Ruby Healing Stones



Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals

Ruby Healing Stones, Healing Crystals

Ruby Healing Stones

Ruby Healing Stones

Ruby : Red Corundum. Contains chromium (blood sugar balance). Wealth, Joy, Love, Sexual Energy and Power. Warms, energizes after exhaustion. Strengthens physical and emotional heart (4th chakra), love, courage, confidence, vitality, stamina, strength, leadership, success over challenges. Intensifies all emotions (passion, jealousy, impatience, love...) Attempted use for pressure/control (for love) backfires onto user. Used for reproductive/root Chakra; infections, cholesterol, clots, blood detox (alcohol, caffeine), sexual blocks. Stimulates circulation, menses, pituitary healing the earth. This gemstone must be carefully scrutinized before choosing it for healing purposes. Classic stone is usually a deep, brilliant red, but can be found shades of pink or lavender. Found in the US, India, and Sri Lanka. A powerful stone whose stimulating energy can bring startling things to light. An amplifier of energy-both positive and negative. Can bring anger or negativity to the surface quickly. Should be used with a knowledge of how to gain from the experience. Otherwise you are likely to be overcome by the passion it stirs up. Can also amplify positive energy. Helps us in all matters of love, including love of ourselves. Benefits the heart and circulatory system, and can assist in the filtration and detoxification of the body. Also suggested for the eyes. Stimulates motivation and visualization.

Ruby in Zoisite aka Anyolite


Also known as Anyolite, Ruby within a matrix of the mineral Zoisite.
Metaphysical Properties: It helps to increase the awareness of the super-ego, your energy being an extension of the rest of the world. Helps amplify the whole energy field of a person, reaching within to release inner talents of the mind.



Star Ruby

Known as the "star of purity", "star fire" or "Ruby crystal" is said to promote dreaming and tends to stimulate connection between the self and your spirit guides. Used as a rod-like conductor, it provides the pathway from the user to the electrical and magnetic forces. It assists in purifying, and correcting disoriented energy which leads to atrophy. It helps to align the auric and physical bodies as one. It is an excellent stone for releasing blocks which keep you from a spiritual path. Star Ruby is a stone of great energy, development and protection. It releases negative energy and serves as a tool of empowerment. It helps in the focus of healing energies and chosen pathways

Ruby Pieces, Email For Special Orders


Tumbled Ruby

Tumbled Ruby (India)
(5/8" - 1")
$30.00 Each

Tumbled Ruby



Root chakra. Red symbolizes energy, strength, physical existence, and vitality. It is associated with the material side of life (abundance) and survival issues. It is used to stimulate the life-force, increase circulation and to energize the nervous system. Red increases your connection with the Earth, it gives strength and will to live in the physical world. It speaks of fertility and sexual issues. Ruby intensifies life force energy in the root chakra and kundalini line. Stimulates the will to live and survive. Alleviates chronic fatigue and other environmental toxic diseases. These Rubys are very brightly colored with beautiful tabby crystal formations. Some are record keepers!
$75.00 each. Sm. 1 inch


Ruby Wire Wrapped Pendants

Ruby Wire Wrapped Pendant

Price: $55


Ruby Fuchsite Pendant



 Boar or Pig Chinese Astrology Crystal Soap With Rocks

Pig/Boar Chinese Astrology Crystal Soap With Rocks

Affluence, lazy, positive, behaves with colors of yellow, grey, brown and gold and hydrangea, marguerite fragrances, Ruby

Element: Water
Partners well with: Sheep and Rabbit
Characteristics: Honorable, philanthropic, determined, optimistic, sincere, sociable

Boar 1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031


Choose From

Healing Soaps, Mists, Lotions


Custom Made Bath Products

See all of their products here

 Contact us if not listed, for multiple conditions, with all just one stone or multiple stones


Bath Product
Choose Scent

Healing Crystal Soaps, Bath Salts

 Ruby Crystal Soap With Rock

Ruby Crystal Soap With Rocks

Ruby: Wealth, Joy, Love, Sexual Energy and Power. Warms, energizes after exhaustion. Strengthens physical and emotional heart (4th chakra), love, courage, confidence, vitality, stamina, strength, leadership, success over challenges. Intensifies all emotions (passions, jealousy, impatience, love...) Attempted use for pressure/control (for love) backfires onto user. Used for reproductive/root Chakra; infections, cholesterol, clots, blood detox (alcohol, caffeine), sexual blocks. Stimulates circulation, menses, and pituitary healing the earth. This gemstone must be carefully scrutinized before choosing it for healing purposes. A powerful stone whose stimulating energy can bring startling things to light. An amplifier of energy-both positive and negative. Can bring anger or negativity to the surface quickly. Should be used with knowledge of how to gain from the experience. Otherwise you are likely to be overcome by the passion it stirs up. Can also amplify positive energy. Helps us in all matters of love, including love of ourselves. Benefits the heart and circulatory system, and can assist in the filtration and detoxification of the body. Also suggested for the eyes. Stimulates motivation and visualization

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Ruby Pieces


Choose From

Healing Soaps, Mists, Lotions

Ruby Zoisite Wire Wrapped Pendants

Ruby Zoisite Wire Wrapped Pendants
For increased vitality, enhanced intuition, rapturous engagement with the world

Ruby Zoisite Wire Wrapped Pendant

Ruby Fuschite Wire Wrapped Pendants

Ruby Fuschite Wire Wrapped Pendants
Exuberance, life force, love

Ruby Fuschite Wire Wrapped Pendant






Right Handed Shankh In Ruby

Right Handed Shankh In Ruby

Right Handed Shankh In Ruby
5.75 inches $1030.00


Right Handed Shankh In Ruby

Now put the adornment of gems atop your favorite beverage bottles, too!

