do this in your bed it does not matter to us. What is most important is that you begin to physically as well as emotionally sense our world of Light and your world of form meshing and merging together. At first you may feel as though you are not receiving energy from us and the vast number of Light Beings we work with, yet if you trust that something is happening and persist, you will find yourself immersed in a sea of light so beautiful and full of love that it will transport you above and beyond where you thought possible to go. You will notice changes in your daily life experience as well and this will impact every single area.

During the meditation you may feel as though someone is touching you or adjusting your neck and back or the tops of your head. At times there may be a sensation of someone touching or activating something at your scalp line and indeed there is a chakra there as well as another just below the skull on your neck. These two areas are being activated most strongly at this time for they help to connect the rational with the intuitive and the world of matter with that of light. At any point in time during this process should you feel uncomfortable or afraid for any reason, we will immediately withdraw as it is not our intent to cause discomfort to any. We seek to bring healing and light, joy and upliftment for we are you and you are us although you are unaware of this at the present time. The world we inhabit is yours by right and we are working with you to bring the two worlds together as one, the way it was meant to be from the beginning.

There were certain physical processes that needed to be anchored onto the earth plane so that other light beings may also have access to them, this was ours and yours agreement to do this when the earth plane was created. Now that the process of anchoring the energies is complete, we have come to "take you home" so to speak, only you will not leave the planet, you will simply evolve it up to the highest levels. As you do, you will find your own lives and the lives of those around improving by leaps and bounds in terms of quality of experience. You will suddenly find yourselves manifesting things so quickly that you will find it most required to follow and hear your own guidance and intuition. Yet you need not fear, for we and many others are assisting you to do this every step of the way and we can help you slow down the process enough so you may "catch a breath" and then continue forward. Always we are connected with you and your Master Selves as we have been since the beginning.

Ponder the concept that we are you and that you are already us. We are saying YOU ARE US! We are simply reminding you of this truth. We are with you always, we hear your requests for assistance and support and we always answer them. Whatever you need, whatever you desire, ask it of us/yourself and then greet the manifestation with open arms.

With Love Light Blessings

The Akumon



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The Souls Energy Akumon Essences, Series One
SE Akumon - The Sacred Well
What does it do? From what I understand it will work differently for different people, but it's intent is to uplift and help the person using it to evolve faster and higher than before. I felt connected in with my probable self and have been in communication with her.

Since I first started using this essence, so many new things have opened up for me In my life, things that has taken me years of working towards suddenly began manifesting literally overnight. Yet everything can be traced back to that day in April when I took a most remarkable journey and returned profoundly changed forever.

