Natural Handmade Crystal & Stone Infused Soaps

Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals

Crystal Infused Soaps



These handmade soaps are all natural, cold or heat processed, many are vegan and and from several different vendors, all are absolutely fabulous!

Line Of Soaps, Crystal Mist & Lotions

These products are made by condition or need. They contain actual healing crystals and stones, keep these when your product is gone and accumulate more for continued healing.  They are amazing, with amazing results for all who have used them.  You can custom order by condition, let us know what you need and we will make one for you.  Contact us with your request, new products added all the time to the line 



Amethyst Crystal Soap With Rocks

Amethyst Crystal Soap Unscented

Healing Crystal Bar Soaps come inside an organza bag. Use inside the bag for extra exfoliation & save keeping of your stone.

Also available in Bath Salts, Sugar Scrubs, and Shaving Bars.
Lotions and Massage oils by request.

Ingredients: Amethyst, Olive Oil Glycerin

Amethyst: "Sobriety Stone", Peace, Calm, Inner Strength, Spirituality, Psychic Abilities, Dreamwork, Legal Problems, Money Issues; Healing usage - addictions, alcoholism, headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, and general healing


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Bloodstone Crystal Soap With Rocks

Bloodstone Crystal Soap Unscented

Bloodstone: Courage, survival, adaptability, release blockages, renewal, strength, victory, intuitive decision making, abundance. Healing usage: Intense healing, emotional trauma, anemia, blood diseases, blood pressure, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, kidney, bladder, physical trauma, post-surgical recovery.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Bloodstone Pieces


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Blue Kyanite Crystal Soap With Rocks

Blue Kyanite Crystal Soap Unscented

Blue Kyanite: Throat Chakra and communication issues, helps to speak one’s truth with clarity, making it a great stone for public speakers and performers, facilitates an alignment of all the subtle bodies, creating a larger and stronger aura, high vibration, allowing for an opening of psychic abilities, especially during meditation, promote lucid dreaming and astral travel, ameliorating throat and voice ailments, help with mobility and speech difficulties, especially after a stroke, keep bone marrow, cells and tissue healthy, enhance brain function and the entire neurological system, amplifies high-frequency energies, making it a great stone for attunements and meditation, brings a calming, tranquilizing energy to the body, assists in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts, as well as dream recall, restores Qi (or Ki) to the physical body, and balances yin/yang energies.

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Blue Kyanite Pieces


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Amber Crystal Soap With Rocks

Amber Crystal Soap Unscented

Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser that draws dis-ease from the body and promotes tissue revitalization. It also cleans the environment and the chakras. It absorbs negative energies and transmutes them into positive forces that stimulate the body to heal itself. A powerful protector, it links the everyday self to the higher spiritual reality. It can help counteract suicidal or depressive tendencies. Mentally, Amber stimulates the intellect, clears depression and promotes a positive mental state and creative self expression. It brings balance and patience and encourages decision-making, being a useful memory aid. Its flexibility dissolves opposition. Emotionally, Amber encourages peacefulness and develops trust. Spiritually, Amber promotes altruism and brings wisdom. Clear yellow or orange, this ancient petrified resin (possibly pine tree) has electromagnetic properties. Great for past life work and weight gain. Opens solar plexus chakra for mental clarity, moods balance, confidence. Stomach anxiety, spine, Central Nervous System, brain, memory loss, cell regeneration. Aligns mental and emotional bodies via orange and yellow. Excellent detoxification and protection from radiation, especially x-rays, sun, computers, airport, planes and others' energies. Useful on the brain, lungs, thyroid, spleen, endocrine system, inner ear, and neurological tissue. Draws disease out of afflicted areas and neutralizes negative energy. It is a grounding healer. Can add stability to your life. Helpful in clearing up depression and bringing about a positive mental state. Also useful as a memory aid. Amber should be cleansed after being used for healing to dispense the negative energy it has absorbed. An excellent natural antibiotic, as well as a healing and aiding in tissue revitalization.

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Amber Pieces


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Carnelian Crystal Soap Unscented

Awakens one’s inherent talents and produces inspiration from spiritual worlds. Protects against fear and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure.

This stone represents confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, assertiveness and outgoingness. Precision, analysis, stimulates appetite, encourages celebration and brings awareness of feelings. It is the stone of passion and sexuality and is associated with the Sacral/Spleen Chakra. This stone helps you feel anchored and comfortable with your surroundings. Provides a connection to the past or to historical events. Carnelian can improve motivation. Helps one achieve greater success in career or personal matters. Helps ground people who meditate. Carnelian is one of the most helpful crystals for healing trauma, stress and emotional wounds that have accumulated in the etheric body or the Aura and are now manifesting as physical symptoms.

Folk Remedies: Carnelian is believed to warm, cleanses and purify the blood of the liver and kidneys, stimulate appetite, emotions, passion, sexuality, physical energy, reproductive system, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gall bladder, pancreas. Historically also used to pull excess fever out through the feet. Carnelian is said to strongly influence the reproductive organs hence its connection to the 2nd Chakra and is excellent for lower back trouble.

Feng Shui: Carnelian is used in the Center area for harmony and balance, in the South area for success, in the West area for creativity and in the Southeast area for self worth.

History: Carnelian is a form of Chalcedony (jasper) quartz, (SiO2). This stone does not have the typical lattice, usually found in quartz, but is formed from the dissolving of other minerals containing silicates. These closely packed fibers form in concentric circles or parallel bands.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Carnelian Pieces


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Chrysocolla Crystal Soap With Rocks

Chrysocolla Crystal Soap Unscented

Chrysocolla: Easing heartache, harmony, stamina, wisdom, peace, love, communication, vitality, inner strength, purify a place, remove negativity, reduce fear anxiety and guilt. Healing usage: Asthma, TB, pneumonia, muscle cramps, arthritis, childbirth, pregnancy

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Chrysocolla Pieces


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Citrine Crystal Soap With Rocks

Citrine Crystal Soap Unscented

Citrine: Success, intuition, comfort, creativity, physical energy, wealth, mental awakening, protection, good fortune / luck, decrease nightmares, remove toxins. Healing usage: Depression, mood swings, trauma, grief, digestion, stomach, eliminating nightmares and other sleep disturbances, thyroid, general health, heart, kidney, liver, muscles, strength, endocrine system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, urinary system, immune system, fibromyalgia, addictions, ocd. A stone that is specifically known to be helpful for diabetes is Citrine. Sunny Citrine carries a warm vibration that promotes the healthy function of the metabolism, pancreas, spleen, and organs of elimination. Commonly used for manifestation programs, Citrine cleanses all of the chakras, and sends its high vibrations specifically into the Sacral and Solar-Plexus Chakras, bringing a improved self-image and self-confidence to the user. Citrine encourages one to overcome fear, depression, and over- sensitivity, and improves one's overall outlook on life. These properties encourage greater optimism and joy, and allow for the attraction of more positive things into one's life. Another pertinent physical attribute for Citrine is the ability to repel and transmute illnesses involving the thyroid, kidneys, bladder, eyes, and thymus, making it a helpful stone for diabetes. It can be used in body layouts, by simply placing the stone over an affected area or organ of the body

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Citrine Pieces


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Clear Quartz Crystal Soap With Rocks

Clear Quartz Crystal Soap Unscented

Clear Quartz: Power stone, Intensify energy, spiritual development, healing, raising consciousness, counter black magic. Healing usage: Master Healer, diagnostics, pain, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, fibromyalgia, intestines, mental and physical energy, stamina, physical strength.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Clear Quartz Pieces


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Copper Pearls Crystal Soap With Rocks

Copper Pearl Crystal Soap Unscented

Copper Pearls: Copper is and excellent energy conductor that sends and amplifies thoughts. Sunshine energizes copper. This metal soothes arthritis and rheumatism problems, improves circulation, and balances warm sun energy and cool lunar energy when worn next to the skin.
Pearls attune the wearer to the ebb and flow of life. They are the ultimate feminine energy and foster motherly love and are protective. Pearls inspire purity, innocence, serenity, tranquility and focus as well as enhancing personal integrity.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Copper Pearls Pieces


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Fluorite Crystal Soap With Rocks

Fluorite Crystal Soap Unscented

Fluorite: Stability, peace and calm, impartial reasoning, responsibility, concentration, spiritual wholeness, psychic development, meditation, mental blocks, aura cleansing, protection from psychic attack, self-love. Healing usage: Health, skeletal system, muscular system.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Fluorite Pieces


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Goldstone Crystal Soap With Rocks

Goldstone Crystal Soap Unscented

Goldstone: Goldstone is an energy stone
Red goldstone is associated with vitality and energy.
Blue Goldstone is associated with learning and communication.
Green Goldstone is associated with growth and abundance. Blue, Green or medium brown with tiny coppery glitter. Goldstone is a man-made stone, just a type of glass with glittery metallic material in it. It is a valid classification, as it has many properties of NATURAL glasses, such as obsidian which are modified by its being man-made and having been doped with additives. Originally created when alchemists were working towards creating gold. Gently uplifting, mildly helpful to Solar plexus Chakra to reduce stomach tension, protect center of body

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Goldstone Pieces


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Healing Soaps, Mists, Lotions

Guyabano Leaves Crystal Soap With Rocks

Guyabano Leaves Crystal Soap Unscented

"The Natural Cancer Cell Killer"
Fights Cancer Cells, Lowers Blood Pressure, Lowers Blood Sugar level,
Increases Immune System & more!
The Guyabano tree, its fruit, leaves, stem, bark is a natural cancer cell killer.
A scientific research published in the Journal of Natural Products in 1996, stated that a certain compound from the seed is selectively cytotoxic to colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29) in which it was 10,000 times the potency of Adriamycin (the commonly used chemotherapy drug).
Protect your immune system and avoid deadly infections. Feel stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment. Boost your energy and improve your outlook on life.
The source of this information is just as stunning.
Extracts from the tree were shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Guyabano Leaves Pieces


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Hematite Crystal Soap With Rocks

Hematite Crystal Soap Unscented

Hematite is the most recommended stone for grounding and is associated with the Root Chakra, by encourages ones survival instincts and is centering. Hematite condenses scattered feelings, turns fuzziness into mental clarity, focusing, enhances concentration, memory, practicality, helps those who study, do bookkeeping, detailed work and helps with sound sleep. Considered the symbol of life energy, hematite allows for more confidence, will power and boldness. Helps us adjust to being physical. A protective stone and helps bolster low self-esteem. Hematite is known to deflect negativity. It restores equilibrium, stability and is also used for astral protection. It brings our awareness back to the body and helps one maintain their sense of self. If worn, Hematite should be placed near the base of the spine.
Hematite is associated with the Spleen, blood, and cleansing. The iron in this mineral has a strong effect on the blood. Used in supporting the kidney's blood-cleansing function. Recommended for those with anemia. Helps in tissue regeneration. Hematite is given to those who need to regroup after jet lag, stress, birth and anesthesia. Hematite aids absorption of iron in the small intestines and benefits all fluid functions in the body.

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Hematite Pieces


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Labradorite Crystal Soap With Rocks

Labradorite Crystal Soap Unscented

Labradorite: Alignment, attract success, dreams, reduce stress and anxiety, spiritual connection, transformation, clarity, peace, progression, psychic development, discernment. Healing usage: Stress related illness, sensitivity to cold, anxiety disorders, gout, colds, rheumatic fever, lowers blood pressure.

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Labradorite Pieces


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Lapis Lazuli Crystal Soap With Rocks

Lapis Lazuli Crystal Soap Unscented

Lapis Lazuli: Brings cheer and success in relationships, Expands awareness and intellectual capacity, Helps increase ones intuition, Understand the mind, Organizes, quiets mind, Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, autism, shyness, nervous system, MS, speech, hearing, pituitary, DNA, lymph, inflammation, pain (especially head) and protection, stone for executives, journalists, and psychologists, intellectual analysis in archeologists and historians, problem solving for lawyers, and creates new ideas for inventors and writers, excellent for enhancing memory, stone of friendship and brings harmony in relationships, A Lapis grid brings calm and loving communication for a home with temperamental teenagers, or children with Asperger's syndrome, autism, or attention-deficit disorder, For fame in a creative or public performance-related area, wear or carry Lapis Lazuli to auditions, In the workplace, it attracts promotion, success and lasting recognition in your field

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Lapis Lazuli Pieces


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Moonstone Crystal Soap With Rocks

Moonstone Crystal Soap Unscented

Moonstone: Honors the Goddess in all women, Dieting, Gardening, Psychic Awareness, Meditation. Soothes stress, anxiety, women's hormones/menstrual imbalance, lymph. Enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life. Used for protection against the perils of travel. Help cool, soothe, and calm over-reactions to emotional and personal situations. Beneficial for those involved in agriculture. Moonstone's effect upon the menstrual cycle is powerful. At the time of the full moon or menstruation, women should be aware of their sensitive emotional nature and remove these stones. May help all parts of the lower torso, which include digestive, cleansing and reproductive organs. It is recommended for farmers, artists, dancers and young men. Passionate love that will fly you to the moon. It is said if you give your lover a moonstone necklace when the moon is full you will always have passion with each other. Brings good fortune, Assists in foretelling the future, Enhances intuition Promotes inspiration, Brings success in love as well as business matters
Offers protection on land and at sea, It can reunite lovers who have quarreled, considered a good luck stone. Moonstone stimulates the functioning of the pineal gland and balances internal hormone cycles with nature's rhythms. Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. Though often considered to be a woman's stone, it can be beneficial to men in opening the emotional self.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Moonstone Pieces


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Opal Crystal Soap With Rocks

Opal Crystal Soap Unscented

Opals: Contains water, correlating with our emotions. Clarifies by amplifying and mirroring feelings, buried emotions, desires (including love and passion). Less inhibition, more spontaneity. Crown and Brow Chakra. Visualization, imagination, dreams, healing. Easily absorbs, stores emotions and thoughts. Fragile. Fades/cracks in sun, heat, salt, acidic foods. Moisten frequently with water or oil. Some cancel/negate other gems. (backfires if not used for good of all) May change color with high energy/intensity people. Anytime the wearer feels uncomfortable with an Opal, the stone should be removed. Creativity, spontaneity, relationships, memory, happy dreams and changes. Opal stone meaning foster love, passion, loyalty, faithfulness, emotional expressiveness, warmth, spontaneity and dramatic ability. Opal also associated with peace, and consciousness. Sometimes considered unlucky, but this is only because modern people fear their emotional side. It’s a very emotionally responsive stone.

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Opal Pieces


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Rose Quartz Crystal Soap With Rocks

Rose Quartz Crystal Soap Unscented

Rose Quartz: Love of all kinds including self-love, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, peace, happiness, gentleness. Healing usage: Emotional wounds, heart, the circulatory system, fertility, headaches, kidney disease, migraines, sexual dysfunction, sinus problems, throat problems, depression, addictions, ear aches, slows signs of aging in general, reduces wrinkles, spleen problems, fibromyalgia, and reaching one's ideal weight / weight loss.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Rose Quartz Pieces


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Selenite Crystal Soap With Rocks

Selenite Crystal Soap Unscented

Selenite: Work against cancer, stabilize epileptic disorders, Mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, kundalini, Centuries-old record keepers of events/information, Smoothes emotions, help physical and emotional letting go, Repro; spine and nerve system, emotional and athletic flexibility, ultimate cleansing, useful with any healing treatment and especially is a great crystal for skin issues such as: wrinkles, age spots, acne, itchy dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, shingles and pressure sores, assists in maintaining skin elasticity and a youthful appearance, amplifies healing, pulls negative energy from wherever it sits and clears blockages

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Selenite Pieces


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Smokey Quartz  Crystal Soap With Rocks

Smokey Quartz Crystal Soap Unscented

Dissolving emotional blockage, clearing the mind, cooperation, grounding and centering, personal pride, joy in living, attentiveness to the moment, protection, good luck. Healing usage: Kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, fertility issues, water retention.

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Smokey Quartz Pieces


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Sugilite Crystal Soap With Rocks

Sugilite Crystal Soap Unscented

Sugilite: Enhances psychic abilities, Gets you in touch with your Spiritual Guides. Protects, absorbs and dissolves anger, hurt, unwanted energies, brings spirit/light into the physical body and heart for healing, alleviate depression/despair, stress, brings peace of mind, well being, spiritual love and is considered androgynous, help to balance right and left brain function. Used to help anyone "integrate" into the world or new surroundings, healer's stone used to gently draw out pain (headaches too), inflammation, stress, dis-ease, toxins, emotional blocks, autism and aspergers. Balances adrenal, pineal, pituitary, and Lt/Rt brain

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Sugilite Pieces


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Vortex Stones Crystal Soaps



Quit Smoking Soap & Energizing With Vortex Stones Crystal Soaps

Ingredients: Cocoa Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Cinnamon Powder, Cocoa Powder, Mica, Brown Sugar & Fig, French Vanilla, Caramel Apple, Botswana Agate

Vortex Stones are very powerful stones that are famous for their energy centers that pulse with spiritual and psychic energy, centers act as a vortex, similar to our Chakras, stimulate psychic abilities, powerful enlightenment and soul connection, great dream stones, enhance the dream state, access their past lives and access ancient wisdom, very protective and only allow certain energies to enter its vortex, Beware, this stone may induce experiences, or visions, where one makes direct contact with their  spirit-guide(s) reverses a lack of confidence, grounding and comforting energy, Great for meditation

Vortex Stone Crystal Lotion Quit Smoking Soap & Energizing
Clear Quartz Crystal Soaps

If You Like Pina Coladas

Anti Inflammatory, Asthma, Muscle Issues, Kills Germs With Clear Quartz Crystal Soaps

Ingredients: Cocoa Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Coconut Milk, Juicy Pineapple, Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz: Power stone, Intensify energy, spiritual development, healing, raising consciousness, counter black magic. Healing usage: Master Healer, diagnostics, pain, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, fibromyalgia, intestines, mental and physical energy, stamina, physical strength.


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 Copper Pearl Crystal Soaps

Eczema, Psoriasis and  Other Skin Condition Relief With Freshwater Pearls


MIA $13.99

Eczema, Psoriasis, Skin Condition Relief Healing Crystals Soaps MIA - Healing Crystal Bar Soaps that come in an organza bag, Bath Salts comes in a jar, Sugar Scrubs come in a jar, shaving bars come in a mug and lotions, massage oils

Ingredients: Aloe Vera Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera Gel, Cocoa Powder, Mica, Sweet Mango Delight, Raspberry Truffle, Vanilla, Copper Freshwater Pearls

Freshwater Pearls And Saltwater Pearls: In tune with women, especially pregnant women. Absorbing by nature and because of this must be used with caution. If you feel excessively negative while wearing a Pearl, it will hold that energy until it is worn again, nurturing, lessen stress and its resulting maladies: hypertension, headaches, and exhaustion. May help to prevent heart attacks and strokes, assist in digestion, reduce the chance of developing ulcers, Recommended for occupations as varied as artists, chiropractors, and farmers$13.99

Freshwater Pearls Healing Mist With Rocks For Eczema, Psoriasis

Larimar Crystal Soap

ADD, Intuition, Insomnia, Anxiety Soap W/Rocks

Egyptian Rah

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Amber Romance, Gardenia, Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli: Brings cheer and success in relationships, Expands awareness and intellectual capacity, Helps increase ones intuition, Understand the mind, Organizes, quiets mind, Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, autism, shyness, nervous system, MS, speech, hearing, pituitary, DNA, lymph, inflammation, pain (especially head) and protection, stone for executives, journalists, and psychologists, intellectual analysis in archeologists and historians, problem solving for lawyers, and creates new ideas for inventors and writers, excellent for enhancing memory, stone of friendship and brings harmony in relationships, A Lapis grid brings calm and loving communication for a home with temperamental teenagers, or children with Asperger's syndrome, autism, or attention-deficit disorder, For fame in a creative or public performance-related area, wear or carry Lapis Lazuli to auditions, In the workplace, it attracts promotion, success and lasting recognition in your field


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Larimar Crystal Soaps

Shades Of Blue With Larimar Controls BiPolar, Cools Hot Temper Soap W/ Rocks

Ingredients: Cocoa Butter Glycerin, Aloe Vera Gel, Cantaloupe, Lavender, Blue Mica, Larimar

Larimar: Balances the polarities of energies, cools tempers and calms fears, relieves stress and nurtures the physical and emotional bodies, helpful in releasing emotional bonds, patterns or principles that no longer serve the highest good, clear communication, it provides the strength and courage needed to speak openly from the heart, overcome fear of doctors, hospitals, injections or surgery, wonderful stone for mothers, during and after pregnancy, helps in alleviating post-partum depression, and relaxes the stress associated with new parenthood, cools hot tempers and guides excessive passion into peace, it may be used to diminish the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, and when one's kundalini energies have become uncomfortably active, an excellent stone for finding a soulmate, it facilitates the healing of unresolved issues or fears, trauma to the heart, or past-life relationships


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Angelite & Jet Healing Crystal Soaps

In Perfect Love & Perfect Trust
Weight Loss & Depression
Angelite & Jet Healing Crystal Soaps

Ingredients: Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Sage Herb, Mica, Tuscan Nights, Lavender, Angelite, Jet
Angelite: This stone is excellent at balancing, polarizing and aligning the physical body with the Aura or ethereal network. It is very calming and its shade of blue refreshes the eyes and spirit. This crystal helps us to be in touch with angels and animal guides, as well as assisting in distant communication with other humans. Most effective on the Throat Chakra, Angelite helps in self expression, communication and allows us to speak our mind, helping us to become more assertive. Its soothing effects on the Throat Chakra works beautifully in calming and soothing anxiety or overactive children. Use this stone to call your Angels for guidance and support. Angelite is often used for psychic connection to oneness with the Universe, the angelic realm and for spiritual guidance. Angelite is utilized for heightened sensory awareness, which also makes it great for Astral travel. Angelite helps us to see paths to surmount challenges. It dispels anger, renews connections with Universal knowledge, and reduces the "upstream struggle" during new endeavors. Angelite has been used with great results for atrophy of the Thymus. It is used for relieving throat inflammation and to balance the thyroid. Angelite also repairs and soothes tissues and blood vessels. It is very useful for weight control. It aligns physical and etheric fields for healing the self and others. Regenerates and rejuvenates ill or depleted areas. Provides a protective energy field around the area where it is placed
Jet: Has absorbing qualities. Helps draw out negative energy. Especially useful for people who have unreasonable fears that limit their lives. Helps control mood swings and fights deep depression. Recommended for stimulating psychic experience and guiding one in the quest for spiritual enlightenment.

