Chromite Healing Stones



Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals

Chromite Healing Stones, Healing Crystals

Chromite Healing Crystals

Chromite Healing Crystals

Chromite provides a state of non reaction to unpleasant situations. It is all so a excellent bringer of awareness. Chromite it stimulates the brain and provides cleverness and makes you more perceptive to the world around you. It is a good stone to stimulate the energies of the throat.

Chromite is a wonderful stone for healing on a cellular level, as well as assisting in the absorption of vitamins, mainly vitamins A and D.  Chromite vibrates to the number 1.

Chromite and Malachite is Clairaudient enhanced, healing stone for the lungs.

Chromite Pieces, Email For Special Orders

Chromite Essential Oils

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$39.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Chromite Essential Oils


Chromite Gem Essence

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$29.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Chromite Gem Essence

Chromite Gem Elixir

1 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$45.00  Imported

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Chromite Gem Elixir

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