Update on Sacred Well: The above has been true for everyone who has been using this essence as well, there have been reports of major turn around in everything from personal affairs to business, to spiritual development and family healing and connections. People are so excited about this essence and the possibilities for personal and world transformation, that I am still reeling from what is happening myself. I have never seen an essence, and I have worked with thousands over the years, do so much for so many in such a short period of time. It truly has been phenomenal. What also fascinated me was how many people reported that others who were around them in some capacity also seemed to be experiencing the same shifts, not to the same degree as the person using Sacred Well, but definite changes were taking place that the person could only ascribe to being an outgrowth of their use of Sacred Well.
SE Akumon - Celestial Gateway
This, the fifth essence, is for moving yourself into a perpetual state of bliss, with what resonates for you as Soul in physical form, releasing anything that no longer supports or advances you in the direction of your heart's desire while simultaneously bringing in what is perfect and joyful for you.
SE Akumon - Expansion Of Light
This one for me felt like I had huge waves of love and light surging through me, pouring from my heart center and out into the world around me. I found I could send this energy to others even more easily than before, it was effortless, a completely effortless flow of energy and healing light and I cannot help but think of the implications of this essence for healers around the world. Because the healing is sent so effortlessly it is quite possible to send out vast amounts of light and healing rays with no depletion for the healer. This energy then returns in ever increasing waves of light and a feeling of expansion that is so blissful and harmonious, it is almost impossible to describe in words. This essence also expands upon the qualities of the first two essences, bringing in a higher and higher vibration that fills the person with a sense of such deep, unconditional love for the self and others which makes it very easy to automatically accept more and more of the good the Universe so longs to share with us all. Greater Spiritual awareness is enhanced and there is such an upliftment in the person's consciousness that a great evolutionary leap is taken forward. The person senses and trusts that all things are indeed possible to manifest!
SE Akumon - The Bridge of Light
This essence has been found to create a sort of "link up" between people, places and things that are of benefit not only to the person using the essence, but draws in others who also benefit from being around the person as well. I have found personally since using this essence that I am connecting more and more with my own Soul family, I feel a vibration has been coded within me through the use of Bridge of Light that is acting as a magnet to draw more and more good into my life. I have noticed that I have been receiving an astonishing amount of support and assistance for my life's work, and in each case, it has been a real win win for all involved. It appears that positive karma is generated very quickly through the use of this essence while negative Karma is dissolved. I truly believe that Bridge Of Light is to help us learn how to grow and evolve through joy and happiness rather than pain and suffering. I have felt a stronger connection with my Guides and teachers, my intuition continues to grow by leaps and bounds, everyone around me is far more cooperative and helpful. People have literally been going out of their way to offer support and assistance in getting the Akumon essences as well as the other Morningstar essences in any way they can.
Others experiences have been very similar to mine, they are drawing more and more people and things into their lives that are of such benefit and joy for them, it's as though the windows of the Universe have opened even wider and blessings in abundance are being showered upon us. Problems are resolved, often of their own accord or with very little effort, many feel they are plugged into some kind of cosmic energy system that is so supportive, loving and giving, they need only ask to know that what they have asked for is already in the process of manifesting in their lives.
SE Akumon - Celestial Miracles
I have noticed that I get an idea of the energy before it actually comes through, this one appears to take us beyond our normal concepts of miracles into the realm where not only is anything possible but miracles and magic become the order of the day! Of course the more open we are and follow up on our intuition and guidance the more likely it is we will experience the full impact of what ever tools we are using. Stay tuned for more information!
SE Akumon - Light Pyramid
This is the fourth essence. Because this essence was produced two days before a Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees Capricorn, this is an intensely powerful essence indeed. The journey was very successful and as usual, I didn't want to return, but when I did come back I heard the words "This is for wishes that come true!" I think what this one does is to elevate and straighten out any parts of a wish, dream or desire that isn't for the best and elevates all the components so that what is manifested is really what the person desires. We can sure use that! I also noticed I have been very energized since the journey, following the steps I feel guided to take in order to manifest what I desire and the guidance is extremely clear. When I hit a few snags in the process yesterday I heard "Now focus on what is desired" and as I did, the obstacle cleared itself up automatically. I also felt deluged by new creative ideas, looking at the world around me through new eyes, which gave me such an intense feeling of love, faith, and hope, and I also received a few unexpected gifts from people that were so perfect for me and fit right in with what I have been working on manifesting. I feel the entire Universe is backing me up, guiding me and working for and through me, the sense of support and freedom is wondrous!
SE Akumon - Point Of Power
This is the point in which we recognize our true capabilities and see them move outwardly into the world of time and space. I felt such an amazing shift inside of myself when this essence was produced on November 6th 2000, and since that time I have noticed spiritual concepts that I had trouble grasping suddenly not only made perfect sense but filled me with a sense of such illumination and peace. The only way I can describe this feeling in words is that it felt as though a giant hand had pushed a door open within me and suddenly I found myself propelled into a sense of reality that I have never experienced before. The true power within me seemed to rise up and take control of the reins. I then felt this power moving outwards and into the world around me. I made a firm commitment to utilizing this power to the fullest to live with "the license of a higher order of beings" (Thoreau). This is such a strong sense of "I can do this", "I can reach these goals", "I can be who and what I desire to be", such a strong sense of conviction within that all doubt must melt in the face of it and then the sky is the limit on what one individual can achieve.
SE Akumon - Mystical Dreaming
Reality is first formed in our "dreaming consciousness" the part of ourselves that knows all things are possible if we will only allow ourselves to dream our dreams and allow the power within each of us to bring our dreams into the realm of reality. We need not be concerned that no one has manifested in this way before or even with what is happening within the reality of the mass consciousness. We can finally recognize that we do have the ability to step aside from the mass illusion and dream a new dream that has inherent within it all the potential we are capable of manifesting within our lives. As we move towards this new realm of being and manifesting we empower all others to also set their old limiting belief systems aside and see ourselves as we truly are: Light Beings of the Highest Order who have a magnificent destiny to fulfill.
SE Akumon - Consciousness of Light
The day before I cross the bridge to retrieve an essence from the Akumon I have noticed that I start getting a direct indication of what the essence is for. This time I had received an email from a friend who was experiencing a bit of a crisis and asked for my help. I did a small ceremony for us both and as I did, I saw this amazing beam of light that shot out from my heart and as the light moved away from me I could see actual forms and faces! I realized that the Light when we call upon it and send it forth takes on form that is best needed to manifest the healing or assistance that is asked for. Later on that day I kept hearing the soft murmurings of voices and knew it was the Consciousness of Light that was speaking to me. As I listened I understood it to say that it is an extension of ourselves and when we ignore it, it's as though we are ignoring our foot or arm, even though it is still an extension of our body.
When we work with the Light the way we would a dear friend or trusted advisor, it can then guide us on what form we need to request it take in order to sure a most successful outcome. We then become co-creators with another extension of ourselves and over time this connection will become so well developed that we will automatically ask for exactly what is truly needed and desired. Instead of sitting and thinking about how to word an affirmation or what words to use to ask for anything, we will have an automatic knowing and this will be instantly transmitted into the ethers. This awareness of Light Consciousness I feel may also be invaluable in understanding what for us personally may be blocking something we have desired from manifesting, we are able then to get to the root of the problem and clear it so the Light can take the needed form. There is also an enhanced intuitive knowing of how the Universe works and an understanding of Universal law that cuts through what we have been taught to believe and helps us to home in on what is truth for us.
I am very excited about this essence as I am all of the Akumon essences. Yet this one for me has signaled a huge shift in energy and awareness, much bigger than I had anticipated. I had noticed over the preceding few weeks that I was able to handle more and more work and influxes of energy. Point of Power I fully credit for that and feel it was required for me to be able to handle and understand the changes I feel are occurring within me now with Consciousness of Light. I am very curious to see where this leads and am very excited about hearing how this newest Akumon essence impacts others!
SE Akumon - Walking Free
The Akumon's tenth essence is named "Walking Free', how appropriate for the start of a New Millennium as this essence was first produced on January 2, 2001! Get ready to leave bag and baggage behind and head into the life you only dreamed of. Miracles and dreams do come true and I am living proof of that! I am asking for those things that seemed impossible for me to manifest even 6 months ago. Now they not only seem possible but there is also an inner feeling that they are most likely to occur so remember to ask for what you really want and make sure you want it for it will show up, and with the Akumon involved, probably accompanied by a parade and bells too!
SE Akumon - Ascension
Akumon - Ascension is our graduation from level one of working with the Akumon and level two begins in March of 2001. I have been looking at the past almost full year now since I met the Akumon and have been astounded at how much my life has changed. Had anyone told me when I met them all that would happen because of their love and energy I would have been ringing up the men in white coats and butterfly nets for sure! My life has changed dramatically since that time, Morningstar has grown beyond all reasonable expectations, I am living in the city I have desired to live in for several years, my flatmate was hired into his dream job and even heard about the job opening at first by a sheer "twist of fate", my children are growing and developing in ways that just astound me, my friendships with others has grown deeper and richer, I am healthier than I have ever been in my life, I simply am not the same person who sat in her office last April when the Akumon appeared. And every where I look I see nothing but good headed my way! I really did not understand why the Akumon essences are as powerful as they are but after reading Lynn Grabhorn's book "Excuse me, your life is waiting" I think I understand them much better. The Akumon always vibrate in a place of joy just the same as our Expanded or Higher Selves do. They know nothing of negativity or fear, only happiness, success, fulfillment, pleasure, fun, gratitude and love. Think of all the positive words you can and that's what the Akumon are all about. When we work with them in any capacity we are allowing them to help us lift our own energies to a higher state of being, hence the seeming miracles that often occur when someone uses one of their essences. They knew the book by Lynn was coming and was going to be dropped into my lap and they wanted to insure that I was willing to go for it, to set aside any disbelief I had and just play with the energy and see what happened. Well folks, it works. And when one person makes a shift in consciousness so does everyone else. Maybe we can't always see it right off but believe me it's there alright!
Soul Energy Akumon Essences Series Two
SE Akumon - Gathering Light
This essence supports the process of calling in the energy and guidance needed to begin working with manifesting on several levels of reality simultaneously. This is a multidimensional manifesting which acts as a support structure for establishing all you may desire in your life. All are multidimensional beings. You experience several lives and realities all at once though your primary focus is on this one alone for the most part. Yet each has impact on all the others and thus as you begin to advance in awareness of these realities you can then learn how to manipulate the energies at each level that will bring you greatest benefit on all levels of reality.
SE Akumon - Transforming Visions
As you become one with the inspired energy template you have envisioned, you will find yourself sending energy out forwards, backwards and sideways in time through which you will begin healing all things and life energy expressions that you have been, are now, and will ever be. This has an enormous impact on your current state of reality as each life energy construct down to the most minute detail impacts the whole. Thus if by sending energy forth to heal poverty or illness in a past life, so too shall you open to and be uplifted by greater health and prosperity in this life. You will come to more fully understand how each expression of life energy you are currently experiencing also has impact on all other life energy constructs and states of being.
SE Akumon - Aura Expansion
This essence is for the awakening and understanding of your true nature. In truth there is only one life force that expresses through countless "fragments". Each of these expressions of the life force is who you are, expressed at different levels and vibrational frequencies. As this becomes more and more a part of your deeper understanding, there is nothing you shall not manifest for you shall understand all of it is available to you as part of your own nature and thus you cannot be separate from any "good" thing.
SE Akumon - Light Working
This essence is for learning how to merge with the energy essence of what you are seeking to become. As you create a vision of yourself as to how you desire to be you create an energy template that you can begin to actively merge with. The greater your focus on this energy template, the faster you will find yourselves becoming one with it and the stabilization process shall be complete. You will then find yourself easily living this new person or energy construct that you have created out of your own conscious awareness and may utilize this energy to take great leaps forward in consciousness leading to even greater unfoldment of your Soul's potential.
SE Akumon - Energy Vortex
You may choose through this essence which vortexes of energy you wish to see become more prominent in your daily life. When using this essence focus upon that which is desired and see what images come into your mind. A swirl of symbols and patterns surround you and these shall become embedded into every level of your energy and life construct. Thus as you make your way through the world, you yourself shall be a walking energy vortex that makes these energies available to all others at the rate at which they are able to accept them.
SE Akumon - Flowing Acceptance
This is a stabilizing point essence. Even as you reach this point, old thought forms in the process of clearing come forth to be cleansed and recycled completely as new energy available for your own and other's use. It allows you the ability to accept that even as some of the things you do not wish for may still be manifesting, they are clearing rapidly ad this stage is only temporary. Likewise you shall find that all that you focus on with positive intent manifests with ever increasing speed and positive benefit. Here you stand at the threshold.
SE Akumon -Integration of Power
This essence provides for an integration of power harnessed both through the use of the Akumon essences as well as work one has done throughout all levels and all lifetimes of existence, both in this and other realms. It supports one's ability to integrate greater and greater levels of energy intensity without the struggle or blowing "psychic fuses". For those who find they often feel unbalanced or unstable on any level while undergoing a major energy shift or after the shift has occurred due to the integration process, this essence may be of great benefit.
SE Akumon - Star Walking
This essence aligns the energy systems of you in your totality, the Being that you are on the earth realm and the Beings that you are in other realms of existence. This allows for more rapid evolution on all levels and provides for much greater awareness and insight into your current and evolving life path.
SE Akumon - Expansion of Success
For many individuals, only a minute amount of both energy and success is allowed into the life through fear of being unable to handle more than one has already received, feelings of guilt that one may have more than the next person, feelings of unworthiness or even that any quantum leap forward in allowing more may cause a breaking down of structures and forms one holds dear such as relationships. This essence allows the individual to process the blockage that limits both evolution and greater acceptance of success and overall wellbeing so that the life may take that quantum leap forward into expressing its full energetic potential.
SE Akumon - Radiant Being
This essence is to help the individual understand themselves as Energetic Beings rather than mere physical forms as humans have been led to believe. Once the individual has fully grasped the concept that one is a mass of energy and light that is constantly seeking to transform more and more of itself into even greater expressions of the Source or Spirit from which it was created, then one begins to understand how to harness the energy of the Universe to bring forth the higher visions and ideals that each of us was assigned to carry into this earthly realm. One becomes aware that one IS the mission or destiny. The person then understands how all aspects of one's individuality and Self have been designed and created by themselves before they entered into this earth realm for the purposeful expression of this higher purpose and that it was intended to be created through and with, a sense of joy.
SE Akumon - Second Ascension
Here there is a pause that is not inactive or stagnant, but allows for the space needed for one to embrace all the good and benefit that arises from doing one's inner work. More and greater blessings and joy flow into the life and there is also a greater urge to give to others because one has become aware that there is so much more that one truly does have to offer. It is a time for both harvest and celebration and then to begin the process of preparing for the next level of growth and expansion.
Soul Energy Akumon Essences Series Three
SE Akumon - Illuminating the Mastery of Mind
It really has helped me gain some tremendous insights into what steps I need to take next and what I need to complete at this time so I can move forward, I have had some astounding and mind blowing concepts coming through that just had me going good heavens, no wonder! I am very excited about this new one from them and will be adding additional information as time goes on.
SE Akumon - Holographic Envisioning
This essence allow us to envision the sort of future we would most like to experience as though selecting from a "menu of life". There are so many possibilities and potentials inherent in us all that we have ignored because we were taught we are limited rather than unlimited beings. Through working with this essence, one can begin to envision strongly what one desires to be and experience in this lifetime and project it out in front of the self so one may simply walk into it. The Akumon suggested when I first began working with this essence to step up to an actual doorway in my home and on the other side of that door, to picture clearly in my mind what I desired to experience. Once I had that picture firmly in my mind, I was to walk through the actual doorway. As I did so, I felt a shimmer of energy moving through my crown chakra and down to the soles of my feet. I could feel changes occurring within me on all levels and shortly thereafter, many signs and new tools began appearing in my life to help support me as I moved more fully into this new state of being.
SE Akumon - Activating Quantum Consciousness
This essence brings mind expanding concepts and equations into a much deeper level of one's consciousness. There is a strong sense that these new energies and concepts are somehow being anchored within the body as well as the mind and soul.
SE Akumon - The 12 Energy Bodies
The energy profile that equates to your soul mission or purpose for being. Moving through each individual layer of the energy bodies and gaining awareness of which each level offers you in terms of personal or individual growth as well as growth on a mass, galactic and spiritual or Universal level.
SE Akumon -Into The Light
This essence supports the emergence from one's known consciousness and awareness into that of living from the perspective of the Light Body and Expanded or Higher Self. This essence helps to direct the individual onto the path of pure joy and awareness of Universal support in manifesting that which will assist one in attaining spiritual mastery in this lifetime.
SE Akumon - Perceptional Dreaming
As we move more fully into the Path of Light, our perceptions of this framework that we agree is "reality" begins to dissolve and a greater understanding of the overall framework of the Universe begins to take its place. As this shift occurs, one finds that the purpose for the life as an individual within the context of the Universal fabric takes on greater meaning and expression. One also finds that life as we have been taught to live it is a "dream", a dream that takes an abundance of energy to recreate each day as we return from the sleep state. This energy can be freed for other purposes, including enlightenment, when we choose to allow the true nature of life and the Universe to present itself without our colorations and mass agreements as to what it "must be". One feels empowered to live the life that one has dreamed from the Soul level.
SE Akumon - Paradigm Shifts
Enhances shifts in the perceptions of time, space and matter. Helps one to grasp and apply the known laws of Physics in spiritual or metaphysical ways.
SE Akumon - Manifesting Larger Frameworks
As humans, we each have the ability to call upon a number of "Inner Selves", each of whom embodies distinct talents and abilities that we may not be wholly aware of within the conscious mind. It is this understanding that within one is the ability to heal, the ability to perform a creative act, the ability to produce an abundance of prosperity, right livelihood, right relationship, attain great heights of spiritual awareness and so forth through the abilities of each individual self that makes up the larger self that we know as ourselves, that calls them into play. This is the first step in understanding the true potential and gift of our own multi-dimensionality. That we not only live within these much larger frameworks of our own creation, albeit unconsciously, but that we can do so with full conscious awareness. Each of us can learn how to tap into the abilities of each of our inner selves and call them forth at will so that over time, they become an integral part of our everyday lives that will allow us to step aside from the belief in the struggle and pain of life and move into the arena of experiencing the energy of the Higher on a more consistent basis.
SE Akumon - Karois
Kairos is a Greek word which means to move through a passage at the right moment in time that is abundant with opportunity and potential to allow the greatness within to begin to flourish. Currently we are experiencing many such moments in time or kayois opportunities, their purpose is to support us in embodying greater and greater amounts of light energy without causing disruption or a sense of imbalance throughout our energy systems as we become acclimated to this Light energy. By placing our attention on kayois, we can begin to attract more and more of this energy through synchronistic events as well as through intuitive impulses.
SE Akumon Third Ascension
The third Graduation/Initiation. At this point the individual assimilates all that has gone before and prepares to begin the process of the Fourth Level. The energy is stabilized and rooted deeply into one's energy field
  SE Akumon - Expanding The Greater Self
This essence allows for a greater and greater expression of the Higher or Expanded Self to move through your physical form which elevates the vibration of the body. This is extremely important for it is crucial that the body be raised ever higher in vibration in order for us to continue to evolve and grow spiritually. As this process continues, it becomes much easier for the individual to take great strides forward in their spiritual evolution.
SE Akumon DNA Sequence Essences
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4 Ounce Essences $220.00
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4 Ounce Essences