Wiccan Lotion
 Skin Age Spots, Skin Discoloration With Selenite Soap With Rocks

Skin Age Spots, Skin Discoloration With Selenite


Brazilian Nights
Ingredients: Honey Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Brown Sugar, Activated Charcoal, Cocoa Butter, Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera Gel, Raspberry Truffle, Coconut Milk, Amber Romance, Lemon Poundcake, Sweet Mango Delight, Selenite Powder

Selenite:  Has been used to work against cancer and is known to stabilize epileptic disorders. Mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, kundalini. Centuries-old record keepers of events/information. Smoothes emotions. Holding crystal, visualize it bringing white light/energy (higher ideas/consciousness) from transpersonal point above head down through body, out through feet into earth/physical plane. Place on 3rd eye for stored info. May help physical and emotional letting go. Repro; spine and nerve system, emotional and athletic flexibility. Sends healing to the earth. Expands sensitivity, field of awareness.

Selenite Healing Crystal Lotion  With Rocks For Age Spot Diminishing And Skin Discoloration
 Aquamarine Healing Soap Rock

Romancing The Bone With Aquamarine Healing Soaps, Bath Salts, Shaving Bars, Lotions, Sugar Scrubs

Help with Osteoporosis and Bone Issues Healing

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Rose Petals, Mica, Brown Sugar & Fig, French Vanilla, Aquamarine

Aquamarine: Resonates to the energy of the ocean, helping the holder to connect with the nature spirits of the sea. Seamen carried Aquamarine in ancient times to promote safe travel on the water and to protect against drowning. The soothing energy of Aquamarine makes it a perfect companion to calm fears and phobias, a “Stone of Courage and Protection”, promote verbal self-expression, enhance spiritual communication and clear communication blocks, helps with osteoporosis, Encouraging clarity of thought, great crystal for students of all kinds, encourages intellectual growth and inner knowledge, helping one to think quickly to come up with solutions on the fly, help overcome judgment of others and encourage tolerance, calm fear and worry, facilitates the releasing of old patterns of behavior that no longer serve, and that actually inhibit one's growth, bring peace and calm to the overactive mind, Meditating with Aquamarine can bring new insights from the higher self to be applied in daily life, helps to heal ailments of the throat, including the thyroid and pituitary, and can help to ameliorate diseases of the liver, help with allergies by calming an overactive immune system, as well as assisting with other autoimmune disorders.

Aquamarine Healing Lotion W/Rocks For Osteoporosis and Bone Issues
 Amethyst Healing Soap Rock

Purple Color Therapy With Amethyst

Ingredients: Juniper, Rosemary, Pine, Frankincense, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Amethyst, Purple Coloring

Amethyst: "Sobriety Stone", Peace, Calm, Inner Strength, Spirituality, Psychic Abilities, Dreamwork, Legal Problems, Money Issues; Healing usage - addictions, alcoholism, headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, and general healing.

Healing properties: Indigo is a great purifier of the bloodstream and also benefits mental problems. It is a freeing and purifying agent.

Indigo combines the deep blue of devotion with a trace of stabilizing and objective red. Indigo is cool, electric, and astringent.

Indigo links with and stimulates the brow chakra (third eye) and controls the pineal gland. It governs both physical and spiritual perception. It can be of great assistance in dealing with ailments of the eyes and ears.

Violet / Purple
Healing properties: These are colors of transformation. They heal melancholy, hysteria, delusions and alcohol addiction and bring spiritual insights and renewal. These colors slow down an over-active heart; stimulate the spleen and the white blood cells (immunity). Bring sleep. Soothe mental and emotional stress. Decrease sexual activity. Decrease sensitivity to pain. They help in detoxification.

Leonardo da Vinci proclaimed that you can increase the power of meditation ten-fold by meditating under the gentle rays of Violet, as found in Church windows.

Esoteric/magickal: Elemental spirit. Divination and prophecy. Angels. Psychic abilities, divination, counter-acting negativity/black magick, reversing curses, psychic healing, psychic power, inspiration, meditation, spirituality, spiritual power, astral projection, third eye, compassion, counter-acting depression
Preference for violet/purple: Colors for meditation, contemplation, mysticism, spirituality and religion power. A longing to ascend and dissolve polarities (purple consists of the active red and passive blue), to improve the world. Reservation, mystery and dignity. Soft, sensitive people with often paranormal abilities.

Aversion to violet / purple: A person who has an aversion for violet / purple may have very serious attitude towards life; and may find it difficult to give dreams, fantasies, vague fears or memories a place in it. May have tendency to rejection everything he regards as unnatural or unrealistic.


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 Blue Color Therapy Blue Kyanite Healing Soap Rock

Blue Color Therapy With Kyanite

Ingredients: Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree Oil, Blue Kyanite, Blue Coloring, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)
Blue Kyanite: Throat Chakra and communication issues, helps to speak one’s truth with clarity, making it a great stone for public speakers and performers, facilitates an alignment of all the subtle bodies, creating a larger and stronger aura, high vibration, allowing for an opening of psychic abilities, especially during meditation, promote lucid dreaming and astral travel, ameliorating throat and voice ailments, help with mobility and speech difficulties, especially after a stroke, keep bone marrow, cells and tissue healthy, enhance brain function and the entire neurological system, amplifies high-frequency energies, making it a great stone for attunements and meditation, brings a calming, tranquilizing energy to the body, assists in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts, as well as dream recall, restores Qi (or Ki) to the physical body, and balances yin/yang energies.
Healing properties: Blue is cooling, electric, astringent. Dr. Edwin Babbitt, in his classic, "The Principles of Light and Color," states that "The Blue Ray is one of the greatest antiseptics in the world."

Healing properties: Blue is cooling, electric, astringent. Dr. Edwin Babbitt, in his classic, "The Principles of Light and Color," states that "The Blue Ray is one of the greatest antiseptics in the world."
Cools down inflammations (don't forget rheumatic inflammations), fever, high blood pressure, stops bleedings, reliefs the bursting headaches, calms strong emotions like anger, aggression or hysteria. Brings tranquility. Anti-itching. Anti-irritation (for instance redness of the skin), anti-stress. Soothes suffering.
Blue can be used for any type of ailments associated with speech, communication, or the throat. Excellent for laryngitis or inflammation of the larynx.
Blue links with and stimulates the throat chakra. The throat chakra is often referenced as the "power center" and "the greatest center in the body" because it is the primary center of expression and communication, through speech.
Esoteric/magickal: Elemental water and elemental air. Deities of the sea, truth and wisdom. Peace and tranquility, calmness, truth, wisdom, justice, counsel, guidance, understanding, patience, loyalty and honor, sincerity, devotion, healing, femininity, prophetic dreams, protection during sleep, astral projection.
Preference for blue: Cool and soothing, dreamy and magical. Peace and rest. For people who keep a certain distance, but give calm and practical help; they are faithful and loyal, have a sense for order, logic and rational thinking. Flying in day-dreaming, ideals or nostalgia when felt mis-understood. Dark blue is more severe and can be melancholic. Blue is also the color of truth.
Aversion to blue: A person who has an aversion to blue, may be very disciplined, strong career worker, with an aversion of commentary or restriction. He may have charted out a clear direction for his life and wants to follow that lacelike .


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 Orange Color Therapy Carnelian Healing Soap Rock

Orange Color Therapy With Carnelian

Ingredients: Jasmine, Sandalwood, Orange, Peppermint, Carnelian, Orange Coloring, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)
Healing properties: Orange is warm, cheering, non-constricting. Orange has a freeing action upon the body and mind, relieving repressions. Orange shows new possibilities and other options in life. Stimulates creative thinking and enthusiasm, and helps assimilate new ideas. It is also helpful in dealing with excess sexual expression.
Orange stimulates the lungs, the respiration and the digestion. Increases the activity of the thyroid. Reliefs muscle cramps and spasms. Increases the amount of mother milk.
Finally, orange links very strongly with the sacral chakra.
Esoteric/magickal: Deities of good luck and fortune. Attraction, charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, abundance, prosperity, feast and celebration, energy, achieving business-goals, investments, success in legal matters.
Preference for orange: Orange represents the warmth of the fire. It brings even more energy than yellow, celebration and great abundance, comfort, enjoyment of the senses. Warm, sociable, dynamic and independent people who dedicate themselves to whatever they do.
Aversion to orange: A person who has an aversion to orange may have suppressed sexual feelings or other difficulties with sensual enjoyment of life. The attitude can also be over-sensual, indulgent, or too materialistic.

Awakens one’s inherent talents and produces inspiration from spiritual worlds. Protects against fear and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure, represents confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, assertiveness and outgoingness, precision, analysis, stimulates appetite, encourages celebration and brings awareness of feelings, stone of passion and sexuality and is associated with the Sacral/Spleen Chakra, helps you feel anchored and comfortable with your surroundings, Provides a connection to the past or to historical events, can improve motivation, Helps one achieve greater success in career or personal matters, Helps ground people who meditate, one of the most helpful crystals for healing trauma, stress and emotional wounds that have accumulated in the etheric body or the Aura and are now manifesting as physical symptoms, cleanses and purify the blood of the liver and kidneys, physical energy, reproductive system, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gall bladder, pancreas, also used to pull excess fever out through the feet, strongly influence the reproductive organs, excellent for lower back trouble.


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 Green Color Therapy Aventurine Healing Soap Rock

Green Color Therapy With Green Aventurine

Ingredients: Rose, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Green Aventurine, Green Coloring, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)
Aventurine: Healing, money, mental agility, see potentials, happiness, peace, opening heart, creativity, imagination, motivation, leadership, friendship, gambling luck, good fortune, career success, protection. Healing usage: Strong healing, vision (physical), blood, headaches, sleep disorders, circulatory system.

Healing properties: Green is the color of Nature and the earth. It is balance and harmony in essence and possesses a soothing influence upon both mind and body. It is neither relaxing nor astringent in its impact. Green can be used for just about any condition in need of healing.
Green rings psychological and emotional harmony and balance.
Green links with and stimulates the heart chakra. Green affects blood pressure and all conditions of the heart. It has both an energizing effect and a moderating or soothing effect.
It cures hormonal imbalances. Stimulates growth hormone and rejuvenation. Cleans and purifies from germs, bacteria and rotting material. Harmonizes the digestion, stomach, liver, gall. Has a healing effect on kidneys. Increases immunity. Builds up muscles, bones and tissues. Stimulates inner peace. Strengthens the nervous system.
Esoteric/magickal: Elemental earth (dark green) and elemental water (blue-green). Nature, fertility, growth, rejuvenation, recovering, healing, harvest and abundance, prosperity, harmony, balance, peace, hope, mother earth, home, herbal magick, plants and animals, counteract greed and jealousy.
Preference for green: Green brings peace, rest, hope, comfort and nurturing, calmness and harmony. Interest in nature, plants, fellowmen, children and animals, health and healing, natural and plain life. Longing for a safe home and family-life. A dislike of conflicts.
Aversion to green: A person who has an aversion to green may be more interested in independence and self-development than in a warm family-life. May prefer to keep a certain distance in (sexual) relationships.


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 Red Color Therapy Red Jasper Healing Soap Rock

Red Color Therapy With Red Jasper Healing

Ingredients: Patchouli, Geranium, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Black Tourmaline, Red Color

Red Jasper: Red jasper is called a stone of fairness and justice because mystical lore claims that it decreases unjustness and helps in unfair situations. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in mystical dream work, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in protection and rescue from danger. Red jasper is associated with the first and second chakras. Metaphysically, it is purported to have a stabilizing effect, and help one take all one's energy and use it in a balanced manner. It is also said to be a stone that helps in all areas of survival, and is a very protective stone. Red jasper said in gemstone lore to be a stone of controlled passion and used to help control one's own passions. Crystal healing lore says that physically it assists in healing by maintaining positive movement with all types of disorders and disease.

Healing properties: Brings warmth, energy and stimulation, therefore good for energy, fatigue, colds, chilly and passive people. Red energizes heart and blood circulation, it builds up the blood and heightens a low blood pressure. Energizes all organs and the senses hearing, smell, taste, vision and touch. Increases sexual desire and activity. Stimulates ovulation and menstruation. Never treat cancer with red, because this color will stimulate cell growth!
Red links with and stimulates the root chakra, at the base of the spine, causing the adrenal glands to release adrenalin. This results in greater strength. Red causes hemoglobin to multiply, thus increasing energy and raising body temperature. It is excellent for anemia and blood-related conditions. It loosens, opens up clogs, releases stiffness and constrictions. It is excellent for areas that have become stiffened or constricted.
Esoteric/magickal: Deities of love, passion, sexuality and war (to stimulate a healthy portion of assertiveness). Great energy, courage, will-power, determination, speed, assertiveness, aggression, masculinity, independence, physical strength, sports, competition, conflicts, health, sexual attraction and potency, love and passion, fertility.
Preference for red: Red is associated with passionate love, sex, great energy, impulse, action and stimulation, assertiveness and aggression, courage, strength and power, adventure, danger, warnings, revolt and revolution. Temperamental and ambitious people with a need for personal freedom.
Aversion to red: A person who has an aversion to red may be over-active, too impulsive, hot-tempered, aggressive and egocentric, or have difficulties with people with such characteristics. It can also symbolize deeply hidden fears and rejection of his own assertiveness.


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 Yellow Color Theraphy Yellow Calcite Healing Soap Rock

Yellow Color Therapy With Yellow Calcite Healing

Ingredients: Tiger Eye, Chamomile, Lemon, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Yellow Calcite, Yellow Coloring, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)
Healing properties: Yellow helps strengthen the nerves and the mind. It helps awaken mental inspiration and stimulates higher mentality. Thus, it is an excellent color for nervous or nerve-related conditions or ailments. It also energizes the muscles. Dark yellow soothes pains in the nerves (shooting pains)

Yellow can be used for conditions of the stomach, liver, and intestines. Speeds up the digestion and assimilation, and the stool.

It helps the pores of the skin and aids scarred tissue in healing itself.

Yellow links with and stimulates the solar plexus, or psychic center. It can be used for psychic burnout or other psychic-related conditions or ailments. Activates and cheers up depressed and melancholic people. Gives lust for life.

Esoteric/magical: Elemental air. Deities for trade, travel, knowledge and magick. Life-force, vitality, change, progress, contact, communication, trade, commerce, to persuade with confidence, joy, cheerfulness, learning, knowledge, mental clarity, concentration, memorizing, tests, speaking and writing, traveling, affirmation, visualization.

Preference for yellow: The color of the sun, life-force, vividity, vitality and energy. The color of cheerfulness, curiosity, alternation, flexibility, progress, amusement, contact through traveling and communication, learning and practical knowledge. A feeling for writing and speaking.

Aversion to yellow: A person who has aversion to yellow may be emotionally disappointed and bitter. May have tendency to rationalize feelings, or to avoid the depth of life by often changing relationships, many superficial relationships and/or constant changing activities.

Yellow calcite that stimulates the intellect. It can help one organize intellectual thoughts and information.


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 Crown Chakra Selenite Healing Soap Rock

Crown Chakra With Selenite Healing
Ingredients: Lavender, Frankincense, Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Selenite, Spirituality: Sahasrara Mandala

7th Crown chakra is about wisdom and being one with the world. When this chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and yourself. If it is under-active, you're not very aware of spirituality. You're probably quite rigid in your thinking. If this chakra is over-active, you are probably intellectualizing things too much. You may be addicted to spirituality and are probably ignoring your bodily needs.

Selenite: Work against cancer, stabilize epileptic disorders, Mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, kundalini, Centuries-old record keepers of events/information, Smoothes emotions, help physical and emotional letting go, Repro; spine and nerve system, emotional and athletic flexibility, ultimate cleansing, useful with any healing treatment and especially is a great crystal for skin issues such as: wrinkles, age spots, acne, itchy dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, shingles and pressure sores, assists in maintaining skin elasticity and a youthful appearance, amplifies healing, pulls negative energy from wherever it sits and clears blockages


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 7 Color Therapy Soaps

Set Of All 7 Color Therapy


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 White Color Therapy Selenite Healing Soap Rock

White Color Therapy Soap With Selenite

Ingredients: Selenite, Lemon, Orange Blossom, Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Healing properties: White is the perfect color; for it is all colors, in perfect balance and harmony. It is the color of the awakened Spirit; the light of perfection; the light of the Cosmic Consciousness, the Divine Light.
Just about everyone has heard of surrounding people with the "White Light of Healing and Protection." White light raises the vibration of one's consciousness and the body, bringing harmony in all aspects of one's life. Directing white into to a part of the body that needs healing is one of the fastest ways to bring about healing.
Esoteric/magickal: Purification and cleaning on all levels, contact with higher self and spiritual helpers, (inner) peace, aura-healing, truth seeking, consecration, spiritual enlightenment, protection against negativity by raising your vibration, breaking curses, exorcism, meditation, divination, inspiration, clairvoyance, invoking spirits White can be a replacement for any other color your magick requires.
Preference for white: White points at innocence, purity, virginity, cleanliness, freshness, simplicity, nothingness, oneness and completion, truth. In certain cultures white is the color of death and mourning.
Aversion to white: A person who has an aversion to white color is foremost or solely interested in 'realistic' and tangible things, not in illusions or things that are beyond seeing or understanding. Knows and accepts the own imperfection and does not wish to achieve perfection.


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 Throat Chakra Healing Soap Rock

roat Chakra Crystal Soap With Rocks

Throat Chakra With Blue Kyanite Healing
Ingredients: Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree Oil, Blue Kyanite, Blue Coloring, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Expression & Communication: Vishuddha Mandala

Blue Kyanite: Throat Chakra and communication issues, helps to speak one’s truth with clarity, making it a great stone for public speakers and performers, facilitates an alignment of all the subtle bodies, creating a larger and stronger aura, high vibration, allowing for an opening of psychic abilities, especially during meditation, promote lucid dreaming and astral travel, ameliorating throat and voice ailments, help with mobility and speech difficulties, especially after a stroke, keep bone marrow, cells and tissue healthy, enhance brain function and the entire neurological system, amplifies high-frequency energies, making it a great stone for attunements and meditation, brings a calming, tranquilizing energy to the body, assists in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts, as well as dream recall, restores Qi (or Ki) to the physical body, and balances yin/yang energies.

5th Throat chakra is about self-expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself, and you might be doing so as an artist. When this chakra is under-active, you tend not to speak much, and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this chakra. If this chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You're a bad listener if this is the case.


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 Third Eye Chakra Healing Soap Rock

Third Eye Brow Chakra With Amethyst Healing
Ingredients: Juniper, Rosemary, Pine, Frankincense, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Amethyst, Purple Coloring, Intuition: Ajna Mandala

6th Third Eye chakra is about insight and visualization. When it is open, you have a good intuition. You may tend to fantasize. If it is under-active, you're not very good at thinking for yourself, and you may tend to rely on authorities. You may be rigid in your thinking, relying on beliefs too much. You might even get confused easily. If this chakra is over-active, you may live in a world of fantasy too much. In excessive cases hallucinations are possible.

Amethyst: "Sobriety Stone", Peace, Calm, Inner Strength, Spirituality, Psychic Abilities, Dreamwork, Legal Problems, Money Issues; Healing usage - addictions, alcoholism, headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, and general healing


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 Solar Plexus Healing Soap Rock

Solar Chakra Crystal Soap With Rocks

Solar Plexus Chakra With Gold Tiger Eye Healing

Ingredients: Chamomile, Lemon, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Tigers Eye, Yellow Coloring, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Purpose & Power: Manipura Mandala

3rd Navel chakra is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self esteem. When the Navel chakra is under-active, you tend to be passive and indecisive. You're probably timid and don't get what you want. If this chakra is over-active, you are domineering and probably even aggressive.

