Pet Healing Stones, Pet Healers, Animal Figures



Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals

Pet Healing Stones And Crystals

Pet Healing Jewelry, Crystals, Stones and Specialists

Pets will benefit as people do, to the healing results of crystals, stones and gem essences.  These are just some of the products that can be used for your pets, for custom orders, please email us for a Special Order Pet Healing Jewelry Inquiry

Poisonous Plants For Pets To Avoid!

Also below, there are animal related items in general


Fine healing jewelry for pets and their people. With every item made, we seek to unite the mineral, animal and human worlds and to promote awareness of beauty and of one’s power to connect through the use of gemstones and crystals. This beautiful product is our way of honoring our animals and all that they give to us.

What all minerals have in common is that they pulse with the electromagnetic energy of the earth – and so do animals and people. Gemstones have been prized for thousands of years. Thought to be capable of healing humans and animals and directing the subtle forces of nature, their earliest uses were in healing practices and spiritual rituals.

Gems and crystals are powerful conductors of universal energy. Their components are part earth and part star. The unique properties of each, built into their molecular code, bring forth different qualities and vibrations. When attuned to and worn, these frequencies can not only enhance beauty but promote health and positive change.

Amazonite: This beautiful stone works to treat several different symptoms and ailments such as throat problems, arthritis, and infections, along with many other healing properties. It promotes sleep, calms an anxious pet, and boosts self-esteem. Amazonite is a mint green to aqua green stone associated with the heart and throat chakras. Amazonite calms the nervous system and improves confidence, loving communication and trust which helps in training. Amazonite is a stone of expression if you feel your pet has locked up parts of their personality. It eliminates aggravation and negative energies. It soothes all the chakras and rejuvenates the heart & throat chakras. General health maintenance, helps resist tooth decay, osteoporosis & dispels muscle spasms, assisting the body with the absorption of calcium. It is beneficial in calcium deposits, balancing the metabolic deficiencies that create these conditions. Amazonite protects health hazards of microwaves and other sources of electromagnetic smog.

Amber: is a resin which contains aromatic chemicals called terpines which produce a resinous aroma from the amber. When worn on your pet the friction from their fur will absorb this resinous smell from the amber. These resinous aromatic terpines being released repel the ticks and fleas. The second way in which amber works is the electrostatic properties. Static electricity is generated when amber is rubbed against the fur which works as a tick and flea deterrent. The longer your pet wears the necklace, the more effective it will be. It usually takes 3 weeks or more of wear to have maximum repelling properties.
Amber for animals is most effective when it is raw, and has its natural "skin". It has been proven that Baltic amber has the highest amount of succinite acid and the properties are highest with the raw amber, or amber that still contains the outer "skin". Amber experts and scientists determine that raw Baltic amber is the best amber to use for animal amulets in order for them to be the most effective. Amber pervades the whole organism and helps to boost healing on many levels. It is a detoxifying and purifying substance, capable of absorbing and dispelling negative energy physically and mentally. Amber is good for allergens, infections, colds and bronchial and asthmatic conditions. It helps boost the immune system in aging animals or due to illnesses. Amber helps with rheumatic pains and stiffness; it will help healing intestinal upsets, bladder troubles such as cystitis. Amber soothes the animal's discomfort, bringing relaxation and quiet. Amber helps soothe depression and will bring calm and positivity.

Amethyst- is a powerful all round healer; fleas hate the energy vibrations of amethyst; helps deal with arthritis; strengthens the blood, heart and lungs; aids digestion and stomach problems and helps an animal deal with pain. Amethyst's energy perks up couch potato pets, clears negative energy while balancing your pet's energy fields, calms rattled nerves, and is an all-around healer. Amethyst may help to mitigate separation anxiety in its calming role; it soothes anger and impatience and relieves excessive anxiety and hyperactivity. Amethyst is also said to MODERATE EXCESSIVE BARKING in dogs, yowling in cats, and screeching in birds! Amethyst is an excellent stone for calming and healing. It's even said to DETER FLEAS. Amethyst has a long and fascinating history, believed to be a stone of healing, integrity, purity, and faith. It was in use by Neolithic cultures as long ago as 25,000 B.C. often called the "all-healer "and is known as for the most effective crystals for any type of healing work.

Aquamarine: is a mineral of the Beryl family and is derived from the Latin meaning "water of the sea." With its pale blue color, it reminds water of the sea. Aquamarine has the calming, soothing energy of the sea. Aquamarine aids excessive barking and is associated with the throat chakra. Aquamarine aids with, bronchitis, blisters, dry skin, eye issues, motion sickness, and fear of vacuum cleaners. Affects etheric and mental levels. Helps stabilize and harmonize unsettled surroundings; reduce fears. Quiets the mind and reduces stress. Helps bring about a tolerance toward others.

Autumn Jasper: is worn to stimulate healing energies for the liver and kidneys. It will also give your pet a sense of security and caring. It also Improves a poor sense of smell and/or circulation and soothes fragile nerve endings. This healing stone can be used to treat disorders of the spleen, bladder and stomach and will also remove unwanted toxins from the body.

Aventurine: is mainly quartz, a quartzite, usually containing mica. The color of aventurine is green ranging from a pale green to deep forest green. Aventurine is mainly from India. It initiates a deep purification of your pet's body, especially his vital organs. Its action is deeply soothing and uplifts overall physical health. Pets with any kind of organ weakness or ailments can greatly benefit from this gemstone. Aventurine helps pets adjust to a new environment. If you are going on vacation, boarding your pet, or taking them with you, it's a very stressful time for them. Their reactions are the same as we humans. Aventurine will help them in adjusting to their new environment. Aventurine also works as a guard for the body against various infections, stabilizes blood pressure, and encourages the regeneration of your pet's heart. Furthermore, it can relieve pain and heal tumors, as well as many other ailments and symptoms. Aventurine aids issue ailments such as:
• Fear
•Nerves under stress
•Past abuse
•Rescue animals

Heart chakra

Black Obsidian - is actually natural glass that is formed when hot lava is submerged in water. Obsidian has been used by many cultures for jewelry and tools. Obsidian arrowheads are often found, dating back centuries. This is a strong grounding stone and is known as "the protector". Absorbs and dissolves anger, and fear. It is a warm and friendly stone, which is used at the Root Chakra. It can help to prevent negative energy from affecting your pet and is also a very grounding stone. Black obsidian will help your pet with ailments like: fearfulness, underweight, restless and aggression. Obsidian is believed to draw imbalances to the surface and changes fear into flexibility. Obsidian is believed to reduce the pain of arthritis, to help joint problems and to ease cramp. It is also said to aid digestion. Black Obsidian is a very protective stone. Black Obsidian is a very protective stone. It is said to form a shield against negativity and to absorb negative energies from the environment.. Obsidians forceful dose of cutting reality can be softened if necessary for shy or timid animals by combining it with aventurine, rose quartz, and Chrysocolla

Black Tourmaline is traditionally used to shield and protect from negative energy - environmental or emotional. With dogs it is especially important to offer this help because of their tendency to protect their beloved people by pulling into themselves tension and even illness. The Black Tourmaline acts like a protective field shielding the animal from harmful influences. It protects against background radiation. Black tourmaline will relieve stiffness in limbs and pain; has the ability to realign the skeletal structure. It balances & regulate hormonal levels, helps animal adapt to being brought into human environment. It will aid animals that will not want to be touched, act withdrawn from healing or have refusal to connect for a session.

Brachial Chakra and Base Chakra

Bloodstone- As its name would suggest, it has a strong affinity with blood. Bloodstone is a greenish stone with red spots that look very like blood drops. Bloodstone aids and supports the working of many vital organs and acts as a cleanser & detox remedy; supports overall health, strength, and endurance. Bloodstone will assist with resistance to illness and recovery from it. It aid convalescing animals from disease, cleansing, refreshing and energy boosting. It will dislodge the toxic material after intake of a lot of medication. Bloodstone helps animals that are exhausted, lethargic or lacking energy. It helps and heals anemia and acts as a blood purifier. The stone helps with blood circulation, strengthen the liver. Bloodstone is useful for cases of constipation by adding bloodstone essence to the drinking water. Wearing or carrying Bloodstone is helpful for balancing the chakras and for grounding negative or excessive energies. Bloodstone is also commonly used to increase intuition, which would be indispensable to any animal. Blue Lace Agate - promotes sleep, calms an anxious pet, and boosts self-esteem. Treat symptoms and ailments such as throat problems, arthritis, and infections. Blue lace agate is a cooling and soothing stone of a delicate striated sky blue, which suggests calmness and tranquility, detachment from irritation and annoyance. Blue lace agate will aid grumpy animals that are always in a bad mood.