SE Akumon - DNA One
Begins the initial process of linking and activating the cells Mitochondrial DNA. Each strand of DNA is checked for stability and any needing repair, are repaired vibrationally. This then begins the process of having such repairs reflected throughout all of one's energy systems and life construct. Some using this essence may begin to notice a "hum" within the body as each strand of DNA (both seen and unseen by your science) is brought into higher alignment and the repair and stabilization process is complete. This provides a foundation through which greater and greater quantities of light may be processed and integrated into the body and the electrical systems far more easily, bringing about greater changes in conscious awareness and focus.
SE Akumon - DNA Two
As the stabilization process is completed, this essence keys each individual strand of DNA to begin vibrating with it's higher vibrational component that is stored in an etheric library. This library contains not books but a record of each individual molecule of the sum total of all like energy constructs. Within each strand of DNA from this library are hundreds of further layers f energy and life force. This essence "calls" to your physical DNA strands those layers which can be properly assimilated at this time and sets the foundation for the establishment of the three fold pattern that will come into form with DNA three.

SE Akumon - DNA Three
The three fold pattern is the first weaving together of the strands that form the basis of creative regeneration on all levels. This allows for further creative input from one's Higher Guide's and steps up the person's ability to vibrate at a higher level without creating a healing crises. Much can be released during this process that one will not be aware of yet a state of lightness and an overall sensation of joy will be noticed. At this stage dream states will be enhanced and one may note greater guidance and solutions to problems occurring within the dream state. The individual will become more acutely aware of what is possible to be shifted with reality constructs. It will become much easier for example for those working with this essence to dismantle old energy/reality structures and begin the process of building new ones. This will be further enhanced through DNA Four.
SE Akumon - DNA Four
As you continue to work with the DNA essences via DNA Four you will find that old structures in your life will be removed. It is important at this point to recognize that these old structures are no longer supportive or appropriate for your life so give yourself permission to let them go easily. The new structures will grow out of the higher patterning of your own cells. Many of you may find you need to continue removing old forms and structures, including those things you have in your home, and replace them with forms that better reflect the new person you are becoming on all levels. At this point the energy will begin to stabilize and yet not crystallize but remain fluid and flexible. You will begin to experience stability through flux and change. The old patterns of only feeling stability through crystallization and limitation will be released.
SE Akumon - DNA Five
Expansion of the senses is often enhanced during this stage. Colors, sounds, smells, all may become more intense yet this tends to be highly pleasurable. The purpose for this is to help you understand how circulation of all energy throughout your body impacts your immediate environment and is then extended throughout the world. This also supports your ability to use the power and vitality of your cells to create positive changes in your own life and the lives of others. At this point you may begin the process of programming your entire being to send forth the radiation of love, joy, well being, peace, prosperity or any other high vibration that you desire.
SE Akumon - DNA Six
This essence sets up a protective shield that supports the process of deflecting incoming negative beliefs and thought forms related to the mass consciousness. This is especially important at this time because of the widespread beliefs many humans have that their physical health and well being is under constant threat from Bacteria's and Virus. Each of you has already come equipped with a natural immune system that when allowed to do it's proper job (not being undermined by repetitive thoughts of ill health) will use any incoming virus or bacteria to further support and strengthen the immune system. It is very important that each of you understands that in order to evolve the Soul you must evolve the body along with it or your progress will be hampered greatly by your thoughts and fears of ill health.
SE Akumon - DNA Seven
Allows the body to adapt more easily to the influx of very high, fine spiritual energy without unbalancing it. The body becomes more comfortable with allowing these much higher vibrations to be assimilated within it, thus automatically attracting greater and greater amounts of light energy. At this juncture, the individual may find they begin craving different foods that they may not have had a taste for before. This occurs because the body in it's innate wisdom is seeking the nutrients found in certain foods that will allow it to integrate and contain higher and higher frequencies of light energy.
SE Akumon - DNA Eight
Greater conciousness is attained in terms of understanding the physical purpose of one's life on the Earth plane. One is better able to view one's "cosmic mission" and the need for the body to have been created as it was in order for the individual to complete their life purpose. The individual becomes much more aware of strengths they have not been aware of before and how they can learn to actively work with these previously hidden abilities.
SE Akumon - DNA Nine
As the DNA strands continue to be more tightly woven and intertwined, this will begin the releasing process of ingrained patterns and thought processes that have been carried over through the soul from lifetime to lifetime. It will begin to be understood that one carries the body with one throughout the entire of the life and death process, that what appears to be an actual physical body in death is simply a manifestation of what one is expected to see. This in turn will amplify the individual's ability to grasp the concepts of Law of Attraction, the focusing and turning of one's energy systems towards what one believes must be true and thus it becomes true for the individual in their reality.
SE Akumon - DNA Ten
This essence supports the continued unhooking from the mass consciousness to the degree that the Individual is prepared to accept greater responsibility for their own thought/creation manifestation process. It also eases the fear that accompanies stepping aside from mass belief systems as you have all been taught that he or she who does not see the world and reality in the same way as everyone else is believed to be insane. At one time in your physical history, the ability to see what others could not was greatly valued and supported because it was believed that this was how physical as well as soul growth could expand. This changed when the concepts of manipulation and control were introduced as thought forms by those who were curious to see what would occur when such thought forms were accepted. What started off as a small experiment spiraled out of control and it is in the remembering of this experiment that the individual can begin to release these cords of fear.
SE Akumon - DNA Eleven
Thus begins the process of moving into Avatar consciousness, the ability to manipulate energy in such a way that form emerges from the unseen at a faster and more precise rate. This process begins by becoming better able to focus the mind and emotions towards a highly specific end and remaining unwavering in that focus until the object or situation manifests as desired. The individual must bear in mind however that this essence is only the first step in the process and additional methods are required and which will be made known to the individual through their own Guides.
SE Akumon - DNA Twelve
This essence represents the ability to follow a strand of energy through to its completion within the greater pattern of the Universe. Thus one is better able to trace one's life history beginning from the time the individual's soul came into manifestation and what the soul was seeking to accomplish both through experiences on the spiritual levels as well as the physical levels. The individual may choose to fine tune this by the following of a single strand that may relate to anything he or she is currently facing in the physical expression. Each experience, each event is comprised of a single strand of light that can be viewed forwards or backwards through what appears to be time and space (though there is no time or space on the spiritual levels) and thus gain a broader understanding of the purpose and dynamics of an experience. This also allows the individual to make a conscious choice as to whether to continue operating from that pattern or to work with the tools he or she is guided to use in order to bring completion to this pattern/repeating event.
SE Akumon - DNA Thirteen
The energy of the etheric bodies becomes more closely entwined with the physical body thus greatly increasing the speed and intensity of its vibration. Greater energy and vigour is noted along with an activation of the body physical's innate wisdom and knowing. Thus one may not only operate from the intuitive level of the mind but also from the earthy sensation of the body which will allow the individual to make more potent and beneficial decisions and actions.
SE Akumon - DNA Fourteen
Activation of the Higher or Expanded Self through the body physical can begin to occur. There is far greater ease in moving from one state of consciousness to another; one who is feeling afraid or worried finds they are more easily able to accept peace. One who is angry finds themselves able to channel this energy into constructive and beneficial channels. The energy of the Individual vegins to align itself automatically with the Higher Good of that Individual and events in the outer world reflect this.
SE Akumon - DNA Fifteen
The ability to understand information on an etheric level is greatly enhanced. The Laws of the Universe are more easily understood and new Universal Laws and Concepts begin to flow into the Individual's consciousness that one is able to put to immediate practical application. Universal wisdom and understanding penetrates through to the core of Individual Being so that the Individual understands these Laws and Concepts within a deeper and more grounded framework.
SE Akumon - DNA Sixteen
Activates a column of Light that begins to move through the highest chakras and down through the crown chakra into the body physical. This stimulates emotions of ecstasy and bliss that are intensely healing to the mind, body and soul. As this healing takes place, the Individual becomes able to stimulate healing and greater awareness of the spiritualness of life in others with whom she or he comes into contact. There is a far greater awareness and understanding of the root causes of all suffering and how this suffering may be alleviated through spiritual applications.
SE Akumon - DNA Seventeen
This essence assists the individual in assimilating greater frequencies that are related to Starlight. Each Star vibrates with a special frequency that is designed to assist those seeking greater spiritual evolution in any lifetime. Since modern day individuals are not as exposed to the nighttime sky as were their ancestors, they are not receiving the same levels of energy "nutrients" as they need to be. This essence helps to correct this as well as helping the individual to key in on their own particular Star system for self-healing as well as greater spiritual and physical progress.
SE Akumon - DNA Eighteen
This essence supports the individual in feeling loved and embraced by the Life Energy that comprises the physical world. This allows the individual to feel it is safe and acceptable for them to grow and evolve on all levels. It is especially supportive of the body physical as it assists the body physical in "catching up" to the higher levels and vibrations of the Soul. At this level, the individual begins to understand that what is known as "death" is not an ending, but that the body itself undergoes a process whereby it is better able to pull in the light frequencies needed to become finer and lighter in vibration. What many individuals perceive as a physical ending of the body, is actually the birthing of a higher, finer and more radiant version of itself. At this juncture, the individual is no longer weighed down by mass beliefs in regards to physical life and thus truly does one "see the light".
SE Akumon - DNA Nineteen
This essence integrates the Over-Soul energy of one's Soul Family with the Soul energy of the individual. The individual feels more supported as a result and better able to navigate both the spiritual and material dimensions of their life. This essence is extremely healing for those who feel disconnected from their physical/earthly families.
SE Akumon - DNA Twenty
This essence both grately enhances both the learning process and the ability to make more positive life changes as a result. There is a sense of completion as each life lesson is learned and thus one is able to focus more energy in direction of spiritual growth and understanding rather than having to repeat old life lessons over and over again. For those who at a soul level have grasped a lesson and are still unable to release the repetition of it, they must needs understand that this is an old lesson from many previous incarnations that have been encoded into the body physical and the chakras. This essence will benefit those who seek to release this energy from all of their energy systems and thus release the physical need to repeat the lesson.
SE Akumon - DNA Twenty-one
This essence allows the individual to work with their nightly dreams in order to bring about greater beneficial change in the everyday life. The individual learns how to create dreams that will give them the energy boost and power of attraction to manifest. The individual will also learn how to create very specific dreams that will eventually lead them into "living the dream" at the level he or she chooses.
SE Akumon - DNA Twenty-two
This essence helps the individual to move through different life experiences without judgment as to whether the experience is positive, negative or neutral. Instead, he or she shall see all experience as part of their own becoming and thus all has value and can elevate the vibration of the self ever higher. The individual will find that their emotions become more harmonious and tranquil as a result. The mid will become much calmer and quieter, focusing with laser like precision on that which the individual chooses to focus his or her energies upon. The individual will find that he or she is better able to harness and focus their energy towards specific goals without concern as to actual outcomes. The learning process as well as the journey becomes the ultimate goal and reward.
SE Akumon - DNA Twenty-three
The vast potential of the Soul and body physical integrated becomes much more apparent to the individual. At this level, the Individual becomes most focused on a quest to radiate that potential not only into the world, but throughout the Universe as well. The Individual begins to better understand the role they play within the totality of the Universe which takes them far beyond their initial concepts of their life purpose.
Akumon - DNA Twenty-four
This is the culminating integration of all that has gone before. The Individual is now ready to embark on a new life path unlike anything they have previously encountered.