Wine Bottle StoppersRuby Zoisite Wine Bottle Stoppers

Wine Bottle Stoppers


Choose From  

Stone Crystal Wine Stoppers

Ruby Mahalaxmi

Ruby Mahalaxmi

Ruby Mahalaxmi


 2.25 inch x 1.25 inch



Ruby Mahalaxmi

Ruby Krishna

Ruby Krishna
Ruby Krishna

4.5 Inches Tall x 2.75 Inch,



Ruby Krishna

Durga Idol In Ruby

Durga Idol In Ruby

Durga Idol In Ruby

Durga Idol In Ruby


Crystal BallRuby Fuchsite w/Kyanite Sphere w/Stand
A beautiful combination of Fuchsite, Ruby and Blue Kyanite Gem Sphere from India. The Ruby crystals have a wonderful sparkle surrounded by Blue Kyanite in Green Fuchsite. Kyanite does not hold negative energy and assists in cleansing other crystals. Ruby encourages the search of one's Bliss and lights the darkness within the spirit. Fuchsite is said to increase the healing properties and flow of energy from other healing crystals. Each 2" highly polished "A" quality gem sphere comes with a Walnut Finish Oriental Stand.
A Quality 50mm or 2" - $119.95 CG-rbfs

Ruby Fuchsite w/Kyanite Sphere w/Stand

AA 55mm or 2 1/4" - $169.95

Ruby Fuchsite w/Kyanite Sphere w/Stand


Ruby Natural Pendants

Ruby Natural Pendants



Ruby Natural Pendants

Shivlinga In Ruby

Shivlinga In Ruby
1.7 Grams


Shiva Lingam With Yoni Base


Huge Crystal Stone EggsRed Spinel Sphere w/Stand
Spinel is the less famous twin of the ruby, so similar that older ruby pieces are still being found to be Spinel. Spinel is magnesium aluminum oxide while ruby is aluminum oxide. Yet Spinel has the energy of beauty and is known as the stone of immortality, bringing freshness and rejuvenation to all endeavors, the red intensifies strength and physicality. These dramatic Spinel spheres were hand carved and polished in India. The Walnut Finish Oriental Stand is included.

$199.95   SP-50

Red Spinel Sphere w/Stand


Large Ruby Zoisite Sphere

Large Ruby Zoisite Sphere

Ruby Zoisite Sphere

Ruby-Zoisite Sphere, 2" in diameter. $85.00


Crystal Stone Spheres


Ruby in Fuchsite Spheres
Ruby in Fuchsite Spheres from India

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere, 2.25" in diameter. 200.00 each

Ruby in Fuchsite Spheres

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere, 2.15" in diameter. $180 each

Ruby in Fuchsite Spheres

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere, 1.75" in diameter. $160 each

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere


Ruby with Kyanite Sphere
Mainly Ruby , with just a hint of Kyanite, from India. In limited quantity.

Ruby with Kyanite Sphere, 2.5" in diameter. $500

Ruby with Kyanite Sphere


Ruby in Matrix Sphere
Ruby in Matrix Sphere, 2.5" in diameter. $300

Ruby in Matrix Egg




Ruby in Matrix Egg
Small Ruby in Matrix Eggs, 2.25" - 2.5" long. $180

Ruby in Matrix Egg

Ruby in Matrix Egg
Ruby in Matrix Eggs, 2.75" - 3" long. $220

Ruby in Matrix Egg

Ruby Zoisite Spheres

Ruby Zoisite Spheres Inquiry For Current Selections


Natural Ruby Crystals
Ruby Crystals from India. Generously sized, nice and thick, with nice color and structure.

#RB-20a. Ruby Crystal, 96 grams. $220


Natural Ruby Crystals

#RB-20b. Ruby Crystal, 30-33 grams. $110 each

Natural Ruby Crystals

#RB-20c. Ruby Crystal, 25-28 grams. $90 each


Natural Ruby Crystals

#RB-20d. Ruby Crystal, 20-22 grams. $75 each

Natural Ruby Crystals

#RB-20e. Ruby Crystal, 16-18 grams. $55 each

Natural Ruby Crystals

#RB-20f. Ruby Crystal, 10-12 grams. $45 each

Natural Ruby Crystals

#RB-20g. Ruby Crystal, 6-7 grams. $28 each

Natural Ruby Crystals

RB-20h. Ruby Crystal, 4-5 grams. $20 each

Natural Ruby Crystals


Huge Crystal Stone EggsRuby Zoisite Egg with Stand
Zoisite is an Epidote silicate mineral and also appears as the precious Tanzanite. Green Zoisite found with Ruby has long been a valued ornamental stone. The combination is prized as magical and healing in Asian countries because of its highly energetic properties. It has a beautiful semi-translucent, smooth polish and truly captures your attention and comes with a Walnut Finish Oriental Stand.
2 " L by 1 1/2"W
Size Varies Slightly
$82.95    eg-rz

Ruby Zoisite Egg


Huge Crystal Stone Eggs50mm Red Spinel Egg w/Stand
Spinel is the less famous twin of the ruby, so similar that older ruby pieces are still being found to be Spinel. Spinel is magnesium aluminum oxide while ruby is aluminum oxide. Yet Spinel has the energy of beauty and is known as the stone of immortality, bringing freshness and rejuvenation to all endeavors, the red intensifies strength and physicality. These dramatic Spinel eggs were hand carved and polished in India. The Walnut Finish Oriental Stand is included.
2 " L by 1 1/2"W
$89.95     SP-egg

Red Spinel Egg


Huge Crystal Stone EggsRuby Fuchsite w/Kyanite Egg w/Stand
A beautiful combination of Fuchsite, Ruby and Blue Kyanite Gem eggs from India. The Ruby crystals sparkle, surrounded by Blue Kyanite in a Green Fuchsite matrix. Kyanite holds no negative energy and is used to cleanse other crystals. Ruby encourages the search of one's Bliss and lights the darkness within the spirit. Fuchsite is said to increase the healing properties and flow of energy from other healing crystals. Each 2 1/4" highly polished "A" quality gem egg comes with a Walnut Finish Oriental Stand.
55mm or 2 1/4" H
$134.95   rf-egg

Ruby Fuchsite w/Kyanite Egg


Ruby Swarovski® Crystals


Ruby Unset Loose Gemstones

Ruby Loose Gemstones


Star Ruby Unset Loose Cabochons Cabs

Star Ruby Cabochons



Rubellite Passion Pouch
Rubellite Passion Pouch: Contains Rubellite Tourmaline, Ruby, Zincite, Carnelian, Orange Calcite and Lithium Quartz. The gemstone version of "Love Potion Number Nine". Have fun, but wear it with care!