Blue Lace Agate - is a cooling and soothing stone of a delicate striated sky blue. The stone brings calmness and tranquility, detachment form irritation and annoyance and bring relaxation and pleasantness. This crystal will aid an animal that shows a grumpy tendency or bad mood which accrues when animals show fear and are insecure as a result of trauma. Blue lace agate will help any physical or mentally inflammatory state. Blue lace agate will aid dogs that demand attention. A dog will become very vocal and demanding when their throat chakra is Imbalanced. There for, blue lace agate is perfect to aid calming an attention-seeking animal that constantly whining or in cats meows to gain notice.

It promotes sleep, calms an anxious pet, and boosts self-esteem. Treat symptoms and ailments such as throat problems, arthritis, and infections. Blue lace agate is a cooling and soothing stone of a delicate striated sky blue, which suggests calmness and tranquility, detachment from irritation and annoyance. Blue lace agate will aid grumpy animals that are always in a bad mood. Blue lace agate aids emotional or physical heat, in the body. Inflammation means "on fire and so any part of the body that is inflamed can be helped to heal itself with this stone. For instance, a sting, if the skin around it is hot and inflamed, can be soothed with topical application of the essence or even just application of a piece of the stone itself. This stone will aid tired, inflamed eyes, quite often seen in old dogs, using a cool compress that has had few drops of blue lace agate essence added to it. Blue lace agate aids female animals in season, "in heat", it will lessen their nervous, agitated behavior, and imbalances in the throat chakra may lead an animal to become very vocal and demanding. Because it resonates with the throat chakra, blue lace agate can be a useful aid in calming an attention-seeking animal that expresses itself very vocally, such as barking or whining dog or cat that constantly meows to gain notice.

Chakra: Throat

Carnelian: This orange stone is an excellent healer for daydreamers and those who seem dazed and "not with it". Carnelian will aid pets who lack of mental focus, listlessness, lack of energy both mind and body, and the inability of concentrate the mind and maintain attention on something. As such, it is another excellent training aid. Its healing properties has the ability to help animals when they appears to be dulled in their enthusiasm for life, lacking in "go", depressed or low in confidence. Any of these symptoms could possibly indicate an underlying state of illness, and so it would be worthwhile checking with the vet. Carnelian will maintain the pet's vital force. Carnelian's energies also boost appetite, which is an important benefit; elderly dogs can become fearful and lacking in confidence as they get older. They may go into themselves and become reluctant to leave the home, as they feel more protected there; therefore they fail to get the exercise they need, and it can contribute to their failing health. Carnelian stimulates animal's mental and physical faculties, encouraging more interest in play, exercise, the outdoors, food and life in general. Carnelian will enhance the sense of touch. Carnelian works to treat a vast amount of symptoms and ailments such as degenerative body conditions, kidney stones, gall stones, trauma resulting from abuse, abrasions, cuts, and disorders within the spine, spleen, or pancreas, as well as many other ailments that your pet could suffer from. This crystal is a stone of protection in general including anger, jealousy and fear. Physically, carnelian has been used to heal open sores, rejuvenate tissues and cells, rheumatism, kidney stones and other kidney problems, gall stones, colds, pollen allergies, and neuralgia.

Chakra: Root, Sacral

Citrine: is clear yellow Quartz looking, but is really burnt Amethyst, (Yellow from Iron.) that carry the sun power. It aids Mental and emotional clarity. Citrine helps animal to adapt and get used to strange and bewildering circumstances, such as being taken out in the street and amongst large crowds. To shows and events. Where the sheer volume of sights, smells, sounds, could be overwhelming and exhausting for them. Citrine makes a useful aid to early training with young animals that may get confused and fail to understand what is required of them. Citrine increases the hardiness and resistance of the physical body. This makes citrine another useful tool to help the condition of fading puppies and any newborn animal that is weak and struggling. Citrine aids diabetes, emotional or sensory overload, fatigue and exhaustion, low immune system, poor concentration, radiation exposure, sudden changes, training problems, vulnerable, weak of fading newborns

Chakra: base, sacral, solar plexus, crown

Coral: is a stone of organic origin. Coral can be used to reconnect with nature and its variety of wonders. Coral also attracts love and prosperity, particularly red coral, which is a stone of passion. Creativity and optimism are also qualities that coral brings out. Emotionally, coral brings inner peace, strength, and understanding of purpose. Physically coral is used for general healing, blood and circulatory system issues, kidney, bladder, epilepsy, bone and bone marrow, eye problems, and the respiratory system.
Sacral Chakra- Located near the lower abdomen
•Boundary issues
•Hormonal problems
•Emotional balance,
•Control & sexuality

Crystal quartz- is known as the Master Healing Crystal because it contains the full spectrum of light and as such will work on every level to bring the body into balance that is effective for all conditions, strengthening the aura and protecting against negative energies, Crystal quartz is a master healer that is effective for all conditions, strengthening the aura and protecting against negative energies. Clear Quartz will help strengthen your pet's immune system, which will improve his or her overall health. It can also stimulate energy levels. Dog and cat owners use it during training as quartz heightens communication between the pet and its owner. Bird owners could use it as well when taming and training new birds. Clear Quartz is great for amplifying intention, so you could program it with a specific purpose for your pet, before use. If you decide to use Clear Quartz for your pets, you should clear it in the evenings, as it will absorb any negative vibes with which your pet has come into close contact.

Fluorite: Fluorite improves the body's assimilation of nutrients from food - specifically phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium and vitamin K. thus it is helpful for convalescing animals that have been eating less than usual during illness helping to support and feed the system and improving what they eat as they build themselves back to strength. It also treats anorexia in animals, for the same reason - to help prevent them from losing vitality while the source of the problem is dealt with. Due to its association with calcium levels in the body, fluorite will also help strengthen bones and teeth. (it is far better and healthier than the chemical fluoride that is added to tap water in many countries and unofficially linked to many health problems). It helps to prevent and reverse tooth decay and other bone disorders, being a prime source of fluorine - deficiency of which can be a cause of dental decay and soft bones. Fluorite strengthens the enamel on teeth. There is also the possibility that using this crystal may help alleviate arthritic and rheumatic symptoms. Fluorite balances the left and right sides of the brain and is extremely useful as a training aid, helping animals to balance their rational, thinking side with their intuitive instinctual side. Fluorite enhances advanced animal training techniques such as Touch and Contact Learning. It will sharpen coordination and help animals to focus their attention. It is a key crystal to help with the training of dressage horses, show-jumpers, agility dogs or any animal in intensive, precise training. It also helps improve the co-ordination of clumsy young animals that tent to barge into things and knock them over. Fluorite cleanses the aura, and helps to block electromagnetic pollution. Fluorite can aid in stomach and intestinal (GI-tract) health. Fluorite will protect your pet from viruses, arthritis and ulcers. It will aid digestion and blood purification. Fluorite crystals carries the color energies of violet, green, blue, yellow and

Corresponds to all chakras

Hematite: Hematite is used to improve relationships. If you need your personal relationship to be better, carry a hematite with you always. The name comes from the Greek word for blood. It has been used as an amulet against bleeding, and so is known as the "blood stone". When arranged like the petals of a flower, it is referred to as the "iron rose". Native American folklore states that war paint made from hematite will make one invincible in battle. People in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries wore hematite jewelry during mourning.

Jade: has been called the "Stone of Heaven" in ancient Chinese scriptures because it is said to draw abundance and good fortune of every kind. Jade will aid Abused, Aggression, and Skin and Eye issues. It will give your pet a calming and peace. As a natural transmitter of life energies, we hear that jade helps keep pets healthy and encourages longevity. The crystal teaches acceptance, carries calming and serene energy and helps one get less critical of others and self. Jade is perfect for healing. It is a love stone and is wonderful for sick and injured animals; it is also a brilliant stone to use with any animal that has been mistreated or abused because it works on their heart chakra.......ideal for rescued pets. Jade helps in the body's filtration process it clears out the toxins in the body more efficiently and also enhance the strength and health of elimination organs, such as kidneys, colon and our liver. Not only that, jade helps in skeletal restructuring or healing by rebinding our skeletal and cellular systems together, and it also helps to fasten wound-healing.