The Akumon Chakra Oils & Chakra Essences

The Akumon suggest that not only should the Chakras be worked with from Root to Crown, but from Crown to Root as well and in fact in many cases this may be preferable in order to manifest a more positive reality.

The Akumon themselves explain it this way:

"There is a saying, All is perfect in Divine Mind and this is truth. The goal then should be for you to connect more fully with the truth of you that is held within Divine Mind and bring it into your physical expression through the Chakras. When you receive a Divine impulse it first connects with the Crown Chakra. That impulse is then passed on to the 6th Chakra and so forth until it reaches the Root Chakra for manifestation in the physical world. Now, if that first impulse were transmitted in it's pure form you would indeed automatically create the reality you are seeking to manifest. However what occurs in most cases is very similar to a party game many of you have played before: One person whispers to the next " My Uncle Harry has Red hair" for example. That person then passes what they believe they heard onto the person next to them and so forth until you reach the end of the line. The last person to receive the message has a distorted thought of what the original message was, so indeed what started out as "My Uncle Harry has Red hair" becomes "I saw a red elephant with no hair" or something equally silly, which is in fact the whole point of the game. The same holds true as the messages are transmitted down through the Chakras, each Chakra receives a slightly more distorted message. However, when we are speaking in this context the game is not so much fun for you are passing distorted messages that end up as your manifestation once the impulse reaches the Root Chakra. By working with the Crown Chakra to protect and clarify the Divine impulse as it is received from Divine Mind, and then to insure that it is passed as purely as possible to the 6th and so forth, is the purpose and the goal of the Akumon Chakra Oils. So you begin with Chakra seven, the Crown Chakra, and when using the oil you set the intent that it will remain in it's pure form as it is passed down to Chakra 6. You continue in this manner, using the oils externally and each time you set the intent that the message remains in it's purest form where it is manifested through the Root Chakra.

You may begin by working with the Crown Chakra for as long as you feel is appropriate, for some that may be only a few days for others several weeks as these oils also purify and cleanse the Chakras. At each Chakra you are uplifting it's energy, attuning it to a higher and finer vibration. This in turn leads you to consistently over time remaining within the realms of Divine Mind where all is perfection and thus that is what you focus on to manifest as your physical reality.

As with any tool, consistency and intent is important. The more you choose to focus on your Divinity and ability to manifest miracles in your life, the greater the quality and quantity of your experience of the same shall be".

I am working with these oils in the following way, however you should always follow your own inner guidance. I use 2 to 3 drops 4 times a day straight from the bottle on my Crown Chakra and then after a period of three days I use one drop twice a day on the Crown Chakra and begin working with the 6th Chakra following the same initial procedure. You may continue in this manner as you work your way down through the Chakras and with each application of the oils, state your intent as clearly as possible either out loud or to yourself. You may also write out your intention as an affirmation and repeat it frequently throughout the day.

These are for external use only! It is best to use the oils directly on the Chakras rather than adding them to bath water although they can be used combined with spring water to mist the Chakra several times per day.

These Chakra Oils are also color enhanced by the Akumon for greater effectiveness. Once you have reached the Root Chakra you may then reverse the process and work your way back up through to the Crown Chakra. This process can be repeated as often as you feel the need or you may desire to take a break in between to allow yourself time to assimilate the new energies you are drawing in.

1/2 Ounce Essential Oils $35.00
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1/2 Ounce Essential Oils


 1 Ounce Essential Oils $65.00
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1 Ounce Essential Oils


 2 Ounce Essential Oils $95.00
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2 Ounce Essential Oils


1/2 Ounce Essences $35.00
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1/2 Ounce Essences

1 Ounce Essences $65.00
Choose From

1 Ounce Essences

2 Ounce Essences $95.00
Choose From

2 Ounce Essences

The Akumon Chakra Essences Sets

1/2 Ounce $150.00

Full Set of The Akumon Chakra Essences Sets

1 Ounce $250.00

Full Set of The Akumon Chakra Essences Sets

2 Ounce $400.00

Full Set of The Akumon Chakra Essences Sets


The Akumon Chakra Essential Oil Sets

1/2 Ounce $150.00

Full Set of The Akumon Chakra Essential Oil Sets

1 Ounce $250.00

Full Set of The Akumon Chakra Essential Oil Sets

2 Ounce $400.00

Full Set of The Akumon Chakra Essential Oil Sets



The Akumon Tourmaline Essences, Essence Oils & Mysts

Exhilarate in the power and joy that created you. You are magnificent Beings of light who deserve only the very best. - The Akumon
These essences are the newest edition in the Akumon range. They were produced because so many of you have requested that the Akumon make them available and they and I are very pleased to be making these available! The basic information that is on our Tourmaline essences page here - Tourmaline Gem Essences - can be used as a reference though of course these Tourmaline essences also carry the unique energy imprint of the Akumon and thus you may respond to these in markedly different ways. The Akumon and I hope that you find these essences to be of great benefit and that they bring you an abundance of blessings and much joy!

1/2 Ounce Essences $35.00
Choose From

1/2 Ounce Essences

1 Ounce Essences $65.00
Choose From

1 Ounce Essences

2 Ounce Essences $95.00
Choose From

2 Ounce Essences

4 Ounce Essences $150.00
Choose From

4 Ounce Essences

Essence Room Myst $55.00
Choose From

Essence Room Mysts

1/2 Ounce Essential Oils $35.00
Choose From

1/2 Ounce Essential Oils

 1 Ounce Essential Oils $65.00
Choose From

1 Ounce Essential Oils

 2 Ounce Essential Oils $95.00
Choose From

2 Ounce Essential Oils

 4 Ounce Essential Oils $150.00
Choose From

4 Ounce Essential Oils

Akumon Aqua Green Tourmaline
Lime, Blue Tansy & Vanilla Absolute
Akumon Black Tourmaline
Orange Blossom Absolute, Black Pepper & Lime
Akumon Brown Tourmaline
Orange Blossom Absolute, Sandalwood & Oakmoss
Akumon Clear Tourmaline
Angelica, Vanilla Absolute & Rose Geranium
Akumon Deep Blue Tourmaline
Blue Tansy, Black Pepper & Jasmine
Akumon Green Tourmaline
Orange Blossom Absolute, Black Pepper & Lime
Akumon Green Tourmaline In Matrix
Orange Blossom Absolute, Black Pepper & Oakmoss
Akumon Lavender Tourmaline
Lavender, Sandalwood & Sweet Orange
Akumon Light Blue Tourmaline
Blue Tansy, Clary Sage & Angelica
Akumon Orange Tourmaline
Tangerine, Jasmine & Sandalwood
Akumon Red Tourmaline
Rose, Jasmine & Oakmoss
Akumon Reversed Watermelon Tourmaline
Jasmine, Sweet Orange & Lime
Akumon Rose Pink Tourmaline
Rose, Jasmine & Ylang Ylang
Akumon Rubellite Tourmaline with Lepidolite
Rose, Lavender & Blue Tansy
Akumon Tri-Colored Tourmaline ( Yellow/Pink - Red/Green)
Sandalwood, Sweet Orange & Lime
Akumon Tourmaline 11:11
Orange Blossom Absolute, Sandalwood & Frankincense
Akumon Violet Tourmaline
Jasmine, Black Pepper & Sweet Orange
Akumon Violet Tourmaline In Matrix
Orange Blossom Absolute, Jasmine & Oakmoss
Akumon Watermelon Tourmaline
Rose Geranium, Sandalwood & Tangerine
Akumon Yellow Tourmaline
Sweet Orange, Lemon & Lime

The Akumon Expanding Prosperity Essences, Essential Oils & Mysts

The Universe is always seeking to bestow greater good and prosperity upon you. All you need do is open your heart and embrace it. - The Akumon These essences were created in response to requests from many people who wanted to better understand the flow of prosperity and abundance in their lives, and have asked The Akumon for help in doing so. These essences are intended to help those who work with them move up to a higher level of wisdom and ability to manifest more prosperity and abundance in their lives. I had not expected that the Akumon would give us these new essences as there are so many prosperity essences available. Yet, they do bring their own unique contribution to the process and have created so many miracles in people's lives, that it seems fitting they have desired to be of support in the new awakening of prosperity and abundance energy on the planet.

