Pyromorphite Healing Crystals



Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals

Pyromorphite Healing Stones, Healing Crystals



Pyromorphite is a mineral that enhances the energies of other minerals. Pyromorphite is said to attract money and other objects of wealth, and can help one see the steps to take to achieve goals, giving it the nickname "the Victory Stone". It also activates and stimulates one's personal energy. Pyromorphite can be used to get rid of creative blocks. It is also used to renew connections with people one has lost touch with. Pyromorphite should not be used directly to make elixirs. Pyromorphite is excellent for healing because of its enhancement of other stones used in crystal healing. Physically, pyromorphite is used for chills, gum disease, removing organisms from the blood, and assimilating B vitamins


Fosters a soul connection to all life forms on the Earth, compassion for all Beings on the planet, helps psychic communication with plant and mineral devas, nature spirits, insects, trees, animals, induces awareness that all life is one life and what harms one harms all. Earth Chakra


We have suppliers for this item, since each has such an individual look, please email us  and we will get back to you on what is currently available and their price

Pyromorphite Essential Oils

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$39.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Pyromorphite Essential Oils

Pyromorphite Gem Essence

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$29.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Pyromorphite Gem Essence

Pyromorphite Gem Elixir

1 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$45.00  Imported

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Pyromorphite Gem Elixir

Pyromorphite Crystals

Pyromorphite Collection Pieces, Email For Current Selections

Pyromorphite Natural Pieces

Pyromorphite Natural Pieces

$105.00 Each

Pyromorphite Natural Pieces



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