Kyanite: the name kyanite originates from the Greek word kyanos, which means "blue." Kyanite instantly aligns the chakras, clearing the pathways & meridians. Kyanite doesn't hold negativity thus, never requires cleaning. Helps shy pets and encourage their communication. bring stillness and tranquility. It treats muscular disorders, fever, thyroid and parathyroid, as well as adrenal glands, throat and brain. Aids healing the epilepsy, sensory organs. A natural pain reliever. It lowers blood pressure and heals infections. It releases excess weight, support the cerebellum and the motor responses of the body.

Aids ailments issues:
•Calms vocal & demanding animals
•Soothes inflammation and heat in the body
•Anger issues

Kyanite helps to balance yin-yang energy.

Lapis Lazuli: is a dappled and speckled blue stone, is a very powerful cleanser of both emotional and physical toxins. At the same time it is flushing undesirable elements from the body, it allows better absorption of much needed vitamins and minerals from the diet. The combination of these properties makes lapis a useful supplement for just about any animal or human. Poor dietary assimilation, which leads to all kinds of health problems and energy deficiency in general, is the reason many people turn to vitamin and mineral supplements both for themselves and for their pets. Lapis will help to boost and maintain a healthier chemical balance. Animals have the "sponge effect" where they pick up on the emotional imbalances and unhappiness of their human caretakers, which lower vitality and physical functioning. Lapis helps to release such emotional negativity, freeing the emotions from harmful influences. Lapis lazuli helps to strengthen the energy meridians, and so enhances the flow of energy through the body. This makes it a very flexible healer and will aid in the treatment of a wide variety of problems. Specifically, lapis has a particular affinity with the respiratory system and will help to clear up many ailments related to this function. As such it will help your pet STOP SNORING . It is also especially indicated for treatment of head or back pain after an injury or trauma (obviously not recommended as an outright replacement for veterinary attention, should this be required).

Throat and brow chakras

Magnesite: aka Brucite Rock comes in white, gray, yellow, brown; often marbled. It promotes positive attitude, relaxation, and calmness; helps fearfulness and irritability. Aids healing in the areas of the gall bladder, migraines, vascular, stomach, blood clots, magnesium deficiency and lowers cholesterol. Magnesite contains a high level of magnesium and aids its absorption in the body. It detoxifies and neutralizes body odor acts as antispasmodic and muscle relaxant and treats stomach intestinal and vascular cramps; treats teeth and bone issues and prevents epilepsy. Magnesite speeds up fat metabolism and disperses cholesterol preventing arteriosclerosis and angina. It is a useful preventative for heart disease. It balances body temperature, lessening fevers and chills

Mother of Pearl: The luminescence of Mother of Pearl has made it a most popular choice for jewelry for centuries. This iridescent substance is not a gem stone but rather is formed in the lining of the shells fresh-water or salt-water mollusks. Mother of pearl has a special symbolism in China, where it is highly prized as a stone that attracts fortune and happiness to anyone who owns it. It is considered a good luck amulet as well, and is often given to loved ones to wish them good luck and prosperity in life.

Moonstone: carries lunar energy and helps to balance emotional upsets. Moonstone has a gentle energy that helps to ease stresses and feelings of anxiousness. Moonstone has been called the stone of "new beginnings". It helps to calm over-reactions. The stone is filled with receptive passive energy which helps to alleviate negative attributes (like a bad temper or aggressive behavior). Moonstone helps your pet to deal with stress and emotional instability. It provides your friend with deep emotional healing. Helps with digestion and Hyperactivity issues, Soothes and relaxes during the birthing process. Regulates hormone balances in female, helps with mood swings, nervousness, hyperactivity and orphaned youngsters.

Sacral and Solar Plexus

Onyx: Onyx is known to separate. It can help release negative emotions such as sorrow and grief. It is used to end unhappy or bothersome relationships.

Rhodonite: Rhodonite soothes the nervous system. This gemstone vibrates with love. Just holding this gemstone promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well-being. This is a balance gemstone and is used to clear the psychic centers.

Red Jasper: is a form of opaque, usually patterned, chalcedony & occurs in massive formations the color range includes dark red, orange, yellow, tan, brown, green, grey & blue it also sometimes occurs in the configuration containing stripes or banding. This mineral is known as the supreme nurturer. It helps balance Yin and Yang energy and it is often worn to provide protection and well-being. It holds an aspect of the solar energy and a connection to the solar plexus and can be used in the treatment of internal organs imbalance that affect the kidneys, liver, bladder and spleen as well as seizures. This stone contains a number of healing powers such as improving poor circulation, healing the liver, healing the kidneys, pain relief, eliminating energy depletion, heals blood issues, as well as supporting the sexual, digestive, and circulatory organs. Red jasper is associated with the first and second chakra. Crystal healing lore says that physically it assists in healing by maintaining positive movement with all types of disorders and disease, and is particularly helpful with diabetes.

Rose Quartz: supports Physical and Psychological Healing. It is considered the perfect stone for love and relationships. It has a gentle vibration of love which is absorbed by your pet and stimulates a sense of peace and happiness. Rose Quartz corresponds to the heart chakra and will assist to help build a loving and lasting relationship with your pet. Rose Quartz will show your pet your feelings of love and caring. It will also strengthen both the heart muscles and circulatory systems and soothe burns and sore spots on the body while healing them more quickly. It will also help heal the kidneys, adrenals, and thymus glands. It opens the heart to love and peace which is the natural and most powerful state of being. Rose Quartz aids issues such as:
-Anger and aggression
-Animals that "bristle"
-Muscular tension and rigidity
-Past abuse or cruelty
-Seeing all humans as bad
-Stress-related asthma

Ruby in Zoisite: is an ornamental material consisting of crystalline aggregates of green zoisite with non transparent ruby inclusions it is found in Tanzania and the general appearance is unmistakable. This powerful stone transmutes negativity into positive energy. It relieves tiredness and boosts physical energy, helping your pet overcome laziness. It is also believed to amplify the bio-magnetic field around the body and to energize the life force. Like Zoisite, Ruby in Zoisite is said to stimulate the Crown Chakra which helps alleviate confusion, senility, depression, and convulsions. Ruby in Zoisite is said to enhance fertility and to help with diseases of the reproductive system. Ruby in zoisite can be used to help animals learn restraint in a social setting. It helps to recover from extended stress or chronic illness; cancers; physical vitality; fertility; testicles; ovaries; over acidity; insomnia; heart; restricted blood flow; circulatory system; depression; chronic fatigue. thyroid under activity; adrenals; immune imbalances; helpful to those recovering from radiation, chemotherapy, or pharmaceutical treatments

Smokey Quartz- FLATULENCE STOPPER. The powerful Smokey quartz helps to heal disorders in paws, claws, and fins. If your pet doesn't always win the fight, the Smokey quartz helps heighten survival instincts. It also helps with the nervous system and swellings. This is a wonderful grounding stone and helps to remove negative energy and hostility. Smokey quartz works to absorb pain, relieve pain, strengthen muscles, regulate body fluids, and reduce stress, as well as being able to heal ailments within the stomach, and will help with FLATULENCE issues, reproductive system, heart, legs, and hips.If you have more than one pet in the house, and the animals socialize, then you may have squabbles from time to time. Smoky Quartz works to reduce future hostilities by grounding and clearing negative energies in your household, which would also benefit any human "squabblers". Smokey quartz helps animal to adjust to new places when moving especially cats.

Base, Sacral, and Solar Plexus chakras.

Tiger's Eye: protects, energizes the body when worn and it is beneficial for weak and sick animals. This powerful stone creates Courage and Confidence and good for the Entire Digestive System. It is especially good for protection against all kinds of danger. This is especially helpful to pets that are somewhat withdrawn and timid. As it stimulates energy flow through the body it generates well being for the weak and the sick. Tiger Eye is considered "The stone of self discipline". Its properties include Protection, Clear Thinking, Personal Empowerment, Integrity, Willpower, Practicality, Balance and Courage. Tiger's Eye is considered to be an excellent grounding stone. If you need to make some changes in your life it will assist your pet to adapt easier to new changes and a change in lifestyle. Use Tiger's Eye to promote balance and strength in your pet and to facilitate in getting through difficult phases of life. It relieves doubt and bestows decision making with vision and clarity it increases courage and self esteem in nervous and afraid pets.

