Eudialyte Healing
Eudialyte is
considered a personal power stone that increases and revitalizes one's
personal power. Psychically, eudialyte helps with clairaudience,
manifestation, and psychic resonance and abilities, and is a psychically
protective stone. It is sometimes considered a "fine tuner". Eudialyte is
also a stone of the heart, bringing harmony of heart matters, and dispelling
jealousy. As eudialyte combines pink and red, it also brings the root and
heart chakras into alignment, as well as activating the heart chakra.
Emotionally it is helpful for learning to trust oneself and others, and
eases compulsive behavior and thinking.
The 'Hearts
Helper', offering healing within the physical heart's working's and within
the heart's energy centre. Giving support and help where and when it is
Eudialyte help's the heart physically, to heal where necessary, especially
where arteries need repair and strengthening, as well helping blood flow
increase to areas needed after deep invasive and life threatening surgery.
Alongside this, Eudialyte help's to strengthen blood vessels, keeping them
working healthily and can also help increase the red blood cell count, as
well as helping to lower intoxicating substance within the blood itself. A
stone to help deeply in the repair of vascular damage and help in healing
after treatment to the veins.
Another special offering of this stone is it help's deeply in the fight
against blood dis-ease, especially helpful in the treatment of dis-ease such
as Leukaemia. This makes an excellent stone to use alongside the Hematite &
Quartz stone formation - The 'Stone of the Warrior', they will work in great
harmony together.
Alongside this, amazingly, Eudialyte can also help deeply in the treatment
of bone marrow dis-ease greatly, and can help where there has been a bone
marrow transplant and in other transplants/donors , helping to urge healthy
blood flow and healthy function to take place, as well as helping the body
to accept the donor/transplant both physically and spiritually.
"I shall bring healing, I shall bring harmony .. I shall bring comfort, I
shall bring joy .. I shall awaken the Divine within"
Eudialyte brings healing to the heart energy centre deeply. It brings forth
settlement, reassurance and comfort, as well as helping to stabilize and
give grounding.
Last but not least, Eudialyte can help in the healing and stabilizing after
invasive dental surgery, for one to benefit from this, one must keep this
stone close by the area of trauma (safely), such as in necklace form, for as
long as is needed.
"I shall be your helper as you are my helper, I shall gain from oneself, as
oneself shall gain from I, We shall join and help as One"
Katie Jacqueline - September 2009
Eudialyte Pieces, Email For Special Orders