Paloma Rubellite Passion Pouch

  Ruby Futhark Runes Sets

Ruby Futhark Runes Set

medium pieces

Special order, please allow 3 weeks


Ruby Futhark Runes Set

Ruby Essential Oils

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$39.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Ruby Essential Oils

Ruby Gem Essence

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$29.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Ruby Gem Essence

Ruby Gem Elixir

1 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$45.00  Imported

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Ruby Gem Elixir

Ruby Collection Pieces

Ruby Collection Pieces, Email For Current Selections

Ruby Cabochons

Ruby Cabochons, email for current selections

Ruby Slices

Ruby Slices, email for current choices




Filled with Natural Stones and Crystals of Black Obsidian and Clear Quartz Crystal



Filled with Natural Stones and Crystals of Black Obsidian and Ruby Quartz Crystals



Filled with Natural Stones and Crystals of Clear Crystal, Carnelian, Green Crystals and Ruby Quartz Crystals


Filled with Natural Stones and Crystals of Clear Crystal, Blue Lace Agate and Ruby Quartz Crystals



These Yin YANG CLOCKS are Piece of ART and Very UNIQUE. It's Filled with Natural Stones and Crystals of Black Obsidian and Clear Quartz Crystal .

Hang these Yin YANG Clocks anywhere in your Home or Office. It will Perfectly Balance the Atmosphere around you. It will bring Peace, Harmony, Happiness and Joy. As well it will Influence LUCK and Positive Emotions and will Protect you from negative Energies.


Choose From








SIZE: 8.5 X 8.5 INCHES

WOW! A CHAKRA Clocks. Realign Your CHAKRA at all Times with this Unique and Powerful Piece of Art. These Clocks are Made to Protect and Balance your Chakra at All Times, and at the Same Time show you the Time. But, Most Importantly, it has the Power to Protect you and everyone in the House. Feel Better and Stay Happy with Your Own CHAKRA Clocks. Hang it anywhere in your Home to Sparkle and Benefit all your Family.
Chakra Clocks. Comes in Genuine Stones and Natural Crystals.
1st: Root - Ruby Crystal
2nd: Navel - Carnelian
3rd: Solar - Crystal Quartz
4th: Heart - Aventurine
5th: Throat - Black Obsidian
6th: Third Eye - Sodalite
7th: Crown - Amethyst
The Purpose of the Chakra Balancer is to realign and balance the energy fields of each specific chakra, thus aligning and harmonizing mind, body, and soul. It will aid in dissolving stress, removing blocks and an overall sense of better health, joy and abundance.

CHAKRA Clocks are Made Exclusively for this supplier by Professional Artist. Made from the Finest Materials and Genuine Natural Stones. Each Piece is Unique and Gorgeous. Comes with Quartz Mechanism on the back. Requires AA Battery (included) and attachment Screw (included).

Choose From



BA-CCL7-777 $189.99

Chakra Clocks. Comes in Genuine Stones and Natural Crystals.

1st: Root - Ruby Crystal
2nd: Navel - Carnelian
3rd: Solar - Crystal Quartz
4th: Heart - Aventurine
5th: Throat - Black Obsidian
6th: Third Eye - Sodalite
7th: Crown - Amethyst



Symbol Yin-Yang represents the old ancient understanding of how things work. Yin and Yang are usually held in balance' One cannot exist without the other. For example, day cannot exist without night. The shape of the Yin and Yang sections of the symbol, actually gives you a sense of the continual movement of these two energies, Yin to Yang and Yang to Yin, causing everything to happen. The principle of Yin and Yang is the foundation of the entire universe. It underlies everything in creation. It brings about the development of parenthood; it is the root and source of life. Those who seek wisdom beyond the natural limits will retain good hearing and clear vision. Their bodies will remain light and strong. Yin Yang is a STRONG Symbol to Balance LUCK and Fortune for it's Owner, Attracting Positive Energies from the Universe.





SIZE: 54mm
This Yin YANG Keychain is Extremely LUCKY and Powerful towards Balancing your GOOD LUCK and FORTUNE. Comes in Genuine and Natural Stones of Black Obsidian and AMETHYST

Choose From





SIZE: 54mm
This Yin YANG CAR HANGER is Extremely LUCKY and Powerful towards Balancing your GOOD LUCK and FORTUNE. Comes in Genuine and Natural Stones of Black Obsidian and CARNELIAN

Choose From






SIZE: 54mm
This Yin YANG CAR HANGER is Extremely LUCKY and Powerful towards Balancing your GOOD LUCK and FORTUNE. Comes in Genuine and Natural Stones of Black Obsidian and Clear Quartz Crystals

Choose From




SIZE: 54mm
This Yin YANG CAR HANGER is Extremely LUCKY and Powerful towards Balancing your GOOD LUCK and FORTUNE. Comes in Genuine and Natural Stones of TIGER EYE and BLACK OBSIDIAN .

Choose From




SIZE: 54mm
This Yin YANG CAR HANGER is Extremely LUCKY and Powerful towards Balancing your GOOD LUCK and FORTUNE. Comes in Genuine and Natural Stones of Black Obsidian and RUBY Crystals .

Choose From





SIZE: 54mm
This Yin YANG CAR HANGER is Extremely LUCKY and Powerful towards Balancing your GOOD LUCK and FORTUNE. Comes in Genuine and Natural Stones of Black Obsidian and MULTI CRYSTALS

Choose From



Have a Ruby custom bracelet created for you


Choose Wire Or Cap    

Custom Ruby Bracelet

Have a Ruby custom earrings created for you


Choose Wire Or Cap    

Custom Ruby Earrings

Have a Ruby custom pendant created for you


Choose Wire Or Cap    

Custom Ruby Pendant

Healing uses for Gold based on the beliefs of the New Age include the treatment of blood, skin, neurological and heart disorders. They believe Gold to be an energy generator and remover of blockages with the power to strengthen, amplify and conduct energy in the body for the treatment of autism, dyslexia, epilepsy and scoliosis. Medical uses based on science have included the treatment of Arthritis, dental fixtures, and more.