Turquoise: is one of the oldest protection amulets, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures. Strength, protection from harm, Helps with just about everything including protection. This healing stone is amazing as a confidence booster if your pet shows signs of being shy or nervous. This stone works to neutralize over-acidity within the body, viral infections, stomach issues, and Rheumatism, as well as stimulating muscular strength and growth. Turquoise is an excellent grounding stone as its vibrations give peace of mind. Helps Protect Your Pet from Straying, Injury, Loss or Theft. The best quality turquoise nowadays comes from Iran, Afghanistan, Australia, Tibet and the Southwestern U.S. Turquoise is a copper aluminum phosphate mineral with a hardness of 5 to 6. Its striking blue color comes from copper, while the greener shades are a result of iron. The name "turquoise" is derived from the French Pierre turquoise, meaning "Turkish stone", a reference to the ancient trade routes for the mineral, which went through Turkey. Chinese turquoise is the softest form of the mineral and is considered the best choice for youngsters of all types.

Physical Healing and Upliftment

To help heal, soothe, comfort, and uplift your pet and to relieve pain, consider these therapeutic gemstone necklaces for your pet:

Dark Green Aventurine – Purifying the Physical Body
Dark Green Aventurine initiates a deep purification of your pet’s body, especially his vital organs. Its action is deeply soothing and uplifts overall physical health. Pets with any kind of organ weakness or ailments can greatly benefit from Dark Green Aventurine.

Dark Green Emerine – Physical Healing & Purification
Dark Green Emerine combines the physical-healing benefits of Dark Green Aventurine and Emerald in one necklace. The Dark Green Aventurine helps your pet’s body release old, disease-causing energies. The Emerald infuses her body with the life-giving green ray and helps neutralize negative energies in her body and aura.

Light Green Emerine – Soothing the Physical Body
Light Green Emerine gently and gradually soothes and uplifts an animal’s body and emotions. It helps eliminate congestion and inflammation and soothes physical pain and discomfort. Light Green Emerine can help a pet who suffers from chronic or acute pain or who is recovering from any kind of surgery or trauma.

Leopardskin Jasper – Attracting Beneficial Influences
Leopardskin Jasper helps attract whatever is needed to enhance your pet’s physical health. This may be a new kind of medicine or therapy, an enhanced ability to utilize nutrients, or even a new friend.

"We bought a Leopardskin Jasper necklace for each family member, including our dog. Within the first few days, I began having dreams about what kind of food and supplements to include in my pet's diet to improve his nutrition."

S.G., California

Lavender – Awakening to Soul
Lavender can be placed on any painful, tight, or misaligned area of your pet’s body to soothe pain and promote healing. This therapy is particularly helpful for painful joints; it encourages their realignment as it eases the pain. The Lavender's energy opens a passageway from your pet's inner aspects to his physical body, allowing more life force to flow to the distressed area. Thus, Lavender can help improve the effectiveness of any type of energy medicine, including other gemstone therapies

Emotional Healing and Upliftment

To improve your pet’s emotional and physical stability, nurture your pet’s emotional well-being, and enhance your mutual connection, consider these therapeutic gemstone necklaces for your pet:

Mother of Pearl – Nurturing and Comfort
Mother of Pearl soothes and nurtures your pet’s emotions. It’s energy feels like motherly love and imparts the feeling of being cradled in a loving mother's arms.

"One of the nicest things you can do for your pet is to put Mother of Pearl around her neck. When my cat seems lonely or a little down, Mother of Pearl seems to lift her spirits."

K.H., Tennessee

Rhodonite – Emotional Transformation
Rhodonite stabilizes emotions. It can soothe and restore order to any of your pet’s feelings that are scattered, imbalanced, or ungrounded. Through its steady upliftment, Rhodonite can gradually transform your pet's emotional foundation, making it more solid and secure. Rhodonite helps your pet become more balanced, mature, and strong.

Onyx – Becoming Grounded
Onyx attracts healing color rays to your pet’s root chakra, providing a calming influence, groundedness, and general stability. This is especially helpful for animals who may be prone to hyperactivity and who require energetic and nutritional support in the hindquarters.

"My older dog is experiencing weakness in his back legs. He sometimes loses his footing and falls. Onyx helps to strengthen and stabilize him as he moves, and I see a noticeable difference in his sure-footedness. When he does experience weakness, he is no longer upset or confused about it. He simply sits down and waits it out in a very calm, confident, and patient manner."

S.H., New Jersey

Sodalight – Purifying the Aura
When you and your pet both wear Sodalight, the connection between you is developed and your ability to communicate is enhanced. Sodalight can build a bridge of awareness between your two Souls, and your bonds of love will become more solid, real, and tangible. Your sense of unity for a common purpose will deepen, even if that purpose is nothing more than enjoying life and the outdoors together.

Agate – Nature's Nourishing Energies
Agate provides your pet with nourishment on a fundamental level. It is especially helpful for animals who live in an urban environment or who have a somewhat limited access to the nature and the outdoors. Agate improves coordination among all parts of an animal’s body and can help your pet adapt more easily to any new environment.

"On days when my pet seems weary, Agate provides a gently energizing rest. It's like a walk in the woods, without the walk."

W.G., Massachusetts

Immune Support and Relief from Tension

To support your pet’s immune and endocrine systems, provide relief from muscle tension or tightness, and to strengthen your pet’s overall resistance to disease, consider these therapeutic gemstone necklaces for your pet:

Bloodstone – Strengthening the Immune System
Bloodstone strengthens the immune system and keeps it alert and responsive to the needs of your pet’s physical body. Bloodstone's energy empowers certain components in the bloodstream that are vital to optimal immune function. This makes your pet’s body an incompatible environment for infections of all kinds. Bloodstone also removes burdens from the immune system as it facilitates the removal of toxins from the body and enhances the cells' absorption of nutrients.

Carnelian – Revitalizing your Being
The vital orange color ray carried by Carnelian deeply relaxes your pet’s mind, emotions, and physical cells, so they can release their disharmony and disease. The orange ray is a key ingredient for life, especially for the life of the cells, and every cell is energized by it. Carnelian and the orange ray can help your pet’s cells let go of their disharmony and disease.

"My dog developed pre-cancerous tumors on his rectum. We removed carbohydrates from his diet and added high dosages of vitamins A & D. He also wore Carnelian and Onyx necklaces. As a result of these combined therapies, the presence of the tumorous growths has diminished."

I.B.H., New Mexico

Citrine – Revitalizing your Being
Citrine unwinds tension and increases flexibility in the cells, organs, and body as a whole, thereby encouraging your pet’s body to relax and move into greater overall alignment. Citrine can also help resolve conditions of the skin and eliminative organs, including the skin, intestines, bladder, kidneys, and eliminative aspects of the liver.

Light Green Aventurine – Uplifting the Physical Body
Light Green Aventurine uplifts and strengthens your pet’s most distressed organ. It promotes a much gentler purification of the physical body than Dark Green Aventurine and wearing it is a wonderful preventive measure against organ illness.

More Experiences of Animal Healing

Carnelian, Quartz, and Dark Green Aventurine
to Treat Pigeon Fever in a Horse

“I used Carnelian, Quartz, and Dark Green Aventurine necklaces when treating a Thoroughbred gelding with pigeon fever. Swelling was centering in his sheath, with lymph swelling all along his underbelly. With so much discomfort, he was having difficulty walking. We performed a placement therapy of Carnelian on his sacral chakra area and a Quartz placement on his solar plexus. We observed many “releases," his eyes softened, and his head dropped in relaxation. Then we held the Dark Green Aventurine under his very swollen sheath, and the area immediately began to drain from a lanced opening created by a veterinarian earlier in the week. Directly after this treatment, the horse walked with much more ease. (Because the drained fluid is highly infectious, we placed the Dark Green Aventurine inside a plastic bag to prevent contamination, yet still found it very effective.) We performed the same treatment three weeks in a row, with similar draining the second week and no draining the third week, since the horse seemed to be healed.”

C.P., Medical Social Worker

Mother of Pearl
to Treat Dog’s Separation Anxiety

“I put a Mother of Pearl necklace around my dog’s neck, and she no longer suffers from separation anxiety.”

J. H.
Glen Arm, Maryland

Mother of Pearl
to Treat Cat’s Fear

“I recently purchased a Mother of Pearl necklace for my cat. Normally she is very head-shy; when I take off her collar or put it back on, she gets very upset and runs away and hides for a while. But when I showed her this necklace, she actually made the kind of chirping sound she makes when she recognizes that she is being given a treat. And when I put it around her neck, she settled down and started to purr. This is very unusual for her.

