Manifestation Quartz Healing Crystals



Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals


Clear Quartz Healing Crystals


Manifestation Quartz Healing Crystals

Manifestation Crystals

Manifestation Crystal

The Manifestation crystal is recognized by a small crystal totally enclosed within a larger crystal, and they are very rare.  The use of the manifestation crystal requires the inner knowledge that one is a clear and perfect channel, that a pure white light provides the guiding way, and that the purity of the Divine is within the inner self.  They can also be used to facilitate artistic creativity, creative thinking, agricultural pursuits, and to increase or decrease any aspect of ones life.  The use of the manifestation crystal requires the inner knowledge that one is a clear and perfect channel, that a pure white light provides the guiding way, and that the purity of the Divine is within the inner self.  They can also be used to facilitate artistic creativity, creative thinking, agricultural pursuits, and to increase or decrease any aspect of ones life.

Manifestation Quartz – Crystals of a New Reality

Manifestation crystals are truly rare, wondrous crystals that are one of nature’s truest gifts. They should be actively sought out and used constantly as Manifests are the crystals of Inner Joy.

Manifestation crystals occurs when a quartz crystal is totally enclosed by a larger quartz crystal. It is the rarest shaman stone / metaphysical crystal and is believed to have the purest vibration of any quartz crystal.

As the name implies, Manifestation crystals are used to manifest (help to create) a new reality. A reality based on the wishes and intent of one’s desires. If there is something which one wishes to manifest, the relevant questions are: “Do I really want this?” and “Are there reasons that I may not want this?”

If the mind / heart of a person are in disagreement, the crystal will not facilitate manifestation because it is receiving mixed messages. One must clear any feelings of ambivalence and inner turmoil prior to using this crystal.

These crystals are used to manifest the purest vibrations of creation in our physical realm, and that which resonates with the divine principles.

Manifestation crystals can also be used to facilitate artistic creativity, creative thinking, agricultural pursuits, and to increase or decrease any aspect of ones life.

It is also used in crystal healing and meditation, and is said to bring ultimate mental clarity and help reveal the cause of difficulties, in order to understand / heal them completely.

Manifestation Crystals Upclose

There are two types of Manifestation crystals, the first is where an older quartz crystal is enclosed in a younger, larger quartz crystal. This crystal will help you recapture your youthful optimistic outlook.

The inner crystal is older, but it is now contained within the younger, larger crystal. This is the opposite of the normal young within the body of the older mother.

This crystal gives you the Yin power to submerge your actual self in the childlike wonder you once possessed. See the world with childlike joy and enthusiasm with this special crystal – you will amaze yourself with its power.

The second type of Manifestation Quartz occurs when a totally new quartz crystal literally manifests itself within another quartz crystal. I have personally seen this happen several times over the years at our showroom.

These Manifestation crystals facilitate the manifestation of blessings and wishes. This crystal clearly unveils the “Divine as Manifest”, and that anything is possible.

These Manifestation crystals are clear and perfect channels that provides a pure white light, guiding one to the Divine that is within. They promote oneness, aligning to divine purpose and the manifestation of that purpose in ones life / this reality. numerology_2

Numerology- Manifestation Quartz vibrates to the number 99 which represents the higher octave of 9. Of all the single digit numbers, 9 is considered the most profound. Composed of three trinities (3 times 3 equals 9), nine represents the principles of the sacred Triad taken to their utmost expression.

Nine is considered thrice sacred and represents perfection, balance, order — in effect, the supreme superlative. The number 9 represents selflessness and universal awareness — fulfillment, completion, universality, understanding, tolerance, compassion, impersonal, generosity, forgiveness, humanitarian, and universal truths.

© Mark Naea, Life’s Treasures Kauai

Manifestation Quartz, Email For Current Selections

Creative Visualization Books

Creative Visualization for Beginners (Paperback)

Richard Webster (Author)
Everyone has the natural ability to visualize success, but ordinary methods used to reach fulfillment can be inefficient and unclear. Creative visualization allows anyone to change the direction of his or her life by mentally picturing and altering images of their goals. In his popular conversational style, bestselling author Richard Webster explains the methodology behind creative visualization, and provides readers with the tools and knowledge necessary to achieve their goals in all areas of life, including business, health, self-improvement, relationships, and nurturing and restoring the soul.