Silver is believed to benefit circulation, help lungs and throat, and detoxify the blood, to aid in the treatment of degenerative brain diseases, balancing of hormones and chemicals and improvement of nerve impulse transmission. They also use it for treating hepatitis and detoxifying the body.

Copper is an energizer and conductor of Divine energies onto the physical plane.  A stone of Hermes, it is associated with quick thought, witty communications and leaps of insight.

Ruby in Fuchsite Palm Stone

Ruby in Fuchsite Palm Stone

2.6" (6.5cm) long, 1.9" (4.8cm) wide and 1.9" (2.3cm) thick


Palm Stone Ruby in Fuchsite

Ruby Fuchsite Tumblestone

Ruby Fuchsite Tumblestone

Small   $8.00

Ruby Fuchsite Tumblestone

  Medium  $15.00

Ruby Fuchsite Tumblestone

  Large $30.00


Ruby Fuchsite Tumblestone


Crystal Healing BooksLove Is In The Earth Book: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals
by Melody, soft cover, 726 pages
The definitive book on the metaphysical aspects of crystals and minerals. Over 700 pages of in-depth information. Formatted just like a dictionary for easy reference. A must reference book. 

Crystal Healing Books

More Books, Audio CD's and Cards

Crystal Bible BooksThe Crystal Bible Book
by Judy Hall, soft cover, 400 pages
Illustrated comprehensive guide to crystals, their shapes, colors, applications, and use in healing. In an easy to use directory format. Quickly becoming one of the most popular choices in books on the subject.

Crystal Healing Books

Crystal Bible Book 2
Crystal Bible 2 Book (Paperback)
~ Judy Hall
Judy Hall (Author)
If you loved The Crystal Bible, you'll definitely love this new edition! With over 200 additional healing stones, you can further your learning of how crystals can be used to heal and their other valuable properties.

Crystal Bible Book 1

Ruby Fuchsite Spheres

Ruby Fuchsite Spheres (India) 

These are wonderfully high quality ruby Fuchsite spheres from India.

Medium (1" - 1-1/2")  $44.00

Ruby Fuchsite Spheres

Large (1-1/2" - 2")  $64.00

Ruby Fuchsite Spheres

XL (2" - 2-1/2")   $82.00

Ruby Fuchsite Spheres

The Birthday Stone Gift Set- $24.95

Discover the power you share with nature's most stunning gemstones. Learn why this stone is centered around YOUR birth! By tuning into the power of crystals we are able to see our truths and become more aware. What better way to achieve our ultimate goal! This beautiful gift set features Your birthstone, one of our Crystal Elixir perfume oils with your reiki-charged birthstones in the oil, a crystal coil necklace, astrological/metaphysical tips booklet and a package of natural Sea Salt for cleansing your stone all in a silk bag.

Choose From

Ruby Birthday Stone

Crystal Medicine Pouches $54.95

Based on the Native American Medicine Pouches, each suede pouch comes with several crystals, sage for cleansing negativity and the best way to use, cleanse and energize them in order to get what you want out of life!!

Choose from:
Abundance Pouch: Aventurine, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Tiger's Eye
Clarity Pouch: Apache's Tear, Clear Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger's Eye
Fertility Pouch: Basalt, Carnelian, Chrysoprase, Garnet
Grief Pouch: Amethyst, Amber, Apache's Tear, Aventurine,
Grounding Pouch: Black Onyx, Hematite, Carnelian, Smoky Quartz
Health Pouch: Amethyst, Fluorite, Quartz, Turquoise
Love Pouch: Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Unakite
Strength Pouch: Agate, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Calcite
Sweet Dreams Pouch: Amethyst, Citrine, Garnet, Hematite
Travel Pouch: Aquamarine, Citrine, Hematite, Moonstone
Trust Pouch: Sodalite, Quartz, Pyrite, Turquoise
Wisdom Pouch: Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Ruby , Turquoise

Choose From

Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1003 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 18mm Round 
 Size varies  $200.00/str

Ruby Zoisite Beads



  Ruby Fuchsite Kyanite Puffy Hearts

Ruby Fuchsite w/Kyanite Puffy Heart 45mm
A beautiful combination of Fuchsite, Ruby and Blue Kyanite puffy hearts from India. The Ruby crystals have a wonderful sparkle surrounded by Blue Kyanite in Green Fuchsite. Kyanite does not hold negative energy and assists in cleansing other crystals. Ruby encourages the search of one's Bliss and lights the darkness within the spirit. Fuchsite is said to increase the healing properties and flow of energy from other healing crystals. Rare Ruby 45mm or 1 3/4" puffy heart shaped gem stone.
Velvet pouch included.

Ruby in Fuchsite Puffy Heart

Ruby Beads

219-1006 Ruby Beads (Dyed)
 3-4mm Faceted Rondell 
 Size varies $180.00/str

Dyed Ruby Beads


Rough Opaque Ruby
 Rough Opaque Ruby Material. About 1.75" - 2" long, about 4 ounces in weight. $65 each

Rough Opaque Ruby Material

Ruby Tumbled

#RB-22a. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 17-18 grams in weight. $70 each

Tumbled Ruby

#RB-22b. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 14-15 grams in weight. $60 each

Tumbled Ruby

#RB-22c. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 12-13 grams in weight. $50 each

Tumbled Ruby

 #RB-22d. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 10-11 grams in weight. $40 each

Tumbled Ruby

Ruby Tumbled

#RB-23a. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 8-9 grams in weight. $50 each

Tumbled Ruby

#RB-23b. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 7 grams in weight. $40 each

Tumbled Ruby

#RB-23c. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 6 grams in weight. $30 each

Tumbled Ruby

#RB-23d. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 5 grams in weight. $20 each

Tumbled Ruby

Ruby Tumbled

#RB-24a. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 4 grams in weight. $20 each

Tumbled Ruby

#RB-24b. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 3 grams in weight. $15 each

Tumbled Ruby

#RB-24c. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 2 grams in weight. $10 each

Tumbled Ruby

#RB-24d. Tumbled Ruby , approx. 1 gram in weight. $3 each

Tumbled Ruby

Rough Ruby Crystals
These are opaque Ruby crystals - we had these imported direct from India. Rough, with nice deep raspberry color.