Tigers Eye: Combining Earth energy with that of the Sun, Golden Brown Tiger Eye draws Spiritual energy down to the Earth, while still keeping you centered here on the ground, raise vibrations, keeping you feeling in balance and connected when working with higher goals, brings brightness and optimism to a situation, and shines insight onto problems, stone of protection, especially for travelers, brings good luck and prosperity to the user, talisman against bad luck and curses, attracts abundance and can also stimulate the rise of Kundalini energies, manifesting ideas into reality and giving courage in times of change, increase your personal power, attract prosperity


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Sacral Chakra Healing Soap Rock

Sacral Chakra Soap With Rocks

Sacral Chakra With Carnelian Healing
Ingredients: Jasmine, Sandalwood, Orange, Peppermint, Carnelian, Orange Coloring, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Creativity & Sexuality: Svadisthana Mandala

2nd Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality. If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a "poker face," the Sacral chakra is under-active. You're not very open to people. If this chakra is over-active, you tend to be emotional all the time. You'll feel emotionally attached to people and you can be very sexual.
Carnelian: Awakens one’s inherent talents and produces inspiration from spiritual worlds. Protects against fear and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure, represents confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, assertiveness and outgoingness, precision, analysis, stimulates appetite, encourages celebration and brings awareness of feelings, stone of passion and sexuality and is associated with the Sacral/Spleen Chakra, helps you feel anchored and comfortable with your surroundings, Provides a connection to the past or to historical events, can improve motivation, Helps one achieve greater success in career or personal matters, Helps ground people who meditate, one of the most helpful crystals for healing trauma, stress and emotional wounds that have accumulated in the etheric body or the Aura and are now manifesting as physical symptoms, cleanses and purify the blood of the liver and kidneys, physical energy, reproductive system, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gall bladder, pancreas, also used to pull excess fever out


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 7 Chakra Soap With Peacock Ore

All 7 Chakra Soaps With Peacock Ore

Ingredients: Peacock Ore, Fruit Slice, Myrrh, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

All Mandalas

Peacock Ore: A stone of happiness & joy will help you tune into positive forces in life & channel that energy to others, joyfulness, brings to the user a feeling that the way it is, is the way it is supposed to be, ability to see & accept the joy in any moment, compliments an understanding that there is nothing wrong in any aspect of one's incarnation, Everything is for purposeful good, assists in separating the positive from the negative & allows you to understand the distinct difference, one of the strongest healing stones on the mineral kingdom, ability to align every chakra when applied to a given chakra, The energy within Peacock Ore creates a circular, clockwise motion, Even though it is placed on one chakra, it will affect the other six, can cause a transformation that removes negative energy & replaces it with a strong, beneficial, positive energy, It possesses the unique property of energizing not only the area on which it is placed, but all affects all of the surrounding area as well


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 7 Chakra Healing Soap Set

Set Of All 7 Chakra Soaps


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 Root Chakra Healing Soap Rock

Root Chakra With Black Tourmaline Healing
Ingredients: Patchouli, Geranium, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Black Tourmaline, Red Color, Grounding & Survival: Muladhara Mandala

Black Tourmaline: Protecting one's energy field against negative vibrations, and also for drawing negative energies away from a person. It can have a calming effect when needed, grounding flighty or scattered energies into the earth. Those who suffer from negativity, frequent worrying, and/or OCD , cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration, help with electromagnetic smog (i.e. cell phones) and increase physical vitality, grounding and protection, aids in opening up the Root Chakra, detoxifying

1st Root chakra is about being physically there and feeling at home in situations. If it is open, you feel grounded, stable and secure. You don't unnecessarily distrust people. You feel present in the here and now and connected to your physical body. You feel you have sufficient territory. If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root chakra is probably under-active. You'd easily feel unwelcome. If this chakra is over-active, you may be very materialistic and greedy. You're probably obsessed with being secure and resist change.


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 Heart Chakra Healing Soap Rock

Heart Chakra With Rose Quartz Healing
Ingredients: Rose, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Rose Quartz, Green Coloring, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Love: Anahata Mandala

Rose Quartz: Love of all kinds including self-love, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, peace, happiness, gentleness. Healing usage: Emotional wounds, heart, the circulatory system, fertility, headaches, kidney disease, migraines, sexual dysfunction, sinus problems, throat problems, depression, addictions, ear aches, slows signs of aging in general, reduces wrinkles, spleen problems, fibromyalgia, and reaching one's ideal weight / weight loss.

4th Heart chakra is about love, kindness and affection. Capricorn, you are compassionate and friendly, and Capricorn harmonious relationships. When your Heart chakra is under-active, you are cold and distant. If this chakra is over-active, you are suffocating people with your love and your love probably has quite selfish reasons.


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 Unakite Healing Soap Rock

Major Illness Recovery & Weight Gaining Soap Unakite
Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining With Unakite Healing

Major Illness Recovery and Gaining Weight Healing

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Raspberry Truffle, French Vanilla, Caramel Apple, Unakite

Unakite: Sore muscles, blood circulation and increased metabolism, weight loss, supportive in convalescence and recovery from a major illness. It treats the reproductive system, stimulates weight gain where required, and aids healthy pregnancy and the growth of skin tissue and hair. $13.00

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 Fluorite Rudraksha Bead Healing Soap Rock

Sinus, Allergy and Pain Relief Healing With Rudraksha Beads & Fluorite

Inhale, Exhale - Healing Crystal Bar Soaps that come in an organza bag, Bath Salts comes in a jar, Sugar Scrubs come in a jar, shaving bars come in a mug and lotions, massage oils

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Purely Peppermint, Eucalyptus Spearmint, Tuscan Nights, Rudraska Beads, Fluorite

Rudraksha: Traditionally used by Hindu, Buddhist, Japanese, Chinese, and Zen followers for controlling stress, overall healing, meditation, and engendering positive changes, used to enhance the flow of Chi life energy in the body and balance Yin & Yang, treats sinus problems by opening up the 3rd eye releasing blockages, induce deeper states of meditation, hypertension, high blood pressure, Without the harmful side-effects and addictive nature of tranquilizers, anti-depressants, and beta blockers, men and women experience heightened energy levels, stamina, and peace of mind, reverse the effects of stress, alleviate depression, eliminate anxiety and other mood disorders, improve concentration, enhance relaxation, and exhibit anti-aging properties.

Fluorite:  A very healing stone, especially for colds, flu and sinus related problems, use it for those times when you feel a cold coming on, It doesn’t always prevent it from coming but does lessen the severity. It can be used for alleviating pain associated with arthritis, rheumatism and spinal injuries. It helps our bodies to cleanse and eliminate disharmonious energies


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 Aquarius Crystal Soaps

Aquarius ProductsAquarius Healing Crystal Zodiac Lotions


The Water Bearer stands for independent, friendly, inventive and ingenious. This unique nature makes them progressive, a "know it all" and therefore, unpredictable. They can be detached, logical and considered "the rebel". Aquarius is unconventional, detached, intellectual, objective, individualistic, tolerant, rebellious, sophisticated, future oriented, friendship oriented, humanitarian, cause oriented and believes in groups and society. The Aquarius individual is often perverse, seeking to do things their own way even if that happens to be more difficult than the normal way of doing things.

Ingredients:  Green Citrus, Lotus Leaves, Cedar, Vanilla, Amethyst, Aquarius Symbol Inside, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Amethyst: "Sobriety Stone", Peace, Calm, Inner Strength, Spirituality, Psychic Abilities, Dreamwork, Legal Problems, Money Issues; Healing usage - addictions, alcoholism, headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, and general healing.


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 Jade Crystal Soaps

Pisces ProductsPisces Healing Crystal Zodiac Products

The Fish is known as being an escapist, self sacrificing, highly idealistic and very often dealing with addictions. They often avoid reality and are masters of illusion/deception. They are therefore imaginative, compassionate and can get caught up in fantasy. Pisces are compassionate, charming, empathetic, imaginative, sensitive, mystical, spiritual, passive, easy-going, funny, idealistic, visionary, inspirational, accepting, undiscriminating, charitable, believes in growth of the soul, self-sacrificing and artistic. Pisceans are said to like mystery and solitude to dream in. Pisces is said to possess the qualities of all the previous eleven Signs of the Zodiac.

Ingredients:  Lily, Linden Blossom, Caramel, Berries, Amber Musk, Pineapple, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Jade, Pisces Symbol Inside

Jade is considered the health, wealth and longevity stone. used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Jade is known as androgynous, therefore it is considered having a gentle, steady pulse of healing energy. Jade is found in different colors and can be used on the appropriate Chakra based on its color. Properties common to all colors of Jade include its ability to mellow one's existence. Helps one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy. Very beneficial to the heart in both physical and spiritual senses. It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of harm's way. Jade bounds us to our earth energies and physical instincts. Jade is a humbling stone. Jade works with the lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system. While all Jade has some healing influence, each color relates more specifically to certain ailments or organs. Strengthens the body's filtration and cleansing systems and assists in the removal of toxins.


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 12 Zodiac Healing Crystal Soaps

Set Of All 12 Zodiac Healing Crystal Soaps


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 Scorpio Crystal Soaps

Scorpio ProductsScorpio Healing Crystal Zodiac Products

The Scorpion is the most sexual sign of the zodiac, they are charismatic, powerful, magnetic and intense. They tend to be secretive, manipulative and regenerative. Their personalities are penetrating and very vindictive with a "do or die" attitude. Scorpios are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac. Even when they appear self-controlled and calm there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under the placid exterior. They are like the volcano not far under the surface of a calm sea; it may burst into eruption at any moment.

Ingredients:  Jasmine, Heliotrope, Vanilla, Musk, Sandalwood, Peony, Topaz, Scorpio Symbol Inside, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Topaz: The stone of "true love and success in all endeavors". It can be used to manifest health and correct disorders within the body. They promote understanding, compassion, kindness and empathy. They open and heal the hearts of those who have closed them while also protecting the open-hearted from too much pain. Instrumental in visualizations for healing and attracting in meditation and projection. Helps one to creatively change personal world, enhance awareness, expansiveness and manifestation.
Topaz healing power : (February, November and December Birthstone). - Golden Topaz: Golden or pink / "Champagne" Crystal. The most powerful, electromagnetic of yellow / solar plexus gems. A strong, steady, high level gem for mental clarity, focus, perceptivity, high level concepts, confidence, personal power and stamina. Helps mood swings, insomnia, worries, fears, depression, exhaustion, nervous system stress, and stomach anxiety. Also works somewhat with the crown chakra. Liver / pancreas detoxification, blood sugar balance, tissue and backbone strengthener (physically and emotionally). Radiates warmth, sunlight energy, and protection. Excellent for water signs, teachers, excess work stress, manifesting and higher-self connection. Brings emotions and thinking into balance.


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Sagittarius Crystal Soaps

 Sagittarius ProductsSagittarius Healing Crystal Zodiac Lotion

The Archer is brilliant at public relations. They tend toward the excessive, expressing it as carefree, adventurous and searching. With their expansive nature, they are freedom loving and fortunate because of this attitude, yet very judgmental of others. They enjoy traveling and exploration, because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are basically ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected.

Ingredients:  Carnation, White Tea, Ginger, Citrus, Turquoise, Sagittarius Symbol Inside, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Turquoise: A good general healer for all illnesses and excellent conductor (high copper). Speech enhancer, Friendship, Communication, Healing. Good for opening communication, creativity, serenity, spiritual bonding, uplifting. Opens the Heart Chakra for giving/receiving. Like amethyst, it protects and detoxify from alcohol, poison, pollution, x-ray/sun radiation. Ancient absorber of "negativity"; protection from "evil eye." Brings wisdom. Helps anorexia, headache, fear, etc. Throat, lungs, asthma, infections, teeth, TMJ, hearing, high blood pressure, creativity block, depression. Dull, paler, weaker. Works well with Chrysocolla, best with Silver. Used for healing on every continent! Androgynous, balances yin/yang. Fades in sunlight, sweat, oil, dishwater...Avoid bleach/chlorine! Beneficial for the entire body. Has special applications for the respiratory and immune systems. If you are sick, Turquoise helps to put you at peace. Recommended for healers, those involved in negotiations, optometrists, veterinarians, and those who must rely on communications skills to get complex ideas across.


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 Capricorn Crystal Soap With Rocks

Capricorn ProductsCapricorn Healing Crystal Zodiac Soaps

The Seagoat is duty bound, ambitious, serious with single minded focus. Their drive makes them efficient, faithful, even sensual, yet they tend toward showing the conservative/traditional side. Capricorn are prudent, realistic, formal, methodical, disciplined, traditional, cautious, conventional, hardworking, persevering, self-reliant, businesslike, career oriented, authoritative, conscientious, and competent.

Ingredients:  Violet, Cucumber, Citrus, Green Tea, Honeysuckle, Wild Berries, Warm Wood, Garnet, Capricorn Symbol Inside, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Garnet Stimulates creativity, passion, and the circulatory system. The brighter the better. Red: Root and Spleen Chakra. Warms, energizes emotionally and physically (arthritis, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low Blood Pressure, detoxifying and strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness). Yang (avoid if excess anger, impatience, high blood pressure, heat, inflammation, etc.) Root Chakra. Orange: Warmth, energy. When Garnet is used in conjunction with the pituitary gland, can help provide past-life information. Should be placed on the center of the forehead. If carried around in the pocket and then placed on the forehead of another person, closer ties will form with that individual. Green Garnets are healing stones. Red represent love and help the aspirant to strive for improvement in moral conduct. Square-cut Garnets help bring about business opportunities and filter out concerns that are not one's own. Rectangular shapes aid in the matter of intellect or the earth. Garnets teach patience and constancy and are not to be used lightly. They develop love and compassion. They sharpen self-perception and extend that openness to others. Help calm anger, particularly anger directed towards the self.


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 Leo Crystal Soaps

Leo ProductsLeo Healing Crystal Zodiac Lotion

The Lion is the most dominating, opinionated and flamboyant celestial sign. They are natural born leaders who need and give great recognition. They are very proud, arrogant, ardent creatures. Most of all, they are extremely loyal to those they have put to the test and trust. Leo is a "fix it" sign and are able to move mountains. Leos have a fiery determination and the desire to be important often rules their lives. They usually pursue their goals and use their charisma to sway others to their cause. Open and honest, Leos tend towards the philosophical and tend to hold great idealisms about how things should be. They are often lovers of the finer things in life.

Ingredients:  Sunflower, Orange Blossom, Rose, Jasmine, Lilies, Citrus, Warm Wood, Musk, Onyx, Leo Symbol Inside, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Onyx Stone Meaning exhales the energy of self-mastery and inner strength. It raises one’s resistance and persistence, enabling one to carry even unmanageable and tasks during to completion. On a mental level, it increases one’s power to keep focus, making it possible for one to take fighting new material and use well all that one has mastered. It quickly enhances the retention of memory and promotes attention to detail. These traits make Onyx a instructive instrument for pupils, teachers, business owners, accountants, lawyers, software and computer technicians, and all those whose work calls for high levels of focus, dedication and discipline.
Onyx Stone Meaning for physical strength. It helps one in holding one’s powers rather than letting them to fool away. It assists one to step by step build up ones energy. This can be most significantly helpful after a long poor health, or even a lengthy work project, both of which can reduce one’s resources. It can maintain one focused on an workout regime, weight loss plan or other attempt to increase one’s health. Onyx is a fantastic gemstone as a way for body builders, even if the dreams are quite modest. It promotes anyone to remain with the program and facilitates the sense of satisfaction that comes with reaching one’s goals


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 Virgo Crystal Soaps

Virgo ProductsVirgo Healing Crystal Zodiac Lotion

The Virgin is very detail oriented and therefore a worrier. They are critical and skeptical, as they draw boundaries and categorize others. At the same time they are most helpful as well as modest. The Virgo is practical, industrious, efficient, intelligent, spirited, thorough, methodical, exacting, precise, detail-oriented, observant, work and service oriented, painstaking, pragmatic, discreet, health and cleanliness conscious, mentally active, and flexible.

Ingredients: Chrysanthemum, Cherry Blossom, Freesia, Sandalwood, Musk, Citrine, Virgo Symbol Inside, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Citrine: Success, intuition, comfort, creativity, physical energy, wealth, mental awakening, protection, good fortune / luck, decrease nightmares, remove toxins. Healing usage: Depression, mood swings, trauma, grief, digestion, stomach, eliminating nightmares and other sleep disturbances, thyroid, general health, heart, kidney, liver, muscles, strength, endocrine system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, urinary system, immune system, fibromyalgia, addictions, ocd. A stone that is specifically known to be helpful for diabetes is Citrine. Sunny Citrine carries a warm vibration that promotes the healthy function of the metabolism, pancreas, spleen, and organs of elimination. Commonly used for manifestation programs, Citrine cleanses all of the chakras, and sends its high vibrations specifically into the Sacral and Solar-Plexus Chakras, bringing a improved self-image and self-confidence to the user. Citrine encourages one to overcome fear, depression, and over- sensitivity, and improves one's overall outlook on life. These properties encourage greater optimism and joy, and allow for the attraction of more positive things into one's life. Another pertinent physical attribute for Citrine is the ability to repel and transmute illnesses involving the thyroid, kidneys, bladder, eyes, and thymus, making it a helpful stone for diabetes. It can be used in body layouts, by simply placing the stone over an affected area or organ of the body


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 Libra Crystal Soaps

Libra ProductsLibra Healing Crystal Zodiac Lotion

The Scales can be cooperative, charming and diplomatic as they avoid conflict. They tend towards being indecisive, insincere and extravagant. They seek fairness in other people. Libra is always seeking balance as it often happens to elude them. Libra is said to see both sides, open-minded, just, urbane, partnership oriented, avoids conflict, graceful, idealistic and seek balance.

Ingredients:  Orchids, Iris, Gardenia, Grapefruit, Amber Musk, Green Herbal, Opal, Libra Symbol Inside, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Opal Contains water, correlating with our emotions. Clarifies by amplifying and mirroring feelings, buried emotions, desires (including love and passion). Less inhibition, more spontaneity. Crown and Brow Chakra. Visualization, imagination, dreams, healing. Easily absorbs, stores emotions and thoughts. Fragile. Fades/cracks in sun, heat, salt, acidic foods. Moisten frequently with water or oil. Some cancel/negate other gems. (backfires if not used for good of all) May change color with high energy/intensity people. Anytime the wearer feels uncomfortable with an Opal, the stone should be removed. Creativity, spontaneity, relationships, memory, happy dreams and changes.
Opal stone meaning foster love, passion, loyalty, faithfulness, emotional expressiveness, warmth, spontaneity and dramatic ability. Opal also associated with peace, and consciousness. Sometimes considered unlucky, but this is only because modern people fear their emotional side. Its a very emotionally responsive stone.


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 Taurus Crystal Soaps

Taurus ProductsTaurus Healing Crystal Zodiac Products

Bulls are very practical, consistent, stubborn and habitual. They have a possessive nature, can be indulgent, extremely devoted, and enjoy earthy pleasures. They can be laid back only after their control issues are in check and are often dogmatic by nature. Taurus are resourceful, thorough, dependable, responsible, placid, stable, comfortable, solid, earthy, strong, money-oriented, practical, productive, cautious, musical, and artistic.

Ingredients:  Musk, Vanilla Bean, Rose, Jasmine, Lilies, Emerald, Taurus Symbol Inside, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Emeralds signify loyalty, sensitivity, stone of "successful love" and domestic bliss. Enhances memory and mental capacity. Eliminates negativity, and allows one to focus. Brings harmony to all aspects of life. Can help to maintain rhythmic breathing during meditative state.
Emerald is the stone which most purely represents the energy patterns of the activated heart chakra. It is the stone which helps one to live and act from the heart level, offering unconditional love and compassion in one's daily life and relationships, opening one to receive love from others, and clearing the channel for one's own connection with Divine Love. Emerald can help one stayed centered in the heart's wisdom, so that one is not misled by ideas which sound reasonable but are not truly paths with heart. Emerald can help one to heal 'heartbreak' and to remember to give love to oneself as well as others. Wearing Emerald helps attune one's vibrational pattern to the spectrum of abundance, allowing one to attract what one needs and desires. Emerald is also a stone of courage, another emotion which emanates from the strong and open heart. It helps one to move forward on the path with heart, regardless of any threats or dangers which seem to threaten oneself.


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 Gemini Crystal SoapsGemini Products

 Gemini Healing Crystal Zodiac Products

The Twins are curious, communicative, dual-natured and extremely versatile. They can juggle many things at once and do them all well. They are open minded, tolerant, superficial and often easily bored. They need constant intellectual stimulation or can be completely the opposite; laid back and care free, given their chameleon-like nature. Gemini's are logical, smart, inquisitive, honest, clever, whimsical, nimble, quick witted, articulate, lively, active, curious, capable of multi-tasking, talkative, sociable, and mercurial. Gemini was thought of as a fortunate sign, and its subjects were considered to possess the qualities of intense devotion, genius, largeness of mind, goodness, and liberality.