Creative Visualization for Beginners includes simple exercises enhanced by real-life situations from the author's personal experiences with creative visualization, and demonstrates how to react when you encounter difficulties along the way. In addition, he gives advice on what to do if you have no predetermined goals in mind, and how to implement positive results while maintaining your natural balance.

Creative Visualization Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs

Creative Visualization Books

Creative Visualization Meditations (Gawain, Shakti) [Audiobook][CD] (Audio CD)
~ Shakti Gawain (Reader)
It's been fifteen years since Gawain's Creative Visualization title prompted a new movement in self-help techniques: this hour-long cassette continues the process, providing tips on meditations which can help listeners change negative habits and improve self-esteem. While newcomers can easily use this tape with no prior introduction, those already familiar with Gawain's concepts will welcome this extension of ideas.

Creative Visualization Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs

Manifesting With Crystals Books

The Complete Guide to Manifesting with Crystals (Paperback)

Marina Costelloe (Author)
Providing real-life examples on how to live in a fruitful partnership with crystal energy, this how-to guide fully explains the power of crystals and how they can be utilized. Crystals magnify the highest energy within, and both the newly spiritually aware and the seasoned crystal worker can gain insight and focus into their lives when combining this energy with the suggested positive affirmations to elicit forces of attraction and confidence. The book also taps into ancient and medieval cosmology to explain how crystals interact with the four elemental substances thought to constitute the physical universe: earth, fire, water, and air. By applying the wealth of information and experiences the manual has to offer, anything that can be visualized can also be fulfilled, whether extending the journey of the soul or wishing to improving surrounding circumstances, such as relationships, health, well-being, and career.  

Crystal Healing Books


More Books, Audio CD's and Cards

Manifestation Quartz Generators

Manifestation Quartz Generator Crystals Per Ounce

Minimum $100.00 For 1 Ounce

Manifestation Quartz Generator Crystals

$80.00 For Each Additional Ounce

Manifestation Quartz Generator Crystals

please contact us for special requests for manifestation crystals


Manifestation Quartz Essential Oils

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$39.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Manifestation Quartz Essential Oils

Manifestation Quartz Gem Essence

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$29.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Manifestation Quartz Gem Essence

Manifestation Quartz Gem Elixir

1 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$45.00  Imported

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Manifestation Quartz Gem Elixir

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Custom Manifestation Quartz Bracelet

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Custom Manifestation Quartz Earrings

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Custom Manifestation Quartz Pendant

Healing uses for Gold based on the beliefs of the New Age include the treatment of blood, skin, neurological and heart disorders. They believe Gold to be an energy generator and remover of blockages with the power to strengthen, amplify and conduct energy in the body for the treatment of autism, dyslexia, epilepsy and scoliosis. Medical uses based on science have included the treatment of Arthritis, dental fixtures, and more.

Silver is believed to benefit circulation, help lungs and throat, and detoxify the blood, to aid in the treatment of degenerative brain diseases, balancing of hormones and chemicals and improvement of nerve impulse transmission. They also use it for treating hepatitis and detoxifying the body.

Copper is an energizer and conductor of Divine energies onto the physical plane.  A stone of Hermes, it is associated with quick thought, witty communications and leaps of insight.

Custom Made Pendants and Healing Pouches, Any item on this page may be made into a pendant, Email Us With Requests And Prices

Create Your Own Coil Necklace

Coil Necklaces



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Create Your Own Coil Necklace

Make Your Own Manifestation Quartz pendant, We will send the findings to you


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Let us make your custom made Manifestation Quartz pendant, choose your findings


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On our Custom Glass Vial Pendants, Choose Stones For Container page, you will find vials you can put your crystals into


Crystals And Stone Pendant PouchesCrystals And Stone Pendant Pouches

Organza Bags allow the crystal energy to come through, in combination with the corresponding chakra color, you will be able to wear this on a ribbon, chain or other.

Wear A Crystal Or Stone In An Organza Pouch As A Pendant

Choose Your Color Of Organza Bag


1 3/4W x 2H

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Crystals And Stone Pendant Pouches

Pendant Chains, Ribbons and Chakra Strings



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