We are always seeking to move to a higher level in one way or another. I believe that part of spiritual growth includes being able to allow more and more good into one's life, whether this be money, a more fulfilling job, a more joyful family environment or relationship. The process of allowing more good includes "Allowing the Universe to act on your behalf" - (The Akumon) while heeding and following one's own inner guidance. You may make a request for something "better" and the Universe responds immediately. Yet you must also follow the dictates of your guidance so that you will find yourself in the proper place and time to receive your greater good.

Learning how to hear and follow one's own guidance is also dependant upon being willing to really understand and know what one's beliefs are in regards to one's greater good. If you desire a happier relationship and yet feel inside that you don't deserve it, that belief will prohibit you from hearing and following your guidance that would lead you to that happier relationship. It also sends a mixed message to the Universe that while you desire something, you also feel you don't deserve it which leads to the energy becoming "stuck". The same is true of prosperity and abundance.

These essences are designed by the Akumon to work on many levels and thus will act differently for each individual. In a sense, these are very similar to the Soul Energy Essences in that the Akumon knowing who each essence bottle is for, shall be working directly upon the stock bottle for that individual in ways that are for their highest and best good. They are "fine tuning" this process which is what I believe makes these essences so important. They help to connect the individual with their own "Inner Prosperity Manifestor", to help the individual find the best and most appropriate ways to manifest greater prosperity and abundance into their lives. Because these are so similar to Soul Energy Essences, these are a slightly higher price than our other Akumon Essences.

It is important to begin work with these essences at Prosperity Level One and then if needed, move on to the second, then third essence and so forth. Each essence level is designed to take the individual both deeper into their own understanding of what prosperity and abundance means to them, how they may best manifest it while extending their "prosperity net" further out into the world and Universe that they may begin attracting a greater flow more rapidly.
While working with these essences, be sure to read the information on working with all the Akumon essences found through the following link - The Akumon Essences

The Akumon and I are very excited to be able to offer these essences to you and I pray that they bring you an abundance of not only prosperity, but more of the greater good the Universe seeks to bless you with!

1/2 Ounce Essences $35.00
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1/2 Ounce Essences

1 Ounce Essences $65.00
Choose From

1 Ounce Essences

2 Ounce Essences $95.00
Choose From

2 Ounce Essences

4 Ounce Essences $150.00
Choose From

4 Ounce Essences

Essence Room Myst $55.00
Choose From

Essence Room Mysts

1/2 Ounce Essential Oils $35.00
Choose From

1/2 Ounce Essential Oils

 1 Ounce Essential Oils $65.00
Choose From

1 Ounce Essential Oils

 2 Ounce Essential Oils $95.00
Choose From

2 Ounce Essential Oils

 4 Ounce Essential Oils $150.00
Choose From

4 Ounce Essential Oils

Akumon Prosperity Level One
Oakmoss, Jasmine and Bergamot
Akumon Prosperity Level Two
Oakmoss, Tuberose and Orange Blossom Absolute
Akumon Prosperity Level Three
Oakmoss, Sweet Myrrh and Frankincense
Akumon Prosperity Level Four
Oakmoss, Rose Geranium and Ylang Ylang
Akumon Prosperity Level Five
Oakmoss, Blue Tansy and Orange Blossom Absolute
Akumon Prosperity Level Six
Oakmoss, Jasmine and Rose
Akumon Prosperity Level Seven
Oakmoss, Angelica and Vanilla Absolute
Akumon Prosperity Level Eight
Oakmoss, Clary Sage and Linden Blossom Absolute
Akumon Prosperity Level Nine
Oakmoss, Violet Leaf Absolute and Cassie Absolute

The Akumon Gem Essences, Essence Oils & Mysts

As with the first series of Akumon essences, these are unlike anything I have ever worked with before. The same day I received the message to produce a Red Diamond essence with them, a friend of mine who lives in the Netherlands sent an email to a flower essence list I belong to suggesting I ask the Akumons to produce a Herkimer Diamond essence! That was such strong validation for me, the synchronicity that occurs when they ask something of me is so astounding and fast, that I knew I had to follow through once again. So now we have the first two of this set of gems already produced with many more to follow. I have already been given the first list yet if there is a gem you would especially like to see produced with the Akumon please feel free to let me know as they have requested that we tell them what is needed. I know they already know, yet they want us to validate our own power and knowing!

As I suspected initially, these gem essences are such powerful anchors for energy in the physical world that they will function as both a link between the reality we desire to create as individuals and the Higher realms as well as substantially raising our vibrational fields on all levels.

While we now have information on all of these essences, we are still in process of getting all the information up on this page though we are trying to do so as quickly as we can. Thank you for your patience and we are thrilled beyond measure to be able to offer you these wonderful essences!

1/2 Ounce Essences $35.00
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1/2 Ounce Essences