Ingredients: Daffodil, Citrus, Bergamot, White Tea, Roses, Woody Oak Moss, Agate, Gemini Symbol Inside, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Agates are grounding stones. They help obtain a better physical or emotional balance. They work to raise consciousness. Builds self-confidence. This is Chalcedony Quartz. Red, orange, yellow, browns: Solid, Grounding. For stomach, colon, liver, spleen, kidneys. Centering, taking heart. Blood sugar, anorexia or food issues, lymph nodes, Balances emotions. Insight, Restores nerve feeling and healing after injury or burns. Gaze into for meditation. Left/Right brain balance. Pineal, pituitary; coordination. Patience, peace. Cools. Agates foster love, abundance, wealth, good luck, longevity, acceptance, courage, protection, balance, harmony, generosity, strength, security and appreciation of nature. Agates are considered very powerful stones. They are also very calming and soothing to the emotions.


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 Cancer Crystal Soaps

Cancer Products

 Cancer Healing Crystal Zodiac Products

The Crab is emotionally sensitive, often domestic and can be defensive. They are naturally protective, seem to be late-bloomers and exhibit a very brave persona. Cancer is the most vain sign of the zodiac. Cancers are protective, sensitive, tenacious, retentive, resourceful, self-contained, family and home oriented, maternal, security oriented, warm, and patriotic.

Ingredients:  Iris, Rose, Jasmine Geranium, Balsam, White Musk, Exotic Wood, Moonstone, Cancer Symbol Inside, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Honors the Goddess in all women, Dieting, Gardening, Psychic Awareness, Meditation. Soothes stress, anxiety, women's hormones/menstrual imbalance, lymph. Enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life. Used for protection against the perils of travel. Help cool, soothe, and calm over-reactions to emotional and personal situations. Beneficial for those involved in agriculture. Moonstone's effect upon the menstrual cycle is powerful. At the time of the full moon or menstruation, women should be aware of their sensitive emotional nature and remove these stones. May help all parts of the lower torso, which include digestive, cleansing and reproductive organs. It is recommended for farmers, artists, dancers and young men. Passionate love that will fly you to the moon. It is said if you give your lover a moonstone necklace when the moon is full you will always have passion with each other.
Brings good fortune, Assists in foretelling the future, Enhances intuition
Promotes inspiration, Brings success in love as well as business matters
Offers protection on land and at sea, It can reunite lovers who have quarreled, considered a good luck stone. Moonstone stimulates the functioning of the pineal gland and balances internal hormone cycles with nature's rhythms. Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. Though often considered to be a woman's stone, it can be beneficial to men in opening the emotional self.


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 Aries Crystal Soaps

Aries ProductsAries Healing Crystal Zodiac Products

The ram tends to take the direct approach, utilize their survival skills well and tends toward the daring. It is often "me first" with Aries. They are impulsive, aggressive, competitive and intuitive. Aries are thought to be assertive, pioneering, enthusiastic, adventurous, humorous, fast-paced, energetic and passionate, sociable, good communicator, brave, action-oriented, individualistic, independent, impulsive, competitive, eager, straightforward, forceful, headstrong, a leader, focused on the present.

Ingredients:  Citrus, Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Sweet wood, Tulip, Herkimer Diamond, Aries Symbol Inside, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Herkimer Diamonds: These clear crystals closely resemble Diamonds but are really Quartz. Considered a "Dream stone", they are used in meditation or under your pillow to enhance visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall. Most effective on the Brow and Crown Chakra therefore, this stone shifts the brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness. Amplifies and stores thoughts, energy; and can be used as a bridge to stimulate energy flow up through the Chakra centers, opening the Brow and Crown Chakra for a strong, clear channel for psychic readings and meditation. This stone helps you choose a direction to follow that will offer the path of least resistance. They contain a store of ecological memory that can be utilized by a person who can tune into the energy. Can also guide you in remembering your own past-life experiences.

This crystal Help to increase (raise) the energy levels of those handling the stone as well as the healing qualities of other stones. Very useful in helping to lessen the pressures of day-to-day life and the stress and tension-related diseases that can result. They help you recognize the signs of stress before it can do physical damage. Strongly recommended to use with Amethyst (recall, dream stone), Rose Quartz (heart felt desires) and Hematite (to ground and focus).


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Chinese Astrology ChartChinese Astrology Crystal Soap With Rocks


Dog Chinese Astrology Crystal Soap With Rocks

Dog Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Element: Earth
Partners well with: Tiger and Horse
Characteristics: Loyal, sociable, courageous, diligent, steady, lively, adaptable, smart

Dog 1910 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030

Ingredients May Contain: Coming of fortune, luck with colors of green, red, purple and rose, aecidium, cymbidium and orchid fragrances, Herkimer Diamond, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)


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Rat Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Spirit, Wit Alertness, Delicacy, Flexibility, and vitality, colors blue, gold, green violet with Lilly fragrance, Garnet, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Element: Water
Partners well with: Dragon and Monkey
Characteristics: Intelligent, adaptable, quick-witted, charming, artistic, sociable.

Rat 1900 1912 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020


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Ox Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Simple, Persistent, Honest, and straight forward, colors blue, red, purple, with tulip, pine and peach blossom fragrance, Aquamarine, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Element: Earth
Partners well with: Snake and Rooster
Characteristics: Loyal, reliable, thorough, strong, reasonable, steady, determined

Ox 1901 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021


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Tiger Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Power and lordliness with colors of blue, gray, white with cineraria fragrance, Sapphire, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Element: Wood
Partners well with: Horse and Dog
Characteristics: Enthusiastic, courageous, ambitious, leadership, confidence, charismatic

Tiger 1902 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022


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Rabbit Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Hope, moon goddess changes pet, speed distance with colors of red, pink, purple and blue with snapdragon, plantain lily and nerve plant fragrances, Pearls, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Element: Wood
Partners well with: Sheep and Boar
Characteristics: Trustworthy, empathic, modest, diplomatic, sincere, sociable, caretakers

Rabbit 1903 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023


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Dragon Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Authority, dignity, honor, success, luck and capacity with colors of gold, silver, hoary with bleeding heart vine and larkspur fragrance, Amethyst, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Element: Earth
Partners well with: Rat and Monkey
Characteristics: Lucky, flexible, eccentric, imaginative, artistic, spiritual, charismatic

Dragon 1904 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024


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Snake Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Malevolence, cattiness, mystery, divination with colors of red, light yellow, black and orchid and cactus fragrance, Opal, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Element: Fire
Partners well with: Rooster and Ox
Characteristics: Philosophical, organized, intelligent, intuitive, elegant, attentive, decisive

Snake 1905 1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025


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Horse Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Energetic, bright, warm hearted, intelligent and able with coloring of brown, yellow, purple and lily, jasmine and marigold fragrances, Topaz, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Element: Fire
Partners well with: Dog and Tiger
Characteristics: Adaptable, loyal, courageous, ambitious, intelligent, adventurous, strong

Horse 1906 1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026


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Sheep Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Gentle, calm with coloring of green, red, purple and carnation, primrose and alice flower fragrances, Emerald, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Element: Earth
Partners well with: Boar and Rabbit
Characteristics: Tasteful, crafty, warm, elegant, charming, intuitive, sensitive, calm

Sheep 1907 1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027


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Monkey Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Smart, intelligence with colors of white, gold and blue with Chrysanthemum fragrances, Peridot, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Element: Metal
Partners well with: Dragon and Rat
Characteristics: Quick-witted, charming, lucky, adaptable, bright, versatile, lively, smart.

Monkey 1908 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028


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Rooster Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Fidelity, punctuality, beauty with colors of gold, brown, brownish yellow, yellow and gladiola, impatience and cockscomb fragrances, Citrine, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Element: Metal
Partners well with: Snake and Ox
Characteristics: Honest, energetic, intelligent, flamboyant, flexible, diverse, confident

Rooster 1909 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029


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Pig/Boar Chinese Astrology Crystal Products

Affluence, lazy, positive, behaves with colors of yellow, grey, brown and gold and hydrangea, marguerite fragrances, Ruby, Hemp Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base)

Element: Water
Partners well with: Sheep and Rabbit
Characteristics: Honorable, philanthropic, determined, optimistic, sincere, sociable

Boar 1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031


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 Sodalite Healing Crystal Soaps For Weight Loss

Weight Loss Assistance With Sodalite

What Have You Got To Lose?

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Asian Sandalwood, Gardenia, Honeysuckle, Rose Bouquet, Sodalite

Sodalite: Good for healing rifts in partnerships and relationships, and helps bring an end to arguments or disagreements. Excellent stone to enhance all communication skills. This stone helps us unite the logical with the spiritual. It also help free us from old behavior patterns that no longer serve us. Wonderful stone for creative types, balancing both sides of the mind, and allowing you mind to come up with the emotional expression of your ideas in physical forms. Sodalite is a wonderful aid in weight loss, as it regulates metabolism and helps the digestive system. This is a wonderful gemstone for anyone who suffers from anxiety or panic attacks. Many who wear this gemstone feel a deep level of peace and a profound emotional balance, cleansing organs, boosts immune system, combats radiation and insomnia, strengthening the metabolism, Gland metabolism. Digestive system. Insomnia, most recognized for healing, meditation and wisdom. This a good stone for general communication for self and writing. It is used for expressing logic, truth and ideas due to its connection with the Throat Chakra. It is also used at the Brow Chakra due to the fact that it can access fine levels of intuitive information and promote the understanding of these concepts. It is also known to enhance community relationships. Considered a stone that is still evolving, sodalite can strongly affect changes in your attitude about yourself. It helps you be more objective and less critical about ways of dealing with existence. It is a stone associated with studying


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 Immune System Booster Soap W Rocks

Immune System Booster Healing Crystals Products With Zincite, Diopside, Rhodonite Essences, Amethyst

Fly Me to Immune

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Eucalyptus Herbs, Mica, Purely Peppermint, Lemon Poundcake, Zincite Essence, Rhodonite Essence, Diopside Essence, Amethyst Chevron

Rhodonite - emotional balancing, stimulates, clears and activates the heart, emotional shock and panic.
Dioptase - regulates cell disorders, activates T-Cells and the thymus
Zincite - heals shock and trauma and gives one the courage to deal with traumatic situations, boosts the immune system and energy meridians, synthesizes physical energy with personal power and creativity.
Chamomile- Helps digestion and provides relief for nausea
Amethyst: Headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, and general healing
Eucalyptus -Has an antibacterial function, particularly for lungs and during bronchitis. Eucalyptus oil from leaves increases the blood flow and reduces the symptoms of inflammation
Lemon grass- Has a calming effect as well as soothing digestion and alleviating stress
Peppermint- May help nausea. Reduces colic (abdominal pain and cramps), helps to control diarrhea and stop vomiting. Used for relieving tension and sleeplessness


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Natural Agate Crystal Soap With Rock

Natural Agate Healing Crystal Products
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Agates are grounding stones. They help obtain a better physical or emotional balance. They work to raise consciousness. Builds self-confidence. This is Chalcedony Quartz. Red, orange, yellow, browns: Solid, Grounding. For stomach, colon, liver, spleen, kidneys. Centering, taking heart. Blood sugar, anorexia or food issues, lymph nodes, Balances emotions. Insight, Restores nerve feeling and healing after injury or burns. Gaze into for meditation. Left/Right brain balance. Pineal, pituitary; coordination. Patience, peace. Cools. Agates foster love, abundance, wealth, good luck, longevity, acceptance, courage, protection, balance, harmony, generosity, strength, security and appreciation of nature. Agates are considered very powerful stones. They are also very calming and soothing to the emotions.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Natural Agate Pieces


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White Agate Crystal Soap With Rock

White Agate Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
White Agate energies held by this special stone are pure, loving and nurturing. White Agate is perfect for use during pregnancy to encourage bonding between mother and baby to start forming from the earliest of stages. This stone can continue to be used after the birth, to help strengthen the ever growing bond and encourage nurturing at its best

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, White Agate Pieces


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Aquamarine Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Aquamarine: Resonates to the energy of the ocean, helping the holder to connect with the nature spirits of the sea. Seamen carried Aquamarine in ancient times to promote safe travel on the water and to protect against drowning. The soothing energy of Aquamarine makes it a perfect companion to calm fears and phobias, a “Stone of Courage and Protection”, promote verbal self-expression, enhance spiritual communication and clear communication blocks, helps with osteoporosis, Encouraging clarity of thought, great crystal for students of all kinds, encourages intellectual growth and inner knowledge, helping one to think quickly to come up with solutions on the fly, help overcome judgment of others and encourage tolerance, calm fear and worry, facilitates the releasing of old patterns of behavior that no longer serve, and that actually inhibit one's growth, bring peace and calm to the overactive mind, Meditating with Aquamarine can bring new insights from the higher self to be applied in daily life, helps to heal ailments of the throat, including the thyroid and pituitary, and can help to ameliorate diseases of the liver, help with allergies by calming an overactive immune system, as well as assisting with other autoimmune disorders.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Aquamarine Pieces

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Angelite Crystal Soap With Rock

Angelite Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Angelite: This stone is excellent at balancing, polarizing and aligning the physical body with the Aura or ethereal network. It is very calming and its shade of blue refreshes the eyes and spirit. This crystal helps us to be in touch with angels and animal guides, as well as assisting in distant communication with other humans. Most effective on the Throat Chakra, Angelite helps in self expression, communication and allows us to speak our mind, helping us to become more assertive. Its soothing effects on the Throat Chakra works beautifully in calming and soothing anxiety or overactive children. Use this stone to call your Angels for guidance and support. Angelite is often used for psychic connection to oneness with the Universe, the angelic realm and for spiritual guidance. Angelite is utilized for heightened sensory awareness, which also makes it great for Astral travel. Angelite helps us to see paths to surmount challenges. It dispels anger, renews connections with Universal knowledge, and reduces the "upstream struggle" during new endeavors. Angelite has been used with great results for atrophy of the Thymus. It is used for relieving throat inflammation and to balance the thyroid. Angelite also repairs and soothes tissues and blood vessels. It is very useful for weight control. It aligns physical and etheric fields for healing the self and others. Regenerates and rejuvenates ill or depleted areas. Provides a protective energy field around the area where it is placed

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Angelite Pieces


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Green Aventurine Crystal Soap With Rock

Green Aventurine Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Green Aventurine: Benefits the thymus gland, connective tissue, nervous system, balances blood pressure, stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol, preventing arteriosclerosis for heart attacks, anti-inflammatory effect, helps ease skin eruptions, allergies, settles nausea, relieves migraine headaches, soothes the eyes, heals the adrenals, lungs, sinuses, heart, muscular andurogenital systems, relieve pain, improve nearsightedness, helps the adrenals, connective tissue, heart, muscles, sinuses, helps allergies, the eyes, skin eruptions, migraine headaches.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Green Aventurine Pieces


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Black Tourmaline Crystal Soap With Rock

Black Tourmaline Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Black Tourmaline: Protecting one's energy field against negative vibrations, and also for drawing negative energies away from a person. It can have a calming effect when needed, grounding flighty or scattered energies into the earth. Those who suffer from negativity, frequent worrying, and/or OCD , cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration, help with electromagnetic smog (i.e. cell phones) and increase physical vitality, grounding and protection, aids in opening up the Root Chakra, detoxifying

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Black Tourmaline Pieces


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Mangano Calcite Crystal Soap With Rock

Mangano Calcite Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Mangano Calcite possesses all the characteristics of Calcite and of Manganese, energy is very feminine and will help call female guides and angels to you, takes negative energy and transmutes it, offers soft feminine comfort , emotional healing, angelic realm, forgiveness, releases fear and grief, restores unconditional love, self worth, self acceptance, heals nervous conditions, tension and anxiety, prevents nightmares, beneficial to anyone who has suffered trauma or assault, bonding and cooperation within groups, is grounding, providing support for the emotional and physical bodies, helps you complete anything you start, balances and grounds the physical and the emotional body

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Mangano Calcite Pieces


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Yellow Calcite Crystal Soap With Rock

Yellow Calcite Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Yellow calcite that stimulates the intellect. It can help one organize intellectual thoughts and information. Yellow calcite also boosts one's general energy level. From this, it increases one's personal power and sense of self-worth. Yellow calcite is also very helpful for psychic abilities and meditation. It assists with channeling, intuitive awareness, shamanic work, and other psychic activities. In the physical realm, yellow calcite benefits the stomach, upper intestines, upper back and upper spine.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Yellow Calcite Pieces


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Malachite Crystal Soap With Rock

Malachite Healing Crystal Soaps
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Malachite: Transformation, insight, spiritual evolution, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, clarifying emotions, fidelity, loyalty, practicality. Healing usage: Radiation sickness, asthma, arthritis, tumors.
Light and dark shades of brilliant greens. Energies: Love, Money, Protection. Malachite is one of the most important protection stones to guard against negative energy. It is an effective aid for success in business and is often used to protect against undesirable business associations. It is a stone of balance in relationships. The deep rich green of Malachite reveals its ability to heal emotionally and physically. It exemplifies the deep healing green of nature, while its lines and circles contain great motion and flow of energy.

Cocoa Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Cucumber Melon, Lavender, Larimar


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Moldavite Crystal Soap With Rock

Moldavite Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Moldavite’s tag line might be “Git ‘r done!” stone of choice when you’re ready for change, physical clearing or spiritual breakthrough, one of the most powerfully active gemstones, placed on the body can stimulate fast and effective movement of congested energy in that area. Someone who has had a difficult time moving through emotional heart pain would benefit from using Moldavite over the heart to help move through stuck emotions, stimulate release and disperse energy. triggers a creative solution to a problem, a protective stone, linked with the Holy Grail, bridging our minds, hearts and vision with the vast potentials of space

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Moldavite Pieces


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Copper Crystal Soap With Rock

Copper Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Copper: Excellent energy conductor! Sends and amplifies thoughts, healing, and gem electrical energy into wearer's energy field. Next to skin: Detoxes & soothes arthritis, rheumatism, other inflammation problems, stomach, intestines. Warms, releases resentment, anger. Built up in joints as arthritis. Exhaustion recovery, circulation, stabilize metabolism, heightens immune system, good for lungs, improving exchange of oxygen and filtering out pollutants, Soft tissue and mucous membranes retain more moisture and become less susceptible to irritation, increases ability to express and accept true feelings

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Copper Pieces


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Diopside Crystal Soap With Rock

Diopside Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Diopside - regulates cell disorders, activates T-Cells and the thymus

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Diopside Pieces


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Eilat Stone Crystal Soap With Rock

Eilat Stone Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Eilat Stone: Ability to create, store and conduct energy, will maintain this activity for many, many years. The Stone also has an uncanny ability to absorb many types of pain, seems to work unpolished and after it has been in hot or cold water, place it on or near painful areas, massage stone, worry stone and for Chakra balancing and Aura cleansing

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Eilat Stone Pieces


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Emerald Crystal Soap With Rock

Emerald Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Emeralds signify loyalty, sensitivity, stone of "successful love" and domestic bliss. Enhances memory and mental capacity. Eliminates negativity, and allows one to focus. Brings harmony to all aspects of life. Can help to maintain rhythmic breathing during meditative state.
Emerald is the stone which most purely represents the energy patterns of the activated heart chakra. It is the stone which helps one to live and act from the heart level, offering unconditional love and compassion in one's daily life and relationships, opening one to receive love from others, and clearing the channel for one's own connection with Divine Love. Emerald can help one stayed centered in the heart's wisdom, so that one is not misled by ideas which sound reasonable but are not truly paths with heart. Emerald can help one to heal 'heartbreak' and to remember to give love to oneself as well as others. Wearing Emerald helps attune one's vibrational pattern to the spectrum of abundance, allowing one to attract what one needs and desires. Emerald is also a stone of courage, another emotion which emanates from the strong and open heart. It helps one to move forward on the path with heart, regardless of any threats or dangers which seem to threaten oneself.