Rough Ruby Crystal, 15 gram pack $75

Rough Ruby Crystals

Rough Ruby Crystal, 20 gram pack $85

Rough Ruby Crystals

Natural Ruby Crystals
Very Small Ruby Crystals with dark color. About 1/2 - 1 gram in weight. $28 each

Very Small Ruby Crystals

Small Natural Ruby Crystals
Small Ruby Crystals. Approx. 2.4-3.6 grams in weight, .45" - .65" wide. $80 each

Small Ruby Crystals


Ruby Zoisite Point
Ruby -Zoisite polished point, 3" tall. $120 each

Ruby Zoisite Point


Ruby Zoisite Pyramid
Ruby -Zoisite Pyramid, 2". $100 each

Ruby Zoisite Pyramid

Ruby in Fuchsite Spheres
Ruby in Fuchsite Spheres from India

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere, 2.25" in diameter. $200 each

Ruby in Fuchsite Spheres

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere, 2.15" in diameter. $180 each

Ruby in Fuchsite Spheres

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere, 1.75" in diameter. $160 each

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere

Ruby in Fuchsite Eggs
Ruby in Fuchsite Egg $160 each

Ruby in Fuchsite Egg

Ruby in Fuchsite Wands

Ruby in Fuchsite Wand, approx. 3" - 3.25" long. $100 each


Ruby in Fuchsite Wand

Ruby in Fuchsite Wands
Ruby in Fuchsite Massage Wand, 4" - 5" long. $120 each

Ruby in Fuchsite Wands


Ruby Zoisite Crystal Merkaba Merkabah Star

Ruby Zoisite Crystal Merkaba Merkabah Star 35mm

Ruby Zoisite Crystal Merkaba Merkabah Star


Ruby Fuchsite Pendulum

Ruby Fuchsite Pendulum
Passion & vitality to follow your own path.

Ruby Fuchsite Pendulum


Shivlinga Ruby

Shivlinga Ruby
1.7 Kgs
Shivlinga Ruby



 Ruby In Zoisite Rough

Ruby In Zoisite Rough


Ruby In Zoisite Rough

Ruby Zoisite Tumblestone

Ruby Zoisite Tumblestone

Price: $10.00


Ruby Zoisite Tumblestone




Zoisite with Ruby Tumbled

Zoisite with Ruby Tumbled
Zoisite and Ruby combination aka Anyolite - It can help stimulate and amplify the psychic abilities as well as amplifying the entire energy field of the body.  It can be used in healing and communicating with spirits.  It helps bring awareness of our individuality and also maintain the connectedness with humanity.   Stimulates the crown chakra toward spirituality.  See also Ruby and Zoisite properties.
The black in Ruby Zoisite is Hornblende.


$15.00 Each

Zoisite with Ruby Tumbled

Ruby in Zoisite Tumbled

Ruby in Zoisite Tumbled
Tumbled and Polished 3/4 inch in Diameter.
$35.00 Each


Ruby in Zoisite Tumbled


Ruby with Zoisite Green Skull

Ruby with Zoisite Green Skull An excellent stone for energy
Ruby Zoisite Longest Length 57mm Widest Width 41mm Highest Height 57mm From India, Russia, Mexico Weighs 145 Grams Ruby is an excellent stone for energy. Imparting vigor to life, it energizes and balances but sometimes may over stimulate in delicate or irritable people.



Ruby with Zoisite Green Skull

Ruby In Fuchsite Cabinet/Furniture Door and Drawer Pulls

4" Ruby In Fuchsite Cabinet/Furniture Door and Drawer Pulls

(pictured in Septarian Nodules)
Our 4" pull knob complements our cabinet knob and is available in 3 finishes
(Satin Nickel, Oil Rubbed Bronze and PVD Brass).
Use right & left facing knobs to complement side-by-side doors or drawers,
or mix and match for a more eclectic look.


Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Cabinet/Furniture Door and Drawer Pulls

Ruby In Fuchsite Wall Hooks

Ruby In Fuchsite Wall Hooks

(pictured in Septarian Nodules)
$124.00 each  hook


Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Wall Hooks


Ruby In Fuchsite Cabinet Knobs

Ruby In Fuchsite Cabinet Knobs

(pictured in Septarian Nodules)

$224.00 each knob

Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Cabinet Knobs


Ruby In Fuchsite Entry Door Systems

Ruby In Fuchsite Entry Door Systems

(pictured in Septarian Nodules)

Market availability of the the spheres used for the exterior handle of the Entry System can range in size between 80mm and 90mm

Both the Deadbolt and Door Stop are included in the Entry System, or can be purchased separately.

artistic and unique entry door systems, available in a wide selection of gem and mineral stones and 3 finishes (Satin Nickel, Oil-Rubbed Bronze & PVD Brass), make an bold and elegant statement!
The components of the entry system include:

  • The Elegant Pull Handle for the exterior

  • Our Classic Pull Knob for the interior

  • Keyed Deadbolt (with jeweled thumbturn)

  •  DoorStop and Ballcatch


Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Entry Door Systems

Stone Dead Bolts

Stone Dead Bolts

with a small gemstone  in your choice of finish on thumb turn  & rubber stopper                  


Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Dead Bolts



Ruby In Fuchsite Privacy or Passage Doorknob Set

Ruby In Fuchsite Privacy or Passage Doorknob Set



Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Privacy or Passage Doorknob Set