1 Ounce Essences $65.00
Choose From

1 Ounce Essences

2 Ounce Essences $95.00
Choose From

2 Ounce Essences

4 Ounce Essences $150.00
Choose From

4 Ounce Essences

Essence Room Myst $55.00
Choose From

Essence Room Mysts

1/2 Ounce Essential Oils $35.00
Choose From

1/2 Ounce Essential Oils

 1 Ounce Essential Oils $65.00
Choose From

1 Ounce Essential Oils

 2 Ounce Essential Oils $95.00
Choose From

2 Ounce Essential Oils

 4 Ounce Essential Oils $150.00
Choose From

4 Ounce Essential Oils

Akumon Alexandrite
This essence actually has strongly shamanic qualities which surprised us. It is extremely helpful to use during Shamanic training of all sorts and supports the process of connecting with one's Totems.
Bergamot, Black Spruce & Cedar
Akumon Amber
Affirmation - My Life Is Constantly Changing & Shifting For The Better!
We are never stuck or trapped in an unchanging life yet it can certainly feel that we are at times! The Divine energy within us however is always propelling us forward though we may not always see this happening on the surface. The signs can be so subtle at first and this essence does help to make us more aware of all the signs and synchronicities that that The Universe is sending our way. It also is wonderful to stop saying "I feel stuck", which of course in turn is going to make you feel like you are indeed stuck. This essence offers a gentle and sometimes not so gentle reminder to affirm instead that "My life is constantly changing and shifting for the better!"
Gingergrass, Black Pepper & Cedar
Akumon Amethyst
This essence along with Aventurine and Ametrine help business affairs to prosper yet it is also a wonderful essence for meditation and deep relaxation. It is excellent for releasing anger, blame and feelings of revenge through transmutation of these emotions into energy that you can now use to prosper and do well in your own life, regardless of what the other person is doing.
Lavender, Jasmine & Sandalwood
Akumon Ametrine
The essence of bliss and joy, greatly enhances feelings of appreciation and gratitude even during those times when you feel you have little that you can be thankful for. This essence helps to make one more strongly aware of all the Good that is circulating throughout the Universe and then helps to put one at the very core of that good, so that one becomes a magnet for it. One of my personally favorite essences as it really does help to attract Greater Good effortlessly.
Orange Blossom Absolute, Rose & Oakmoss
Akumon Aquamarine
Affirmation - I Understand That Everything I Think & Feel Is Leading Me Into Ever More Positive Expressions
This essence is for helping you to become more aware of your own emotional guidance system and understanding what it is really telling you. When you are feeling pain or discomfort, worry or fear, your emotional guidance system is letting you know that you are focused on something that you do not want and it is time to turn your attention to something that you do want. It is so easy to try and run from our fears, pain and worries and yet if we stop, take a deep breath and ask ourselves what is really causing these feelings of discomfort, we will see that we are wanting something that is opposite of what we are focused upon. Once this is identified, it makes it much easier to turn our attention towards that which supports the process of allowing a greater abundance of positive energy flow.
Blue Tansy, Jasmine & Clary Sage
Akumon Aventurine
Affirmation - I Find It Easy To Remain Focused On What I Desire & It Manifests Quickly For Me
This is a wonderful essence for creative visualisation and keeping one's thoughts focused most strongly on that which is desired. It also protects the Heart Chakra and allows for greater service to Humanity through true spiritual compassion and awareness. It helps to increase the prosperity of business endeavors and is excellent to use for when starting any new business.
Lime, Rose Geranium & Oakmoss
Akumon Azurite
This essence helps to release one's deepest fears and transmutes them into faith and trust in Universal Love and Divine Support! It is a powerful essence for penetrating more deeply into the subconscious so tremendous healing and positive change can more easily occur. This essence is also for enhancing Intuition and for strengthening the bond between you and your own Guides.
Blue Tansy, Vanilla Absolute & Tuberose Absolute
Akumon Black Diamond
This is a strong essence for facing and working with the energy of one's Inner Saboteur, the part of ourselves that is resistant to healing and change on any level. This part is that which feels unworthy or incapable of having or achieving the goals we have set for ourselves and actually tries to function as a protective defense to try and keep us from experiencing the pain of reaching for something and yet falling short of the mark. By recognizing and bringing this aspect of ourselves into the light, it can then be harnessed to protect us from those things that might truly bring us harm, leaving us free to explore the vast richness and depth of physical life experience. This essence is also a powerful integrator of the shadow in all it's manifestations, again harnessing it's power and energy that it may be channeled into constructive channels.
Black Pepper, Rose Geranium & Sweet Orange
Akumon Blue Diamond
Affirmation - My Imagination Is A Powerful Attractor Of Joy & The Best That Life Has To Offer
This essence strongly enhances positive imagination, to better harness the power of the mind to turn one's attention and focus on greater and greater possibilities. When we imagine, we jump start the energy of creation. What we imagine immediately begins to attract Universal energy to it and as we continue to imagine, continue to allow our imaginations to expand, develop and grow in wider and more positive ways, we attract enormous amounts of Universal Energy that not only manifests the Good that we are imagining, yet also attracts wonderful things that we had not even known could be available to us.
Blue Tansy, Vanilla Absolute & Jasmine
Akumon Blue Sapphire
This essence is a powerful enhancer of communication, helping to link Intuition with the conscious mind and then being able to better share what one is receiving from the Higher Realms with others. This essence is an excellent one to use when beginning to learn to Channel or even if one is an experienced Channeler. It allows the process to flow more smoothly and efficiently and helps to release any worries or fears about the process.
Blue Tansy, Clary Sage & Lavender
Akumon Brown Diamond
Stop muddying your greater vision with "reality". It doesn't matter whether anyone agrees with or supports the Vision for your own life that you are wanting, all that matters is that you are focused on it, and The Universe will match you up with those things that match your Vision if you will release the need to insist to yourself that "reality" is what is and instead allow this essence to help you insist that your Vision is the only true reality for you.
Orange Blossom Absolute, Myrrh & Sandalwood
Akumon Carnelian
This is a wonderful essence for problem solving, helps one to think outside the box for new and creative solutions to problems that have been present in your life for some time or have just cropped up. This essence is also excellent for the Second Chakra and helps one to feel more alive and excited about life. It helps to eliminate feelings of guilt that have limited life experiences and helps to open one up to many new horizons.
Tangerine, Jasmine & Oakmoss
Akumon Charoite
This is a strongly purifying essence, helping to clear negative thoughts and beliefs as well as negative vibrations in one's environment. It also helps one to recognise that where one is now is perfect and all is truly well! Charoite is a powerful healing essence for light workers and healers and this essence is exceptionally so.
Yarrow, Neroli & Cedar
Akumon Citrine
Releasing the need to "justify" to yourself or someone else, why you are wanting something that you desire. Justifying is not only not needed, for you are already worthy and deserving of all Good so there is no need to come up with reasons why you want or need something, yet trying to justify what you want uses precious energy that you could instead use towards enjoying the thoughts of having that which you desire. When you attempt to make justifications then this attracts more of a feeling of needing to justify which in turn leads to more of a feeling of needing to justify and this is what is growing because this is where the energy is being sent rather than towards what it is you are desiring. Recognizing that you are already worthy, you need not justify your Good, that it is seeking you even as you are seeking it and putting your attention on it.
Orange Blossom Absolute, Myrrh & Sandalwood
Akumon Danburite
This essence helps to open the channel within that allows for a greater flow of Universal Joy and love into one's life.
Orange Blossom Absolute, Vanilla Absolute & Geranium
Akumon Emerald
This essence releases the belief that one must work hard and put forth great effort and struggle in order to achieve anything good in life. This can actually block the flow of good because there is such a great focus on things being difficult. The Universe is happy to yield your Good to you in any way that you believe it can be yielded. Turning your beliefs to ones that life is meant to be joyful and much easier than many people belive can help speed up the flow of your own Good to you much more swiftly and with greater joy.
Rose Geranium, Lime & Oakmoss
Akumon Garnet
This essence helps one to be more committed to goals on the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual levels. It helps one to keep going forward even when results don't appear to be manifesting very quickly (remember, much really is happening on the spiritual levels so don't give up hope!) If a goal is truly not in your best interests or will not bring you what you want, this essence will help gently guide you towards those goals that will feel much more enjoyable for you to pursue.
Rose Geranium, Bergamot & Guaicwood
Akumon Green Diamond
This is a powerful essence for aligning with Divine Mind for the grater understanding of the energy vibration of prosperity and abundance and the spiritual essence of money. Many are finding that this essence is very helpful during time of financial hardship or crises, being open to positive solutions, being better able to accept support from others and understanding how to step out of the current energy flow and into a higher vibration flow. Trusting that what is happening is only temporary, releasing fear and worry that the "worst will happen" and replacing it with a strong sense of optimism. Some have found that this essence has helped them to find new and better employment after having been made redundant from their previous jobs.
Cassie Absolute, Oakmoss & Frankincense
Akumon Hematite
This essence is a wonderful stress reliever and helps to deflect negative people from entering into your field of awareness so problems associated with such folks don't start appearing in your life. If you already have problems with folks that are not acting in ways that are kind, loving and joyful, this essence helps you to remove them from your life with greater ease and without feeling guilty about saying goodbye to them. Its okay for you to let them go and move towards people that are truly supportive of you!
Lavender, Black Spruce & Frankincense
Akumon Herkimer Diamond
I noticed such a profound feeling of upliftment and freedom, my visualization practices are becoming clearer and clearer, I find myself needing to spend more time in mediation to receive answers and the answers are so clear. I felt as though I had been cleansed from the inside out. My dreams are taking on greater intensity and I am noticing I don't need to spend nearly as much time trying to understand them. It's as though at some level I am extracting a great deal of information and processing it through all levels of my being. Many people have reported back to us that they have had similar experiences with this essence and several with even greater intensity than I have. Truly this is a remarkable essence!
Orange Blossom Absolute, Jasmine & Blue Tansy
Akumon Holdenite (Deep Red)
This essence is for shifting negative energies from the Root Chakra that have been quite challenging to release.
Gingergrass, Cedar & Black Pepper
Akumon Jade
This essence is for people who are seeking an expansion peace in their lives and are ready to release anything that does not serve their greater Good. It is wonderful for those who are willing to step away from the negative aspects of the Mass Consciousness and are seeking to create a greater flow of peace and harmony on all levels within their own reality, and to release worrying about what someone else might be doing "out there". It is also wonderful for the inner knowing that while one door may close or something may not worked out as hoped, there is always a great abundance of opportunities and doors that are opening and one can now sail through with ease.
Lavender, Sweet Orange & Geranium
Akumon Moldavite
This is a powerful essence for inner awareness and journeys, channeling and attaining a greater awareness of cosmic consciousness. It is excellent for Star Seed people and parents of Indigo and Crystal children as it allows them to feel supported and guided by The Universe in helping them and their children to find their true place in life.
Bergamot, Rose Geranium & Lime
Akumon Orange Diamond
This essence is to support the process of making it a priority to feel good, to find your own flow of Well Being and attuning to that flow with greater ease and frequency. This essence helps you to recognise those things that cause you to feel dis-connected from The Universe, release them and continue moving towards more of that which helps you to feel good and in a positive place of Well Being.
Tangerine, Jasmine & Sandalwood
Akumon Peridot
This essence helps us to feel more compassion for ourselves, not beating ourselves up when we make "mistakes" but using those things as stepping stones to greater awareness and understanding of ourselves and life.
Vanilla Absolute, Palma Rosa & Geranium
Akumon Pink Diamond
This essence helps us to become much more aware of our powerful connection to Spirit/The Universe, to remind us to focus on that which makes us feel good, to feel joyful, to take our attention away from those things that we do not want and focus on those things that we do. This essence helps us to relax and ALLOW The Universe to bring us what we are wanting.
Rose Geranium, Lavender & Sandalwood
Akumon Pink Sapphire
Incredibly uplifting, feeling loved unconditionally by the Universe and all of life. Opens the flower of the heart chakra and in that unfolding, greater feelings of love for the Self and others blossoms. Releases pain and stress from the heart area, relaxing into the flow of life rather than trying to force things to happen. This essence helps to amplify positive thought patterns and enhances feelings of joy and optimism that radiate out from the heart.
Rose, Jasmine & Frankincense
Akumon Purpurite
Increases one's ability to take in more Universal Light Energy through the crown chakra and acts as a conduit to more fully and evenly distribute this energy through all of the Chakras and meridians. The freedom to be who one truly is from a Soul level and the support to navigate one's earth walk with greater joy and enthusiasm.
Vanilla Absolute, Myrrh & Sandalwood
Akumon Red Diamond
This is the first and what I found immediately was a strong sense of change and excitement, self confidence and a deep inner knowing that things I have been praying about where coming into manifestation. It certainly impacted my root chakra and moved out some old issues that had been stored there within a matter of 24 hours, things I had been working much of my adult life to release. My creativity began to soar and I found that I was able to hear my inner guidance more clearly as to what my next steps were to take. It also drew good luck to another person near me who was not taking the essence, but was exposed to it. This essence is a powerful level that can launch what you desire into manifestation easier and with greater joy.
Red Mandarin, Sweet Orange & Oakmoss
Akumon Ruby
This is the essence of happiness and romantic love. It helps to support the attraction of one's Soul Mate and is also wonderful to use after finding this person as it helps the couple to move through any old issues much more joyfully and easily while keeping the spark of love and romance alive. This is also a good essence to work with if one is unsure about embarking upon a romantic relationship with another person because one senses that something is not "quite right". If the relationship would not be a good one for you, it will help to steer you away from that other person and towards the one whom you are really seeking.
Rose, Jasmine & Ylang Ylang
Akumon Smoky Quartz
This essence helps to greatly strengthen the positive structures in your life while releasing those parts that are not life enhancing and supportive of your Well Being. It is wonderful for grounding positive energy into your life more fully and completely as well as making one much more aware of all the Good that is already in your life while trusting that even more is manifesting for you in the here and now.
Rose Geranium, Sweet Orange & Vetiver
Akumon Sugilite
This essence helps us to define and polish our natural talents and abilities, to see how they may be offered in service to the world in ways that will make us and everyone else happy.
Cassie Absolute, Blue Tansy & Sandalwood
Akumon Tanzanite (Blue)
Clearing your vibrational field of old energy that is not bringing you want you are now wanting. While there are a number of essences for this purpose, this one is especially powerful and many people have found it to be exceptionally helpful when other essences or tools have not been able to clear as much of the old as the person had been wanting.
Yarrow, Clary Sage & Sandalwood
Akumon Tanzanite (Green)
This essence is wonderful for people who have started to allow greater abundance and prosperity into their lives and then seize up and become frightened of receiving more of their good because they fear something bad will happen or they will lose what they have gained somehow. This essence helps them to get back on track and understand that it is the Will of Spirit for them to have all good and "he addeth no sorrow with it".
Orange Blossom Absolute, Geranium & Oakmoss
Akumon Tanzanite (Violet)
This essence supports the process of telling the Universe what it is you desire and then relaxing and allowing the Universe to bring it to you in the quickest and best way for you. For example, someone wants a new car and doesn't know how to bring it about because they feel they must have so much for a down payment, they need so much income per month for the car payment, insurance and so forth. This slows the manifestation down because the person is not in resonance with what they are wanting but with more of what they don't want due to worries over whether there will be enough money flow for the manifestation of the new car to happen. Instead of trying to sort out how something is to be made manifest, your job is to simply focus as best you can and as positively as you can on the "new car" and allow the Universe to bring it to you. This essence also greatly enhances hearing your own intuition so as the Universe is bringing you want you are wanting, you will be able to hear how your intuition is guiding you right into it.
Lavender, Rose Geranium & Sandalwood
Akumon Topaz
This essence helps one to have greater faith and confidence in one's decisions and choices. It helps one to see how even a choice didn't turn out quite how one expected, it can still be adjusted and fine-tuned, one can always make adjustments and changes as needed. Knowing this takes much of the fear out of making major decisions as well as one understands that nothing is ever set in stone and The Universe can always help on to make what ever adjustments are needed if one keeps one's mind and heart open.
Clary Sage, Blue Tansy & Lime
Akumon Turquoise
This essence is very uplifting, helping one's Soul to soar free above all belief in limitations. It helps us to grasp that all possibilities are open to us, that in truth when we have a dream that has been offered to us from our hearts and souls that The Universe already has the means and ways to insure that we can have it if we are willing to accept and allow it.
Blue Tansy, Black Pepper & Jasmine