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Emerald Pieces


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Pipestone Catlinite Crystal Soap With Rock

Pipestone/Catlinite Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Catlinite, also called pipestone, a Native American ceremony stone, connecting the spiritual and the physical, ground prayer and ritual into the physical, everyday life, a very protective stone, used for communication with spirits and the ancestors, dust has healing qualities, It does no harm

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Pipestone/Catlinite Pieces


Crystal Soap With Rocks
Larimar Crystal Soap With Rock

Larimar Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Larimar: Balances the polarities of energies, cools tempers and calms fears, relieves stress and nurtures the physical and emotional bodies, helpful in releasing emotional bonds, patterns or principles that no longer serve the highest good, clear communication, it provides the strength and courage needed to speak openly from the heart, overcome fear of doctors, hospitals, injections or surgery, wonderful stone for mothers, during and after pregnancy, helps in alleviating post-partum depression, and relaxes the stress associated with new parenthood, cools hot tempers and guides excessive passion into peace, it may be used to diminish the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, and when one's kundalini energies have become uncomfortably active, an excellent stone for finding a soulmate, it facilitates the healing of unresolved issues or fears, trauma to the heart, or past-life relationships

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Larimar Pieces


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Jade Crystal Soap With Rock

Jade Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Jade is considered the health, wealth and longevity stone. used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Jade is known as androgynous, therefore it is considered having a gentle, steady pulse of healing energy. Jade is found in different colors and can be used on the appropriate Chakra based on its color. Properties common to all colors of Jade include its ability to mellow one's existence. Helps one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy. Very beneficial to the heart in both physical and spiritual senses. It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of harm's way. Jade bounds us to our earth energies and physical instincts. Jade is a humbling stone. Jade works with the lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system. While all Jade has some healing influence, each color relates more specifically to certain ailments or organs. Strengthens the body's filtration and cleansing systems and assists in the removal of toxins.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Jade Pieces


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Rainforest Jasper Rhyolite Crystal Soap With Rock

Rainforest Jasper Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Rainforest Jasper has a greenish background color with contrasting eyes. Also known as Rhyolite. Rainforest Jasper is often used to balance the feminine and masculine energies, and to help the reclusive allow other persons in their lives. Rainforest Jasper helps in all forms of communication, including listening. Rainforest Jasper is associated with and is beneficial to the 3rd and 4th Chakras. Rainforest Jasper's healing actions are taken advantage of in liver cleansing and regeneration.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Rainforest Jasper Pieces


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Red Jasper Crystal Soap With Rock

Red Jasper Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Red jasper: Is called a stone of fairness and justice because mystical lore claims that it decreases unjustness and helps in unfair situations. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in mystical dream work, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in protection and rescue from danger. Red jasper is associated with the first and second chakras. Metaphysically, it is purported to have a stabilizing effect, and help one take all one's energy and use it in a balanced manner. It is also said to be a stone that helps in all areas of survival, and is a very protective stone. Red jasper said in gemstone lore to be a stone of controlled passion and used to help control one's own passions. Crystal healing lore says that physically it assists in healing by maintaining positive movement with all types of disorders and disease.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Red Jasper Pieces


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Jet Crystal Soap With Rock

Jet Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Jet: Has absorbing qualities. Helps draw out negative energy. Especially useful for people who have unreasonable fears that limit their lives. Helps control mood swings and fights deep depression. Recommended for stimulating psychic experience and guiding one in the quest for spiritual enlightenment.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Jet Pieces


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Kudzu Crystal Soap With Rock

Kudzu Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of plant, not soap)

Kudzu vine also helps diminish the desire to drink in alcoholic rats. It does so, they believe, by preventing alcohol-induced increases in dopamine in the brain’s pleasure center. This additional finding about daidzin may help prevent relapse in recovering alcoholics by diminishing cravings—something Antabuse does not do.Kudzu Reduces Alcohol Consumption. An extract of the invasive kudzu plant (Pueraria lobata) may help “heavy” drinkers consume less alcohol, reports a study in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. No side effects were associated with kudzu treatment. The results of this study are encouraging for people who wish to decrease their alcohol consumption. Kudzu appears to be a safe alternative to prescription medications for reducing alcohol intake.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Kudzu Pieces


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Onyx Crystal Soap With Rock

Onyx Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Onyx Stone Meaning exhales the energy of self-mastery and inner strength. It raises one’s resistance and persistence, enabling one to carry even unmanageable and tasks during to completion. On a mental level, it increases one’s power to keep focus, making it possible for one to take fighting new material and use well all that one has mastered. It quickly enhances the retention of memory and promotes attention to detail. These traits make Onyx a instructive instrument for pupils, teachers, business owners, accountants, lawyers, software and computer technicians, and all those whose work calls for high levels of focus, dedication and discipline.
Onyx Stone Meaning for physical strength. It helps one in holding one’s powers rather than letting them to fool away. It assists one to step by step build up ones energy. This can be most significantly helpful after a long poor health, or even a lengthy work project, both of which can reduce one’s resources. It can maintain one focused on an workout regime, weight loss plan or other attempt to increase one’s health. Onyx is a fantastic gemstone as a way for body builders, even if the dreams are quite modest. It promotes anyone to remain with the program and facilitates the sense of satisfaction that comes with reaching one’s goals. Balances and grounds. Good stone for protection. Absorbs and flattens emotional intensity

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Onyx Pieces


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Peacock Ore Crystal Soap With Rock

Peacock Ore Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)

Peacock Ore: A stone of happiness & joy will help you tune into positive forces in life & channel that energy to others, joyfulness, brings to the user a feeling that the way it is, is the way it is supposed to be, ability to see & accept the joy in any moment, compliments an understanding that there is nothing wrong in any aspect of one's incarnation, Everything is for purposeful good, assists in separating the positive from the negative & allows you to understand the distinct difference, one of the strongest healing stones on the mineral kingdom, ability to align every chakra when applied to a given chakra, The energy within Peacock Ore creates a circular, clockwise motion, Even though it is placed on one chakra, it will affect the other six, can cause a transformation that removes negative energy & replaces it with a strong, beneficial, positive energy, It possesses the unique property of energizing not only the area on which it is placed, but all affects all of the surrounding area as well

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Peacock Ore Pieces


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Pearl Crystal Soap With Rock

Pearl Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Freshwater Pearls And Saltwater Pearls: In tune with women, especially pregnant women. Absorbing by nature and because of this must be used with caution. If you feel excessively negative while wearing a Pearl, it will hold that energy until it is worn again, nurturing, lessen stress and its resulting maladies: hypertension, headaches, and exhaustion. May help to prevent heart attacks and strokes, assist in digestion, reduce the chance of developing ulcers, Recommended for occupations as varied as artists, chiropractors, and farmers

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Pearl Pieces


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Peridot Crystal Soap With Rock

Peridot Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Peridot: It inspires healing, renewal, rebirth, and growth. It alleviates anger and irritation and is associated with stress reduction relaxation, comfort and intuition. Health, Wealth, Protection. Clear bright green/green-yellow. Clears Heart Chakra, pathway, strengthening breath of life, prosperity, growth, openness. Used by Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas to gently cleanse and heal the physical heart. (lungs, lymph, breast) The more yellow the gems the better they are for Solar Plexus Chakra (stomach, liver, adrenal...) Helps understand relationships, other realities Alleviates depression, anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety. A visionary stone. Helps connect us to our destinies and to an understanding of the purpose of existence. Can help us visualize not only the ultimate peak of physical but of spiritual continuation as well. However, if you are confused or fearful, Peridot should be used in a limited way. It releases toxins and brings them to the surface, thus neutralizing them. Helps with mental cleansing by highlighting problems. The stomach and other digestive tract organs may benefit from Peridot . Stimulates tissue regeneration.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Peridot Pieces


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Petrified Wood Crystal Soap With Rock

Petrified Wood Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Petrified wood is a stone that is good for grounding and stabilizing one's emotions. It is particularly useful in calming survival-based fears. It helps one be practical. It is a stone of business success. Petrified wood is a good stone for general protection. Physically, it is beneficial physically for the bones, backaches, skin and hair. Petrified wood is also used for past life regressions because of its inherent link with the past.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Petrified Wood Pieces


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Tiger Iron Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Tiger Iron: Artistic abilities, creative projects, balance, beauty, endurance, motivation, vitality, steroid enhancer Healing usage: Low energy, tiredness, musculature, white/red blood cell balance, natural steroids in the body, chronic fatigue.

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Tiger Iron Pieces


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Rhodonite Crystal Soap With Rock

Rhodonite Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Rhodonite - emotional balancing, stimulates, clears and activates the heart, emotional shock and panic.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Rhodonite Pieces


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Lemon Quartz Crystal Soap With Rock

Lemon Quartz Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Lemon Quartz for insight seeking dreams, helps take one deep into meditation and onto new realms, where higher knowledge can be sought, very good for scrying, helping to create a clearer channel to spirit and guides, very good in protecting the whole being from anything negative, including “energy vampires”, truly helps one remember and feel the bond with loved ones, both people and animals, who have now crossed over, very beautiful remembrance stone and can also be given as a gift of friendship and love, help one feel more warmed and content by others around them and the surroundings, energy channeling

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Lemon Quartz Pieces


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Tigers Eye Crystal Soap With Rock

Tigers Eye Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Tigers Eye: Combining Earth energy with that of the Sun, Golden Brown Tiger Eye draws Spiritual energy down to the Earth, while still keeping you centered here on the ground, raise vibrations, keeping you feeling in balance and connected when working with higher goals, brings brightness and optimism to a situation, and shines insight onto problems, stone of protection, especially for travelers, brings good luck and prosperity to the user, talisman against bad luck and curses, attracts abundance and can also stimulate the rise of Kundalini energies, manifesting ideas into reality and giving courage in times of change, increase your personal power, attract prosperity.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Tigers Eye Pieces


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Ruby Crystal Soap With Rock

Ruby Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Ruby: Wealth, Joy, Love, Sexual Energy and Power. Warms, energizes after exhaustion. Strengthens physical and emotional heart (4th chakra), love, courage, confidence, vitality, stamina, strength, leadership, success over challenges. Intensifies all emotions (passions, jealousy, impatience, love...) Attempted use for pressure/control (for love) backfires onto user. Used for reproductive/root Chakra; infections, cholesterol, clots, blood detox (alcohol, caffeine), sexual blocks. Stimulates circulation, menses, and pituitary healing the earth. This gemstone must be carefully scrutinized before choosing it for healing purposes. A powerful stone whose stimulating energy can bring startling things to light. An amplifier of energy-both positive and negative. Can bring anger or negativity to the surface quickly. Should be used with knowledge of how to gain from the experience. Otherwise you are likely to be overcome by the passion it stirs up. Can also amplify positive energy. Helps us in all matters of love, including love of ourselves. Benefits the heart and circulatory system, and can assist in the filtration and detoxification of the body. Also suggested for the eyes. Stimulates motivation and visualization

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Ruby Pieces


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Rudraksha Beads Healing Crystal Soaps
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Rudraksha beads to combat the effects of stress: hypertension, depression, and high blood pressure. Without the harmful side-effects and addictive nature of tranquilizers, anti-depressants, and beta blockers, men and women experience heightened energy levels, stamina, and peace of mind within a few hours of placing Rudraksha beads in direct contact of their chest region. In the long term, Rudraksha beads reverse the effects of stress, alleviate depression, eliminate anxiety and other mood disorders, improve concentration, enhance relaxation, and exhibit anti-aging properties, used traditionally by Hindu, Buddhist, Japanese, Chinese, and Zen followers for controlling stress, overall healing, meditation, and engendering positive changes. For thousands of years in India, yogis have worn Rudraksha Beads to experience the deep tranquility and concentration which are vital for meditation and control of mind and body. Under the power of Rudraksha's positive influence, vast amounts of Vedic literature were studied and memorized in ancient India by disciples of spiritual knowledge. In China, Rudraksha is used to enhance the flow of Chi life energy in the body and balance Yin & Yang. The Zen Buddhist sect in Japan uses Rudraksha beads to induce deeper states of meditation.

Ingredients Include: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Rudraksha Bead Pieces

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Sapphire Crystal Soap With Rock

Sapphire Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Dark Blue Sapphires: Dark blue sapphire will allow one to use their full creative potential. it is like a mother stone because it tends to your needs as your creative juices flow so that you do not become scattered about but remain grounded. It is also good for helping solve problems, sexual relationships because it tends to make deep bonding between people and creates loyalty.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Sapphire Pieces


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Serpentine Crystal Soap With Rock

Serpentine Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Serpentine: excellent stone for meditation. It can be used to clear clouded areas of all the Chakra and especially to assist in opening the Heart Chakra. It is also believed to help activate the kundalini, or 'serpent fire' energies. By placing this stone on the Crown Chakra, it initiates the movement of kundalini energy up the spine. Relaxes one's overall nature. Clears the chakras and is excellent for enhancing meditation. Serpentine emits a profound healing vibration and facilitates the energetic activation of cellular regeneration. Renders assistance to disorders in all areas of the body, the emotional system, and mental structure. Works on the heart and lungs by helping to withdraw toxins and activates the absorption of nutrients and oxygen. It is used in the treatment of diabetes and hypoglycemia, eliminates parasites and used to increase the absorption of magnesium and calcium.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Serpentine Pieces


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Sodalite Crystal Soap With Rock

Sodalite Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Sodalite: Good for healing rifts in partnerships and relationships, and helps bring an end to arguments or disagreements. Excellent stone to enhance all communication skills. This stone helps us unite the logical with the spiritual. It also help free us from old behavior patterns that no longer serve us. Wonderful stone for creative types, balancing both sides of the mind, and allowing you mind to come up with the emotional expression of your ideas in physical forms. Sodalite is a wonderful aid in weight loss, as it regulates metabolism and helps the digestive system. This is a wonderful gemstone for anyone who suffers from anxiety or panic attacks. Many who wear this gemstone feel a deep level of peace and a profound emotional balance, cleansing organs, boosts immune system, combats radiation and insomnia, strengthening the metabolism, Gland metabolism. Digestive system. Insomnia

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Sodalite Pieces


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Topaz Crystal Soap With Rock

Topaz Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Topaz: The stone of "true love and success in all endeavors". It can be used to manifest health and correct disorders within the body. They promote understanding, compassion, kindness and empathy. They open and heal the hearts of those who have closed them while also protecting the open-hearted from too much pain. Instrumental in visualizations for healing and attracting in meditation and projection. Helps one to creatively change personal world, enhance awareness, expansiveness and manifestation. Topaz healing power : (February, November and December Birthstone). - Golden Topaz: Golden or pink / "Champagne" Crystal. The most powerful, electromagnetic of yellow / solar plexus gems. A strong, steady, high level gem for mental clarity, focus, perceptivity, high level concepts, confidence, personal power and stamina. Helps mood swings, insomnia, worries, fears, depression, exhaustion, nervous system stress, and stomach anxiety. Also works somewhat with the crown chakra. Liver / pancreas detoxification, blood sugar balance, tissue and backbone strengthener (physically and emotionally). Radiates warmth, sunlight energy, and protection. Excellent for water signs, teachers, excess work stress, manifesting and higher-self connection. Brings emotions and thinking into balance.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Topaz Pieces


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Turquoise Crystal Soap With Rock

Turquoise Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Turquoise: A good general healer for all illnesses and excellent conductor (high copper). Speech enhancer, Friendship, Communication, Healing. Good for opening communication, creativity, serenity, spiritual bonding, uplifting. Opens the Heart Chakra for giving/receiving. Like amethyst, it protects and detoxify from alcohol, poison, pollution, x-ray/sun radiation. Ancient absorber of "negativity"; protection from "evil eye." Brings wisdom. Helps anorexia, headache, fear, etc. Throat, lungs, asthma, infections, teeth, TMJ, hearing, high blood pressure, creativity block, depression. Dull, paler, weaker. Works well with Chrysocolla, best with Silver. Used for healing on every continent! Androgynous, balances yin/yang. Fades in sunlight, sweat, oil, dishwater...Avoid bleach/chlorine! Beneficial for the entire body. Has special applications for the respiratory and immune systems. If you are sick, Turquoise helps to put you at peace. Recommended for healers, those involved in negotiations, optometrists, veterinarians, and those who must rely on communications skills to get complex ideas across.

Ingredients Include: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Turquoise Pieces


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Unakite Crystal Soap With Rock

Unakite Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Unakite: Sore muscles, blood circulation and increased metabolism, weight loss, supportive in convalescence and recovery from a major illness. It treats the reproductive system, stimulates weight gain where required, and aids healthy pregnancy and the growth of skin tissue and hair.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Unakite Pieces


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Vortex Stones Crystal Soap With Rock

Vortex Stone Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Vortex Stones are very powerful stones that are famous for their energy centers that pulse with spiritual and psychic energy, centers act as a vortex, similar to our Chakras, stimulate psychic abilities, powerful enlightenment and soul connection, great dream stones, enhance the dream state, access their past lives and access ancient wisdom, very protective and only allow certain energies to enter its vortex, Beware, this stone may induce experiences, or visions, where one makes direct contact with their spirit-guide(s) reverses a lack of confidence, grounding and comforting energy, Great for meditation

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Vortex Stone Pieces


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Zincite Crystal Soap With Rock

Zincite Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Zincite - heals shock and trauma and gives one the courage to deal with traumatic situations, boosts the immune system and energy meridians, synthesizes physical energy with personal power and creativity.

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Zincite Pieces


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Zircon Crystal Soap With Rock

Zircon Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Zircon: Works with the Crown Chakra and transpersonal point (and pituitary and pineal) for Universal Truth, intuition, durability, steadiness, integrity and connection with "All That Is." Eases depression, insomnia. Also historical poison detoxifier. Purification

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Zircon Pieces


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Garnet Crystal Soap With Rock

Garnet Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Garnet Stimulates creativity, passion, and the circulatory system. The brighter the better. Red: Root and Spleen Chakra. Warms, energizes emotionally and physically (arthritis, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low Blood Pressure, detoxifying and strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness). Yang (avoid if excess anger, impatience, high blood pressure, heat, inflammation, etc.) Root Chakra. Orange: Warmth, energy. When Garnet is used in conjunction with the pituitary gland, can help provide past-life information. Should be placed on the center of the forehead. If carried around in the pocket and then placed on the forehead of another person, closer ties will form with that individual. Green Garnets are healing stones. Red represents love and help the aspirant to strive for improvement in moral conduct. Square-cut Garnets help bring about business opportunities and filter out concerns that are not one's own. Rectangular shapes aid in the matter of intellect or the earth. Garnets teach patience and constancy and are not to be used lightly. They develop love and compassion. They sharpen self-perception and extend that openness to others. Help calm anger, particularly anger directed towards the self.
Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Garnet Pieces


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Gold Flakes Crystal Soap With Rock

Gold Flakes Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Gold: Strengthens meridians, nerve system, digestion, self-healing (addictions, childhood...) Attracts prosperity, stores, amplifies thoughts/emotions/energy (Greed too), benefits nervous system, aids digestion, circulatory system and blood, controls hormonal and chemical imbalances, degenerative diseases, like heart disease or arthritis dental fixtures, treatment of blood, skin, neurological and heart disorders, remover of blockages, autism, dyslexia, epilepsy and scoliosis, cell regeneration, spurs the regeneration of neurotransmitters in both lobes of the brain and creates a balance of brain function between creative and logical thought, ease tension, feelings of inferiority, an anger as well as encouraging the realization of one’s potential and bringing comfort.