“Since wearing the Mother of Pearl, she has become bolder and braver. She used to be reluctant to come over for attention when the other cats were around, and she would wait for them to leave before she approached. But now she comes right over, even when the other cats are present. She is also less aggressive with the other cats and tends to initiate play rather than aggression. The other cats in the house also seem to be behaving more positively, too.”

L. H.
Austin, Texas

Veterinarian’s Corner

To start working with gemstone therapy in your veterinary practice, you may want to consider these two invaluable necklaces:

Carnelian can be worn around the animal’s neck or placed anywhere on the body to support any internal detoxification program and to promote healing of any stubborn or persistent condition that isn’t responding to other therapies. It is particularly helpful in treating a diseased or toxic organ or area, particularly one involved in the endocrine and lymph systems, soft tissue, and skin.

Bloodstone can be worn around the neck or placed anywhere on the animal’s body to promote immune response and to treat organ weakness, arthritic joints, sore muscles, or gout. It can also be used to support a general detoxification program.

If you would like to include a greater variety of gemstone therapy tools in your veterinary practice, consider this group of necklaces as a start-up kit. See discussions of these gemstones above for more information on their uses for animals.

Dark Green Aventurine to uplift any ailing organ and promote overall physical health.

Carnelian to improve vitality and support detoxification

Mother of Pearl for comforting animals who may be upset or frightened

Onyx for grounding and physical stability

Rhodonite for calming emotions and long-term emotional healing

Lavender to relieve pain and promote healing (And consider getting one for yourself, too! Lavender aligns and integrates all aspects of one’s being -- physical, emotional, mental, intuitive, and spiritual. Wearing Lavender can heighten and enhance awareness. Wearing Lavender—and/or placing around your patient’s neck prior to an exam—can enhance your diagnostic acumen.)

Light Green Emerine for soothing and relieving pain; also useful for pre- and post-surgical treatments

Citrine for relieving tension resulting from pain, strain, or sprain; also useful for pre- and post-surgical treatments

Sodalight for post-traumatic stress

Click on links to find out the healing properties of each stone

Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Tourmalinated Quartz
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Turquoise  Natural
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry

Rose Quartz
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry


Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Tiger's Eye
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Snowflake Obsidian
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Ruby Zoisite
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Ocean Jasper
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Picture Jasper
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Red Jasper
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Spicy Jasper
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry


Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry


Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Fancy Jasper



Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Turquoise Howlite
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Red Coral
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
pple Jasper
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Coral, Red Cube
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Jade, Olive
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Moss Agate
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Black Onyx
Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry
Animulet is no longer in business, but we will create these for you as close as possible to the photo shown 

Healing Jewelry For Pets   $25.00


Choose Stone/Crystals
Choose Clasp Size

Pet Healing Jewelry

Pet Jewelry, Pet Healing Jewelry

Order clasp size according to neck measurements:

Small/ Chihuahua 8-10”
Medium/ Terrier 12-14”
Large/ Labrador 15-18”


Special Order Pet Healing Jewelry Inquiry

Custom Wire Wrapped Pet Pendants


Choose From

Choose From

Custom Wire Wrapped Pendants


Crystal Ball Sphere Stand

Pewter Butterflies Sphere Stand
Three butterflies stand holds spheres from 40-60mm. Sits flat with terrific stability! Nickelplated Pewter

Pewter Butterflies Sphere Stand

Crystal Ball Sphere Stand

Pewter Frog Crystal Ball Sphere Stand
Pewter Frog Stand- Three frog stand holds spheres from 40-60mm. Sits flat with terrific stability! Nickel plated Pewter.

Pewter Frog Crystal Ball Sphere Stand

Crystal Ball Sphere Stand

Frog's Stand for Sphere
$36.00 Each

Frog's Stand for Sphere


Crystal Ball Sphere Stand

Gold Plated Cats Crystal Ball Stand- Gold plated! "Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." Cat Fact: In ancient Egypt, killing a cat was a crime punishable by death.
Seeking a truly special and unique gift for someone whom can't seem to have enough feline friends in their life? Our 14K plated, three cat sphere stand may be the purrfect choice. Elegant gold-plate feline crystal ball stand. Excellent for crystal balls from three to four inches in diameter.

Gold Plated Cats Crystal Ball Stand


Koala Bear Sphere Stands 14K Gold Plated

Koala 14K Crystal Ball Sphere Stand- Fine Crystal ball stand. Excellent for crystal balls from three to four inches in diameter. This beautiful gold plated crystal ball stand is covered in 14k Gold.

Koala 14K Crystal Ball Sphere Stand


Crystal Ball Sphere Stand

Gold Plated Rabbits Crystal Ball Sphere Stand- Rabbit Crystal ball sphere stand. Fully plated in 14k Gold. Excellent for crystal balls from three to four inches in diameter. Among the best-known wild animals are the cottontails and jackrabbits. They are abundant in the brushy woods and gardens of eastern North America, on the western plains and deserts, on mountains, and even in the Arctic snows. Many of the animals called rabbits, such as the jackrabbit and snowshoe rabbit, are actually hares.

Gold Plated Rabbits Crystal Ball Sphere Stand


Crystal Ball Egg Display Stands

Acrylic Elephant Ball Crystal Ball/Egg Stands
with 60mm Crystal Ball

Elephant Ball Stand
w/60mm or 2 1/2" Dia. Crystal Ball
5" H by 5" W Elephant Base
6 3/4"High with Crystal Ball

Translucent frosted acrylic elephant trio ball stand with a large 60mm or 2 1/2" clear crystal ball. The elephants stand on a foliage covered mound supporting a perfectly clear optically pure round crystal ball. This is a superb Feng Shui accessory as well as a stunning focal piece, enhancing the decor of any room.

$94.95     30350

Display Stands


Crystal Ball Egg Display Stands

Fighting Acrylic Elephant Crystal Ball/Egg Stands
with 60mm Crystal Ball

Fighting Elephant Ball Stand
w/60mm or 2 1/2" Dia. Crystal Ball
8 3/8" H x 6 1/4" W

Magnificent frosted elephant lays final claim to a large 60mm or 2 1/2" clear crystal ball. The large elephant sculpture includes a perfectly clear optically pure round crystal ball. This is a superb Feng Shui accessory.

$99.95     31428

Display Stands


  Antique Gold Elephants Crystal Ball Set3 Elephant Crystal Ball Display Set

Antique gold ceremonial elephants sphere stand with a clear 50mm or 2" crystal ball. The elephants stand on an embossed decorated base and support a separate (unattached) perfectly clear optically pure round crystal ball. This is a great Feng Shui accessory.
4" H x 4" W

 $79.95 SAN-089

Gold Elephants Crystal Ball Set

Crystal Ball Egg Display StandsMoon Light Ball & Dove Crystal Ball Stands Set
The opalescent reflection of the Moonlight Crystal Ball lets you spin your dreams by moonlight. A Dove sits on a curved bough eyeing a rose below on the Victorian style stand. Together they make an exquisite gift that you'll be long remembered for.
1 3/4" H by 2 3/4" W Stand
2" Diameter - Crystal Ball

$99.95 dvset

Moon Light Ball & Dove Stand Set



Crystal Ball Egg Display StandsDragon Fly Crystal Ball/Egg Stands
The Dragonfly has 6 Swarovski faceted Crystals, 2 Emerald, two Peridot on it's body and 2 Jet Crystals for eyes. A beautiful solid pewter Dragon Fly on a six petaled. Its wings beautifully etched in pewter, as if about to take flight. This stand can hold 50-60mm sized gazing balls and spheres.
3 1/4" W by 3 1/2" H
 $74.95 ST-1568 

Dragon Fly Crystal Ball Stands


 Money Frog Crystal Ball Display SetMoney Frogs Crystal Ball Set

Antique Gold Money Frogs
Crystal Ball Set
Antique gold ChanChu Money Frogs sphere stand with a clear 50mm or 2" crystal ball. The three ChanChu Frogs have a separate Chinese Lucky coin in their mouths and stand on an embossed decorated base which support an unattached perfectly clear optically pure round crystal ball. This is a great Feng Shui wealth cure!!
4" H x 4" W

 $79.95   SAN-115

Display Stands

Brass Sphere Ball Stands

Seahorses Brass Sphere Stand
For 1 3/4"/45mm - 4"/100mm Balls
This unusual whimsical stand is a delight to behold, drawing the eye to the outstanding gem sphere or art glass it holds. This polished solid brass stand can hold a wide range of ball sizes from 1 3/4" to 4" wide. 80mm Cobalt crystal ball, shown is sold separately.
4 3/4" H x 3 3/4" W


Seahorses Brass Sphere Stand

 Crystal Ball Sphere Stand

Brass Seahorse Sphere Stand- Abstract Seahorse stand in brass! Four inches tall and holds spheres and balls from 100-110mm. Balls sold separately.