Rubber Door Stoppers

Rubber Door Stoppers



Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Rubber Door Stoppers

Ruby In Fuchsite Half-Passage Knob Set

Ruby In Fuchsite Half-Passage Knob Set  

(pictured in Septarian Nodules)

Choose our Half-Passage Knob when a knob isn't necessary on both sides of the door but you still want a latch closure, such as hall closets (shown here in Septarian on Oil-Rubbed Bronze hardware).
Choose our Door Pull Knob if no latch is needed. $300.00

Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Half-Passage Knob Set


Ruby In Fuchsite Door Pull Knob

Ruby In Fuchsite Door Pull Knob   $235.00

Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Door Pull Knob


Ruby Zoisite Cabinet/Furniture Door and Drawer Pulls

4" Ruby In Zoisites Cabinet/Furniture Door and Drawer Pulls
Our 4" pull knob complements our cabinet knob and is available in 3 finishes
(Satin Nickel, Oil Rubbed Bronze and PVD Brass).
Use right & left facing knobs to complement side-by-side doors or drawers,
or mix and match for a more eclectic look.


Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Cabinet/Furniture Door and Drawer Pulls

Ruby in Zoisite Wall Hooks

Ruby In Zoisites Wall Hooks
$124.00 each  hook


Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Wall Hooks


Ruby in Zoisite Cabinet Knobs

Ruby In Zoisites Cabinet Knobs

$224.00 each knob

Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Cabinet Knobs


Septarian Nodule Entry Door SystemsSeptarian Nodule Entry Door Systems

Ruby In Zoisite Entry Door Systems

(pictured in Septarian Nodules)

Market availability of the the spheres used for the exterior handle of the Entry System can range in size between 80mm and 90mm

Both the Deadbolt and Door Stop are included in the Entry System, or can be purchased separately.

artistic and unique entry door systems, available in a wide selection of gem and mineral stones and 3 finishes (Satin Nickel, Oil-Rubbed Bronze & PVD Brass), make an bold and elegant statement!
The components of the entry system include:

  • The Elegant Pull Handle for the exterior

  • Our Classic Pull Knob for the interior

  • Keyed Deadbolt (with jeweled thumbturn)

  •  DoorStop and Ballcatch


Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Entry Door Systems

Stone Dead Bolts

Stone Dead Bolts

with a small gemstone  in your choice of finish on thumb turn  & rubber stopper                  


Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Dead Bolts



Ruby Zoisite Privacy or Passage Doorknob Set

Ruby In Zoisite Privacy or Passage Doorknob Set $450.00  


Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Privacy or Passage Doorknob Set



Rubber Door Stoppers

Rubber Door Stoppers



Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Rubber Door Stoppers

Ruby In Zoisite Half-Passage Knob Set

Ruby In Zoisite Half-Passage Knob Set  

(pictured in Septarian Nodules)

Choose our Half-Passage Knob when a knob isn't necessary on both sides of the door but you still want a latch closure, such as hall closets (shown here in Septarian on Oil-Rubbed Bronze hardware).
Choose our Door Pull Knob if no latch is needed. $300.00

Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Stone Half-Passage Knob Set


Ruby Zoisite Doorknobs Set

Ruby In Zoisite Door Pull Knob  


Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Finish

Privacy or Passage Doorknob Set


Ruby Zoisite pendulum

Ruby Zoisite pendulum ~ tear drop with instructions & bag
Ruby Zoisite tear drop pendulum - comes with description, instructions and bag for safe-keeping.
A powerful blend or two healers. Enhances psychic abilities.
It stimulates the crown chakra towards spiritual alignment & aids in developing a soul-level trust in the process of Divine Order. Works with the root & heart chakras



Ruby Zoisite pendulum

Courage Crystal Pouch

Courage Crystal Pack *Moss Agate, Yellow Agate, Ruby Zoisite


Three Crystals with the metaphysical properties to assist in creating courage. Packaged in a green bag with descriptions
Moss Agate, Yellow Agate, Ruby Zoiste A grade tumbled stones ranging from 2mm - 6mm.
For use in your everyday life to focus your intentions on improving your courage and for meditations, spell and ritual work.
Moss Agate comes in many shades of green and has the appearance of moss, reminding us of growing plants. It carries the energy of nature and aids all who work the land. A healing stone which assists the colon, lymphatic and circulatory system. It imparts a sense of strength and courage, helping the ability of discovering truth and accepting fate.
Yellow Agate: Brings a sense of courage and fortitude, helping to discover truth and accept fate. A stone useful for reflection while strengthening the body and mind. It provides perceptiveness ion situations and awakens hidden talents. It can be used to produce inspiration from connectivity with the spirit world.
Ruby Zoisite: A powerful blend of two healers. Enhances and stimulates psychic abilities and amplifies the etheric energy field around the physical body. It stimulates the crown chakra towards spiritual alignment and aids one in developing a soul-level trust in the process of Divine Order. Assists in balancing an over-reactive emotional nature and inspires confidence, integrity, optimism, and abundance. Benefits the energetic grid of the body/mind complex and helps to rejuvenate and regenerate cells, tissues, and organs. Enhances recuperative abilities during any convalescence. Works with the root and heart chakras.


Courage Crystal Pouch

Ruby Zoisite Palm Stone

Ruby Zoisite Palm Stone
Our ruby zoisite palm stone has been expertly polished to display the warm green colour ad ruby inclusions of this pretty stone.

Ruby zoisite is strongly aligned with the heart chakra, Anahata. It is said to strengthen our spiritual connections whilst keeping our feet on the ground.

Simply hold this zoisite palm stone to feel its wonderful energy, during meditation or simply to replace stress with positivity and a sense of peace.

Ruby Zoisite Palm Stone


Ruby In Zoisite Tiles

Ruby In Zoisite Tiles Inquiry For Current Selections


Ruby Zoisite Puffy Heart

Ruby Zoisite 45mm Puffy Heart
Precious Ruby Zoisite 45mm gem hearts. Green Zoisite found with Ruby has long been a valued ornamental stone. The combination is prized as magical and healing in Asian countries because of its highly energetic properties. It has a beautiful semi-translucent, smooth polish and truly captures your attention. Beautifully polished 45mm or 1 3/4" wide puffy heart shaped gem stone.
Velvet pouch included.