Ingredients May Contain: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Gold Flakes


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Diabetes Crystal Soaps 
Sweetness Of Life Xtra OomBopBop
Diabetes, Endocrine System Disorders Type 1
Citrine, Malachite, Red Jasper, Serpentine, Jade, Bloodstone

Ingredients: Cocoa Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Hibiscus Petals, Rose Petals, Cinnamon, Mica, Gardenia, French Vanilla, Sunflower Essence, Citrine (Malachite, Red Jasper, Serpentine, Jade)
Citrine: Success, intuition, comfort, creativity, physical energy, wealth, mental awakening, protection, good fortune / luck, decrease nightmares, remove toxins. Healing usage: Depression, mood swings, trauma, grief, digestion, stomach, eliminating nightmares and other sleep disturbances, thyroid, general health, heart, kidney, liver, muscles, strength, endocrine system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, urinary system, immune system, fibromyalgia, addictions, ocd. A stone that is specifically known to be helpful for diabetes is Citrine. Sunny Citrine carries a warm vibration that promotes the healthy function of the metabolism, pancreas, spleen, and organs of elimination. Commonly used for manifestation programs, Citrine cleanses all of the chakras, and sends its high vibrations specifically into the Sacral and Solar-Plexus Chakras, bringing a improved self-image and self-confidence to the user. Citrine encourages one to overcome fear, depression, and over- sensitivity, and improves one's overall outlook on life. These properties encourage greater optimism and joy, and allow for the attraction of more positive things into one's life. Another pertinent physical attribute for Citrine is the ability to repel and transmute illnesses involving the thyroid, kidneys, bladder, eyes, and thymus, making it a helpful stone for diabetes. It can be used in body layouts, by simply placing the stone over an affected area or organ of the body
Jade is considered the health, wealth and longevity stone. used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Jade is known as androgynous, therefore it is considered having a gentle, steady pulse of healing energy. Jade is found in different colors and can be used on the appropriate Chakra based on its color. Properties common to all colors of Jade include its ability to mellow one's existence. Helps one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy. Very beneficial to the heart in both physical and spiritual senses. It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of harm's way. Jade bounds us to our earth energies and physical instincts. Jade is a humbling stone. Jade works with the lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system. While all Jade has some healing influence, each color relates more specifically to certain ailments or organs. Strengthens the body's filtration and cleansing systems and assists in the removal of toxins.
Malachite: Transformation, insight, spiritual evolution, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, clarifying emotions, fidelity, loyalty, practicality. Healing usage: Radiation sickness, asthma, arthritis, tumors.
Bloodstone: Courage, survival, adaptability, release blockages, renewal, strength, victory, intuitive decision making, abundance. Healing usage: Intense healing, emotional trauma, anemia, blood diseases, blood pressure, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, kidney, bladder, physical trauma, post-surgical recovery.
Serpentine: This stone is an excellent stone for meditation. It can be used to clear clouded areas of all the Chakra and especially to assist in opening the Heart Chakra. It is also believed to help activate the kundalini, or 'serpent fire' energies. By placing this stone on the Crown Chakra, it initiates the movement of kundalini energy up the spine. Relaxes one's overall nature. Clears the chakras and is excellent for enhancing meditation. Serpentine emits a profound healing vibration and facilitates the energetic activation of cellular regeneration. Renders assistance to disorders in all areas of the body, the emotional system, and mental structure. Works on the heart and lungs by helping to withdraw toxins and activates the absorption of nutrients and oxygen. It is used in the treatment of diabetes and hypoglycemia, eliminates parasites and used to increase the absorption of magnesium and calcium.
Red jasper: Is called a stone of fairness and justice because mystical lore claims that it decreases unjustness and helps in unfair situations. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in mystical dream work, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in protection and rescue from danger. Red jasper is associated with the first and second chakras. Metaphysically, it is purported to have a stabilizing effect, and help one take all one's energy and use it in a balanced manner. It is also said to be a stone that helps in all areas of survival, and is a very protective stone. Red jasper said in gemstone lore to be a stone of controlled passion and used to help control one's own passions. Crystal healing lore says that physically it assists in healing by maintaining positive movement with all types of disorders and disease


Diabetes Lotion

 Diabetes Healing Crystal Soap With Citrine

Diabetes Assistance With Citrine Type 2

Sweetness Of Life - Healing Soaps, Bath Salts, Shaving Bars, Lotions, Sugar Scrubs, Massage Oils

Ingredients: Cocoa Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Hibiscus Petals, Rose Petals, Mica, Gardenia, French Vanilla, Sunflower Essence, Citrine

Citrine: Success, intuition, comfort, creativity, physical energy, wealth, mental awakening, protection, good fortune / luck, decrease nightmares, remove toxins. Healing usage: Depression, mood swings, trauma, grief, digestion, stomach, eliminating nightmares and other sleep disturbances, thyroid, general health, heart, kidney, liver, muscles, strength, endocrine system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, urinary system, immune system, fibromyalgia, addictions, ocd. A stone that is specifically known to be helpful for diabetes is Citrine. Sunny Citrine carries a warm vibration that promotes the healthy function of the metabolism, pancreas, spleen, and organs of elimination. Commonly used for manifestation programs, Citrine cleanses all of the chakras, and sends its high vibrations specifically into the Sacral and Solar-Plexus Chakras, bringing a improved self-image and self-confidence to the user. Citrine encourages one to overcome fear, depression, and over- sensitivity, and improves one's overall outlook on life. These properties encourage greater optimism and joy, and allow for the attraction of more positive things into one's life. Another pertinent physical attribute for Citrine is the ability to repel and transmute illnesses involving the thyroid, kidneys, bladder, eyes, and thymus, making it a helpful stone for diabetes. It can be used in body layouts, by simply placing the stone over an affected area or organ of the body


Diabetes Lotion
 Jewish Soaps With Eilat Stone

Better Than Your Bubba’s Chicken Soup
Absorbs Pain, Stone Of Jerusalem
Menorah Blue And White
Eilat Stone

Ingredients: Galbanum, Frankincense & Myrrh, Benzoin, Shea Butter, Eilat Stone, White and Blue Mica Coloring

Eilat Stone: Ability to create, store and conduct energy, will maintain this activity for many, many years. The Stone also has an uncanny ability to absorb many types of pain, seems to work unpolished and after it has been in hot or cold water, place it on or near painful areas, massage stone, worry stone and for Chakra balancing and Aura cleansing


Eilat Stone Lotion
 Jewish Soap With Chrysocolla

Oy Vey! No More Guilt
Removes Guilt and Promotes Understanding
Jewish Star Blue And White

Oy Vey, No More Guilt
Ingredients: Galbanum, Frankincense & Myrrh, Benzoin, Shea Butter, Chrysocolla, White and Blue Mica Coloring

Chrysocolla: Easing heartache, harmony, stamina, wisdom, peace, love, communication, vitality, inner strength, purify a place, remove negativity, reduce fear anxiety and guilt. Healing usage: Asthma, TB, pneumonia, muscle cramps, arthritis, childbirth, pregnancy


Chrysocolla Lotion
 Gay Pride Soap W/Rocks Using Amber


Confidence Booster & Anti Depressant Soap With Amber Bath Products

Happy To Be Me

Ingredients: (Smells Like Skittles!) Cocoa Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Fruit Slices, Amber

Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser that draws dis-ease from the body and promotes tissue revitalization. It also cleans the environment and the chakras. It absorbs negative energies and transmutes them into positive forces that stimulate the body to heal itself. A powerful protector, it links the everyday self to the higher spiritual reality. It can help counteract suicidal or depressive tendencies. Mentally, Amber stimulates the intellect, clears depression and promotes a positive mental state and creative self expression. It brings balance and patience and encourages decision-making, being a useful memory aid. Its flexibility dissolves opposition. Emotionally, Amber encourages peacefulness and develops trust. Spiritually, Amber promotes altruism and brings wisdom. Clear yellow or orange, this ancient petrified resin (possibly pine tree) has electromagnetic properties. Great for past life work and weight gain. Opens solar plexus chakra for mental clarity, moods balance, confidence. Stomach anxiety, spine, Central Nervous System, brain, memory loss, cell regeneration. Aligns mental and emotional bodies via orange and yellow. Excellent detoxification and protection from radiation, especially x-rays, sun, computers, airport, planes and others' energies. Useful on the brain, lungs, thyroid, spleen, endocrine system, inner ear, and neurological tissue. Draws disease out of afflicted areas and neutralizes negative energy. It is a grounding healer. Can add stability to your life. Helpful in clearing up depression and bringing about a positive mental state. Also useful as a memory aid. Amber should be cleansed after being used for healing


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Herkimer Diamond Crystal Soap With Rocks

Herkimer Diamond Crystal Soap With Rocks
(Photo of stone, not soap)
Herkimer Diamond: These clear crystals closely resemble Diamonds but are really Quartz. Considered a "Dream stone", they are used in meditation or under your pillow to enhance visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall. Most effective on the Brow and Crown Chakra therefore, this stone shifts the brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness. Amplifies and stores thoughts, energy; and can be used as a bridge to stimulate energy flow up through the Chakra centers, opening the Brow and Crown Chakra for a strong, clear channel for psychic readings and meditation. This stone helps you choose a direction to follow that will offer the path of least resistance. They contain a store of ecological memory that can be utilized by a person who can tune into the energy. Can also guide you in remembering your own past-life experiences. This crystal Help to increase (raise) the energy levels of those handling the stone as well as the healing qualities of other stones. Very useful in helping to lessen the pressures of day-to-day life and the stress and tension-related diseases that can result. They help you recognize the signs of stress before it can do physical damage.

Ingredients May Include: Olive Oil Glycerin, Mica Coloring, Herkimer Diamond Pieces


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Hematite Crystal Soaps

Stress, Anxiety & Focus With Hematite Healing Crystals
Relax, Already!
Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Chamomile Herbs, Lavender Herbs, Rosemary Herbs, Bay Leafs, Basil Herbs, Mica, Rose Bouquet, Honeysuckle, Plumeria, Hematite
Hematite is the most recommended stone for grounding and is associated with the Root Chakra, by encourages ones survival instincts and is centering. Hematite condenses scattered feelings, turns fuzziness into mental clarity, focusing, enhances concentration, memory, practicality, helps those who study, do bookkeeping, detailed work and helps with sound sleep. Considered the symbol of life energy, hematite allows for more confidence, will power and boldness. Helps us adjust to being physical. A protective stone and helps bolster low self-esteem. Hematite is known to deflect negativity. It restores equilibrium, stability and is also used for astral protection. It brings our awareness back to the body and helps one maintain their sense of self. If worn, Hematite should be placed near the base of the spine.
Hematite is associated with the Spleen, blood, and cleansing. The iron in this mineral has a strong effect on the blood. Used in supporting the kidney's blood-cleansing function. Recommended for those with anemia. Helps in tissue regeneration. Hematite is given to those who need to regroup after jet lag, stress, birth and anesthesia. Hematite aids absorption of iron in the small intestines and benefits all fluid functions in the body


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White Agate Crystal Soaps

Pregnancy, Bonding and Milk Production With White Agate

Yo' Mamma

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Lemon Poundcake, French Vanilla, Brown Sugar & Fig, White Agate

The 'Stone of New Life', the energies held by this special stone are pure, loving and nurturing. White Agate is perfect for use during pregnancy to encourage bonding between mother and baby to start forming from the earliest of stages. This stone can continue to be used after the birth, to help strengthen the ever growing bond and encourage nurturing at its best. Despite this stones gentle energies, White Agate works nicely with the Crown Chakra because of its purity. Also beneficial to those of you who are new to Chakra Meditations and Chakra Healing. Certainly a very beautiful and special stone.


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Labradorite, Pipestone And Kudzu Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks For Alcohol Addiction

I Should Know Better

Alcohol Abuse/Natures Antabuse With Kudzu, Labradorite & Pipestone Healing

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Kudzu Herb, Milk Thistle, Amber Romance, Asian Sandalwood, Lavender, Vanilla, Labradorite, Pipestone

Labradorite is also called Spectrolite referred to a stone of transformation. Said to clear, balance and protect the aura - helps to provide clarity and insight into your destiny, and attract success. Excellent for dream recall and in learning new ways to use dreams in daily life (interpretation) Energies of stress and anxiety are reduced by Labradorite, excellent stone for those who suffer panic attacks or have phobias

Catlinite, also called pipestone, is traditionally used as a Native American ceremony stone, for making pipes and other totems. Catlinite has the quality of connecting the spiritual and the physical. It can be used to ground prayer and ritual into the physical, everyday life. It is also a very protective stone. Catlinite is also used for communication with spirits and the ancestors.


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Getting It Off My Chest: Breast Cancer Awareness Soap Fundraiser

$1.00 Of Every 4 Oz Bar Sold Donated To The Cause

Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst

Breast Cancer Awareness
Getting It Off My Chest
Ingredients: Aloe Vera Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Guyabano Leaves, Coconut Oil, Mica, Eucalyptus Spearmint, Lemon Poundcake, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst

Amethyst is a well-known crystal to help the body back to a state of health and normalcy, especially from a bout with cancer. Worn as a pendant, it could certainly send its energies to her throughout the day, close to her body. As a cluster, Amethyst would also make a great piece for her room. Amethyst carries a high spiritual vibration, making it excellent for all types of crisis.

Smokey Quartz is helpful for those with cancer as it draws negative energies out of the body. Smokey Quartz is also known for its strong ability to absorb and ground negative energies out of the body, and into the earth to be transmuted. These properties make Smokey Quartz a great support crystal for those undergoing chemo and radiation therapies. It is best to choose Natural Smokey Quartz when using it for cancer.

Another stone that I consider helpful specifically for breast cancer is Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz is the premier Heart and Higher Heart Chakra, with a strong influence on the breast area. This soothing but powerful healing crystal, Rose Quartz is most commonly associated with unconditional love. While this is true and certainly helpful to those with cancer, Rose Quartz also carries the physical healing property of absorbing negative energies from the body, making it perfect for body layouts. Emotionally, Rose Quartz offers its high healing vibration to assist one in working through all types of grief.

The final crystal I want to recommend is Clear Quartz, for its master healer vibration and its ability to focus and amplify ones healing intent. Clear Quartz can be used with any other crystals to greatly amplify those energies. The most important property of Clear Quartz for your friend is its ability to work on all levels of being. As most diseases begin as a disruption of vibrational energy, Clear Quartz can work on this level while effecting the physical energies simultaneously. Clear Quartz functions as an excellent energy cleanser, which will help maintain a clear energy field as the body fights the cancer.


Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst Lotion

Citrine Crystal SoapsCitrine Crystal Soaps

Dripping Gold:  Money Attraction With Citrine

Dripping Gold

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Shredded Money, Mica, Orange Blossom, Purely Peppermint, Citrine

Citrine: Clear yellow Quartz looking, but is really burnt Amethyst, (Yellow from Iron.) For Solar Plexus Chakra. Known as the Merchants Stone, brings money into your life, when kept in your wallet, you will never be without cash.

Mental and emotional clarity. Problem-solving, memory, will power, optimism, confidence, self-discipline, digestion. Reduces anxiety, fear, depression, stomach tension, food disorders, allergies. Detoxification: Spleen, kidneys, liver, urinary system, intestines. Electromagnetic. Citrine is one of two crystals which never have to be cleansed of negative energy.
An energizing and highly beneficial crystal. Its color is usually a pale golden yellow, but can be found in darker shades as well, although some literature considers the darkest crystals to be Smoky Quartz. The Celtic people of Scotland call the dark Citrine crystals Morion and Cairngorm. They are invigorating and positive. Can surround and fill anyone with its brilliant color, energizing every aspect of life. Increases motivation and promotes physical activity, which in turn improves digestion and helps the cleansing organs. May also work as a detoxifier for the blood. Persons involved with education or business will especially benefit. Can guide you to harness and utilize your creative energy. Helps us analyze events and steer them in a positive direction. Develops inner calm and security, and makes us less sensitive and more open to constructive criticism. Can dispel negative feelings and help us to accept the flow of events.


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Selenite Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks For Epileptic Seizures

Seize The Day With Selenite Healing

Epileptic Seizures Relief

Ingredients: Cocoa Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Lemon Poundcake, Orange Blossom, Selenite Powder

Has been used to work against cancer and is known to stabilize epileptic disorders. Mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, kundalini. Centuries-old record keepers of events/information. Smoothes emotions. Holding crystal, visualize it bringing white light/energy (higher ideas/consciousness) from transpersonal point above head down through body, out through feet into earth/physical plane. Place on 3rd eye for stored info. May help physical and emotional letting go. Repro; spine and nerve system, emotional and athletic flexibility. Sends healing to the earth. Expands sensitivity, field of awareness.

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Sugilite Crystal Soaps

Better Than A Glass Of Brandy With Sugilite Healing

 Dissolves Anger, Hurt & Emotional Blocks

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Rose Petals, Mica, Rose Bouquet, Asian Sandalwood, Brown Sugar & Fig, Sugilite

Protects, absorbs and dissolves anger, hurt, unwanted energies. Sugilite brings spirit/light into the physical body and heart for healing, especially when placed on the Brow Chakra. This stone helps to alleviate depression/despair, stress. This stone brings peace of mind, well being, spiritual love and is considered androgynous. It is one of the purple stones, which help to balance right and left brain function. Used to help anyone "integrate" into the world or new surroundings.

This crystal is an important healer's stone used to gently draw out pain (headaches too), inflammation, stress, dis-ease, toxins, emotional blocks, autism and aspergers. Balances adrenal, pineal, pituitary, and Lt/Rt brain.

Sugilite is used in the Center direction for balance and any area where there needs to be a shift or transition.


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Gold Flakes And Pearl Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks For Feng Shui Wealth

Feng Shui Wealth Bar

Money Income & Happiness With Real Gold Flakes & Pearls

Ingredients: Musk, Vanilla, Honeysuckle, Gold Flakes, Pearls

Freshwater Pearls And Saltwater Pearls: Usually pale white or cream-colored, though darker blue, gray, and even black variations exist. In tune with women, especially pregnant women. Absorbing by nature and because of this must be used with caution. If you feel excessively negative while wearing a Pearl, it will hold that energy until it is worn again. Remember, Pearl is the result of layer upon layer of substance produced to combat irritation. It is very nurturing. If used properly, lessen stress and its resulting maladies: hypertension, headaches, and exhaustion. May help to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Also an assist in digestion and may reduce the chance of developing ulcers. If using Pearls in conjunction with other gemstones, consider Diamonds to amplify and purify, or Emeralds to bring negative energy out and disperse it. Recommended for occupations as varied as artists, chiropractors, and farmers.

White Pearls: Symbol of pure heart and mind; innocence, faith. Of the sea, it has watery and lunar elements, thus balancing emotions, especially for water signs. Absorbs thoughts, emotions. For Solar plexus Chakra (digestion, stomach, immunity) and emotional stress. Low integrity or anger rebounds to user (like Opal). Cleanse frequently. Fire signs less compatible unless drawn to Pearl. May cool and soothe.
Rejoice. Gold is associated with the Sun which is a symbol of happiness, success, attainment, prosperity and true friends. Obstacles fall away in the light of joy. It brightens all things in its rays adding a sense of optimism and good cheer.

The Tibetan Buddhist believes in 5 sacred stones: the crystal for light


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Apache Tear Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks For Grief, Loss Or Heartache

Gretchen’s Love With Apache Tear

Grief, Loss & Heartbreak

Ingredients: Honey Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Rose Petals, Mica, Asian Sandalwood, Amber Romance, Brown Sugar & Fig, Apache Tear

Apache Tears: Bring good luck to those possessing them, powerful Meditation stone, brings to light that which is hidden from the conscious mind, dissolves suppressed negative patterns and purifies them, behavior change as new positive attitudes replace old, negative, egocentric patterns, balance the emotional nature and protect one from being taken advantage of, stimulates success in business endeavors, grounding and protection, Eases and releases pain, loss, sadness, anger, to help heal and go on with life, unblocks lower body and endocrine glands/Chakra, Helps healing, attract good luck and protection


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Lemon Quartz Healing Soap W/Rocks
Soldis Shines On Me
Meditation, Insight, Scrying, Protects From Energy Drains & EMF

Ingredients: Honey Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Lemon Poundcake, Lemon Quartz

The 'Stone of New Worlds', this stone works very well during meditation and for insight seeking dreams. Lemon Quartz helps take one deep into meditation and onto new realms, where higher knowledge can be sought. Quartz overall is a high vibrational stone with a very pure and self-adjusting energy. It works on the whole of the being, the whole of an atmosphere and widely strengthens the energy output of other crystals and minerals. It is a stone mainly in its clear pure form that can be called upon when seemingly all else fails, or when there is confusion of what other crystal or mineral to connect with. In its different forms it does have differing offerings, yet with the same undertones.
When one is seeking insight during dreamtime, Lemon Quartz will ensure this is done but in a very gentle and clear way so that what is shown can be remembered and learned from.
This stone is very good for scrying, helping to create a clearer channel to spirit and guides. Also very good in protecting the whole being from anything negative, including “energy vampires”. Lemon Quartz truly helps one remember and feel the bond with loved ones, both people and animals, who have now crossed over. It makes a very beautiful remembrance stone and can also be given as a gift of friendship and love. This stone can also help one feel more warmed and content by others around them and the surroundings. Lemon Quartz works well with both the Third eye energy center and Crown energy center and is good for use by beginners to meditations involving energy channeling, as well as those new to spirit work, just as much as it is to those more advanced.


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Bloodstone Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks For Hight Blood Pressure And Hypertension

How Low Can You Go  With Bloodstone

High Blood Pressure & Hypertension

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Brown Sugar & Fig, Rose Bouquet, Honeysuckle, Bloodstone

Solid dark green, red flecks. Electromagnetic (high iron). Ancient Egypt, Atlantis used to calm, ground, revitalize. Classic for wealth, menstrual cramps, anemia, bloodclots, hemorrhoids, birthing or reproductive systems, imbalance. Cleansing heart and blood circulation, marrow, thymus, lungs; Heart. Found in the USSR and India. A deep green with flecks of red, often resembling drops of blood. Benefits the circulatory system. Helps purify toxic blood and detoxify the kidneys, liver, and spleen. Increases courage, helps in avoiding dangerous situations by soothing the mind. Benefits the bones, heart, and reproductive organs. Helps raise consciousness. If Bloodstone is used for a specific healing layout, it should be used by someone who has experience with the stone.

Bloodstone is a calming, grounding, revitalizing strength and to attract wealth. And also for circulation, all purpose healer & cleanser, stomach & bowel pain, purifies bloodstream, bladder and strengthens blood purifying organs. Famous reference to this stone in the bible indicating the likeness to the blood of Christ spilling from the cross. Electro magnetic stone.


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Freshwater Pearl Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks For Complexions, Skin Blemishes And Imperfections

FaLaLa With Pearls Healing

Complexions, Skin Imperfections & Blemish

Ingredients: Aloe Vera Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Cocoa Nibs, Cocoa Butter, Mica, Amber Romance, Raspberry Truffle, Rose Bouquet, Titanium Freshwater Pearls

Freshwater and Saltwater Pearls: Usually pale white or cream-colored, though darker blue, gray, and even black variations exist. In tune with women, especially pregnant women. Absorbing by nature and because of this must be used with caution. If you feel excessively negative while wearing a Pearl, it will hold that energy until it is worn again. Remember, Pearl is the result of layer upon layer of substance produced to combat irritation. It is very nurturing. If used properly, lessen stress and its resulting maladies: hypertension, headaches, and exhaustion. May help to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Also an assist in digestion and may reduce the chance of developing ulcers. If using Pearls in conjunction with other gemstones, consider Diamonds to amplify and purify, or Emeralds to bring negative energy out and disperse it. Recommended for occupations as varied as artists, chiropractors, and farmers.