Brass Seahorse Sphere Stand

Brass Sphere Ball Stands

Brass Rabbits Sphere Stand
For 2"/50mm - 3 1/2"/80mm Balls
This Stand features three Brass Rabbits to hold your favorite sphere. Intricately crafted this piece makes an excellent addition to any collection or office setting. This polished solid brass stand holds eggs, spheres or paperweights from 2" to 3 1/2" wide.
1 1/2" H x 2" W (1 3/4" Inside Diam.)


Brass Rabbits Sphere Stand


Brass Sphere Ball Stands

Large Gold Elephants Sphere Stand
For 3"/75mm - 6"/150mm Balls
Large polished antique gold tone Elephants stand simulates the rich character of native wood carvings. This Safari decor accessory holds crystal balls and spheres from 3" to a 6" wide. The lacquered finish and felt base assures long term easy care. Seen with a 100mm bubbled crystal ball, which is sold separately.
5" H x 4 1/2" W


Large Gold Elephants Sphere Stand

Frog Sphere Ball Stands

3 Frogs Verdigris Brass Sphere Stand

For 2"/50mm - 6"/150mm Balls
Charming verdigris finish solid brass frogs stand with antique brass accents brings spring and the garden indoors. This stand holds crystal balls or paperweights from 2 3/4" to 6" wide. This solid brass stand has a lacquered, satin finish to assure long term easy care.
2" H x 3" W - Medium $116.95


3 Frogs Brass Verdigris Sphere Stand

3 3/4" H x 6" W - Large $136.95


3 Frogs Brass Verdigris Sphere Stand

Frog Brass Sphere Ball Stands

3 Frogs Brass Sphere Stand

For 2"/50mm - 6"/150mm Balls
Bright and cheery polished brass frogs stand brings the garden indoors and holds crystal balls or paperweights from 2 3/4" to 6" wide. This solid brass stand has a lacquered finish to assure long term easy care.
2" H x 3" W - Medium $124.95


3 Frogs Brass Sphere Stand

3 3/4" H x 6" W - Large $136.95


3 Frogs Brass Sphere Stand

Brass Sphere Ball Stands

Extra Large Elephants Sphere Stand
For 4"/100mm - 7"/175mm Balls
An extra large version of the classic favorite, three elephants stand with trunks held up to support your favorite sphere or Art Glass. This versatile polished solid brass stand holds large to jumbo spheres from 4" to a 7" wide. Shown with a 130mm Amethyst Sphere, which is sold separately.
4 1/4" W x 3 1/2" H


Extra Large Elephants Sphere Stand


Brass Sphere Ball Stands
Antique Brass Elephants Sphere Stand
For 4"/100mm - 7"/175mm Balls
Medium and large antiqued brass Elephants stands simulates native wood carvings. This Safari decor accessory holds crystal balls and spheres from 4" to a 7" wide. The lacquered finish assures long term easy care.
4" H x 3 1/2" W - Medium $122.95


Antique Brass Elephants Sphere Stand

5" H x 4" W - Large $134.95


Antique Brass Elephants Sphere Stand


Crystal Ball Sphere Stand

Saluting Elephant Sphere Stand- Three elephants in brass raise their trunks as if saluting! This stand holds spheres from 70-100mm in grand style. Solid support for your crystal ball or sphere. 4.5 inches tall.

Saluting Elephant Sphere Stand

Crystal Ball Sphere Stand

Large Gold Plated Three Giraffe Ball Sphere Stand- Gold plated Giraffe Crystal ball stand. Giraffes are sage creatures with a great range of vision. Stand is about three inches tall of the finest gold plated metal. Holds crystal balls from 3 1/4 to 4 inches across (80mm to 125mm).

Large Gold Plated Three Giraffe Ball Sphere Stand


Crystal Ball Sphere Stand

Gold Plated Three Deer Ball Sphere Stand Large- Gold plated Crystal ball Deer stand. The deer is a creature with grace and deep beautiful eyes that capture your heart. From the deer exercise through goddess figures, the deer is a part of our history and mythology for gentle powers. This deer stand is about three inches in height of the finest gold plated metal. Holds crystal balls from 3 1/4 to 4 inches across (80mm to 125mm).

Gold Plated Three Deer Ball Sphere Stand Large


Crystal Ball Sphere Stand

Solid Brass Elephant Stand Rustic Look- Elephants in Brass! Regular Brass Elephant Stand holds balls and spheres from 50 to 100mm (or 3-4 inches in diameter--larger sphere sits on trunk tips), and is 3 inches wide and 2.5 inches tall. Rustic look laquered Brass stand!

Solid Brass Elephant Stand Rustic Look


Healing Stone Pouch for Pets

Agate Stones - Agates are available in many sizes, colors and shapes. Agates are known to be a helpful aid in developing telepathy and the balancing of energy.

Amethyst - Powerful multi purpose healer. It’s a great help if your pet is older and has arthritis. It also aids the digestive track, heart, stomach, skin, and teeth. The vibrations of amethyst can help rid animals of fleas.

Aventurine - Helps pets adjust to a new environment. If you are going on vacation and either boarding your pet, or taking them with you, it’s a very stressful time for them. Moving into a new and getting used to surroundings, can cause your pet to is so stressed it may not get it’s proper sleep. Their reactions are the same as we humans. Placing a gemstone under a sleeping bed or where ever you pets decides to spend the night will help them in adjusting to their new environment.

Citrine - Helps the digestive track and insomnia. Just like humans, animals can have problems sleeping from time to time.

Hematite – Helps the muscular system.

Jade – Helps to increase longevity.

Lapis  Lazuli– Helps the immune system; leukemia and bone cancer pain

Obsidian, Snowflake - Helps to protection from physical and emotional harm. Can provide balance during times of change.

Rose Quartz - This is wonderful gemstone if your pet has had surgery or has a wound.

Smokey Quartz - helps to heal paw disorders. It also helps with the nervous system and swellings. This is a wonderful grounding stone and helps to remove negative energy.

Sodalite – Calming nervousness, great for traveling as it promotes calmness during travel. If your pet gets car sick, try Sodalite.

Tiger Eye – Helps to calm in the midst of chaos. Helps eye, throat and reproductive system problems. Tiger Eye is helpful in mending broken bones and to strengthen the spine. Great for energetic dogs!

Turquoise - Helps with just about everything including protection. This healing stone is amazing as a confidence booster if your pet shows signs of being on the shy or nervous. Turquoise is a excellent grounding stone as it’s vibrations give peace of mind.

Clear Quartz - Quartz helps communication between animals and humans clarity. Quartz can come in handy when teaching a pet commands.

$45.00 Including a pouch.

Tarot Cards

Shapeshifter Tarot Cards

By: D.J. Conway, Sirona Knight
English | 264 pages | 6 x 9 IN
82 full-color cards, 6"x9" book
Price: $95.00
See Through the Eyes of a Hawk

Shapeshifting is about far more than simply taking on the image of another thing. It's about using the unique and specialized talents of that animal, plant, or object. Nothing makes this technique and method more clear than the Shapeshifter Tarot.

This amazing 81-card deck follows the traditional pattern, although the names of many of the Major Arcana cards have been shifted to fit the more Pagan approach to this deck. For example, the Fool becomes Initiation, the Magician changes to the Sorcerer, and the Hermit becomes The Seer. Three additional cards, The Double, The Journey, and The Dreamer are part of the tradition on which this is based and will add additional meaning to your readings and personal work.

And there's more! This boxed set comes with a 264-page book. Of course it has vivid interpretations of all the cards, revealing their symbolism and divinatory meanings. It also includes sample readings, key words to make readings easy, how to meditate with the cards, using the deck for spellworking, and the skill of shapeshifting itself.