Ruby Zoisite Puffy Heart

Ruby in Zoisite ring

Ruby in Zoisite 6mm ring

Ruby in Zoisite ring

Ruby Zoisite Raw Natural Crystal Gemstone Piece

Ruby Zoisite Raw Natural Crystal Gemstone Piece 20g
$25.00 Each

Ruby Zoisite Raw Natural Crystal Gemstone Piece

Ruby Zoisite Vogel Double Terminated 12 Sided Wand

Ruby Zoisite Vogel Double Terminated 12 Sided Wand 45mm

Ruby Zoisite Vogel Double Terminated 12 Sided Wand

Ruby Zoisite Heart Pendant w/Chain

Ruby Zoisite Heart Pendant w/Chain
Dimensions (H x W x D): 1" x 0.35" x 10"
Shipping Weight: 1.025 oz.
Price: $63.00

Ruby Zoisite Heart Pendant w/Chain

Ruby and Zoisite Slab

Ruby and Zoisite Slab - $72.00
Locality: Tanzania
Measures approximately
1/4" thick
Ruler is in inches

Ruby and Zoisite Slab

Ruby Zoisite Ball Crystal Dowsing Pendulum

Ruby Zoisite Ball Crystal Dowsing Pendulum Dowser

Ruby Zoisite Ball Crystal Dowsing Pendulum

Ruby Zoisite Cabinet/Furniture Door and Drawer Pulls

4" Ruby Zoisite Cabinet/Furniture Door and Drawer Pulls
Our 4" pull knob complements our cabinet knob and is available in 3 finishes
(Satin Nickel, Oil Rubbed Bronze and PVD Brass).
Use right & left facing knobs to complement side-by-side doors or drawers,
or mix and match for a more eclectic look.

Ruby Zoisite Cabinet/Furniture Door and Drawer Pulls

Ruby in Zoisite Wall Hooks

Ruby in Zoisite Wall Hooks
$124.00 each  hook

Ruby in Zoisite Wall Hooks

Ruby in Zoisite Cabinet Knobs

Ruby in Zoisite Cabinet Knobs
$124.00 each knob

Ruby in Zoisite Cabinet Knobs


Ruby Zoisite Worry Thumb Stone Crystal Gemstone Reiki

Ruby Zoisite Worry Thumb Stone Crystal Gemstone Reiki

Ruby Zoisite Worry Thumb Stone Crystal Gemstone Reiki


Ruby Zoisite Doorknobs Set

Ruby Zoisite Privacy or Passage Doorknob Set

Ruby Zoisite Privacy or Passage Doorknob Set $400.00  

Ruby Zoisite Privacy or Passage Doorknob Set

Half-Passage Knob Set   $220.00

Half-Passage Knob Set

Door Pull Knob   $190.00

Door Pull Knob

 Ruby in Zoisite Crystal Gemstone Pyramid Feng Shui
Ruby in Zoisite Crystal Gemstone Pyramid Feng Shui 40mm

Ruby in Zoisite Crystal Gemstone Pyramid Feng Shui

Ruby Zoisite Point Crystal Dowsing Pendulum

Ruby Zoisite Point Crystal Dowsing Pendulum

Ruby Zoisite Point Crystal Dowsing Pendulum


Ruby in Zoisite Grape Crystal Dowsing Pendulum

Ruby in Zoisite Grape Crystal Dowsing Pendulum

Ruby in Zoisite Grape Crystal Dowsing Pendulum


Ruby Fuchsite Thumb Stone

Ruby Fuchsite Thumb Stone
Our ruby fuchsite thumb stone is a simple way to feel beautiful crystal energy at all times. Thumb stones are great for relieving stress - simply hold the stone to regain inner balance.

Ruby fuchsite - also known as ruby in fuchsite - works with the Heart Chakra to encourage devotion, passion, romance and integrity. It also has perception of fuchsite, believed to help us see the true nature of things.

This pretty thumb stone is a wonderful crystal gift for your loved ones and can be used every day.

Ruby Fuchsite Thumb Stone

Amethyst™, Azurite Malachite™, Jade™, Opal™, Rose Quartz™, Sapphire™, Star Ruby™
Size each soap: 2" x 2" x ½"
Weight each soap: 1.2 oz.

HeartGems™ Bath Soap in an Organza Pouch


Ruby In Zoisite Heart

Ruby In Zoisite Heart
Med. $20.00 

Ruby In Zoisite Heart

Lg. $35.00 

Ruby In Zoisite Heart

Xl. $45.00

Ruby In Zoisite Heart



Ruby in Matrix Sphere
Ruby in Matrix Sphere, 2.5" in diameter. $300

Ruby in Matrix Egg

Ruby -Zoisite Wand, 3" long. $80 each

Ruby Zoisite Wand



I find that many times using a string of "beads" made from crystal healing stones, or individual pieces work extremely well for whatever the crystal healing stone is intended to do.  When you think of it, these beautiful pieces are made from the best of the stones, and you receive many more of the stones when they are in a string than you would with just one stone, so value wise, it is much better on the finances.  These are just those types of strings and pieces

Email us if you wish to purchase any by the bead and we can get back to you with a price


Fuschite Beads
350-0030 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 22x30 Flat Pear Drop    14pcs 

Fuschite Beads
350-0035 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 22x30 Flat Drop    14pcs 

Fuschite Beads
350-0029 Ruby in Fuschite Beadsr> &n 22x30 Flat Pear Drop    14pcs 

Fuschite Beads
350-0013 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 23x27 Flat Oval 

Choose From

Ruby In Fuschite Beads


Fuschite Beads
350-0018 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 18x25 Flat Rectangle 
Fuschite Beads
350-0008 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 20mm Dime 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0022 Ruby in Fuschite Beadsr> &n 20mm Dime 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0015 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 18x25 Flat Oval 

Fuschite Beads
350-0053 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 20mm Dime 