White Pearls: Symbol of pure heart and mind; innocence, faith. Of the sea, it has watery and lunar elements, thus balancing emotions, especially for water signs. Absorbs thoughts, emotions. For Solar plexus Chakra (digestion, stomach, immunity) and emotional stress. Low integrity or anger rebounds to user (like Opal). Cleanse frequently. Fire signs less compatible unless drawn to Pearl. May cool and soothe.

Gold and Black Pearls: Also for prosperity.

Pink Pearls: Works especially with the Heart Chakra. Pearl works best without other gems. Divers wear pearls for shark protection.

Fresh Water Pearl: Enable one to accept love. See the good parts of oneself so you can love yourself and others more.  


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Eilat Stone And Clear Quartz Healing Crystals Soap With Rocks For Pain Management And Joint Pain Relief

Feeling Good With Eilat Stone And Clear Quartz

Pain Relief & Management

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Peppermint Herb, Mica, Purely Peppermint, Orange Blossom, Clear Quartz

the ability to create, store and conduct energy. It also can maintain this activity for many, many years. The Stone also has an uncanny ability to absorb many types of pain .
The Stone seems to work it's best unpolished and after it has been in hot or cold water. This stone can by used in many ways including placing it on or near painful areas, using it as a massage stone, as a worry stone and for Chakra balancing and Aura cleansing. Great benefits are achieved with 25-45 minutes of use or more.
Clear Quartz crystals are the supreme gift of Mother Earth. Even the smallest is imbued with the properties of a master healer teacher. Ancients believed these stones to be alive, taking a breath once every hundred years or so, and many cultures thought them to be incarnations of the Divine.

Today's healers agree, believing crystals are living beings, incredibly old and wise, and willing to communicate when an individual is open and ready to receive. Wearing, carrying or meditating with a Clear Quartz crystal opens the mind and heart to higher guidance, allowing the realm of Spirit to be transmitted and translated into the world of physical form.

Resonating at the level of an individual's needs, Clear Quartz also amplifies whatever energy or intent is programmed into it, and continues to broadcast that energy throughout the world and into the etheric realms. This may accelerate the fulfillment of one's prayers, intensify healing or spiritual growth, or simply allow the crystal to hold a pattern of energy long enough and strongly enough for the manifestation of a goal to occur.


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Communication, Reducing Asthma, Toxin Sensitivity, Emotional Intensity, Epilepsy Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks With Moldavite

The Sky Is Falling Healing

 Communication, Reducing Asthma, Toxin Sensitivity, Emotional Intensity, Epilepsy

Ingredients: Olive Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Rosemary Herb, Thyme Herb, Basil Herb, Mica, Lavender, French Vanilla, Gardenia, Moldavite Essence

Stone of communication. Stimulates cooperation and transfer of energies between those of extra-terrestrial origins and those inhabiting earth. Moldavite works well with the third eye, throat and crown chakras. It corresponds to all astrological signs.

Moldavite is known as the gem that fell from the Sky. it is the rarest form of Tektite known, formed over 15 million years ago. It is the only tektite of gem quality.
From 'Love Is In The Earth" by Melody; " It holds immense potential for direct inter-dimensional accessing of higher dimensional galactic energies, to draw in the earth plane those thought patterns and light vibrations which are optimal to ones preparation for ascension and illumination. It facilitates strong, clear and direct inter-dimensional interconnectedness between ones consciousness and the higher planes of light..... Moldavite works well at the 3rd eye, the throat chakra and in the area of the crown chakra."

Moldavite: Greenish to brown-green. Variety of Tektite, but twice as rare! (fell to earth). Dull outside, deep clear green inside. Powerfully expands psychicness, channeling. On Heart Chakra. Eases longing to leave earth. On pillow, brow, crown: Telepathic access to spiritual laws, info from higher regions/places to help us and Earth to be healthier and more spiritual. An intense meteorite helping people incarnating from elsewhere be more comfortable here on earth (reducing asthma, toxin sensitivity, emotional intensity, epilepsy...)(May make some too spacey; be sure to ground self after use and before driving).


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Malachite Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks For Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief

Sciatic Daze  With Malachite

Sciatic Nerve Relief

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Lavender, Purely Peppermint, Amber Romance, Malachite

Malachite: Steady pulsing electromagnetic energy. (High copper content) Malachite and azurite are the same chemical, practically, Copper Carbonate. The only difference is the ordering of the elements in the molecule. On brow: Stimulates physical and psychic vision, concentration. For heart and solar plexus centers: Stomach, liver, kidney stones, lungs, immune system, radiation, MS, circulation. Powerful healer with azurite or chrysocolla for healing: Releases and draws out pain, inflammation, depression, anger; heals blocks. Protects well by powerfully cleaning the auric field, rapidly absorbing undesirable energies, including: computer, TV, and other radiation, etc. Place in the 4 corners of a room to cleanse carpet toxins/gases. Clean very frequently -- daily if possible! . Often variegated and is one of the basic ores of Copper. Should be used with extreme care because it can amplify negative qualities. Caution must always be used when wearing it as jewelry. However, Malachite also magnifies the positive, and so it is useful if your mood is definitely on the upswing. It should not be used in healing without careful consideration of who is doing the healing. It is useful for relaxation and neurological disorders as well as tissue regeneration. It is said to awaken healing qualities and useful in fighting mental illnesses. Said to stimulate the optic nerve, help the pancreas, spleen, parathyroid, and help dyslexia. People living near nuclear power plants should keep pieces of Malachite in their homes, since Malachite may expel plutonium. It is a stone of transformation


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Rose Quartz Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks For Love, Giving And Receiving

Soldis Love Spell With Rose Quartz Healing

Love, Giving & Receiving

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Rose Bouquet, French Vanilla, Rose Quartz

Removes negativity from all chakras. Encourages unconditional love for ones self and others. Great for healing emotional wounds. Attracts love into ones life. Clears anger, fear and guilt. Helps get you in your heart. Emotional balance. Very good for expressing and soothing emotions. Try to find undyed rose quartz. I find that gold doesn't mix with rose quartz.

Properties: Rose Quartz represents love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness, self-love and emotional balance! Rose Quartz works with the Heart Chakra. It is a soft, gentle, soothing stone that warms the heart center. Its value as a nurturing friend cannot be overstated. Neither can it's soothing influence. Helps diffuse negative stimuli and uncomfortable memories. Helps us discover the ability to love ourselves and makes us more open to other people. It is of particular value in helping us to forgive ourselves, hastening self-acceptance. Helps us realize that all change is important, even difficult change. Stimulates love and tender appreciation of all things.

Folk Remedies: Rose Quartz can be used to facilitate emotional healing, ease loss, calm stress, relieve hurt, dissolve fear, help strengthen low confidence, resolves resentment and quells anger. Slowly eases childhood traumas/neglect/lack of love and low self-esteem. Rose quartz aligns mental, emotional, and astral bodies. It is deeply in tune with emotional states. Advantageous for the heart and circulatory systems. Also helps the cleansing organs. The reproductive organs may become healthier. Said to help increase fertility. Recommended for artists, acupuncturists, lecturers, and those suffering from low self-esteem. Cleanse and recharge this stone often.


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Petrified Wood Crystal Soaps

Petrified Wood Crystal Soaps

Calling For Back Up  With Petrified Wood

Back Aches & Issues

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Amber Romance, Asian Sandalwood, Plumeria, Sweet Mango Delight, Petrified Wood

Petrified wood is a stone that is good for grounding and stabilizing one's emotions. It is particularly useful in calming survival-based fears. It helps one be practical. It is a stone of business success. Petrified wood is a good stone for general protection. Physically, it is beneficial physically for the bones, backaches, skin and hair. Petrified wood is also used for past life regressions because of its inherent link with the past.


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Selenite Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks For Anti Aging, Wrinkle Removal And Skin Toning

Fountain Of Youth With Selenite Healing

Anti Aging, Wrinkle Removal & Skin Toning

Ingredients: Cocoa Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Cocoa Powder, Mica, Asian Sandalwood, French Vanilla, Selenite Powder

Selenite is the ultimate cleansing and programming stone available, however, Selenite is one of the least known and most underrated crystals out there. It is extremely useful with any healing treatment and especially is a great crystal for skin issues such as: wrinkles, age spots, acne, itchy dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, shingles and pressure sores. It assists in maintaining skin elasticity and a youthful appearance.
You should carry it with you or wear it at all times, hold to the effected area and/or place next to your bed or under your pillow at night. You can also apply an elixir (see below) to the area. It amplifies healing, pulls negative energy from wherever it sits and clears blockages – however, experimentation is the best way to find which way works best for you


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White Agate Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks For Pregnancy And Hope

Eden In Vanilla With White Agate Healing

Hope & Pregnancy: To encourage bonding between mother and baby

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Lavender Herb, Rose Petals, Hibiscus Petals, Mica, French Vanilla, White Agate

The 'Stone of New Life', the energies held by this special stone are pure, loving and nurturing. White Agate is perfect for use during pregnancy to encourage bonding between mother and baby to start forming from the earliest of stages. This stone can continue to be used after the birth, to help strengthen the ever growing bond and encourage nurturing at its best. Despite this stones gentle energies, White Agate works nicely with the Crown Chakra because of its purity. Also beneficial to those of you who are new to Chakra Meditations and Chakra Healing. Certainly a very beautiful and special stone.


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Sciatic Nerve Relief With Zircon Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks

Sciatic Daze With Zircon Healing

Sciatic Nerve Relief

Ingredients: Lavender, Mint, Very Sexy, Peach Coloring, Zircon

Works with the Crown Chakra and transpersonal point (and pituitary and pineal) for Universal Truth, intuition, durability, steadiness, integrity and connection with "All That Is." Eases depression, insomnia. Also historical poison detoxifier. Known as "The stone of virtue" All colors. Clear, colorless, natural form: Works with the crown chakra and transpersonal point (and pituitary and pineal) for Universal Truth, intuition, durability, steadiness, integrity and connection with "All That Is." Eases depression, insomnia. Also historical poison detoxifier.


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Arthritis Copper Crystal Soaps

Calm Your Bones  With Garnet & Copper Healing

 Arthritis & Joint Pain Relief Healing

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Lavender, Honeysuckle, Raspberry Truffle, Garnet, Copper

Copper is an excellent energy conductor! Sends and amplifies thoughts, healing, and gem electrical energy into wearer's energy field. Next to skin: Detoxes and soothes arthritis, rheumatism, other inflammation problems. 3rd chakra: stomach, intestines. Warms, releases resentment, anger. Built up in joints as arthritis. Exhaustion recovery, circulation, balances warm sun energy and cool lunar energy. Energize with sun.
A plentiful metal ore that ranges in color from a soft red-brown to a deep brick red. Assists in the fight against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism, particularly when used in conjunction with other stones. Helps stabilize the metabolism and heightens the immune system. The blood also benefits from Copper. Beneficial for the lungs, improving the exchange of oxygen and filtering out pollutants. Soft tissue and mucous membranes retain more moisture and become less susceptible to irritation. An excellent aid for increasing your ability to express and accept true feelings. Balance personal reserve and confidence.

Stimulates creativity, passion, and the circulatory system. The brighter the better. Red: Root and Spleen Chakra. Warms, energizes emotionally and physically (arthritis, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low Blood Pressure, detoxifying and strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness). Yang (avoid if excess anger, impatience, high blood pressure, heat, inflammation, etc.)


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Tiger Iron Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks For Steroid Enhancement

Eye Of The Tiger Healing

Steroid Enhancer With Tiger Iron Healing

Ingredients: Shea Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Amber Romance, Magnolia, French Vanilla, Tiger Iron

Tiger Iron Jasper Jewelry is widely thought to promote self-confidence and self-assurance, improve stamina and be especially important for those whose daily lives require a lot of physical exertion. Thought to help one find refuge when danger is close. Grounding, balancing, earthy. Promotes optimism, psychic ability and intuition. Stimulates awareness and understanding. Has been used to attract and maintain wealth. Considered very protective, as Iron has long been thought to reflect the energy of evil spells/bad wishes back toward the sender.

Healing Properties: Tiger Iron Jasper is considered an important healing gemstone as it combines the healing properties of Hematite (pain), Red Jasper (heart/circulation) and Tiger Eye, which stimulates energy production. In addition, it is considered a stable healing stone, which rarely needs cleansing.

Tiger Iron Jasper, a combination of Golden Brown Tiger Eye, Hematite, and Jasper, exhibits the metaphysical properties of its components as well as its own. Tiger Iron Jasper is a powerful lower Chakra stone, promoting physical vitality, energy, and stamina. Full of grounding Earth energy, Tiger Iron Jasper also helps to find courage and refuge in times of danger. Tiger Iron Jasper, like Golden Brown Tiger Eye, is helpful in manifesting ideas into reality and giving courage in times of change.

Tiger Iron Jasper carries the energies the Sun and as such, it can promote well-being and a sunny disposition. You can use Tiger Iron Jasper to enhance creative energies and to increase the ability to transfer the resulting ideas into reality. Tiger Iron Jasper can also facilitate self-confidence and courage


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PMS & Cramps Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks With Chrysocolla

Provide Me Support With Chrysocolla Healing

PMS & Cramp Relief Healing

Ingredients: Cocoa Butter Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Cucumber Melon, Lavender, Larimar

Chrysocolla: Gentle, soothing, friendly. Excellent for Heart Chakra; flushes and heals heart blocks (loss, hurt, guilt, fear...) for allowing flexibility, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience. Keeps one in light, love, and healing daily. On Throat, expressing feelings, verbal and artistic creativity, thyroid. Also, heart blood sugar, and emotional balance. High conductivity from copper draws out pain, heat (fevers, inflammations, arthritis...), Excellent therapeutic assistance for healing loss, incest, other traumas. Cleanses auras field. Dreams and Earth healing.
A stone found in shades of blue or green. Mined in Mexico, Zaire, Chile, USSR and US. Resembles Turquoise and its properties are similar to it. Benefits arthritis and other bone diseases as well as the organs of the digestive tract, and ulcers become less problematic. Relieves hypertension and stressful conditions due to fear or gilt. Helps one feel more comfortable speaking the truth. Help develop personal confidence. Historically used by musicians, perhaps because of its reputation for having healing properties for throat and lungs.


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 Fluorite Healing Crystal Soap With Rocks, Bath Salts

It's Not So Bad After All - Menopause Healing

Contains Honey Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Basil Herb, Mica, Asian Sandalwood, Rose Bouquet, Lemon Poundcake, Fluorite

Green: Stills mind and heart, harmonizes and recharges all Chakra. Green Fluorite is a valuable helper in grounding excess energies. Green fluorite is able to awaken the heart chakra. It is connected to intuition, grounding, and absorbing the excess energy, including the energy from the environment. It brings information from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Green fluorite helps in dissolving the emotional traumas, it cleanses the mind, the chakras and the aura. It can be used very successfully in crystal healing and self healing, where it helps all egocentric problems on psychic level and with the stomach and intestines on physical level. Hormone Balance. This stone has been helpful with hormonal changes such as PMS and menopause.


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 Pipestone Healing Soap With Rocks, Bath Salts

Wisdom & Serenity - Labradorite And Pipestone Healing


The main purpose of this soap is to help you with your addictions to alcohol and other substances.  One man who used this let us know that he has stopped drinking whiskey as he was every night, just hasn't felt the need to, pretty amazing isn't it!

 Addiction Assistance W/Labradorite & Pipestone

The main purpose of this soap is to help you with your addictions to alcohol and other substances. One man who used this let us know that he has stopped drinking whiskey as he was every night, just hasn't felt the need to, pretty amazing isn't it!

These products contain Olive Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Milk Thistle, Mica, French Vanilla, Lavender, Asian Sandalwood, Labradorite, Pipestone

Labradorite is a sister to moonstone, Labradorite has been said to grant one the inner knowledge of mystery - helps the holder/owner to release judgment, and understand their destiny. Use it to bring Light to the shadowed areas of the 'self' and to connect with the power and energy of the waning Moon before it returns again to being 'full.'
Labradorite is also called Spectrolite referred to a stone of transformation. Said to clear, balance and protect the aura - helps to provide clarity and insight into your destiny, and attract success. Excellent for dream recall and in learning new ways to use dreams in daily life (interpretation) Energies of stress and anxiety are reduced by Labradorite, excellent stone for those who suffer panic attacks or have phobias. Labradorite is also an excellent tool/aid to help increase intuition, psychic development, mystical wisdom
Catlinite, also called pipestone, is traditionally used as a Native American ceremony stone, for making pipes and other totems. Catlinite has the quality of connecting the spiritual and the physical. It can be used to ground prayer and ritual into the physical, everyday life. It is also a very protective stone. Catlinite is also used for communication with spirits and the ancestors.


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 Iolite Healing Soap With Rocks For Help With Sleep

Smells Like Bedtime - Iolite Healing


The main purpose of this soap is to help you sleep through the night and wake up restful.  Iolite is a powerful sleeping stone when placed on the 3rd eye.  Keep these stones and accumulate them when you are done with each bar for restful sleep.

These products contain Honey Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Lavender Herb, Mica, Lavender, Honeysuckle, Amber Romance, Iolite

Opens a light pathway from Throat Chakra up through Crown. Truth, simplicity, imagery, peace. Living at higher awareness level. Iolite is considered a very strong "Shaman" stone, and can stimulate visions. Alcohol/addiction detoxifier, sobriety. A newer stone recently more available. Iolite is one of the best stones to use in psychic, healing, and spiritual activities. It can open one to psychic talents and expand them, and is excellent for use on the third eye and crown chakras. It can also enhance curiosity. It is also an excellent stone for meditation and astral travel. It helps one grow spiritually in a peaceful approach. Iolite is also said to help build relationships. "Apparently it was used by the Vikings to help them navigate. It has reflective powers that can show where the sun is when it is cloudy. Presumably at night the sailors slept well!"

I personally have used Iolite for sleeping, and it is remarkably efficient in putting you to sleep within 5 minutes! Even under severe stress, insomnia, etc, it has proven to be a wonderful sleep aid. Place the iolite on your third eye, and you will be sound asleep in no time!


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 Pearl Healing Soap With Rocks and Bath Salts

Pearls Of Eros - Freshwater Pearl Healing

This product is for romance enhancement and more.

Contains Honey Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Cocoa Nibs, Aloe Vera Gel, Coconut Oil, Mica, Raspberry Truffle, Rose Bouquet, French Vanilla, White Freshwater Pearls

Freshwater Pearls And Saltwater Pearls: Usually pale white or cream-colored, though darker blue, gray, and even black variations exist. In tune with women, especially pregnant women. Absorbing by nature and because of this must be used with caution. If you feel excessively negative while wearing a Pearl, it will hold that energy until it is worn again. Remember, Pearl is the result of layer upon layer of substance produced to combat irritation. It is very nurturing. If used properly, lessen stress and its resulting maladies: hypertension, headaches, and exhaustion. May help to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Also an assist in digestion and may reduce the chance of developing ulcers. If using Pearls in conjunction with other gemstones, consider Diamonds to amplify and purify, or Emeralds to bring negative energy out and disperse it. Recommended for occupations as varied as artists, chiropractors, and farmers.

White Pearls: Symbol of pure heart and mind; innocence, faith. Of the sea, it has watery and lunar elements, thus balancing emotions, especially for water signs. Absorbs thoughts, emotions. For Solar plexus Chakra (digestion, stomach, immunity) and emotional stress. Low integrity or anger rebounds to user (like Opal). Cleanse frequently. Fire signs less compatible unless drawn to Pearl. May cool and soothe.


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 Green Aventurine Healing Soap With Rocks, Bath Salts

Mint My Grain - Green Aventurine Healing

This one is for headaches and migraines as well as the other areas green aventurine heals listed above.

These products contains Olive Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Peppermint Herb, Mica, Purely Peppermint, Coconut Milk, Magnolia, Raspberry Truffle, Green Aventurine

Aventurine works with lungs, heart, adrenal glands, calming troubled emotions, and sexual organs. It is known as the "heart healer". Historically also known to draw out heat of fevers, inflammation, nervous system, stress and migraines/headaches. In your bath water, a soft, soothing stone for general healing. Heals emotional pain/fear/imbalance by dissolving blocks in the heart Chakra.


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 Sugilite Healing Soap With Rocks and Bath Salts

Playful Dreams - Sugilite Healing

These products contain the Sugilite Stones for autism and aspergers and can also be used for all of the above healing purposes as well.