Combined with brilliant art of transcendent majesty and beauty, this uniquely shamanic deck is simply one of the most powerful Tarot decks available today. It is also one of the most potent tools for Pagans of all traditions. Whether you want this deck for personal work or for giving readings, one thing is very clear: you'll want to get and use this deck every day!

Tarot Cards

Oracle Cards

Egyptian Scarab Oracle Cards
By: deTraci Regula, Rho
English | 264 pages | 6 x 9 IN
Book, pouch, scarabs
Price: $105.00
The ancient Egyptians knew the power of the sacred scarab, symbol of life, hope, and regeneration. The Egyptians believed that everything vibrates with living magic; the actions of sacred birds and animals can reveal the will of the gods and goddesses; and with the right divination system, all things can be known.

Learn about the art of divination in ancient Egypt and the role of the scarab in magic and literature. A vivid dream of life as a temple priestess in ancient Egypt led Mysteries of Isis author deTraci Regula to create the Egyptian Scarab Oracle. This kit contains thirty beautifully crafted scarabs and a satin drawstring pouch. Each scarab bears the likeness of a goddess, god, or symbol of ancient Egypt.

The easy-to-use guidebook presents reading tips and layouts, interpretations for each scarab symbol, the Egyptian hieroglyphic alphabet, and instructions for creating your own scarabs for divination and protection.
Find out whether your mate is a passionate Horus, a difficult Set, a sensitive and understanding Osiris, fiery Serqet, erotic Hathor, or strong yet loving Isis. Simple to learn and fun to use, the Egyptian Scarab Oracle will help you discover which Egyptian deities you resonate with, learn to read simple Egyptian Hieroglyphics and stimulate your intuition. You can use this oracle to gain insights about love and relationships, finances, career planning, and much more!

Tarot Cards


Working With Spirits Books

The Intercession of Spirits: Working With Animals, Angels & Ancestors (Paperback)

Ted Andrews (Author)
This is the best book by Ted Andrews so far. I have read and enjoyed many of his already published works but this one seems to take the many topics he has covered individually and tied them together into the interwoven mystery and possibilities of our wonderful existence.

Working With Spirits Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs

Pet Memorial Vials

paw print sterling silver
memorial vial keychain
Dimensions: 1' tall by 1/4 wide. The paws scroll all the way to the top.
100% .925 Sterling Silver.


Pet Memorial Vials

Engraved Pet Memorial Stone Candle

Engraved Pet Memorial Stone Candle
Personalized Pet Memorial Stone Candle. Memorialize your beloved pet with a pet memorial candle. Lighting a remembrance pet memorial candle in honor of your pet acknowledges the light and life of a loved one and helps us to reflect their lives. The Pet Memorial Candle can become a significant symbol at the time of death and can be lit as a support during the grieving process. Send a pet memorial candle to a friend or family member who has recently suffered a loss of a pet.
Single Wick Black Granite Pet memorial Candle 6"x6". Custom engrave the beloved pets name, date or message on a beautiful black granite pet memorial candle.

Engraved Pet Memorial Stone Candle

Choose Paint
Enter Personalization Message

Engraved Pet Memorial Stone Candle

Pet Healer, Jani

All the animals of the universe exhibit habit patterns that show us messages if we stop, look and listen. They are teachers, healers and friends to all. Have you ever thought about how all of God's creatures have survived millions of years constantly adapting and changing? They know within a short time who is friend and who is foe. Sound familiar? Animals speak to us all the time, they communicate with each other endlessly one species to another. With so much to learn from God's creatures we should all be thankful to have been given the very special gift of the animal kingdom.

Our loving pets give us unconditional love and boundless loyalty everyday. They ask for so little in return we must remember that they have the same basic needs as humans.

Like humans, pets have good and bad days. They can become ill and just as we humans, they grow old. It's our responsibility to do all we can to give our love, comfort and security to them each day.

After all, they too are part of the family.


Tarot Cards
Animals Divine Tarot Cards
By: Lisa Hunt
English | 216 pages | 5 x 8 IN

Winner of a 2006 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) Award

Ever present in art and mythology, animals have made an indelible impression on our psyche. The Animals Divine Tarot can help us reconnect with the natural world and tune into animal energies for a more intuitive, insightful outlook on life.

Gorgeous and graceful, Lisa Hunt's watercolor imagery showcases sacred creatures and deities from a myriad of cultures: Aztec, Incan, Indian, Japanese, African, Native American, Greek, Roman, and others. Bast, the cat-headed goddess of Egypt, proudly fulfills the High Priestess role while the adventurous coyote treads a rocky path as The Fool. Inspiring imagination and contemplation, this soulful tarot deck invites us to recognize our inner creatures and merge with our animal energies.

Tarot Cards

Pet Crystal Healing Books

Hands-On Healing for Pets Book: The Animal Lover's Essential Guide to Using Healing Energy (Paperback)

Margrit Coates (Author)
This book can teach you how to make a real difference in your pet’s happiness and well–being through hands–on energy healing. Energy healing is a non–invasive, complementary, yet very effective therapy that can be used to improve your pet’s health and behavior. Practitioner Margrit Coates provides practical advice on when, where, and how to use hands–on healing; whether you’re caring for a dog or cat, rabbit or gerbil, bird or reptile, the essential steps are provided. Hands–On Healing for Pets also includes sections on other alternative treatments, including crystals, massage, and flower remedies, as well as fascinating case studies.

Crystal Healing Books

The Psychic Bible Books

The Psychic Bible Book: The Definitive Guide to Developing Your Psychic Skills (... Bible) (Paperback)
~ Jane Struthers (Author)
Channel your mind’s energy with this guide to psychic power. Beautifully presented and easy to use, it covers all the psychic skills with interactive, step-by-step exercises. Find out exactly what psychic powers are and what evidence there is for its existence. Explore the mind to see how the unconscious works and how to tap into altered states of consciousness. Get more from dreams; learn about chakras, auras, and the body’s subtle energy systems; and try time-tested methods of psychic protection, healing, and channeling. You’ll discover useful psychic tools, including aromatherapy, automatic writing, scrying, running, and crystal balls, and how to locate a soulmate. There’s even a section on psychic pets!

Psychic Books

Healing Crystals Books

Crystal Healing for Animals Book (Paperback)
~ Martin Scott (Author), Gael Mariani (Author)
Discover how the healing power of crystals can be used to enhance the wellbeing and happiness of the animals in your care.
Crystal healing is as effective and potent a healing art today as it was in the time of the ancient Egyptians. It is even more effective with animals than for humans, and any pet owner or animal caregiver can easily learn to master the basic techniques of choosing and cleansing crystals, dowsing and crystal massage, making crystal essences, and the use of crystal layouts in healing. Crystal Healing for Animals explains these methods in plain and simple language and will be useful for beginners and experienced crystal users alike.

Crystal healing allows us to take an active role in the health of our animal companions, in the sure knowledge that we can do no wrong. Crystals have a healing energy that is powerful and profound, but is completely safe and gentle.

Take a guided tour of thirty of the most commonly used and effective healing crystal and gemstones, showing how you can easily and inexpensively build up a collection that will last a life time and go on providing healing support to your animal friends as the years go by. Animal problems covered include: abuse and trauma, allergies, bereavement and grief, hyperactivity, constipation, inflammation, low immunity, muscle strains and pains, post-surgical recovery, stress, training problems and animal/human relationships, and much more. This book also contains special sections on training and animal rescue, showing the role that crystals can play in this context.

The authors are specialists in natural therapies in animal care. They are the founders of S.A.F.E.R, the international Society for Animal Flower Essence Research, which also investigates the use of crystal therapy for animals. They are the authors of three other books on natural healing for animals, and have their own monthly Holistic Page in a national UK dog magazine. They are actively involved in animal rescue and rehabilitation.

Crystal Healing Books


Gem Essence Healing Books

The Essence of Healing Book: A Guide to the Alaskan Flower, Gem, and Environmental Essences (Paperback)

Steve Johnson (Author)
Nature is a source of pure healing potential. The Essence of Healing will help you open your life to this potential through a special collection of flower, gem, and environmental essences prepared in the vast wilderness areas of Alaska. This book is based on over 12 years of research in the field and in therapeutic settings throughout the world. It contains a wealth of practical information on how to select and use the Alaskan essences for the benefit of the human and animal kingdoms.  