Akumon Yellow Diamond
This essence can help make all business relationships run much more smoothly, attracting win-win outcomes for all those involved. It helps to support business prosperity and also helps to inspire one as to the perfect business for one to become involved in rather than believing that one must go into something one thinks can earn them lots of money and yet the heart won't be involved in the process. Follow your bliss and the money will also come in greater abundance!
Clary Sage, Rose & Oakmoss



The Akumon Expanding Light Essences

The Universe is always seeking to bestow greater good and prosperity upon you. All you need do is open your heart and embrace it. - The Akumon

These essences are a new edition to the vast range of Akumon essences. These essences will address the specific needs of Lightworkers and Energy Sensitive individuals who need enhanced support as well as for those who are simply seeking greater spiritual support and guidance for living a more fulfilling and joyful life. We are very honored and pleased to be able to offer these essences to you in the same spirit they were shared with us by The Akumon; In Light and Love.

Update: The Akumon have been adding their own words to all but one of these essences (the Emergency Support which they say speaks for itself) and they and I pray that you will find their words ro be both helpful and uplifting.

1/2 Ounce Essences $35.00
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1/2 Ounce Essences

1 Ounce Essences $65.00
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1 Ounce Essences

2 Ounce Essences $95.00
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2 Ounce Essences

4 Ounce Essences $150.00
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4 Ounce Essences

Essence Room Myst $55.00
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Essence Room Mysts

1/2 Ounce Essential Oils $35.00
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1/2 Ounce Essential Oils

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1 Ounce Essential Oils

 2 Ounce Essential Oils $95.00
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2 Ounce Essential Oils

 4 Ounce Essential Oils $150.00
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4 Ounce Essential Oils

Akumon Bridge Of Manifestation
Affirmation - I Am A Powerful Manifestor Of that Which I Desire
Moving from where you are now to where you desire to be. Attracts specific tools, ideas and information that is best suited for your own individual Soul expression to support the manifesting process. As you begin to shift from one life expression to a more beneficial one, you will find it much easier to release inner blockages and fears that have barred your way. It can help the manifestation process to think of moving from one level of life expression to another as walking across a beautiful bridge. As you are walking across this bridge visualize people, resources and spiritual energies coming towards you to greet you and offering you gifts and support. See yourself easily accepting all the Good that is being offered to you and using it to manifest that which you are seeking. It can be very helpful as well to keep a journal, noting what each has offered you so that if you do not understand some of what you are being given, you may meditate upon it later and its meaning shall become clearer, empowering you to use the gifts and blessings more effectively.
Vetiver, Rose & Bergamot
Akumon Temple Of Light
Affirmation - My Vibration Is Spiraling Ever Higher & Higher
Transcendence, moving ever higher into vibrations of ecstasy and joy. Powerful waves of Light energy vibrations move through the individual, stimulating greater cosmic wisdom and understanding. The aura takes on a golden shimmer which is then radiated back out into the world attracting more light and love vibrations. This Temple is a real place that you may picture in your mind to be anything you wish. By spending time here you are easily and effortlessly raising your over-all vibration on all levels. You can examine any aspect of your life that you choose to here with greater detachment, understanding and wisdom. In doing so you will see more of the greater plan and purpose for your life and to be empowered to make the changes that your Inner Guidance has been calling upon you to make. You will heal more rapidly here on all levels and experience a greater flow of love and support in all that you do.
Golden Champa, Ylang Ylang and Frankincense
Akumon Sea Of Tranquility
Powerful support for highly sensitive people and lightworkers who feel overwhelmed by the "lower" vibrations of the earth plane. This essence shield such individuals from the mass consciousness so they may pursue their spiritual visions with greater peace and harmony. One of the most important tools you can master in order to evolve spiritually so that you may master the physical is to create a greater sense of peace in your life. When you feel centered and at peace you are not resisting the flow of life and the Universe yet trusting it to carry you to the shore of your highest and best good. You are in a stronger position to allow more of your Good to flow to you with greater ease and joy. You also become much clearer about what it is that you truly do desire to have in your life and thus begin the process of attracting that which is in true resonance with your own Soul.
Ylang Ylang, Jasmine and Blue Tansy
Akumon Isle Of Akumon
A place of safety, sanctuary, healing and growth. For cycles where much in your life is in upheaval and none of the tools and methods that have worked for you in the past are effective now and you feel at a loss as to how to proceed. Bask in our love and support for you, allow us to lift you up into a higher level of beingness. Stillness and peace are to be found here and new life opportunities can now begin to manifest. This is also the sacred place where you will meet with your counter-part, the You that is already as you desire to be in the physical. As meet and connect with your counter-part and align yourself more and more with his/her energy, you shall also find that your life takes on a higher quality and tone in the physical expression you now experience. You may also spend time in meditation with your counter-part, asking questions or asking for guidance. You and your counter-part can also choose to work with us directly here for your own growth and healing.
Ylang Ylang, Jasmine and Rose Geranium
Akumon Embracing The Physical
As more Lightworkers learn to embrace the physical world as a good and valued place to be, then all of life will begin to move into a much higher and lighter life expression. You each came into body physical to better understand your power and impact on everything around you. Delighting in the physical senses brings joy to Spirit/Universal Expression as well as to yourselves. Joy and pleasure are not "sinful" but are an expression of the Love the Universe feels for all of life. Your physical body is good. You are good. When you embrace the physical you are acknowledging your own spiritual power to uplift all of life, including your own. You automatically begin to attract more and more Light and Love to your own life and the entire of the Planet. The way that healing for all shall occur is when more and more of you embrace and love the physical with as much love and passion as you do the spiritual. For when people deny that the material is holy and sacred, when they view it as "negative" or "lower", then do in fact attract vibrations to the Planet that bear out what they expect to see and experience. And these vibrational expectations have an impact on your own life as well until such time as you yourself embrace the physical with love, passion, respect and honor its beauty and mystery. You are all so blessed to be here in the physical at this time! And when you come to recognize this then your life shall truly be one of magnificence!
Frankincense, Helichrysum and Rose
Akumon Emergency Support
This essence is useful for every sort of emergency, from something that is relatively minor to those things that send us reeling and feeling lost, alone and very confused as to what to do. It reminds one to allow the Higher to step in and present the proper solutions. Working with this essence makes one feel that is there is a impenetrable shield that surrounds and protects from any negative energy. It brings one back to a centered place within, fears and worries begin to dissolve and one can become a clear channel for the love and light of the Universe to flow through again.
Because like attracts like, being involved in situations where one feels out of control and fearful, tends to attract more of the same to the individual. This is why things seem to go from bad to worse! This essence promotes the peace and calm that allows one to remember that all is well, there is only Spirit and where Spirit is, only love and light and goodness can reside. Returning to this space is what begins the attraction and manifestation of more positive occurrences. This essence for me has truly been an answer to a prayer and I pray that it is as helpful for others.
Sandalwood, Neroli and Rose Geranium
Akumon Alignment With Universal Wisdom
Within you are all the answers you shall ever need throughout the time of your physical existence (and beyond!) You ARE Universal Wisdom, you ARE the Fount of all Knowledge. And as you come to closer and closer alignment with this truth you will better understand the purpose of physical existence and how everything you experience, everything you desire, everything you do adds to the greater wisdom of the entire of The Universe. As you align with Universal Wisdom you discover your own truth as well as the truth of you within you. And this empowers you to stand tall in that truth and to move past and release all the illusions you have ever held about yourself and your life. Instead of doubting your own wisdom and Inner Guidance you come to accept it and trust in it as an ever present and faithful ally that only has your Highest Good at its heart. You act on your Inner Guidance and Knowing and you reap the reward it has to offer you. Your fears, worries and concerns drop away as you KNOW within the deepest part of your being that all the questions have ALREADY been answered. The correct actions, if in fact you need act at all, has ALREADY been provided for you. And then you find there is nothing to fear for if you already have the answers and the knowing that you need, then what is there to fear? The vibration of fear is preparing to leave physical existence on your Earth. And as more of you move into greater alignment with Universal Wisdom then the fear shall be released more rapidly and with greater ease.
Clary Sage, Geranium and Blue Tansy
Akumon Flowing In The Now
This is very much an essence for truly living and having your Being in this Present Moment. All that you could ever wish to experience, be, have or do is contained within this moment. That which you call "Reality" is simply a reflection of your current thoughts and beliefs. When you shift from what you think of as your reality to looking at a broader or higher version of knowingness what you will understand is that you ahve the power within you to move from this current state of Being to a completely different state of Being. The Universe does not know "Time". Everything that has happened, is happening now and will ever happen is all happening at this same moment. As you continue your Spiritual, Mental, Physical and Emotional evolution, you will also come to know how to shift whatever Reality you feel you are experiencing to a completely different Reality. This essence is a "launchpad" to help you shift your thinking from the future to the immediate moment and in doing so you will come to learn the process of Manifesting much more quickly and easily.
Black Pepper, Clary Sage and Rose Geranium
Akumon The Emerald Sea
Affirmation - I Am At One With The Love & Light Of The Universe. Here There Is Only The Best For Me
Here is where you may re-connect with your Highest and Best Good, to become an ever clearer channel for the Light and Love of The Universe to flow through you in ever increasing waves. The Emerald Sea contains all the Good that you could ever desire for yourself, it is the wellspring of all abundance on all levels. It is where you can experience the true perfection of your Being and bask in the Love The Universe has for you. Here is where you can come for healing without worry, fear or judgment. Here there is only Love and Acceptance for you and you will know that there has always been and will forever be only this Love and Acceptance flowing to and through you from All That Is.
Oakmoss, Lime and Rose Geranium
Akumon Light Rejuvenation
This essence helps us to overcome Light Depletion within our energy fields which can occur for a variety of reasons including overwork, psychic vampirism, trying to heal those who are resistant to healing or from simply being round too many people who are not supportive of you or respectful of your boundaries. Those who are psychically wired to be more open than others to the Mass Unconsciousness can easily find themselves in a state of Light Depletion and this essence will also help them to ward off further Depletion while helping to rejuvenate their Light Body. Signs of Light Depletion can include problems with health, inability to manifest what one desires, especially if one has had little trouble manifesting Good in the past, feeling out of sorts for no known reason, feeling physically tired and exhausted, again with no obvious reason to point to, trouble in relationships with partner, friends or family where there had been harmony before. For those who find they feel Depleted on a frequent basis, it may be very helpful to work with this essence for longer periods of time, up to 3 months daily and then taking a break of 3 days to see if further usage of the essence is needed.
Oakmoss, Yarrow and Orange Blossom Absolute
Akumon Network Of Light
This essence helps us to feel a greater connection to the Network Of Light that exists throughout The Universe and serves as a support for the Creation and Manifestation of All Good. One way to describe this essence is how the energy of it appears to me: it looks like this huge grid of Light Lines, crisscrossing and connecting with all that is Pure, Beautiful and filled with Joy. There is a sense of actually walking on this grid of Light Lines so that one may flow more easily from one joyful experience to the next, there is such an Abundance of Divine Support and Love that flows through these Light Lines that it is truly awesome! Faith in the Greater Good of Life and Inner Knowing that one is totally Love, Supported and Cherished in a hallmark of this wonderful essence. The Faith is of the sort that one knows deep within that all is well, there is nothing to fear for The Universe has everything well in hand and one can now truly let go and ride these Light Lines as we were all Intended to do.
Oakmoss, Frankincense and Narcissus
Akumon The Expanding Self
The Universe is always expanding, moving outwards in waves upon waves of Light and Higher Energy. So too are the vastness of our own Beings also continuously expanding and moving outwards in the same way. As we connect with this consciousness we find it easier to move through the shifts and changes that are occurring on the planet at this time. We find it easier and easier to manifest what we desire, to heal ourselves and support others in their own healing process, we find ourselves being Guided more readily to our right place and we feel much more in Harmony and at Peace within ourselves. When working with this essence it is very helpful to feel the energy of your Being moving outwards and connecting with all of the Higher Energies of the Universe. This connection brings us back into a state of Bliss that was always intended to be the state that we live our physical lives in.
Jasmine, Vanilla Absolute and Blue Tansy
The Eleven Ascended Masters Essences
1/2 Ounce Essences $35.00
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1/2 Ounce Essences