Contains Olive Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Asian Sandalwood, Brown Sugar & Fig, Sweet Mango Delight, Sugilite

This crystal is an important healer's stone used to gently draw out pain (headaches too), inflammation, stress, dis-ease, toxins, emotional blocks, autism and aspergers. Balances adrenal, pineal, pituitary, and Lt/Rt brain

This stone enhances psychic abilities. Gets you in touch with your Spiritual Guides. Protects, absorbs and dissolves anger, hurt, unwanted energies. Sugilite brings spirit/light into the physical body and heart for healing, especially when placed on the Brow Chakra. This stone helps to alleviate depression/despair, stress. This stone brings peace of mind, well being, spiritual love and is considered androgynous. Used to help anyone "integrate" into the world or new surroundings.


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 Vortex Stone Soap With Rocks, Bath Salts

Fun In The Soldis - Vortex Stone Healing

These products contain the Vortex Stones for energy, they contain Olive Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Mica, Grapefruit, French Vanilla, Cucumber Melon, Sedona Vortex Stones

A vortex is the funnel shape that is created by the motion of spiraling energy and can be made up of anything that flows, like wind and water. Vortex sites are believed to have energy that exists on multiple dimensions and this energy interacts with a person’s inner self


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 Peacock Ore Healing Soap With Rocks For Calming And UpliftingPeacock Ore Healing Soaps For Calming And Uplifting

Over The Rainbow - Peacock Ore Healing

Calming & Uplifting Peacock Ore Healing Crystals

Contains: Olive Oil Glycerin (Oat Protein Base), Lavender Herb, Mica, Asian Sandalwood, French Vanilla, Lavender, Peacock Ore
This stone of happiness and joy will help you tune into positive forces in life and channel that energy to others. Balzar calls this the stone of joyfulness. It brings to the user a feeling that the way it is, is the way it is supposed to be. It brings you the ability to see and accept the joy in any moment.

Peacock Ore also compliments an understanding that there is nothing wrong in any aspect of one's incarnation. Everything is for purposeful good. It assists in separating the positive from the negative and allows you to understand the distinct difference.

Peacock Ore is one of the strongest healing stones on the mineral kingdom. It has the ability to align every chakra when applied to a given chakra. The energy within Peacock Ore creates a circular, clockwise motion. Even though it is placed on one chakra, it will affect the other six.

It can cause a transformation that removes negative energy and replaces it with a strong, beneficial, positive energy. It possesses the unique property of energizing not only the area on which it is placed, but all affects all of the surrounding area as well. Peacock Ore is a very powerful mineral.

PHYSICAL : When used for healing, especially in the area above the navel chakra, that is at least one inch above the navel chakra, it assists in the flow of adrenalin. Usually this is done when a person is in an over acid state. The Peacock Ore will increase alkalinity. Also, it can be used to lower calcium levels in the body. This would work well in treating arthritic conditions.

When use below the navel chakra, which would be at the belly button and lower


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Custom Made Bath Products

See all of their products here

 Contact us if not listed, for multiple conditions, with all just one stone or multiple stones


Bath Product
Choose Scent

Healing Crystal Soaps, Bath Salts

Each SoapRock lights up under water, and over many uses, slowly weathers away in your hands like a stream stone in geologic time. SoapRocks are endowed with extracts of earth: Aloe, Calendula, Chamomile, Comfrey, Lavender, Vitamin E, Jojoba Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil. Thus you can experience a beauty that penetrates, yet is skin deep. Prepare yourself for a consummate washing experience. They are a hybrid dense glycerin soap that lifts very little oil off of the skin as they gently cleanse. They are the art that touches us intimately, teaching us to appreciate beauty by using it, and letting it go.


How do you integrate an eclectic background in Conceptual Art, Geology, Cooking, Gardening, and a little Chemistry thrown in for good measure?
SoapRocks, of course. It only took me 36 years and a shower one cold February morning with just soap scraps to use for washing. After a minute, I looked down at the object in my hand and saw a rock where pieces of soap used to be. There it began. Soap-Rock! SoapRocks! That light bulb moment and seven years of integrating herbs, oils, and wholesome ingredients changed the nature of bathing forever.

Here are a few of my thoughts about SoapRocks.
Soap reaches its consummation in SoapRocks. As a study in diminishing beauty, they bring wonder to daily life, transforming the most mundane of tasks into an inspiring daily reminder of nature's beauty. Unlike keepsakes, which are put up on a pedestal and soon forgotten, the beauty of each SoapRock is magnified in action! Under water, lighting up with brilliant natural color, their smooth stone-like texture will gently cleanse with a light lather, leaving your skin soft and refreshed. Discover the ever-changing contours of SoapRocks and let their beauty become you.

Gemstone Soaps

One question we often get is this:
As beautiful as they are, how could you ever use them?
How could you not?

Beautiful Soap Rocks by T.S. Pink, lightly scented

They make amazing gifts for anyone

Size: 5.5" x 4" x 2.5"
Net weight: 6oz. $15.00 each

Ingredients in the Soap Rocks & Soap Rockettes product line: may contain aloe, calendula, chamomile, comfrey, lavender, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, vegetable glycerin, chlorophyll, almond oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, essential oils, mineral earth, iron, calcium, kaolin clay & glycerin dew

All of our  soaps and those from other designers are crafted and poured by hand. Variations in size, shape & color are an integral part of the soap rock product line.  These variations make each soap special & unique.


Since nature cleanses best, we decided to return to the source. Our unique blends of whole herb extracts, vitamins and minerals, from aquatic, botanical, and terrestrial sources, come together as never before, in the biodegradable bases of SoapRocks®.

SoapRocks are very mild and extra long lasting. As they gently cleanse, each soap will slowly weather away like a stream stone in geologic time, exposing the beauty locked away within.



Oviline SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Soap Rocks $30.00

5.5" x 4" x 2.5",  6 Ounces

Choose Soap Rock

Soap Rocks

Quarry Bar Soap Rocks

Quarry Soap Bars $28.00

3" X 2" x 1" rectangles, 4 Ounces

Choose Quarry Bars 

Quarry Soap Bars

Rockletts Soap Rocks

Rocklets  SoapRocks $26.00

 3.5 Ounces

Choose Rocklets

Rocklets SoapRocks

Black Opal Soap Rock

Black Opal SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry BarsBlack Opal SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Black Opal, is said to ward of evil. This lovely soap has the fire of real opal.

Fragrance: Peach Melon

Jade Soap Rock
Jade SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Jade, found primarily in the metamorphic rocks of Upper Burma, actually refers to two minerals, jadeite and nephrite. Jadeite is highly prized in many cultures and the emerald green of your SoapRock has the soft, sophisticated luster of the "Imperial Jade."

Fragrance: Cucumber Spice

Olivine Soap Rock

Oviline SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars
Olivine rides on the backs of meteorites or is flung up from our own volcanoes. SoapRocks Olivine combines a shimmering green with soft shadows of earth. Olivine soap shines brighter with

Fragrance: Cucumber Melon

Amethyst Soap Rock

Amethyst SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry BarsAmethyst SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Amethyst is the most prized of all quartz with its exquisite, purple crystals, perfect for jewelry, ornaments, and objects of deep devotion. Amethyst SoapRock is for the body you adore - and it doesn't have to be your own.
Fragrance: Cucumber Ylang Garden

Turquoise Soap Rock

Turquoise SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry BarsTurquoise SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars
The celebrity of precious stones, Turquoise is recognized by everyone after its 6,000 years as a decorative and spiritual talisman. Formed only in parched terrains, the mineral is rich with water, and Turquoise SoapRock quenches your skin.

Fragrance: Calendula Gardenia Mist

Marble Soap Rock

Marble SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry BarsMarble  SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Marble may inspire the artist in you, just as it inspired great sculptors to unlock this stone's mystery. Shape history in your hands with SoapRocks Marble, a classy looking soap for intimate art. Carved for your perfection.
Fragrance: Marble Pinion Moss

Also available in Unscented

Fire Opal Soap Rock

Fire Opal SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry BarsFire Opal SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Fire Opal is formed beside geysers and hot springs, and is also found in the volcanic terrain of Mexico. A flashy soap of fiery colors to toss around in your personal hot spring.
Fragrance: Peach Melon Gardenia

Aquamarine Soap Rock

Aquamarine SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry BarsAquamarine SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Aquamarine means "sea water" and both the gemstone and our soap is the color of a Grecian sea at noon. This soap reflects water in every way, and its allure will diminish like the allure of a stone in the tide.
Fragrance: Cucumber Gardenia

 Malachite Soap Rock

Malachite SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Malachite was once believed to protect newborn souls. SoapRock Malachite transforms with each use into a new, lustrous beauty - like you, as you step newborn from your bath.

Fragrance: Cucumber Melon Garden Rain

Jasper Soap Rock

Jasper SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry BarsJasper SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

When Homer sang of "the wine dark sea," he might have pictured gold flecked, red Jasper, discovered wherever the continents collided. SoapRocks Jasper gradually exposes the beauty of the timeless, wine dark earth.
Fragrance: Almond Geranium


White Opal Soap Rock

White Opal SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry BarsWhite Opal SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars
Water locked in the crystal structure of opals gives them the fiery iridescence they're famous for. Watch as your White Opal SoapRock lights up with sparkling brilliance under a stream of water, and feel the magic of opal.
Fragrance: Peach Geranium Moss

Lapis Lazuli Soap Rock

Lapis Lazuli SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Like the ancient, precious gem, Lapis Lazuli soap is the stunning color that artists have coveted through centuries to form their palettes most essential pigment - ultramarine. The ultimate blue of the sea.

Fragrance: Ocean Fresh

Watermelon Tourmaline Soap Rock

Watermelon Tourmaline SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry BarsWatermelon Tourmaline SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Watermelon Tourmaline was named for its resemblance to the fruit, and your soap looks like a nourishing snack for the skin. Rub Tourmaline gem between your hands for a surge of real electric energy; rub Tourmaline soap and feel energized and refreshed.
Fragrance: Summer melon

Smoky Quartz Soap Rock

Smoky Quartz SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars
Smoky Quartz achieves its mysterious shadowed color from natural grains of radioactive minerals surrounded by dark halos inside the crystal. With each use, SoapRock Smoky Quartz reveals the secret behind its halo, just as you reveal yours.
Fragrance: Midnight Moon (Cool Fresh)

Rose Amethyst Soap Rock

Rose Amethyst SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry BarsRose Amethyst SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars
Rose Amethyst, a quartz colored by tiny particles of iron, was once used in 19th century jewelry, and the shades of your SoapRock will deepen with the passage of water and time to expose the jewel within.

Fragrance: Cucumber Moss Muscatel

Soapal™ Soap Rock

Soapal SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Inspired by nature, SoapRocks are a very mild glycerine-based soap that slowly weathers away in your hands like a stream stone in geologic time.
Fragrance: Geranium Moss

Tiger's Eye Soap Rock

Tiger Eye SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars  Tiger Eye SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Tiger Eye captures the fire of the tiger in this soap with alternating stripes of shimmering golds and browns.

Fragrance: Earth Fresh

Rose Quartz Soap Rock

Rose Quartz  SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Rose Quartz, a pink variety of common, hexagonal quartz, was once used by the ancient Romans to cool their palms. Some things don't change. Stay cool with your rosy SoapRock, the romantic color of the petals you pressed inside your favorite book.
Fragrance: Ylang Moss


Citrine Soap Rocks

Citrine SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry BarsCitrine SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Citrine is a quartz crystal, an amethyst burnt by slow heat to a bright yellow or amber. Choose yellow Citrine soap for your morning shower when you may need a startup, and Amber Citrine soap for burnishing your body at dusk.
Fragrance: Cucumber Citrus Gardenia

Amethyst Geode Soap

Amethyst Geode SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

This beautiful Purple/Grey Soap Rock represents the Amethyst Geode Stone.
Amethyst Geode Soap Rock is made with vegetable glycerin and all natural
vitamins, herbs, ingredients and essential oils. You and your guests will love to
take a shower with this exotic soap!
Fragrance: Clover Melon

Amber Citrine™ Soap Rock
Amber Citrine SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Citrine is a quartz crystal, an amethyst burnt by slow heat to a bright yellow or amber. Choose yellow Citrine soap for your morning shower when you may need a startup, and Amber Citrine soap for burnishing your body at dusk.

Fragrance: Cucumber Citrus Gardenia

Fire Geode SoapRocks

Fire Geode SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Opal Soap

Opal SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars
Opal™ leaves more room for love. Soaprocks Opal's haunting colors ignite your romantic longing for a lingering midnight bath with a candle lit nearby.

Fragrance: Peach Melon Gardenia

Aqua Geode SoapRock

Aqua Geode SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

The word geode is originated from the Greek word Geoides which means
"Earth like." A geode is a Spherical rock which has a hollow area inside and is
lined with crystals. There are mysteries about Aqua Geode, but it may be of
formation of loose crystals inside the hollow section of the stone.
Fragrance: LIME MELON

Azurite Malachite Soap

Azurite Malachite SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Malachite was once believed to protect newborn souls. SoapRock Malachite transforms with each use into a new, lustrous beauty - like you, as you step newborn from your bath.
Fragrance: Rainforest Mist

Sapphire Soap

Sapphire SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Starry Night - Fragrance Cool Fresh Air

Septarian Nodule Geode Soap

Septarian Nodule Geode SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Peridot SoapRocks

Peridot SoapRocks

Coconut Key Lime Fragrance

Another fabulous soap rock -Peridot - the only gemstone found in meteorites. The darker and richer green the gem is, the more valuable it will be. Peridot is one of the few gemstones that occur in only one color: basically an olive green.

Gold In Quartz Soap Rocks

Gold In Quartz Soap Rocks

Fragrance: Milk & Honey

The "Gold Bearing Quartz" is a vary rare gemstone that is mined up to 3000 feet underground. Wrap yourself in the luxury of a beautiful transparent and white soap stone enhanced with ribbons of rich gold. Let yourself be gently caressed by the luxurious bubbles of this gentle soap!

Garnet SoapRocks

Garnet SoapRocks


Garnets are those lovely gemstones that are often found in antique jewelry. They have been revered by man for thousands of years. It is said that Noah used a garnet lantern to help him steer his ark through the dark of night. This soap is a beautiful crimson color with gorgeous veins or ribbons of green and amber throughout. Let yourself be gently caressed by the luxurious bubbles of this gentle soap!

Rhodochrosite Soap

Rhodochrosite SoapRocks

Gaspeite Soap

Gaspeite SoapRocks

Cucumber Water Fragrance

Moonstone SoapRocks

Moonstone SoapRocks


Moonstones shimmer in pale blue on an almost transparent background. In India, moonstones are regarded as 'dream stones' which bring the bearer beautiful visions at night. This gemstone is surrounded by a good deal of mystique and magic. Let yourself be gently caressed by the luxurious bubbles of this gentle soap!

Star Ruby SoapRocks

Star Ruby SoapRocks

Waterlily Fragrance

Emerald Soap

Emerald SoapRocks

Cucumber Water Fragrance



Ruby Soap

Ruby SoapRocks

Lychee Wild Orchid Fragrance


Star Sapphire Soap

Star Sapphire SoapRocks

Blossoming Plumeria Fragrance


Lavender Jade Soaprocks

Lavender Jade SoapRocks, Rockettes, PalmStones, Quarry Bars

Jade, found primarily in the metamorphic rocks of Upper Burma, actually refers to two minerals, jadeite and nephrite. Jadeite is highly prized in many cultures and the lavender mauve of your SoapRock has the soft, sophisticated luster of the "Lavender Jade.
Fragrance: Gentle Lavender

Fragrance: Unscented SoapRocketts Only


Chrysocolla SoapRocks

Chrysocolla SoapRocks

Ocean Mist Scent

The gemstone Chrysocolla is a copper mineral and it is often found mixed with Malachite, Turquoise and/or Azurite, giving us a range of color from green to robin's egg blue. It is, in fact, often mistaken for turquoise. Found wherever copper deposits occur, Chrysocolla is especially prevalent in areas of the southwestern United States, Chili, Zaire, Australia, France and England. Chrysocolla is associated with tranquility and peace, intuition, patience, and unconditional love. It is known as a healing stone among Native American Indian cultures where it was used for strengthening the body's resistance and bringing about calm feelings where there is upset. It promotes level headedness, encouraging clarity of thought and a neutral, cool attitude during turbulence. It can be used to decrease nervousness and irritability. It is thought to offer gentle and soothing qualities of creativity and communication.

Individual Heart StoneSoaps

Individual Heart StoneSoaps

Size: 2 3/4" x 2 3/4" x 7/8"
Weight: 3 oz.

$15.00 Each

Choose From

Individual Heart StoneSoaps


Scarab Shaped Hand Soap And Dish

Scarab Hand Soap And Dish
Hand Soap Carved into the Shape of A Scarab With Sandstone Soap Holder. Also Contains Extra Virgin Olive Oil Base. Unusual Gift Idea

$30.00   MS12

Scarab Hand Soap And Dish

Heart StoneSoaps

All HeartGems™ Bath Soap in an Organza Pouch


Amethyst™, Azurite Malachite™, Jade™, Opal™, Rose Quartz™, Sapphire™, Star Ruby™

All HeartGems™ Bath Soap in an Organza Pouch

Palmstone Gift Sets

3-Pack Gift Set, Palmstones™ $53.75

3 Select Palmstones with a SoapRack, in a special gift package.

3-Pack Gift Set, Palmstones™

Palmstone Gift Sets

6-Pack Gift Set, Palmstones™


6 Select Palmstones with a SoapRack, in a special gift package. Features; Amethyst, Jade, Opal, White Opal, Tiger's Eye and Malachite Palmstones.

6-Pack Gift Set, Palmstones™

Palmstone Gift Sets

Dozen Gift Set, Palmstones™


Mason's Dozen, 12 Select Palmstones with a SoapRack, in a special gift package.

12-Pack Gift Set, Palmstones™

SoapRocks Gift Baskets

Gift Basket, Amethyst


Some say crystals possess healing powers. We know our Amethyst™ SoapRocks® and Palmstones™ contain natural oils and botanical extracts that will soothe your skin like magic. This set includes an Amethyst™ SoapRock, two Amethyst™ Palmstones™, a natural loofah scrub, and a hardwood SoapRack™, packaged in a slat wood tray tied with lavender sprigs and a raffia bow.

Gift Basket, Amethyst

SoapRocks Gift Baskets

Gift Basket, Opal™


Who can resist the allure of Opal™? Water trapped in the structure of Opals gives the stones the iridescent fire they're famous for. Watch as your Opal™ SoapRock shimmers and sparkles like magic at the touch of water! This box offers an Opal™ SoapRock, Opal™, White Opal™, and Fire Opal™ Palmstones™, a natural loofah scrub, and a hardwood SoapRack™, in a slat wood box tied with natural raffia.

Gift Basket, Opal

SoapRocks Gift Baskets

Shades of Green Gift Basket


Our Jade™ and Malachite™ SoapRocks® look just like the precious stones of the Orient, but these freshly scented stones will leave your skin soft and clean. This set includes a Jade™ SoapRock®; Malachite™ and Jade™ QuarryBars™, a natural loofah scrub, and a hardwood SoapRack, packaged in a neat slat wood tray.

Gift Basket, Shades Of Green

Rockettes; Amethyst, Jade and Opal Soaps

Gift Pack A, 3 Rockettes™


Rockettes; Amethyst, Jade and Opal

Gift Pack A, 3 Rockettes

Rockettes; Aquamarine, Rose Quartz and White Opal  Soaps

Gift Pack B, 3 Rockettes™


Rockettes; Aquamarine, Rose Quartz and White Opal

Gift Pack B, 3 Rockettes

Rockettes; Malachite, Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst Soaps

Gift Pack C, 3 Rockettes™


Rockettes; Malachite, Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst

Gift Pack C, 3 Rockettes

Crystal Soaps

Soap Woods Gift Set

An outstanding gift for men, or anyone who loves the woods.

All four Soap Woods packaged together in an attractive gift box. We got these wonderful gift sets at a great price, and we are happy to pass that price on to you.

Each Soap Wood Gift box contains one each:

Redwood Burl
Bird's Eye Maple
Tiger Cedar

Price: $70.00

SoapWoods Gift Pack

Crystal Rock Soap

Crystal Soaps

Looking like the inside of a broken rock, this soap is quite different and very unique. No two bars will be a like. They are conversation pieces for your bathroom or guest bath or for gifts. Since there is no way to know exactly how they will turn out, this soap is offered in several shades. Glitter can also be added to further the effect. Any scent on the list is available. Weighs 3.0 oz.


Choose Fragrance and if you want any additives, please list in the comment box upon checkout

Add Glitter
Choose Pastel
Choose Scent

Crystal Rock Soap  

SoapWoods Soaps

Discover the wonders of nature's virgin forests, herbs, oils, and extracts in these fine soap replicas of the worlds most prized, precious woods. Exceptional as decor and the best possible soap for daily use. Extra mild, long-lasting, vegetable glycerine soaps made with:
Redwood Essential Oil
Cedarwood Essential Oil
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E
Olive Oil
Joyoba Oil
Almond Oil
Refreshing scents to match each variety.
Size: 2.5" x 3.5" x 1.1"
Net weight: 4oz.

Choose From



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