Fuschite Beads
350-0049 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 18x25 Flat Oval 

Choose From

Ruby In Fuschite Beads


Fuschite Beads
350-0017 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 15x20 Flat Rectangle 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads

     350-0028 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 15x20 Flat Pear Drop 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0050 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 16mm Dime 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0016 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 13x18 Flat Rectangle 
Fuschite Beads
350-0040 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 13x18 Flat Pear 

Ruby In Fuschite Beads

350-0041 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 15x20 Flat Oval 
Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0044 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 13x18 Flat Rectangle 

Choose From

Ruby In Fuschite Beads


Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0019 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 22x30 Flat Rectangle 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0042 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 22x30 Flat Oval 
Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0048 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 22x30 Flat Oval 

Choose From

Ruby In Fuschite Beads

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads

350-0046 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 30x40 Flat Rectangle 
Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0036 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 30x40 Flat Drop 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0009 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 30mm Dime 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0024 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 35mm Dime 
Fuschite Beads
350-0023 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 30mm Dime 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0037 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 35x45 Flat Pear Drop 


Choose From

Ruby In Fuschite Beads

Fuschite Beads
350-0032 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 25x30 Flat Pear Drop    14pcs 

Fuschite Beads
350-0033 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 25x30 Flat Pear Drop    14pcs 

Fuschite Beads
350-0026 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 25x30 Flat Pear 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0045 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 25x35 Flat Rectangle 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0047 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 25x35 Flat Oval 

Choose From

Ruby In Fuschite Beads


Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0052 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 12mm Dime 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0039 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 10x15 Flat Pear 
Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0027 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 10x16 Flat Pear 
Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0055 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 10x14 Flat Oval 
Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0038 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 10x14 Flat Oval 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0043 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 10x14 Flat Rectangle 
Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0051 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 14mm Dime 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0056 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 12x16 Flat Rectangle 

350-0010 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 12x18 Flat Pear 

Choose From

Fuschite Beads


Fuschite Beads
350-0017 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 15x20 Flat Rectangle 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads

     350-0028 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 15x20 Flat Pear Drop 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0050 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 16mm Dime 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0016 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 13x18 Flat Rectangle 
Fuschite Beads
350-0040 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 13x18 Flat Pear 

Ruby In Fuschite Beads

350-0041 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 15x20 Flat Oval 
Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0044 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 13x18 Flat Rectangle 

Choose From

Ruby In Fuschite Beads


199-1018 Ruby Zoisite Donut.jpg
199-1018 Ruby Zoisite
 35x45 Oval Donut 

Fuschite Beads
350-0032 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 25x30 Flat Pear Drop    14pcs 

Fuschite Beads
350-0033 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 25x30 Flat Pear Drop    14pcs 

Fuschite Beads
350-0026 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 25x30 Flat Pear 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0045 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 25x35 Flat Rectangle 

Ruby in Fuchsite Beads
350-0047 Ruby in Fuschite Beads
 25x35 Flat Oval 

Choose From

Ruby In Fuschite Beads




199-0003 Ruby Zoisite Round.jpg
199-0003 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 3mm Round 
199-0004_Ruby _Zoisite_Round.jpg
199-0004 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 4mm Round 

Choose From

Ruby Zoisite Beads For $45.00

Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1013 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 6x8 Tube 
 Size varies 

Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1019 Ruby Zoisite Beadsr> &n 6x8 Barrel Oval 
Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1012 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 6x8 Oval 
 Size varies 
Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1010 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 8x10 Flat Oval 
 Size varies 
Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-0006 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 6mm Round 

Choose From

Ruby Zoisite Beads

Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1004 Ruby Zoisite Beadsr> &n 8x9 Barrel Oval 
Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1015 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 10x14 Flat Oval 
Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1017 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 10x15 Flat Rectangle 
Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-0008 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 8mm Round 

Choose From

Ruby Zoisite Beads

Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1008 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 10mm Round 

Choose From

Ruby Zoisite Beads

Ruby Zoisite Beads

199-1014 Ruby Zoisite Beadsr>  18mm Flower 
&n Approx. 16 pieces 

Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1011 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 15x20 Flat Tube 
Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1006 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 18x25 Flat Teardrop 

Choose From

Ruby Zoisite Beads

Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1016 Ruby Zoisite Beads
 10x40 Marquise 
Ruby Zoisite Beads
199-1009 Ruby Zoisite Beadsr>  12mm Round 

Choose From

Ruby Zoisite Beads

Custom Made Pendants and Healing Pouches, Any item on this page may be made into a pendant, Email Us With Requests And Prices

Stone Size Chart Measurements


Create Your Own Coil Necklace

Coil Necklaces



Choose From

Create Your Own Coil Necklace

Make Your Own Ruby pendant, We will send the findings to you


Choose Wire Or Cap    

Choose Wire or Cap

Let us make your custom made Ruby pendant, purchase a stone from above or send us one you have, choose your findings


Choose Wire Or Cap    

Choose Wire or Cap


On our Custom Glass Vial Pendants, Choose Stones For Container page, you will find vials you can put your crystals into


Crystals And Stone Pendant Pouches

Organza Bags allow the crystal energy to come through, in combination with the corresponding chakra color, you will be able to wear this on a ribbon, chain or other.

Wear A Crystal Or Stone In An Organza Pouch As A Pendant

Choose Your Color Of Organza Bag


1 3/4W x 2H

Choose Organza Pouch    

Crystals And Stone Pendant Pouches



SpSpecial Order Ruby Item, don't see it here, let us look for you


Sage Smudge KitsSage Smudge Kit $45.00

Nicknamed the sea ears, the Abalone shell’s flattened, oval shape with iridescent interior was used by the Native Northwest American Indians as a natural vessel for cleansing, offerings and prayers. Sage is the cleansing and purifying herb. This smudge kit comes with three Sage Bundles and a large natural vessel of Abalone Shell. font>

Feng Shui Cures: The power of scent in ANY room and cleansing and clearing space of negative energy. Blessing. Honoring.

Sage Smudge Kit



Healing Stones, Healing Crystals Home Page