Bustamite Healing Stones



Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals

Healing Stones, Healing Crystals

Bustamite Healing Stones

4th and 6th chakras. Bustamite is found with Sugilite and Richterite in South Africa.  It is a very colorful and beautiful stone which many are drawn to. I have been out of this material for some time and was looking forward to the Tucson show so I could make my purchase! Being one of the first to look through this material at the gem show, this new stock is a better grade and much deeper in color.  Use Bustamite to activate the heart chakra, re-align the energy channels, and to stimulate health.  I find this to be a very passionate stone, feelings of love and peace while knowing I am apart of the Universe.  Use for building love in relationships. Bustamite is a powerful stone for initiation and good for dream time, stimulating awareness. Highly recommended.

We have suppliers for this item, please email us with specifics such as cut gemstone, jewelry piece, or raw and a price range and we will get back to you with current choices available

Bustamite & Sugilite Tumbled Pieces

Bustamite & Sugilite Tumbled Pieces
 For uniting the joys of physical & spiritual life, as it offering purification, protection, vitality, creativity, sexuality, vivid dreams, playfulness, healing & enhancement of spirituality.
$5.00 per Gram

12+ grams each

Minimum $60.00 For 12 Grams

Bustamite Sugilite Tumbled

$5.00 For Each Additional Gram

Bustamite Sugilite Tumbled

Bustamite Healing Stones

Bustamite Tumbled Stones


1/2 inch $35.00 each

Bustamite Tumbled Stones

1 inch $65.00 each

Bustamite Tumbled Stones


Create Your Own Coil Necklace

Coil Necklaces



Choose From

Create Your Own Coil Necklace

Bustamite Essential Oils

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$39.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Bustamite Essential Oils

Bustamite Gem Essence

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$29.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Bustamite Gem Essence

Bustamite Gem Elixir

1 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$45.00  Imported

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Bustamite Gem Elixir

Healing Stones, Healing Crystals Home Page