1 Ounce Essences $65.00
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1 Ounce Essences

2 Ounce Essences $95.00
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2 Ounce Essences

4 Ounce Essences $150.00
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4 Ounce Essences

Essence Room Myst $55.00
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Essence Room Mysts

1/2 Ounce Essential Oils $35.00
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1/2 Ounce Essential Oils

 1 Ounce Essential Oils $65.00
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1 Ounce Essential Oils

 2 Ounce Essential Oils $95.00
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2 Ounce Essential Oils

 4 Ounce Essential Oils $150.00
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4 Ounce Essential Oils

I am for love and relationships. I help you to understand the purpose of all earthly relations and how the energy they generate may be used to propel you forward in every aspect of your life.
Blue Tansy, Rose Geranium & Sandalwood
I am for synchronicity, signs and omens. I help make you more aware of the symbols and messages the Universe sends you so that you may act upon them and allow greater good into your life. I help you to see past what you hold to be true and allow you to glimpse a greater reality.
Clary Sage, Jasmine & Sandalwood
I am for wishes and dreams, heartfelt desires. Give these things to me and take firm hold of my hand for I am here to lead you directly to that which satisfies your deepest longing.
Rose Geranium, Lime & Sandalwood
I am for hope after loss, renewal of faith and trust in right outcome. I support you in understanding why some doors must remain closed for a time. A better opportunity awaits you!
Rose, Lavender & Sandalwood
I am for success, abundant overflowing success and fulfillment. I assist you in staying true to your chosen path so you may experience your greatest potential and leave a vibrational legacy that will expand the consciousness of the planet.
Clary Sage, Jasmine & Sandalwood
I am for reaching your full potential. I hold the templates that are made available to you as soon as you are ready to receive them. I am your destiny in its purest form and it is through me that you receive the keys to Self-enlightenment and wisdom.
Jasmine, Tangerine & Sandalwood
I am for power and potential, I make you more aware of the energy you generate and how it helps you to create your life experiences for better or worse. I show you how to draw upon your highest spiritual power to create a world of peace, harmony and beauty for all.
Angelica, Cassie Absolute & Sandalwood
I am for world service. Working with me you will find your own unique niche of world service and in so doing you will find countless opportunities and opening of doors that had previously been closed to you. As you give of yourself through service, so will all others seek to support and serve you.
Orange Blossom Absolute, Blue Tansy & Sandalwood
I support you as you travel in your own dimensions as well as the higher planes and dimensions. I provide you with safety and protection as you seek to create the maps of otherworldly dimensions and realities for others to follow. I help you reach your destinations in your daily life as well for everything you do and everywhere you go has power and purpose behind it.
Blue Tansy, Rose Geranium & Sandalwood
I am for moving past the fear of the unknown, empowering you by helping you to remember that you and you alone create all that you experience. I support you in your great quest for a new life of accomplishment and freedom from fear.
Lime, Oakmoss & Sandalwood

I am for wealth and prosperity, the ability to manifest that which is desired or needed as soon as it is needed. I allow those of you who have difficulty receiving to open up and allow more to be received by you while sharing your bounty with others.
Clary Sage, Jasmine & Sandalwood



The Wayshower Essences
The Wayshower essences were produced in conjunction with a Master Being and Teacher who has become known affectionately by those who have met him as "Wayshower".
Wayshower first appeared to both Lynx and two other people who are friends of Lynx's during a time of great change and transformation for all involved. At first he would appear as a flash of light or one would catch a glimpse of him during a dream state or during meditation. He then appeared to Lynx during a journey and gave her his name, Wayshower. Over the past few weeks Wayshower has appeared more and more frequently and appears to be a Guide and Support for those who are in the process of making major transformational life changes. His energy is very similar to that of the Akumon but while they work as a group, Wayshower comes to those as a single Guide to help work with each person one on one and take them as far as they are willing to go at this time. He is not known so far as being a great conversationalist as the Grandfathers are well known to be, and yet he makes his presence known through music and sound as well as through intense rushes of energy and flashes of light. He communicates via the intuitive and through signs and dreams. His energy field is simply amazing, there is such power and light to Wayshower that cuts through the illusion and shows us where we can now go in this lifetime if we are willing to gather up our courage and make the leap. Yet his presence is also extremely comforting, it is so wonderful to know that one has such a magnificent Guide and Ally to help us along the way.

Some of you may have noticed that you feel very drawn to the colors blue and purple which are his primary physical appearance colors. His hair is extremely long and blue black, very think and straight. His eyes have been seen as Blue, purple, bottle Green and a lovely shade of Golden Brown. Those of you who have felt very drawn to these colours or have been seeing these shades frequently in your life may be drawn to working with these essences. We do admit that even though only Door Opener and the Herkimer's have been produced, so far we feel that these are not for the faint of heart. You will be expected when using these essences to make some substantial changes and look at old limiting beliefs and patterns that have held you back in ways you might not always enjoy, yet it is well worth the effort involved!

Wayshower has suggested that these essences may also be used in conjunction with any of the Dolphin essences and most especially Star Dolphin yet they can also be combined with other essences as your own Inner Guidance suggests.

There will be no set definitions for any of the essences as Wayshower interacts with each person differently from what has been explained to us. Yet we still welcome your feedback and experience with any of these essences! We also hope that eventually Lynx will allow Wayshower to channel a book on his work and essences.

Some of the names of the essences are rather odd and we do not know why Wayshower has chosen the names for his essences that he has, yet we have chosen to trust the information he is giving us and seeing where it leads.

Blossoming At Light Speed (This appears to be a companion essence to Cosmic Fuel)


Wayshower Color Essences
These Color Essences vibrate at a most unusual frequency and are far different than the normal Morningstar Color Essences. Color appears to be taking a more prominent position in people's consciousness of late and so we feel this is why we now have this series from Wayshower.

1/2 Ounce Essences $35.00
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1/2 Ounce Essences

1 Ounce Essences $65.00
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1 Ounce Essences

2 Ounce Essences $95.00
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2 Ounce Essences

The Grandfathers Essences and Vibrational Essences

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