Gem Essence Healing Books

Animal Reiki Healing Books

Animal Reiki Book: Using Energy to Heal the Animals in Your Life (Paperback)
Elizabeth Fulton (Author)
(Author), Kathleen Prasad
Whether you're a newcomer to the field of energy medicine, an experienced practitioner or an animal lover committed to learning everything you can about your companion's health, Animal Reiki will open your eyes to a new level of healing and well-being. From dogs and cats to horses and birds, this book is everything you need to understand and appreciate the power of Reiki to heal and deepen the bond with the animals in your life.
Reiki has many qualities that make it an ideal complementary therapy for animals. First and foremost, it is gentle, painless, non-invasive and stress-free for animals. Reiki heals at all levels of an animal's being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is one of only a few therapies that brings no harm to any living thing--plant or animal--to produce its healing properties. It goes to those issues most in need of healing, even those unknown to the practitioner. Reiki is always safe and comfortable for both animal and healer. It can be given at a distance and adapted to any problem that affects animals, so it can be used under any circumstances. There is virtually no problem or circumstance that cannot be treated effectively with Reiki.

We believe animals are sentient, spiritual beings who give generously of themselves to the planet and are innately deserving of Reiki's benefits. Living with people and civilization exacts a great toll on animals. They cannot speak their needs and wants in human terms and are often dependent upon people for the satisfaction of even their most basic needs. Reiki is a vibrational "frequency" that is readily understood and appreciated by an animal, allowing him to deepen his relationship with the practitioner as he joins in a healing partnership.

Animal Healing Books



Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals Books

Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals Book: A Comprehensive Guide to the Use of Essential Oils & Hydrosols with Animals (Paperback)

Kristen Leigh Bell (Author)
Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils and hydrosols extracted from plants, flowers, trees, seeds and fruit. Just as aromatherapy has become scientifically validated medical practice for people, it has become an increasingly popular health treatment for animals.
This book will fill a growing need for effective aromatherapy information and treatments that improve and maintain animal health, as well as prevent common ailments in dogs, cats, and other animals. This comprehensive guide will focus on safety and common uses of essential oils, application methods, recipes for various ailments, and in-depth information on the safest and simplest essential oils to use for everyday aromatic animal care.

Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals is a reliable and trustworthy holistic aromatherapy sourcebook for pet owners, aromatherapy lovers and all petcare-related professionals. It provides the soundest and safest advice, recipes and supported information available. Since no book of this magnitude and focus currently exists, it will be a widely used resource and will answer a growing demand for information about this exciting and aromatic topic.

Aromatherapy Healing Books



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Wiltshire SP5 2BH UK


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Healing Gem Essences For Pets

Our animal companions can benefit just as much from essences as we can and like us, they too can be in need of healing and support when changes in their and our lives occur. The most important thing that any of us can do no matter what is happening with our pets is to offer them as much love, nurturing and support as we can. They give so much and ask for so little in return, where else can we learn so much about unconditional love but through our beloved animal companions!

These essences have been lovingly created to support animals throughout all of their life cycles and changes. They can be used by any sort of pet you have in your life, from Dogs and Cats to Lizards and Birds. If your pet is in need of something that you do not see listed here, please contact us and we will create an essence that will match his or her needs. Also, if you prefer alcohol free on any of these essences, please let us know.

People can benefit too from using these essences along with giving them to their pet. Often times our pets do take on things from us and so when we work with these essences as well, it can help our pets heal and adjust to changes that much more quickly. Animals are very sensitive to the energies around them, including picking up what is happening with our own vibration!

We sincerely hope that these essences benefit your own beloved one as much as they have so many others. And give your pet a love from us!


Abandonment Healing
So many animals are taken to shelters or simply abandoned in the country or along city streets when they are no longer wanted or are the result of pet owners allowing their animals to reproduce without considering the consequences. Even when an animal is fortunate enough to be rescued and taken in by a caring owner, this early abandonment was so traumatic that the animal often fears a repeat of the experience which may lead to everything from inability to be housebroken to repeated illnesses. This essence helps to release those fears and the pain of having been abandoned so they may fully accept and enjoy the love that their new family has to share with them.
Aging Gracefully
Our animal friends go through many shifts and changes as they age even as people do. They may have to adjust to gradual or a more sudden loss of sight or hearing, their nutritional needs may change as well as the amount of exercise they need to take. The animal may begin to put on weight due to becoming less active or it may become difficult for the animal to move around easily. This Blend helps the pet to adjust more easily to the changes that aging brings and may also be used by the owner to help him/her better understand what their beloved friend may now need in terms of special care.
Healing Abuse
Sadly there are those who are very abusive to animals and thankfully there are groups and organizations as well as individuals who have stepped in to rescue an animal who was suffering under abusive owners. Yet even after the animal has been removed from the abusive environment many scars still remain. It takes a special person/family to create a healing space for these animals and this essence was developed to be of support for both the new owners and the animal. It helps the animal to feel and accept the love and respect the new family has for him/her and for them to know that they are now safe and most deeply loved!
 Home Away From Home
This blend is for when the animal must be boarded for a time due to one's needing to travel for business or pleasure and unable to have someone care for the animal in their own home. It assists the animal in understanding that they are safe, that you will return for them and this situation is only temporary.
New Environment
For when an animal is facing a change in their home territory. Even a change in furnishings can cause a pet to feel out of balance and unsure of where they now stand in the hierarchy of the household. This blend helps to ease their stress and to better cope with the changes that are occurring. For animals that may be expected to cope with a new caretaker while the owners are on holiday this essence blend can be especially helpful.
New Pet/Jealousy Blend
To an animal you are their whole world! When a new pet is introduced into the family it can cause the first pet to feel very threatened and out of sorts. The animal may fear the loss of your love and attention as well as trying to cope with where this new member may fit in within the Hierarchy. This blend helps both pets to understand that they are both beloved members of the family as well as helping them to redefine their own special territories.
Off to the Vet's!
Trundling along to visit the Vet's whether it is for routine, annual care or in the case of accident or injury can be very stressful for animals. The sights, sounds and smells of other animals in fear or pain can be extremely distressing to our fur friends who are so attuned to what is going on around them through all of their senses. They not only sense another's fear, they can smell it which can be very overwhelming for an animal. This essence helps to take the edge off, to keep the animal more relaxed and at ease with what is happening. It also appears to help them better understand that all those involved have their best interests at heart.
While many animals do quite well after being altered, there are still many adjustments that occur on the physical and emotional levels. This blend helps the animal to adjust to the changes.
Pet Emergency Care
An excellent blend for use during illness/accident in which the pet is involved. It helps the animal to stabilize in the critical first few minutes of an injury or when the pet first shows signs of illness. It supports the animal's ability to immediately begin the healing process and may also be used by the owner to calm and ease his or her own fear and stress. This essence can be used externally as well as internally. It may also be very helpful for animals who suffer from repeated injuries to the same area of the body by clearing the old injury pattern from the vibrational field.
The Dreaded Cone
This is an after surgery essence blend to help the animal recover more quickly with fewer side affects from needed anesthetic and or medications after surgery. It helps the animals' energy field to stabilize more rapidly bringing a sense of peace and calm. Since many animals need to wear a cone round their necks after surgery to keep them from chewing or worrying the impacted area, this too can add to an animal's stress. This blend also helps them to more easily adjust to the contraption they suddenly find themselves attired in as well as easing the stress of not being able to get at the affected area which is a natural instinct for animals. Their saliva contains natural cleansing/medicating substances that help them heal more rapidly. Not being able to get a the affected area, even if it is for their own good in the long run, can be very upsetting to the animal. This essence helps the animal to accept that other forces for their healing are being brought into play and that the wearing of the cone will soon be a thing of the past.
Toilet Training 101
Primarily for dogs yet can be used with cats and other pets as well that one is seeking to toilet train. Animals do want to please their people and do their "duty" in the proper place. Yet some simply seem to have a difficult time grasping the concept, especially young rambunctious puppies that get so caught up in the moment of what they are doing that they are unaware of their need to be let out until it is too late. This blend should be used on an hourly basis, misting the pet or adding the essence to the pet's water bowl several times throughout the day. Remember too to reward your pet with heaps of praise when they do signal their need to be let out!
Travel for Cats
While many dogs do enjoy going along for the ride in the family car, it is the rare kitty that also enjoys the experience. This essence blend helps to stabilize kitty, brings a sense of peace and calm, helps to alleviate car sickness which some cats are prone to in a moving vehicle and to allow the cat to be handled more easily upon arrival. This essence is especially helpful for when the cat is being moved to a new home and can be combined with New Environment to further ease the stress.


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